Sinful Justification at Last!



Thanks to this very enlightening article I now have ample medical reason why I need to indulge in some raw chocolate whenever I want!

Who doesn't need the extra boost of anti-oxidants with all the nasty stuff we breathe, drink and are exposed to!

Not only that, but I complain as well as the spouse that my melancholic turns are a bummer for all.

Now anytime I feel down in the dumpers I should just start munching on some cacao!

Whoopie for Chocolate!
Om nom nom! :D
:m204::m204::m204::m204: Sweet delicous cubical friend. :m085:

I'm coming for you!
You can eat raw chocolate? Where would you even get it, and would it taste good?
Raw chocolate? I didn't know there was such a thing.
I want to try!
Alcyone, Can you whip us up a raw deal a la recipe?
Probably...lemme find the stuff somewhere and start experimenting.

I've got a raw chocolate sauce in mind for chicken. I don't want the sweetened chocolate, but baker's chocolate was way too bitter for what I had in mind.

Wonder how Shrimp and chocolate would work......Hmmmmmm.....I will give it much thought, and then give it a shot in the kitchen. Anything that works out I will post in my blog!
You may come up with a best seller!