[Sticky] The Last Lecture Challenge

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shai Gar
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Shai Gar

Do you think you could give a half hour lecture on any topic you wanted to give one on?
What if you had a deadline of the 24th of May 17:00 your local time. and it had to be 30 minutes recorded time* on YouTube

That's the Challenge and the Criteria.

Now, here are some aids to help you make your Lecture Videos:

- Youtube will only accept videos of 10:00 minutes long. You will probably need to split it into 4 videos.
- If you've only got XP or Vista, the Movie Making software isn't completely terrible.
- You're being judged on content, not on the quality, though, try to make it good quality.
- Headphone/Microphone produce better sound quality than trying to use your webcamera alone.

Guidelines (not necessary, but would be awesome)
- In the comments section put "INFJ Forum Lecture Challenge"

Originally this thread was meant to be a challenge to Efromm to get his thoughts in order, and to convert some of his particularly good posts into youtube format, but instead I thought it'd be good if we expanded it from a 5 minute speech, to a 30 minute lecture and got everybody in on it to see what opinions, life lessons or knowledge could be passed on in a different format than text forum.

*there's 10% lee way...
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Sounds like work.

*leaves thread*
Hmmm.... I love a good challenge..
Make sure to post your YouTube lectures here!
Man I have been thinking and working and writing down my thoughts for awhile now. I find it difficult to produce things and my best thoughts just come out when I am talking or writing. It's like I become inspired and it just flows. I have a hard time working on things when I am not inspired. And lately for some reason the rug has been pulled. I will work on it. 30 min seems like a long time but maybe it is not I will just try to see how long I can go.
This would be a perfect exercise for me. Maybe then I'd know what people were complimenting me on after a speech; I basically just spit everything out and forget completely what I said. However this technique seems to have satisfactory results.

Too bad, I don't have a webcam.
I just made an off the cuff vid I don't know how long it is yet I need to edit it and then post it. It should be up tonight.
Hey Efromm. Nice tester video. :) Looking forward to your off the cuff video too. :D

And Slant I bet you are great at speeches. Too bad about not having the cam.
Efromm, try sitting up a bit. It'll make the words clearer to understand.
Efromm, try sitting up a bit. It'll make the words clearer to understand.

I concur. I didn't really have trouble understanding you, but if you sit up it will appear you are more interested in what you are actually saying. Of course, you probably already knew that, and were just testing the camera out.
I was just sitting up in bed. It is going to take me some time to get used to recording myself so bear with me. lol My next ones are from my shop in my bat cave and in the future I will have to find a background or place to record from. I know I will do one from the fire tower easy enough to bring my computer with me. So when I get home tonight and post what I did today remember it's my first attempt and my words are more important than my vid. I only have dial up at work and I don't wanna even try loading them up here lol...
So when I get home tonight and post what I did today remember it's my first attempt and my words are more important than my vid.

Duly noted.
And thanks for the encouragement guys. Sometimes you gotta drag me outta my shell...

*grabs efromm and drags* *feels like a caveperson*
Ok I posted them all up. I need to add up the time. I think I am short I may have to do more lol Just click the More From: efromm72 on my you tube site and it will show them all...
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