Sleep Issues


Midnight's Garden
We were slightly discussing this in the chat so I thought I'd make a topic about it. First off, my personal sleep issues consists of: Insomnia, it takes me forever to fall asleep, I tend to wake up at 6 or 7 am no matter what time I went to sleep, 10 pm or 5 am, and when I don't monitor my sleep I can start waking up and falling asleep again and as such "sleep" away ten hours which is practically a whole day!

Anyone have any similar issues? Know how to solve it? What are you sleep problems?
Well, even though we discussed this in TC last night/this morning, I guess I'll take a whack at explaining my sleep issues again.

I'm quite the insomniac, going about 6 days without sleep. When I do sleep around that last day, it's for about 8 hours, and then I wake up with a ton of energy and the problem starts again. However, for some random as heck reason, sometimes my insomnia just completely disappears and I need a lot of sleep, about 10 or 12 hours on average, every night for a month or so.

I'm not really sure what's wrong with me, but I've learned to live with my problem. I think that's what led me to reading so much.
When I'm well and dandy, I tend to sleep like a log.
When I'm not so well, sleeping tends to be...harder. Like... now*, I was sleeping at 4 am (with an addition of a cold medicine which was supposed to make me sleepier *no sleeping pills here*, and woke up at 7. Which is...kinda...oi.)
Judging from recently, I'll wake up until noon, then sleep again until afternoon, before waking up with a heavy eyes. >_>; I think I'll try not sleeping until night today.

*Which's kinda surprising; a lot of topics in this forum are made at the similar time I'm having these problems...are we having the same mental clock or something?
i get by on 2-3 hours sleep when i'm really busy, but usually sleep around 6-7 hours from midnight to 7am. about insomnia, try drinking warm milk before you sleep, and keep your bedroom completely dark, that might help.
We were slightly discussing this in the chat so I thought I'd make a topic about it. First off, my personal sleep issues consists of: Insomnia, it takes me forever to fall asleep, I tend to wake up at 6 or 7 am no matter what time I went to sleep, 10 pm or 5 am, and when I don't monitor my sleep I can start waking up and falling asleep again and as such "sleep" away ten hours which is practically a whole day!

Anyone have any similar issues? Know how to solve it? What are you sleep problems?

Questions. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I've had an enormous number of sleep problems and hopefully can offer some helpful advice.

1.Did you set an alarm at the time you are waking up? I mean, not that day, but other days?
2. How do you feel when you wake up?
3. Do you have trouble staying asleep?

most important things

4. When you are lying in bed for however long (sometimes hours i'm guessing?) trying to sleep, do you have trouble sleeping because you are ruminating? Do you feel tired at all before bed or when you are in bed?

When you say you can sleep 10 hours, do you mean in addition to your other sleep?
We were slightly discussing this in the chat so I thought I'd make a topic about it. First off, my personal sleep issues consists of: Insomnia, it takes me forever to fall asleep, I tend to wake up at 6 or 7 am no matter what time I went to sleep, 10 pm or 5 am, and when I don't monitor my sleep I can start waking up and falling asleep again and as such "sleep" away ten hours which is practically a whole day!

Anyone have any similar issues? Know how to solve it? What are you sleep problems?

Questions. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I've had an enormous number of sleep problems and hopefully can offer some helpful advice.

1.Did you set an alarm at the time you are waking up? I mean, not that day, but other days?
2. How do you feel when you wake up?
3. Do you have trouble staying asleep?

most important things

4. When you are lying in bed for however long (sometimes hours i'm guessing?) trying to sleep, do you have trouble sleeping because you are ruminating? Do you feel tired at all before bed or when you are in bed?

When you say you can sleep 10 hours, do you mean in addition to your other sleep?
Dragon said:
1.Did you set an alarm at the time you are waking up? I mean, not that day, but other days?
2. How do you feel when you wake up?
3. Do you have trouble staying asleep?

1.Early in the year I used to set my alarm at 5:30, 6 and 6:30. At the end of the year I preferred to set my alarm at 6:30 or even 7:30 (depending on if I had jazz band or not) typically I tend to stay in bed for 15 or so minutes, taking micro naps and then I usually wake up because I have to seriously get up to be on time.
2. Currently, I feel pretty good with my nearly astronomical hours of sleep. I do notice that my back tends to hurt. Also I have a feeling that I need to get out of bed, my body wants me to get up and do something.
3. Outside of the one time I wake up at around 6-ish, no. Well, now that I think about it, I do tend to find myself waking up for a minute or two only to turn over and fall asleep again.

most important things

4. When you are lying in bed for however long (sometimes hours i'm guessing?) trying to sleep, do you have trouble sleeping because you are ruminating? Do you feel tired at all before bed or when you are in bed?

Thinking helps me fall asleep so, yes, I do ruminate. I do feel tired before bed but once I get to bed, I notice that the feeling is mostly gone. When I'm in bed, I notice a heaviness in my eyes, but that's about it.

When you say you can sleep 10 hours, do you mean in addition to your other sleep?

No, it's cumulative. For example, today, I feel asleep early. I went to sleep at 5 am and woke up somewhere between 7 and 9, woke up again because someone rang the door bell, and then went back to sleep to wake up at 4:30. I woke up a few times in bed, I think.

Random thought: Now that I think about it, I might actually wake up a lot now that I think about it, I just choose to go back to sleep because I do feel somewhat tired.

April: I can't drink significant portions of milk.
Wait, so you've been sleeping a lot? I was under the impression that you ewre getting very little sleep? How many hours of sleep do you typically get?

The waking up constantly is another symptom of insomnia.
Wait, so you've been sleeping a lot? I was under the impression that you ewre getting very little sleep? How many hours of sleep do you typically get?

The waking up constantly is another symptom of insomnia.

I've been sleeping a lot lately due to the fact that I don't do anything for the most part that requires me to be up. Besides, sleeping 10 to 12 hours in hardly considered healthy. Typically, I get about 5 or 6 and it's pretty much perfect when I get 7.
I've had massive issues with keeping a diurnal living schedule all my life. I used to think it's insomnia, but no, my body just insists on being active during the night and resting during the day. A lot of problems with school, parents etc ensued and still, whatever I do I can't force my body to sleep at night. I tried sleep starvation, but even if I feel like passing out all day long when the evening hours hit I feel like I get a weird new energy and can keep going way past intended sleeping time which, of course gets my sleeping patterns back on their old track.

Times of stress bring forth fragmented sleep followed by very unpleasant occurrences of sleep paralysis.
Whoo Hoo for sleep paralysis. I get weeks of repetitive episodes every few months.
I have only had sleep paralysis a few times, but I actually find it really cool/interesting/exciting. Once I come out of it I usually think "wooooooah that was weird. I wanna try it again!"
I have only had sleep paralysis a few times, but I actually find it really cool/interesting/exciting. Once I come out of it I usually think "wooooooah that was weird. I wanna try it again!"

It's not as cool when you think you're seeing a huge fucking insect on your arm through a fog and you frantically try to move to get it off, yet you can't.
It sucks for me because it happens to me when I'm trying to fall asleep. I get stuck in a repeating cycle of it for what can be hours on end. I'll snap out of it for a few seconds just to fall back in it, and end up getting no rest in the end.
It's not as cool when you think you're seeing a huge fucking insect on your arm through a fog and you frantically try to move to get it off, yet you can't.

I never get scared in dreams, never have. That could certainly be part of it for me. There has always been something very alluring about total loss of control to me (inferior Se much? lol).
Well I do have sleep issues which I can't solve myself.

On school days, I literally only got about one hour of sleep daily, I do not now how I pull through. Now that its summer I am getting more hours of sleep, but it is still not enough. I have become completely nocturnal and I am no longer aware of time. I sleep whenever, I wake up whenever. It is usually not enough and I feel very drained and tired, yet late at night even though I try, I simply can't. My body has been accustomed to that nocturnal schedule.
Well I do have sleep issues which I can't solve myself.

On school days, I literally only got about one hour of sleep daily, I do not now how I pull through. Now that its summer I am getting more hours of sleep, but it is still not enough. I have become completely nocturnal and I am no longer aware of time. I sleep whenever, I wake up whenever. It is usually not enough and I feel very drained and tired, yet late at night even though I try, I simply can't. My body has been accustomed to that nocturnal schedule.

I've been through very similar to this.

My advice to anyone with really bad sleep problems, probably due to anxious depression to some extent (not necessarily the emotionally poignant kind), is to watch what you eat, exercise, and meditate. It is a drastic solution, but the problem is drastic.

Food- lots of good fat (i.e. nuts, vegetable oil) and protein. Drink loads of water. For carbohydrates try to maximize fruits/vegetables, whole grains. Avoid processed crap as much as you can.

Exercise- The human sleep cycle is actually 25 not 24 hours, so it will progress an hour later each day under healthy circumstances if you are inactive. Also, if I am correct (which I might be), you need some sunlight to touch your skin each day so your skin can produce melanin, which your body later uses to produce serotonin. Serotonin is a mood stabilizer neurotransmitter and is instrumental in getting to sleep/making you tired (because it is inhibitory). So walks are good- harder exercise is better.

Meditation- I'm not going to rant/rave about the benefits of meditation other than to say that a significant part of poor mood can be countered with it because you become less self-concerned (if you know what I mean by that).

Admittedly, I don't do these very well, and I suffer for it. If you do all of these regularly though and still have trouble with sleep after doing them for awhile, then your sleep problems probably have some strange cause that I don't know about and you'll want to see a doctor.

Usually though the sedentary, indoor lifestyles we lead with poor food choices is enough in itself to cause terrible sleep problems.
It's not as cool when you think you're seeing a huge fucking insect on your arm through a fog and you frantically try to move to get it off, yet you can't.

Agreed! Sometimes it chokes. And then when I'm having sleep paralysis, it's always with nightmares. Most of which included physical danger, and most of most of those included zombies. -A-

I'm somewhat internally trained to recognize when this happen, and sometimes my mind could scream "WAKE UP. WAKE UP. WAKEEE UP."
For sleep paralysis- think of your feet and keep trying to move a finger. You'll snap out of it fairly quickly.

I usually wake up because my brain goes "WHY THE HECK AM I NOT BREATHING?" and wakes me up (even though I actually am breathing- it seems like you aren't in the paralysis, and that is the scary thing for me).