So, what is this "real world" irl? Fact or fiction?


It kinda interesting that we talk about irl vs. online, to distinguish some kind of virtual life from a supposedly more real existence. Do we really think that the online world is not a real one or is it? Same thing with college. When you're a student, there's the sense that you're not living in the real world until you're no longer in school, working full time, and struggling to make ends meet.

What constitutes real world? Is this idea of "real world vs. not real world" a fiction?
Personally, I use irl vs online merely to distinguish forms of interaction. Face-to-face interaction with others is quite different from posting something online. A person can "be anyone" online. IRL, not so much, they're more themselves. It's a lot harder to consciously hide/change who you are IRL. Online is still real and valid communication - just take it with a grain of salt.

My $0.02 CAD
Good premise for a thread. I like this one.

Real is a thing you arrive at after stripping away the layers of unreality caused by accepting other people's perceptions.
What do you know?
How much of what you know is accepted, and not first-hand?
Nearly all of it!
In fact it is true to say:
What you think you know, bears no relation whatsoever to what you do know.

To arrive in a state where you can even perceive what is real,
you have to find it out for yourself.

What is the difference?
"I know".
"I think I know".
Real is sitting at a keyboard typing in your underclothes. Online is pretending you don't look silly at this moment. :D

Oooh, yes! :D

I had a prof in college who once said, "This is the real world. People live here. People die here. There is nothing fake about it." He was dead serious, and he was right on. College is real, folks. If it was fake, the diploma would be meaningless.
Real is sitting at a keyboard typing in your underclothes. Online is pretending you don't look silly at this moment. :D
Personally, I use irl vs online merely to distinguish forms of interaction. Face-to-face interaction with others is quite different from posting something online. A person can "be anyone" online. IRL, not so much, they're more themselves. It's a lot harder to consciously hide/change who you are IRL. Online is still real and valid communication - just take it with a grain of salt.

My $0.02 CAD

What he ^^^ said.
What the Prof said is what I'd have said.

Online is just as real.