recognising an ENTP


These are an INFJ's perfect match, no?
Where would I find one? How would I know they are an ENTP without administering a test???
Why hullo there... How you doing :eyebrows:

Internet works :D
Aww darnit :( you're female. That bites!
Yeah well you're in Oz, so how do you think I feel.
:( My location sucks.

Honestly Nat, I don't know where you would consistently find ENTPs, it depends on what the individual is passionate about but I would suggest if you hear things exploding walk towards the sounds as there may very well be an ENTP at the other end.

As for how to tell if someone is one, they'll often act like big kids if you get them talking about something they're passionate about, they love intellectual conversation especially if they have an opportunity to debate, they'll pick up on connections and understanding quickly, they are often innovators, inventers, conceptualists and/or entrepreneurs, they're usually optimistic and seeking change and will be concentrating firmly on the future.

Best bet, make em do a test :D
Right here... Kinda. :3

But uh... Go to parties, shows, music festivals and the like. Honestly, I don't think I've ever met any other ENTP's just yet... And, well, usually... I'm at home or at a buddy's house, smoking a blunt. X:
These are an INFJ's perfect match, no?
Where would I find one? How would I know they are an ENTP without administering a test???

Just go into an ENTP store where you find high quality imported ENTPs. Best price in town.

or you could learn mbti real real well so you can indentify people, chance are you already ran into one.

Good luck

and don't go into it with rose colored glasses. :m169:
If you meet someone quite extroverted that doesn't seem to show feelings very well and they don't seem very warm, think deep down inside.
Do you intuit that somewhere down the line this person will potentially destroy you? If so, you've got yourself an ENTP. RUN!
Don't get too stuck in type relationship stipulations ;) I've had an ENTP stalking me for some time, and I could tell you right now that relationship wouldn't work between us. But I have great friendships with ENFJs, ESTPs,'s more about you than just your type

But yeah; ENTPs tend to be more...out there, or at least more so than some other types. They're weird because they are interested in many things (although a lot of times they jump around so much between their interests that they don't seem to have a single, deeply rooted strength like their ENTJ cousins).
Look for some rambunctious, a bit impulsive, and a little left of center. That might lead you to a ENxP type.
My brother's an ENTP -- I can tell you right now, that they can be interested in multiple things. He ended up as a comp sci major -- but he could've done a lot of other things.

There's a girl in my orgnaic lab class who's a business major and pre-health minor (strange, I know). I highly suspect she's an ENTP.

They literally do everything -- that's just them. Just look for somebody who's highly competent, competitive, and extroverted.
ENTP's are about as varied as they come.

We do, literally, like just about everything. I think ENTP's are usually very good at almost anything they desire to undertake, but rarely masters of anything (that requires too much focus :P)

The E doesn't necessarily mean they're crazily social, either. I, personally, tend to go where the excitement is.

Sometimes (rarely, anymore) that's at parties. Or big social gatherings. But I'm more likely to be found doing something I'm not supposed to do. Halloween is a good example. Everyone is supposed to dress up on Halloween. Screw that. I'm not going to play their little game. I'll dress up randomly throughout the year, when I'm not supposed to.
all this hinges on getting good at typing people.

Usually one or to things jump out at me like if a person is obvious an introvert I fill in that letter, or two letters it doesn't matter.

Then upon questioning I figure out the rest of the letters.

It requires a knowledge of Jungian and Kersyian typology but they are fairly easy to learn.


Yep yep, that helps. Sometimes it can be really difficult to tell, especially if the person is balanced (like my friend didn't even know I was introverted--probably because I hang out with a ton of extroverts).
But for the most part, it's all about learning how to identify individual letters and functions, and then knowing a bit about how each type works so you can see if the type fits the functions you've guessed.
The ENTPs I know are extraverted spacy, and yeah jump around between interests pretty quickly. I'm introverted spacy but am somewhat similar. That's what makes them kind of fun to hang out with I guess.

Surprisingly though, I'm more rooted than logic than they are. They're more Ne which is pretty cool, and they can generate ideas quickly -- somewhat like a young ESTP might. That's always been my experience.
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ENTPs are like ESTPs, except more absent-minded. That's how you can tell the difference. The ENTP wanders, the ESTP, not so much. My ENTP brother is the biggest space case on the planet. He forgets to put his shoes on in the morning! He can solve the meaning of pi, but can't remember where he wrote it down and solved it.
ENTPs are like ESTPs, except more absent-minded. That's how you can tell the difference. The ENTP wanders, the ESTP, not so much. My ENTP brother is the biggest space case on the planet. He forgets to put his shoes on in the morning! He can solve the meaning of pi, but can't remember where he wrote it down and solved it.

Yeah, I noticed that too -- my brother (entp) consistently loses stuff. I do too, but I make a habit of putting things in the same place so I don't lose them.
That spaciness? That's our Ti - while we're exhibiting iNtuition, like, all the freaking time (go where the action is, fingers in many pots, etc...) any time we're not actively engaged we're thinking. And thinking. And thinking.

You can tell an underdeveloped ENTP because they DON'T think. The patron pagan god of the underdeveloped ENTP is Loki, the Norse god of chaos. The girl that's stalking gloomy-optimist? Well, what kind of Ti would allow a person to do that.

ENTP's and INFJ's can be great together, but in my last relationship I discovered that there were things we just couldn't provide for each other. I was never going to be the emotional warm fuzzy bunny he desired (I'm Fe tertiary - the only emotion I'm comfortable showing is happy). And he was just never going to want to spend the amount of time speculating on the matrix of the universe for as long as I wanted to (he's Ti tertiary - it's fun at first, then he hits critical mass).

I agree with gloomy-optimist. It's not always the greatest match just because we're the ying to the iNtuive yang. We make great foils for each other, but sometimes foil can get itchy.
ENTPs are like ESTPs, except more absent-minded. That's how you can tell the difference. The ENTP wanders, the ESTP, not so much.

One is about the thrill of doing, the other is about the thrill of learning through the experience. They look the same, but they're a pretty big difference when discussing the event later over coffee. :)

edit: Oh, and how do you recognize one? One of the best ways is to recognize the wit. If they're dangerously quick in a verbal spar, if they make more references to interesting and funny social memes than anyone else in the room, if they're incisive and piercing - there's a high likelihood that they're an ENTP.

Also, many of us are damn good lookin'.
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Just look for somebody who's highly competent, competitive, and extroverted.

Yes, yes and not so much.

ENxPs are often considered the most introverted of MBTI extroverts so it may not always be easy to spot the E. I know some ENFPs that you couldn't question for a second but there are plenty of others not so obvious.

And that v

The E doesn't necessarily mean they're crazily social, either. I, personally, tend to go where the excitement is.

Sometimes (rarely, anymore) that's at parties. Or big social gatherings. But I'm more likely to be found doing something I'm not supposed to do. Halloween is a good example. Everyone is supposed to dress up on Halloween. Screw that. I'm not going to play their little game. I'll dress up randomly throughout the year, when I'm not supposed to.
One is about the thrill of doing, the other is about the thrill of learning through the experience. They look the same, but they're a pretty big difference when discussing the event later over coffee. :)

edit: Oh, and how do you recognize one? One of the best ways is to recognize the wit. If they're dangerously quick in a verbal spar, if they make more references to interesting and funny social memes than anyone else in the room, if they're incisive and piercing - there's a high likelihood that they're an ENTP.

Also, many of us are damn good lookin'.

Some really good points here.

In any sort of experience that is 'new', ENTP's are generally going to be extremely enthusiastic about it, and walk out with a pretty in-depth understand of the multiple levels of the dynamics of the experience.

I've also been told that I can be intimidating in person because of how... extremely fast my verbal responses are. An ENTP is likely to find something funny in a situation, and then play with the idea throughout the conversation. For example, if I'm talking to someone that I like, I'll playfully tease them about things (not in a negative way) and carry on several themes throughout the conversation. Then I'll bring it all to a climax at the end, when I bring all of my teasing and themes together into a cohesive whole, as if I'd planned the entire conversation before hand, culminating in a hilarious/witty interrelation of all of the ideas.

I don't think you often see that from other types.

Also, we're all effing hot.