Romantic Ideals/Fantasies in dreams


Capitalist pig
I have found that the only time that I have any romantic [non-sexual] feelings or inclinations are in the format of dreams.

My most recent dream, that inspired this thread, was starring me of course, walking around a hotel that I remember from this trip I went to Arizona in July with some mysterious boy.

Essentially, all that occurred in the dream was that he slunk his head on my shoulder and we just stood in the elevator and waited to get to the floor we were trying to get to.

Also, later that evening we were both laying on the bed on top of the covers and sheets, pretty much in the same position, doing nothing, just kind of sitting there without talking. I think we were listening to some other people talk in the room who were going out or something. But we just sat there.

That, for me, was romantic. And I don't understand why, and I can't explain that to you, but it appeals to my emotional comfort zone and safety.

This is a fantasy of mine that comes up a lot of times in dreams,'s odd, Although my dreams with women are COMPLETELY different.

So, do any of the forum members have these romantic ideal fantasies from dreams? Is it different per sex which you are romantically dreaming of? Do you only have romantic dreams about one sex?

Care to share?
I don't think it's odd... it's kinda sweet. I found your dream fascinating.

I think I'm the opposite to you - I rarely have romantic dreams. That is odd for me because I was in a relationship for many years and I was very very much in love but... dreams about him were rare. When I do have romantic dreams they're very intense and sometimes out of character for me.

I had a dream last night about a guy (who I was apparently married to) and I remember just smiling at him from across a room full of people. We'd just catch each other's eye and smile. Then I walked to the kitchen where he and my mom were and I just kissed him, right there in front of her... which is something I never would, never have and never could do. But the way that we kept communicating without speaking was romantic to me. I like a man who can understand me without having to ask me what's wrong.

As for women... Never had any romantic dreams about them. Although, the dreams I do have about them rarely leave an impression on my mind.
I guess I can't say I've ever had romantic dreams about women, either. Cause they were just about sex >.> nothing romantic about that really.
I guess I can't say I've ever had romantic dreams about women, either. Cause they were just about sex >.> nothing romantic about that really.
Now here's a bigger question, did the sex dreams freak you or gross you out? Just differentiating between a wet dream and more of a bizarre nightmare. I ask this because you are pretty solid on saying you're a-sexual, but to enjoy a sex dream would be an odd development.

Also, I've had that exact same type of dream in the OP several times throughout my childhood and even into adult life. Just being close to someone and enjoying the feeling immensely and knowing the feeling was mutual, so awesome. Though my dreams like that usually involve more contact (cuddling).

Naturally my romantic feelings go beyond said dreams but you knew that.
Now here's a bigger question, did the sex dreams freak you or gross you out? Just differentiating between a wet dream and more of a bizarre nightmare. I ask this because you are pretty solid on saying you're a-sexual, but to enjoy a sex dream would be an odd development.

Also, I've had that exact same type of dream in the OP several times throughout my childhood and even into adult life. Just being close to someone and enjoying the feeling immensely and knowing the feeling was mutual, so awesome. Though my dreams like that usually involve more contact (cuddling).

Naturally my romantic feelings go beyond said dreams but you knew that.

Well when I woke up from the dream I was pretty mind-fucked.

I mean not only was it a woman it was interracial D:

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

But usually I don't have interracial dreams.......

Also: one was incestuous.

So I think my dreams about women are just fucked up.
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On very rare occasions I will have dreams where I am with a woman (arms around each other or embracng in some way) and there is just this intense feeling of platonic warmth and love and I wake up feeling giddy and mushy for the rest of the morning.
On very rare occasions I will have dreams where I am with a woman (arms around each other or embracng in some way) and there is just this intense feeling of platonic warmth and love and I wake up feeling giddy and mushy for the rest of the morning.

I have those sort of dreams about a particular person with the initials C.S. who I always....always....always have dreams about.

He talked to me one time.

That was the happiest day of my life. Serious.
We should trade dreams.

Incestuous or not.
Actually, I changed my mind.
I had one last night.

I was cuddling with a friend of mine who is female, but who is also in a relationship. In my usual confused fashion while dreaming, after things started to go a little too far, I called up her boyfriend and stated she was acting a bit funny, as in not acting as her usual self, because she isn't the kind of person to fool around.

That's where the dream ended, thankfully. Getting my face punched-in by a 290 pound guy who stands six-foot five isn't something I was looking forward to.
Oh, but the dream was romantic in the beginning, where I was oblivious to how wrong it was.
:P you want my dreams.

admit it.

Actually I changed my mind because having sex dreams about my sister really disturbs me. I had a dream the other night that she was speeding like crazy and her eyes were so close to my face, I literally woke up terrified. I can only imagine my reaction to something more than just looking at me, and not even in a sexual way at that.

We don't see eye to eye.
I keep having dreams where my sister tries to kill me... so I try and kill her back.
I get this kind of stuff in dreams a lot. A good part of the prose/poetry I write is about it.