Reading people's eyes

Altruistic Muse

Community Member
I scored 29 as well! That was fun!
I got 30

I had trouble with the similarity of some of the choices (how can you tell a difference between "amused" and "joking"?), and the ambiguity of many of the expressions, which would normally be cleared up by a look at the whole face and/or body language. I was left wondering where the pictured expressions came from, since I could see some of them equally well expressing two or more choices. (There was also a peculiar abundance of answers like "pensive" and "thoughtful," which seemed to be used for blank expressions.)
But others are managing to get high scores, so there must be something more to it.

I had trouble with the similarity of some of the choices (how can you tell a difference between "amused" and "joking"?), and the ambiguity of many of the expressions, which would normally be cleared up by a look at the whole face and/or body language. I was left wondering where the pictured expressions came from, since I could see some of them equally well expressing two or more choices. (There was also a peculiar abundance of answers like "pensive" and "thoughtful," which seemed to be used for blank expressions.)
But others are managing to get high scores, so there must be something more to it.

These were problems I had as well. But I guess most of them are emotions which probably makes NF types best equipped to read them. I wonder if other NT types will get similar results to you?
These were problems I had as well. But I guess most of them are emotions which probably makes NF types best equipped to read them. I wonder if other NT types will get similar results to you?
Probably. It is commonly believed that NTs (INTXs, mainly) are most likely to be somewhat autistic.
Probably. It is commonly believed that NTs (INTXs, mainly) are most likely to be somewhat autistic.

I don't know about autistic, but I know a lot of them and they're very perceptive with people's motives but they are not great with reading or discussing emotion. Might get my sister to do this lol. She's better than most though I'd say.
I don't know about autistic, but I know a lot of them and they're very perceptive with people's motives but they are not great with reading or discussing emotion. Might get my sister to do this lol. She's better than most though I'd say.

NTs probably are significantly less able to pick up on subtle, almost subconscious clues like microexpressions. That should be highlighted by a test like this, which focuses on small differences in the eyes that many will be unable to discern (or attach a meaning to).
I'm not that bad at reading people myself, but it is more learned than innate: I look for broader signals, ones that are most pronounced over time (in motion) rather than in a snapshot. Similarly, autistic people are known to focus more on the mouth area than the eyes when trying to read emotions, probably because the mouth initially would seem to be the most expressive part (bigger, and moving and changing shape much more).
It was interesting how much I'd react when I'd see a kind or indifferent expression followed by a very agressive expression. I would sort of heave backwards.

I hate agression, and I'm very keen on detecting it. I went kind of quickly though, because there were kind of a lot, and for some reason that made me nervous.

I think I would have done better if I hadn't kept second guessing myself.
i got 32
i remember i messed up on puzzled vs. nervous.
i was also more confident on the ones when i didn't zoom in on the pictures to have a closer look. somehow, i just glanced at the corner and an emotion registered.

I figured I'd do worse but apparently I kick ass at reading eyes. Two of those were dumb mistakes and/or ambiguous wording, too.

This test also made me realize how much I rely on facial muscle composure and body language. Reading just the eyes is a bit more difficult without the whole body telling the rest of the tale.
I got 30..i think some of the pictures had two valid answers..

The two I got wrong I ended up second-guessing.