S versus N


Community Member
Anyone else have friends who are an S type rather than an N type? I have an ESTP friend who I've known for quite some time. The interesting thing about him that I've noticed is that he can read my body language like a BOOK. Like, even the little tiny things that I don't even think about; he knows (i.e. he once said to me that the tone of my voice indicated that I was upset he was looking over my shoulder at what I was reading. I had just said 'hi' and wasn't even aware of any tone type, but he was right). Wheras I am more likely to just 'get a feeling' if something is wrong that happens to hit the mark. The difference is interesting.

It's also a little nice because he pinpoints the guys who are checking me out unwantedly and gives them the evil eye. It's like he has a radar that picks up everything going on around him.

Anyone else notice this in a friend with a sensor preference?
YESSS!!! I have TOTALLY noticed this!

My ex-boyfriend (also an ESTP) ALWAYS noticed when someone was checking me out, and I NEVER did, lol.
AND he ALWAYS knew when something was wrong, even something really tiny, and he always knew what I was thinking or feeling. It is really amazing to me that he can do that just by paying attention to the information he collects with his senses. Really astounding.
I've heard INFJ's are very easy to read
So, I guess I've misunderstood S all along. I know they are good at picking up details in the physical world, but I never thought of them as being good at picking up and understanding body language very well. I always thought that was an N thing.
So, I guess I've misunderstood S all along. I know they are good at picking up details in the physical world, but I never thought of them as being good at picking up and understanding body language very well. I always thought that was an N thing.

Yeah, me too
All of my friends are Ns, except for one ESFP, yeah, he's a bugger.
Both N and S have the abillity to read body language (everyone has the skill to do so, just some are better then others). The difference would come from how N and S approach reading body language, and how it is subsequently interpereted.
You know, call me crazy, but I don't think it's an S thing about them noticing other guys checking you out, I think it's a guy thing.

My parents are both S types and I wouldn't say they are good at picking up body language, to be honest. (ESFJ and ISTJ) The ESFJ one just thinks everybody is feeling exactly what she is feeling, and the ISTJ one just sits around and makes smart alecky remarks, and primarily only notices if other people are fat or not.

*smidge of bitterness coming through there, sorry! I am sure not all S types are this way.
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Come to think of it, it may be something that is specific to the ESTP type, perhaps the extroverted sensing combined with the introverted thinking.

Both N and S have the abillity to read body language (everyone has the skill to do so, just some are better then others). The difference would come from how N and S approach reading body language, and how it is subsequently interpereted.

This is true. My ESTP friend once told me that INFJ's and ESTP's can do exactly the same things, only they have different methods of getting there. My understanding on it is that ESTP's get it by taking in things around them, and INFJ's gather this information subconciously and come to a realization without knowing how it got there.
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Tell me why you thought I had a penis. (Cause don't worry, you weren't/aren't the only one)
Because your Avatar has a hairy chest and I have noticed through acute INFJ observation that the two often go together.:m171:

Although, come to think of it, that's a new avatar, isn't it?

Hm. Dunno.
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Sorry... I didn't check your profile picture! (I'm a newbie with a power of 1. Old, too. These things escape me.

No offense intended at all!!!!! You are, I am sure, perfectly brilliant despite whatever
S wins.