Relationship strategies...


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
When you are beginning a relationship with someone how do you...

-Resolve conflicts

-Establish intimacy

-Negotiate boundaries
When you are beginning a relationship with someone how do you...

-Resolve conflicts

-Establish intimacy

-Negotiate boundaries

If there is conflict I tend to face it head on, bring it up, and discuss it. It's better than ignoring it and letting it fester. That leads to fighting and I don't do so well in fights. I eventually lose control of my anger. I try to avoid that at all costs.

Emotional intimacy just takes time. I get to know the person in and out, that's the only things I can say.

As for boundaries, I lay all of that out upfront. Before the relationship begins I tend to lay out who I am, what I do, and what my boundaries are. I don't want a guy to get into a relationship expecting em to be someone I am not. If they don't like what I tell them they can take a hike. Simple as that.
Touch their no no area!
This is most common popular strategy we all think to use,

- Make things work or happen.

People try this a lot, if it is working then go ahead, otherwise leave them. But they don't try to understand why we met as friends, and it can create a lot value in our life. Relationships are most important thing our life. We should try to understand it.

You may get many offers for relationship, but you will get few chances to prove it. :D
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Resolve conflicts: Actually face the conflict head on. It's not going to be resolved by being ignoring or by being placed on the back burner and typically it's better to talk about it while it's fresh on the mind so you can't fix the situation and not have it in the back of your SO's mind for a really long time.

Establish intimacy: Got me there. I assume that you need to be there physically and emotionally. Flirt perhaps? Be a good friend also.

Negotiate boundaries: State that you have boundaries and you NEED them to be followed, most people will understand this and have their own boundaries to add as well. If you want a person to take your boundaries seriously, make the request with seriousness and reason; don't tell someone to not call you between 5:15 and 5:30, but if you really need to call call between 5:20-5:25 type mess.
If there is conflict I tend to face it head on, bring it up, and discuss it. It's better than ignoring it and letting it fester. That leads to fighting and I don't do so well in fights. I eventually lose control of my anger. I try to avoid that at all costs.

Emotional intimacy just takes time. I get to know the person in and out, that's the only things I can say.

As for boundaries, I lay all of that out upfront. Before the relationship begins I tend to lay out who I am, what I do, and what my boundaries are. I don't want a guy to get into a relationship expecting em to be someone I am not. If they don't like what I tell them they can take a hike. Simple as that.

yes, yes, and yes.
i'm sorry i'm not going to answer the questions because i don't have anything to say about it..

but i really want to stare at the monkey picture... Satya you're avatar is sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :m168:
Every relationship and everyone is different. There is no universal rule really.

I never think too much about these things...I normally just go with the flow.

When you are beginning a relationship with someone how do you...

-Resolve conflicts

-Establish intimacy

-Negotiate boundaries

OK in all seriousness though, this is so incredibly open ended. What are you after here? Are you seeking personal growth? Are you just taking a poll?

In order to really delve into these questions (which are exclusive to each individuals own strengths) ask yourself what are your own strengths. How do those play a part in your own way of accomplishing these things. This is for everyone reading this thread. I honestly think most people just sort of wing it, hence my previous response.
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