Preferred ways of Communication


SO! how many of you here rather hide behind the screen than have a face-to-face convo? or the other way around.

Do you usually wait till you're online, to tell someone something?

Would you prefer to call someone up or text? Or would rather meet up?

Do you feel awkward talking on the phone? Do you usally think ahead of what you're going to say before you dial the number? or do you improvise as you go along?

Anyone here a public speaker? or is that too dreadful. :P

Facebook, MSN, or E-mails? (Forum is out of the question, just cause it'll surely be everyone's answer)

Visitor Messages or PMs?

Edit: (suggested by Res)
How about Chat?
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For friends/family, ect:

Face to Face > Internet > Phone

For complete strangers:

Internet > Face to Face > Phone

I just friggin' hate phones!
I don't express myself well and so I don't like to talk in person often, but that is my preferred method if I have something complicated or complex to discuss in-depth because it takes about 10x longer to do online or on the phone.

For typical social contact, a lot of times I prefer online text or webcam chat. I suppose I wouldn't mind in person occasionally if some of you peoplez that I like were within close geographic proximity. There aren't a whole lot of people that I enjoy hanging around with where I currently live.

At work, walking up to my cube or calling me will get my action a lot faster than email or indirectly through submitting a trouble ticket.

I really don't like the phone at all. I think it has more to do with me not being able to understand half the conversation sometimes.
SO! how many of you here rather hide behind the screen than have a face-to-face convo? or the other way around.
- It's not about hiding. In many cases, writing allows you to think of what you're going to say, before putting your thoughts down on paper.
- Face to face is not always as effective as everyone would like it to be. I find that in face to face, it becomes too much about the person rather than thoughts or ideas. I am a public speaker and I dislike face to face for this reason. Everyone puts so much emphasis on "who" and "how" rather than "what".

Do you usually wait till you're online, to tell someone something?
- Not with friends or family. Speak with them directly.

Would you prefer to call someone up or text? Or would rather meet up?
- Phone definitely. I prefer the phone. Don't text at all.

Do you feel awkward talking on the phone? Do you usally think ahead of what you're going to say before you dial the number? or do you improvise as you go along?
- No, don't feel awkward on the phone unless I don't know the person. Think ahead AND improvise.

Anyone here a public speaker? or is that too dreadful. :P
- It's a job necessity, and i'd prefer to be doing something where I'm dealing with people one-on-one, rather than speaking in front of "crowds".

Facebook, MSN, or E-mails? (Forum is out of the question, just cause it'll surely be everyone's answer)
- Don't post much on FB. Don't have MSN, and don't communicate by email that much.

Visitor Messages or PMs?
- Occasionally but not often. I'm more self conscious communicating by visitor messages or PMs than i would be posting on the public forums. It's difficult to write "conversationally" even if it is to a friend. PMs are ok.

How about chat?
- Don't use chat, and when I did, at least when the INFJ tinychat was open, it felt weird - my discomfort i guess. I was sorta self conscious about what I said, etc. Thing with chat is that if you're not going with the flow of conversation, it's easy to get lost. For me, chat works best when there are fewer people, and everyone has a chance to speak.
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^^ your question was added to the list =)
SO! how many of you here rather hide behind the screen than have a face-to-face convo? or the other way around.
I can typically collect my thoughts MUCH better without being in physical proximity of anyone else. If I know the topic really well then I have no problem keeping my thoughts organized. I typically do much better behind the screen though, so that is why I prefer it.

Do you usually wait till you're online, to tell someone something?
No, not usually.

Would you prefer to call someone up or text? Or would rather meet up?
Text, depends on the information being conveyed on whether I would rather meet up.

Do you feel awkward talking on the phone? Do you usally think ahead of what you're going to say before you dial the number? or do you improvise as you go along?
I feel awkward on the phone, I don't like it. I always think beforehand of what I will say, sometimes for hours.

Anyone here a public speaker? or is that too dreadful. :P
I have given a few presentations to people, although my largest crowd has only been about 30. If I am comfortable with the material I am presenting then I really don't have a problem. Sometimes I can lose my sense of organization but that's why I make index cards to assist with my outline.

Facebook, MSN, or E-mails? (Forum is out of the question, just cause it'll surely be everyone's answer)
Facebook is off and on for me, I don't do a lot with it. MSN and emails are usually on a response basis. I rarely initiate, a lot of times I am working on something and don't have time to IM.

Visitor Messages or PMs?
Yea I use them sparingly, usually to respond to someone else, rarely to initiate, I am too shy.

How about chat?
I used tinychat and the IRC fairly heavily with the INFJ members. I rarely chat otherwise, but I didn't have any problems on there, although a lot ofo the time it was frustrating because it was dominated by 1 or 2 loudmouths that don't let anyone else get a chance to speak.

The only time I get REALLY shy on there is when people ask me to play guitar or dance, lol.
I'd rather talk to someone face-to-face. While it might be more difficult for me to say certain things to a person's face, I prefer it to talking on the phone or through a computer screen because when uninhibited I feel that I'm not really being myself. If that makes sense.

On another note, I found this past year that public speaking really doesn't bother me. I thought I'd die when I had to take a speech class, but it wasn't a big deal at all.
SO! how many of you here rather hide behind the screen than have a face-to-face convo? or the other way around.
70% hiding. Otherwise, face to face.... too lazy to call~

Do you usually wait till you're online, to tell someone something?
Preferably. But depends on the message, especially whether if it's important and requires a lot of thinking.....

Would you prefer to call someone up or text? Or would rather meet up?
50-50 depending on mood. With tendencies to lock up as the mood gets worse.

Do you feel awkward talking on the phone? Do you usally think ahead of what you're going to say before you dial the number? or do you improvise as you go along?
Phone....improvise. I think along the way, tho. With varying degrees of success xO

Anyone here a public speaker? or is that too dreadful. :P
DEAR GOD NO. Oooof course, I have to learn this sooner or later. :P

Facebook, MSN, or E-mails? (Forum is out of the question, just cause it'll surely be everyone's answer)
Yeah, due to social requirements and..I kinda force myself to socialize.

Visitor Messages or PMs?

sometimes. *looks around* someone give me one ? /runs
I still suck at prolonging those, tho.

How about Chat?
learning to in a place I'm in, atm. Kinda hard to know people and get along with them, but I'm trying :D

also, I kinda miss the tinychat... I only went there a few times, but it's fun! D:
Smoke signals!


Still my preferred method (with loincloth of course)!
SO! how many of you here rather hide behind the screen than have a face-to-face convo? or the other way around.
i prefer face to face convos.

Do you usually wait till you're online, to tell someone something?
only if its something private that i want to talk about and family is around and i don't want them to hear.

Would you prefer to call someone up or text? Or would rather meet up?
meet up, hands down.

Do you feel awkward talking on the phone? Do you usally think ahead of what you're going to say before you dial the number? or do you improvise as you go along?
no, not awkward. i don't like very superficial phone convos though. i like the deeper ones. some people tend to be very superficial on the phone. i know why i'm calling but i don't usually think up every part of it ahead of time.

Anyone here a public speaker? or is that too dreadful. :P

well i don't speak publicly but i do teach. i guess that's semi-public speaking.

Facebook, MSN, or E-mails? (Forum is out of the question, just cause it'll surely be everyone's answer)
all three, facebook is good because you can keep in touch with people without talking to them (you don't have time to have convos with everyone you've met, even though people aren't necessarily your close friends, its nice to know how they're doing sometimes. msn is good for immediate conversations where you get a quick reply, emails are good for letting someone know something and vice versa, i guess it depends on what you want to do/say.

Visitor Messages or PMs?
both, pms i guess are for more personal, deeper conversations. visitor messages are more for quick comments usually.

Edit: (suggested by Res)
How about Chat?
you mean like going into a chat room and talking to random people? its interesting but can get creepy.
how many of you here rather hide behind the screen than have a face-to-face convo? or the other way around.

I think it's easier to have disjointed and less involved conversation over the internet. It's also easier to post secrets about yourself anonymously. I actually prefer having face to face conversations though, it feels more "real" and seeing people's emotions, movements, and such is an amazing experience.

Do you usually wait till you're online, to tell someone something?

No. I usually use online/text messaging to set up a meeting so that we could talk.

Would you prefer to call someone up or text? Or would rather meet up?

I'd prefer to meet someone if I didn't think I was bothering them, then call someone, then text them.

Do you feel awkward talking on the phone? Do you usally think ahead of what you're going to say before you dial the number? or do you improvise as you go along?

I feel awkward talking on the phone when it is the first time I've talked to a person. I also feel awkward if I feel like someone is listening in on the conversation. As for the actual conversation, I tend to do a mix of both. If I'm calling or I have something important to say, I'll rehearse what I'm going to say a bit. I don't memorize a speech or anything like that, though. After that, I start improvising.

Anyone here a public speaker? or is that too dreadful. :P

I've been told by various people that I'm a good speaker. I have a nice tone of voice, I can project fairly well and I have a good grasp of standard English. I also tend to see things from many angles, which also helps As such, if I don't usually volunteer myself to speak, my friends will do it for me. Various people in my family and my circle of friends actually saw me growing up to be a preacher.

Facebook, MSN, or E-mails? (Forum is out of the question, just cause it'll surely be everyone's answer)

Facebook is a bit annoying, it locks up my computer but I enjoy the PM function on facebook so I might like Emails as well.

Visitor Messages or PMs?

Visitor messages for quick and off topic messages. Private messages for anything that has to deal with anything personal.

How about Chat?

I prefer chat over visitor messages and PMs. I don't know why. Seems closer to real life interaction.
SO! how many of you here rather hide behind the screen than have a face-to-face convo? or the other way around.

I find it easier to express myself through text on a forum like this than in a face to face conversation. When actually speaking to someone in a dynamic conversation I'll often get hung up and can't quite remember a word that I want to input into a sentence and come off as a complete idiot.

Do you usually wait till you're online, to tell someone something? If I feel it is very important I do not waste time. Otherwise whatever is convenient.

Would you prefer to call someone up or text? Or would rather meet up? Call, I don't own a cell phone. I get irritated if I'm having lunch with someone or at some other function we're sposed to be paying attention to whats going on and the other person is thumbing away at an electronic device. Pay attention!

Do you feel awkward talking on the phone? Do you usally think ahead of what you're going to say before you dial the number? or do you improvise as you go along?
I walk through the conversation two or three times beforehand. If its someone I've never talked to before and am extremely uncomfortable I'll jot down a framework of main points that I want to cover in the conversation so I don't lose track. After I get comfortable with the other person I can improvise much easier.

Anyone here a public speaker? or is that too dreadful. :P I've been featured in two news video programs. One was for Georgia Public Broadcast and the other was some military news organization. In both cases I got extended film time compared to other crew members from what the producers said was "Your gravitas and charisma coupled with the bassy voice goes over really well on film".

Also been interviewed by two reporters. One local paper and the other from a national publicized archaeology magazine.

Public speaking isn't so bad if you have a good handle on what you are going to be talking about. I can bullshit pretty well through a speech and from what I've noticed people will still enjoy it if I have no clue what I'm talking about. Still can be difficult when your stomach is turning cartwheels and your palms are sweating leading right up until you start speaking, then everything else just fades away and I'm calm as can be.

Facebook, MSN, or E-mails? (Forum is out of the question, just cause it'll surely be everyone's answer) No preferance, I use all of them in one way or another. Less likely to use MSN though.

Visitor Messages or PMs? Both. If it is something I want to share with just them a private message. If its something that is mainly directed at them but I don't mind people visiting their profile seeing it I'll use visitor messages.

Edit: (suggested by Res)
How about Chat?

Haven't used chat yet, I'm afraid if I go in there I might never post in the forums again.
SO! how many of you here rather hide behind the screen than have a face-to-face convo? or the other way around. I haven't spent much time online much in the last 12 years, but consider myself an internet chat pioneer. : ) I met my "soon-to-be-ex" online 13 years ago on mIRC. So, as I'm much removed from the internet stuff these days, I would have to say that I'm more comfortable face-to-face, but not always comfortable there, either.

Do you usually wait till you're online, to tell someone something? Definitely not.

Would you prefer to call someone up or text? Or would rather meet up? I generally call someone to meet, then talk face to face. I really hate the phone. I'm even a bit anxious about calling in a pizza order at times.

Do you feel awkward talking on the phone? Do you usally think ahead of what you're going to say before you dial the number? or do you improvise as you go along? Yes. Definitely awkward. See above. : ) I used to make fun of my mom for making lists of things to talk about before she'd call people to talk on the phone. I think mom and I were more alike than we'll ever know now. I don't make lists though, as I don't like to talk on the phone, generally.

Anyone here a public speaker? or is that too dreadful. :P I completely lose my focus and train of thought. I have done presentations and they weren't too dreadful, but I'm not comfortable speaking in front of a group. I'd rather samba in front of a group, and I don't even really know how to do that!

Facebook, MSN, or E-mails? (Forum is out of the question, just cause it'll surely be everyone's answer)
You know, I'm in a state of extreme disenchantment with social media. I sign on to Facebook every 2-3 months whether I need to or not. I think that there is a majority out there that takes technology to the extreme, and the cost will ultimately be the loss of conversation and real human interaction. I have a love/hate relationship with technology.

Visitor Messages or PMs?

Huh? Like I said, I've been out of this for a while... : ) Either way, I guess!

How about Chat? Well, I've had an almost 13 year relationship with someone I met through chat, so I think it is a valid form of communication. BUT, I have to say that real life is not people taking turns typing - real communication face to face just doesn't happen that way. When you're with an INTJ (with lots of spikes) communication doesn't necessarily flow that way in real life. If we'd never lost the art of letter writing and been able to translate that into conversation, maybe things would have been different. In the end, we couldn't communicate verbally in the same way that we could communicate in chat. If I didn't believe so strongly in marriage, then we probably would have ended our relationship 4 years into it. <sigh> Well, that's more than I wanted to say for this question, but....
I'd rather text than talk to someone on the phone. I get distracted easily by outside stimulus. Something will attract my attention and my immediate response is "What? Why?" This causes me to forget about the person I'm talking to for a second, and I won't listen to what they're trying to tell me. Texting makes it easier for me to focus on them. I want to talk to people one-on-one. I can focus on them, and I have immediate responses.
SO! how many of you here rather hide behind the screen than have a face-to-face convo? or the other way around.
I prefer face to face as I can suss them out better, see if there are ulterior motives or just enjoy the emotions etc but yet I do not express myself well in person and tend to hold back.

Do you usually wait till you're online, to tell someone something?

Would you prefer to call someone up or text? Or would rather meet up? Depends on the situation and the person.

Do you feel awkward talking on the phone? Do you usally think ahead of what you're going to say before you dial the number? or do you improvise as you go along? I am not comfortable over the phone and rarely use it. I do think ahead and improvise too.

Anyone here a public speaker? or is that too dreadful. :P
I would avoid it as much as possible however when it is unavoidable I kick into extroverted mode and wing it but it still stays a painful experience.

Facebook, MSN, or E-mails? (Forum is out of the question, just cause it'll surely be everyone's answer) Don't like Facebook, too overwhelming. I don't mind emails as long as it does not become overwhelming. I use yahoo every now and again if I can't chat in person.

Visitor Messages or PMs?
I am a very private person and prefer PM's to visitor messages.

Edit: (suggested by Res)
How about Chat?
To me chat is a whole different ball game, I am used to the old days of MSN chatrooms and well you have to have street smarts to survive in those chatrooms and definitely be in extroverted mode. It is fun and is a battle of wits and you need to leave your sensitivity at the door. It becomes overwhelming and superficial so I tend to shy away from chatrooms these days. (not saying infj's chat is like this though, just speaking in general)