PTD: Post Travel Depression


Well-known member
Post travel depression, post vacation blues or post travel blues is a type of mood that persons returning home from a long trip may experience.

A person may suffer from post vacation blues after returning home from a long vacation, especially if it was a pleasurable one. The longer a trip lasts, the more intense the post vacation blues may be. This is because the person would be longing for their travel experiences. Post vacation blues may result in tiredness, loss of appetite, strong feelings of nostalgia and in some cases clinical depression. Jet lag may intensify it. In some cases it can take up to 1.5 times the length of the trip.

:rain:Leaving for Sweden in just a few hours from now, I feel some of this already. Therefore I'm wondering, has anyone experienced it? If so, how did you counter it and what did you do to cheer up? Or is it the kind of low where you need to be down for abit to take learning from the experience, while comming out of it feeling even better than before?

This is not the last you'll see of me America!
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I thought you already were in Sweden, where are you?

I know the feeling of post travel blues, I felt it a bit when I returned after a month in Finland. But because I didn't go directly home from there it was not such of a sudden change. I would recommend indulging in the luxuries of home for a while, like getting whatever foods you might like and, well, eating them. Food often cheers me up, but I'm not sure how effective of a PTD antidote it would be for others.

Also, think of the things you have learned whilst away and that adding those experiences to your repetoire will make you a more well-rounded person back in your own country.
When I return from travel I'm usually exhilarated. I just returned from a week of skiing in Aspen and had a great time. I feel rejuvenated, ready to work hard, solve problems and have great ideas. If you feel down, daydream about the good time you had traveling (I often daydream about trips from, even, long ago). And, plan your next trip, regardless of when it will be! I'm going to Japan for business in March and, even though I'll be working, it'll be great because the culture is so interesting. I think traveling is one of the best things you can do in life.
I think you might be confusing post-travel depression with post-freedom withdrawal. Many visitors to the US find that upon returning to Canada, Sweden, or France, that their natural tolerance for the smell of socialism has diminished. It's sort of like walking into your room after spending an hour cooking in the kitchen and realizing, "Hey, this place smells like pink."
I think you might be confusing post-travel depression with post-freedom withdrawal. Many visitors to the US find that upon returning to Canada, Sweden, or France, that their natural tolerance for the smell of socialism has diminished. It's sort of like walking into your room after spending an hour cooking in the kitchen and realizing, "Hey, this place smells like pink."

Because 15 trillion worth of stimilus packages sure isn't socialist.
I think you might be confusing post-travel depression with post-freedom withdrawal. Many visitors to the US find that upon returning to Canada, Sweden, or France, that their natural tolerance for the smell of socialism has diminished. It's sort of like walking into your room after spending an hour cooking in the kitchen and realizing, "Hey, this place smells like pink."

That implies that socialism is bad and that it's not subjective.
The word tolerance implies that everyone who likes socialism is just being fed propaganda and when he/she enters America realises how it should be.

On topic:
Have a great trip back shelly :p I went to the chat but you weren't there anymore :(
I think you'll do fine, but if you have any problems we're here for you.
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Because 15 trillion worth of stimilus packages sure isn't socialist.

Nope, it's good old fashioned corporate manipulation of government resources!

That implies that socialism is bad and that it's not subjective.
The word tolerance implies that everyone who likes socialism is just being fed propaganda and when he/she enters America realises how it should be.

Hey, you say propaganda, I say you haven't eaten enough deep fat fried foods. Everything smells pink after Krystal
I have been travelling for the past 20 hours surrounded by Swediots!!!
United Airlines sucks so bad! My flight was delayed, so I almost missed my transit flight in Chicago where NO ONE would help me. But on the bright side, I befriended an actor :)

Either way I think planning and dreaming for my next trip really helps!

I think you might be confusing post-travel depression with post-freedom withdrawal. Many visitors to the US find that upon returning to Canada, Sweden, or France, that their natural tolerance for the smell of socialism has diminished. It's sort of like walking into your room after spending an hour cooking in the kitchen and realizing, "Hey, this place smells like pink."

Haha my tolerance for socialism is almost entirely gone! When mommy picked me up at the airport I started talking about how it is even shown in the architecture and design of buildings...

That implies that socialism is bad and that it's not subjective.
The word tolerance implies that everyone who likes socialism is just being fed propaganda and when he/she enters America realises how it should be.

I think that people open they eyes after having seen America... First time it was to Freedom, now this time an opinion I have formed is that the power abuse HAS to go for the Freedom to really be there!
I think that people open they eyes after having seen America... First time it was to Freedom, now this time an opinion I have formed is that the power abuse HAS to go for the Freedom to really be there!

Welcome back.
I was just saying that it implied that all the people hate socialism and that liking a certain ideology hasn't got to do with preferences.

Opinions and preferences =/= universal/absolute truth.

Actually, there's something wrong with all ideologies that lean towards something extreme.
Anyone who can not see the flaws in his/her government does not love his/her country imo.
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Thank you sven!! :) I agree you can't deny the flaws but maybe look out for strengths as well. Somehow after 3 flights it all felt the same no matter where the destination. It kind of made me dissociated to where I actually was at the moment. Right now, it feels like life in Sweden was put on pause when in America and now that I'm back it is set on play.

I don't know where I'm going but I sure know where I've been! ;)
So, how is it now back home?
Going to meet up with a few people to talk about your experiences? :P
You know me!!! xD
I did do that for abit but I'm so tired and theres too much to cover everything in one sitting.

Just send them a mass-mail. That's how I'd do it.
But after all I don't have real life friends..


I got very, very sick when I came home after vacation. Spent some time as an invalid in a hospital. There's no known 'cause' to what I had -some articles say it is triggered by emotion

Anyway it ironically turned my life around a good way. Made life simpler and I started taking more care of things, and myself

I think you can battle PTD by scheduling in 'smaller' vacations in your daily life. So, even if you had a great time before, you always know you will have this experience again in the near future
Just send them a mass-mail. That's how I'd do it.
But after all I don't have real life friends..



Look at the bright side. You never have send any god damn emails!