Saving America. Recognizing the traitor and terrorist elements at work against it. | Page 5 | INFJ Forum

Saving America. Recognizing the traitor and terrorist elements at work against it.

I don't mind if people hate America. America seems to do a pretty good job of hating its own people as well as hating anyone that is different from them. I think America has a superiority complex. It's like some weird big narcissist that wants to attack everyone else but can't resolve its own internal conflict.

Maybe that is freedom.

We are good and we are great and we want everybody else to be just like us (US), no matter what/how. daughters are always asking me why I make fun of Canadians......
This is going to be kind of a discussion blog.

America is under siege and has been for a long while. Elements within the world hate the freedom people in the US enjoy and represent to the rest of the world. It apparently is seen as a very threat to their existence. Today we have any number of countries desperately trying to control their population all while that population says, “We want what America has, they have it, why cant we?” With America gone it would make control of those same people much easier. Outside threats to America are fairly easy to determine, inside threats…some at least, a bit more difficult. America is a capitalist country just as the forefathers intended. Any threats to America’s way of life in this and other regards can be seen for what they are, treasonous and terrorist intent. Terrorism is the more physical threat but not any more damaging than that of treasonous internal assault.

Because socialism is a direct threat to capitalism it is a direct threat to America. Those engaging in the support and attempted implementation of it in this country need to be labeled for what they are, traitors to the American way of life, traitors to the American people. It is here we must ask that knowing this, how is it that the socialist agenda been allowed to thrive internally within the country? How have people like Bernie Sanders come to be accepted into the highest ranks of the government? How was Obama elected as President? Now, this has nothing to do with other countries that may have some moderate form of socialism implemented. This is a discussion about America its foundation and those elements trying to attack and destroy it.

This is a thread to talk about how we can more easily withdraw ourselves from the clutches of such a damaging enemy. An enemy so confidant now that it does not hide as it used to. It is also to talk about other direct threats as well.

With this brief entry let us begin the discussion. What can we do to stem the tide of traitors and terrorists that would see this great country crumble before an on looking world? What can we do to restore America fully to the idea it was built on and make sure the Constitution survives going into the future even as it suffers direct attack from the President himself. How can we do all of this and make America great again?

I suggest you never call the police, have a fire in your house, need an EMT, drive a paved road, cross a bridge, go to school, ride a train or... you know what - let's just say LIVE in the US. Socialist, all of those things. So bad, horrible, awful for us all! They spell the DOOM for every civilized person on the planet!! OMG run for the hills!!!
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I am not sure that you really understand. There are more than 10 countries that US invaded, occupied or bombed since 1980. We can use different words or try to justify it but that is simply fact and that is how people of these countries see US. Comparision to who has bigger house on the block does not make any sence - their houses (countries) are destroyed - how you can even compare that?

Your point is relevant. There are many other questions to go along with that statement though. Why did we bomb those counties is one. Did we do it with the intent to bring good. Did we do it with the best intentions. Did we do it for self gain. Did we do it with exceptional cost to us. Will anyone ever know the actual answers to these questions?

If you were given an answer would you be able to believe its validity if it stood outside of your already formed preconceptions?
You seem to be consistently evading the questions I asked you. I don't know why, since you're the one who started this thread saying you want to discuss it.

I am truly sorry you feel that way. However your posts are not easy to decipher. I understand you have asked questions I have not answered but to be honest the questions you have asked and the way you have asked them are not easy for me to understand. Can you break the ones you feel have not been answered and label them as 1,2,3 etc... please?

I have not evaded anything. I answered your first series of questions as best I could. Your second set was more difficult to understand. I am not consistently deliberately doing anything of a sort though you might want it to seem that way. If you are really concerned with having me answer your questions you would make your best effort to have me understand what those questions are rather than the exact opposite.
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Its almost as if nobody else wants to experience an echo chamber...

Sometimes you have to be patient. Any number of reasons for this especially when dealing with living creatures. daughters are always asking me why I make fun of Canadians......

How is Canada relevant to the world stage?
This is going to be kind of a discussion blog.

America is under siege and has been for a long while. Elements within the world hate the freedom people in the US enjoy and represent to the rest of the world. It apparently is seen as a very threat to their existence. Today we have any number of countries desperately trying to control their population all while that population says, “We want what America has, they have it, why cant we?” With America gone it would make control of those same people much easier. Outside threats to America are fairly easy to determine, inside threats…some at least, a bit more difficult. America is a capitalist country just as the forefathers intended. Any threats to America’s way of life in this and other regards can be seen for what they are, treasonous and terrorist intent. Terrorism is the more physical threat but not any more damaging than that of treasonous internal assault.

Because socialism is a direct threat to capitalism it is a direct threat to America. Those engaging in the support and attempted implementation of it in this country need to be labeled for what they are, traitors to the American way of life, traitors to the American people. It is here we must ask that knowing this, how is it that the socialist agenda been allowed to thrive internally within the country? How have people like Bernie Sanders come to be accepted into the highest ranks of the government? How was Obama elected as President? Now, this has nothing to do with other countries that may have some moderate form of socialism implemented. This is a discussion about America its foundation and those elements trying to attack and destroy it.

This is a thread to talk about how we can more easily withdraw ourselves from the clutches of such a damaging enemy. An enemy so confidant now that it does not hide as it used to. It is also to talk about other direct threats as well.

With this brief entry let us begin the discussion. What can we do to stem the tide of traitors and terrorists that would see this great country crumble before an on looking world? What can we do to restore America fully to the idea it was built on and make sure the Constitution survives going into the future even as it suffers direct attack from the President himself. How can we do all of this and make America great again?

How can you proclaim to vanguard liberty when you wish to stamp out those that disagree with you?


Excellent point. Perhaps its better than to say any attempts to instill a known to fail economic system should be viewed as a deliberate and calculated attempt to damage America and held in treasonous regard.

Who should be the judge of what has succeeded and what has failed?
How can you proclaim to vanguard liberty when you wish to stamp out those that disagree with you?


Who should be the judge of what has succeeded and what has failed?

These are great and excellent questions. The first question you have asked here is not an easy answer. As I think of it I am drawing on a thousand different perspectives. Things I have read and experienced through my life and the only thing I can think of to say is that at some point, you have to learn to trust yourself. Im not sure how many people can look at the world as I do. But I believe that I have good intent, am intelligent enough to see obvious folly and am intelligent enough to process information in a relevant way.
You say "stamp out" maybe thats accurate but you have to define what you mean by that. Some might think "stamp out" means kill. Others only silence. Liberty is not defined by the acceptance of all perspectives. It is defined by the contemplation.

Who should be the judge indeed. Anyone? No one? The people with the best intention. The people with the most truth. The people with the most hope? Who should decide who should decide?
These are great and excellent questions. The first question you have asked here is not an easy answer. As I think of it I am drawing on a thousand different perspectives. Things I have read and experienced through my life and the only thing I can think of to say is that at some point, you have to learn to trust yourself. Im not sure how many people can look at the world as I do. But I believe that I have good intent, am intelligent enough to see obvious folly and am intelligent enough to process information in a relevant way.
You say "stamp out" maybe thats accurate but you have to define what you mean by that. Some might think "stamp out" means kill. Others only silence. Liberty is not defined by the acceptance of all perspectives. It is defined by the contemplation.

I believe that you have good intent as well, and you are definitely intelligent. Please don't see this as me questioning that.

If we are speaking of violence, hatred and serious threats then I agree with what you are stating. It is not OK to hurt anyone, and people should not be allowed to use those methods. Fear and anger should not lead anyone. Cooler heads should always prevail.
If you are speaking of silencing political opponents violently or non-violently, then I have to disagree strongly. I believe that a country that cannot accept differing views is not free. Many countries have had free markets and no civil liberties. It usually leads to dark, morally corrupt places. I'm sure that you are not advocating that, just saying.

Who should be the judge indeed. Anyone? No one? The people with the best intention. The people with the most truth. The people with the most hope? Who should decide who should decide?

I believe in representative democracy. Let people pick who they think should represent their voices, and let them decide on behalf of the people. I just don't think that you can rule out an entire ideology due to the follies of the past. This is a very different world as compared to 30-40 years ago. We should not close doors because of the past, but re-examine what our options are and take the best from each one of them.
How is Canada relevant to the world stage?

Well first of, aside from having a successful representative democracy and not being afraid to regulate their banking industry to behave in a somewhat civilized manner, THEY TOOK A BEACH AT NORMANDY! (that is no small feat)
They are never afraid to call the US on our bullshit. ( the financial crisis really shows this)
They treat their original population with respect (though there are lots of problems there)
They are respected in nearly every country in the world.
And they are a vital partner in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, not to mention the air defense of North America.
(Also they are hearty partiers in Florida during spring break)
I am truly sorry you feel that way. However your posts are not easy to decipher. I understand you have asked questions I have not answered but to be honest the questions you have asked and the way you have asked them are not easy for me to understand. Can you break the ones you feel have not been answered and label them as 1,2,3 etc... please?

I have not evaded anything. I answered your first series of questions as best I could. Your second set was more difficult to understand. I am not consistently deliberately doing anything of a sort though you might want it to seem that way. If you are really concerned with having me answer your questions you would make your best effort to have me understand what those questions are rather than the exact opposite.

There's no need to be sorry; I have not mentioned anything about my feelings! But I think that if you are really concerned with discussing these things, that you would have made your best effort to respond to my questions, rather than the exact opposite. You have made no effort; why should I then make more effort, when it was you who said you wanted to discuss these things? I have made effort to discuss them with you, but you have not returned the courtesy. However, I will do my best to show my special concern for this discussion, even though it was you who initiated it and expressed a desire for it, by rephrasing everything I have written in an attempt to make it as clear as possible. I will even number the questions as you have requested, just as though I am a teacher administering a quiz to a little infant.

You say that it is important to preserve America the way that it was intended to be, and that America was intended to be a republic. Yet you say that the means of preserving America as it was intended to be, is to take away voting rights from American people.

1. Doesn't taking away people's voting rights compromise the way that America was intended to be?

2. If taking away voting rights compromises what America was intended to be, then how can you argue that you are doing it for the reason that it preserves what America was intended to be?

3. How can it be determined that removing voting rights will preserve the way that America was intended to be to a greater extent than by allowing people to vote according to their own political convictions?

4. You say that people hate America because it is free - for example, that people are free to create a life of their own choosing. If you are taking away people's right to vote, aren't you taking away their ability to create a life of their own choosing?

5. If having a life of one's own choosing is restricted only to certain individuals in a society, say by who is permitted to vote and who isn't, then how is that society more free than a society that does not allow women to vote?

6. Was your remark that groups of people should be excluded from voting intended seriously?

Who should be the judge indeed. Anyone? No one? The people with the best intention. The people with the most truth. The people with the most hope? Who should decide who should decide?

One possible means of deciding is through allowing the people of a country to have voting rights - even when they disagree!
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And you implicitly propose to remove the secrecy of the ballot in order to determine who is voting in these ways that are so objectionable.

1. Goodbye ballot! Hello America-As-Was-Intended!

At this point, every single time you post a thread, I'm just going to put up this meme. Enjoy... I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot of this.
Well first of, aside from having a successful representative democracy and not being afraid to regulate their banking industry to behave in a somewhat civilized manner, THEY TOOK A BEACH AT NORMANDY! (that is no small feat)
They are never afraid to call the US on our bullshit. ( the financial crisis really shows this)
They treat their original population with respect (though there are lots of problems there)
They are respected in nearly every country in the world.
And they are a vital partner in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, not to mention the air defense of North America.
(Also they are hearty partiers in Florida during spring break)

Don't forget Tim Horton's and syrup!

A New York polling place circa 1900, showing polling booths on the left.
Andrews, E. Benjamin. "History of the United States", Volume 5. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1912.
Thanks to Wikipedia.

(Those polling booths are designed to protect the anonymity of voting, in case the picture did not make it clear.)
Well first of, aside from having a successful representative democracy and not being afraid to regulate their banking industry to behave in a somewhat civilized manner, THEY TOOK A BEACH AT NORMANDY! (that is no small feat)
They are never afraid to call the US on our bullshit. ( the financial crisis really shows this)
They treat their original population with respect (though there are lots of problems there)
They are respected in nearly every country in the world.
And they are a vital partner in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, not to mention the air defense of North America.
(Also they are hearty partiers in Florida during spring break)

When you say they are respected by every country in the world what do you mean by respected? Are they respected for how they treat their people, their maple suryup. ..etc?
There's no need to be sorry; I have not mentioned anything about my feelings! But I think that if you are really concerned with discussing these things, that you would have made your best effort to respond to my questions, rather than the exact opposite. You have made no effort; why should I then make more effort, when it was you who said you wanted to discuss these things? I have made effort to discuss them with you, but you have not returned the courtesy. However, I will do my best to show my special concern for this discussion, even though it was you who initiated it and expressed a desire for it, by rephrasing everything I have written in an attempt to make it as clear as possible. I will even number the questions as you have requested, just as though I am a teacher administering a quiz to a little infant.

You say that it is important to preserve America the way that it was intended to be, and that America was intended to be a republic. Yet you say that the means of preserving America as it was intended to be, is to take away voting rights from American people.

1. Doesn't taking away people's voting rights compromise the way that America was intended to be?

2. If taking away voting rights compromises what America was intended to be, then how can you argue that you are doing it for the reason that it preserves what America was intended to be?

3. How can it be determined that removing voting rights will preserve the way that America was intended to be to a greater extent than by allowing people to vote according to their own political convictions?

4. You say that people hate America because it is free - for example, that people are free to create a life of their own choosing. If you are taking away people's right to vote, aren't you taking away their ability to create a life of their own choosing?

5. If having a life of one's own choosing is restricted only to certain individuals in a society, say by who is permitted to vote and who isn't, then how is that society more free than a society that does not allow women to vote?

6. Was your remark that groups of people should be excluded from voting intended seriously?

One possible means of deciding is through allowing the people of a country to have voting rights - even when they disagree!
1. Doesn't taking away people's voting rights compromise the way that America was intended to be?

Yes it would.

2. If taking away voting rights compromises what America was intended to be, then how can you argue that you are doing it for the reason that it preserves what America was intended to be?

My suggestion is to take away voting rights of those who would undermine the Constitution, those who would deliberately attempt to damage America.

3. How can it be determined that removing voting rights will preserve the way that America was intended to be to a greater extent than by allowing people to vote according to their own political convictions?

See answer to question 2 and 1. Im not sure who could make that argument, certainly not I.

4. You say that people hate America because it is free - for example, that people are free to create a life of their own choosing. If you are taking away people's right to vote, aren't you taking away their ability to create a life of their own choosing?

If you took law abiding citizens rights to vote away you are taking away the idea that America was founded on, you are in fact as you say taking away their ability to live a life of their own choosing away for as much as you can.

5. If having a life of one's own choosing is restricted only to certain individuals in a society, say by who is permitted to vote and who isn't, then how is that society more free than a society that does not allow women to vote?

It wouldnt be.

6. Was your remark that groups of people should be excluded from voting intended seriously?

My remark about taking away voting rights from individuals or groups of people who would knowingly damage America and the Constitution it was founded on was and is serious.