Si in INFJs


Community Member
I had this experience yesterday. Someone had recently messaged me about a post in which I had referenced a video of John Beebe talking about type, dreams, and how colors may represent certain functions depending on context.
Well, as it turned out i struggled to find the video and could not find it.
The reason is simple: there is no video!
It was a transcription of a video you have to buy, which I read.

I am attributing this to Si in the 8th position, which in my case, I could have sworn my life on the fact that I had seen the video. I even could remember the room he was in! (which he obviously wasn't)

Do any of you have bad Si moments?
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There was once a Si living inside of me, but I stamped it out with brutal efficiency.
My Si is very high. However, I still have a hardtime differentating between things that I actually experience, and dream. Reality and non-reality lines for me are blurred.
lol, well my Si is not half bad though it tends to fluctuate a lot, at times it can be as high as my 2nd used functions and at times it has been my lowest, mood greatly affects me, though I think its about stable right now..
Oh god I TOTALLY do shit like that!!!!!
Crazy INFJness.
My Si is very high. However, I still have a hardtime differentating between things that I actually experience, and dream. Reality and non-reality lines for me are blurred.

all the time.

can somebody explain to be how it feels like to have high Si? (for INFJs... or ISFJs... or how about an INFJ with high Si. ;P)

i think i have a pretty good memory... if that's what Si is.

edit: oops, that's the point of the thread!
i use Si to see what has worked in the past and what hasn't.
i like to tell anecdotes and stories..
hmm, im not a memory packrat but when i remember past experiences sometimes i can 'relive' it.
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People point out to me that my memory is very sharp. Only in the long term though. I remember the most insignifgant facts, clips of conversations, sounds, images, ect. I remember being in a stroller when I was a child, and remember the day I was "banned" from it cause I was too old. I do attribut this to Si. If I want to comit something to memory I ususally can. When I was little and we would go out for family gatherings. Everyone would say "Pietey! Remember where we parked!" when I was 5 or 6 years old. Once we got back I would pretty much sprint back to the car. I just remembered the parking number section, then the general location. Even in giant parking lots like at great adventure (six flags).
I have to concentrate hard to remember even what I did yesterday, not even to mention last week. I have memories from waay back I was a kid, but my sister keeps telling me "No wai that never happened". That all has made a little paranoid, because I think my long-term memory is pretty good.

This happens to me quite a lot: I dream about something and if I remember my dreams I'm very confused & mixed up whether some things have actually happened (and will keep confusing them in the future as well). My Si is embarrasingly low..
Si is somewhere in the middle of my functions. I think its why I have such romantic wispy remembrances of the good old days even though I know the old days weren't that great. I wonder if thats Si
My Si's pretty good yet done in a bad way. maybe it's half biased towards the information that Si is one of the features within our shadow (the 8th one, IINM?).

I remembered stuff. Especially bad stuff. Sometimes it's remembered in all the glorious detail, sometimes not. Sometimes it's all compiled into one thought, sometimes it's declared in a HUGE list. But I remember.

Sometimes to the point of uncanny accuracy (at least, the way I remembered it.) "Yes, when the car was moving towards this place and that, and you said this and that, no?"

this is, for me, half Si, half Ni. Working together in a masochist tango, because there are lots of times when it happened when I'm thinking something negative.
People point out to me that my memory is very sharp. Only in the long term though. I remember the most insignifgant facts, clips of conversations, sounds, images, ect. I remember being in a stroller when I was a child, and remember the day I was "banned" from it cause I was too old. I do attribut this to Si. If I want to comit something to memory I ususally can. When I was little and we would go out for family gatherings. Everyone would say "Pietey! Remember where we parked!" when I was 5 or 6 years old. Once we got back I would pretty much sprint back to the car. I just remembered the parking number section, then the general location. Even in giant parking lots like at great adventure (six flags).

Name a movie, I will name you six people who played in it. Even if I haven't seen it.

It can be a real drag sometimes. Someone will claim something happened in a certain way, whille I am sure it did not. In the past I would doubt myself, now I know better.

Consequently It pisses me of when people embellish stories to make them sound more interesting. If I like them I let it go, if not I will drop a truth bomb and murder the conversation out.
Name a movie, I will name you six people who played in it. Even if I haven't seen it.

It can be a real drag sometimes. Someone will claim something happened in a certain way, whille I am sure it did not. In the past I would doubt myself, now I know better.

Consequently It pisses me of when people embellish stories to make them sound more interesting. If I like them I let it go, if not I will drop a truth bomb and murder the conversation out.
.....This also happened to me. Oh, things Wikipedia and TVTropes did to me.....
...sometimes to the point of being "knowledgeable" about things that are..secondhand.

And I rather dislike embellishment. Given at the wrong time, it sounded stupid and/or lying. That worked backwards to me; I found myself utterly boring..... and tend to drop the truth bomb. Or shutting myself up. Ugh....