Relation to God (just for those who belive, please) | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Relation to God (just for those who belive, please)

That is such a lovely poem. I have it on a book mark somewhere...

I have always viewed God as a parent/friend...well more than, but I talk to him like I would a friend. I get real with him, and I always know he is listening, because he gives me hugs by sending warmth and reassurance.

He never hesitates to chastise me when I am in the wrong to give me guidance when I need it, wisdom, mercy, you name it.

"Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you."
I am agnostic, but I feel a strong connection to a sort of spirituality.

I believe that any sort of God is beyond the comprehension of mankind, that each religion is a different side of the same thing. If there were a building with so many fa
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Jana, this is a wonderful thread. I did answer, but...well, my answers got too long and too personal so I answered them in my blog. Feel free to check over there, though.

Otherwise, carry on, all! Excellent discussions.

I'd say I'm a neo-Calvinist, and I agree in a holy God-in-three-persons (Father, Son, and Spirit) and all are equally important.
(I am going to have to elaborate more on this later)