Pet Peeves | Page 7 | INFJ Forum

Pet Peeves

The fact that I have to watch my ADULT asian female friends (= all of my IRL friends) shamelessly do this crap all the time:


Aegyo (애교): affected sweetness

It is evil *

I might even prefer Western-style duckfacing.

*I also hate how I'm a hypocrite for doing it too, although I avoid it.
That's common among many women. Easy to spot and a terrible attempt to be manipulative.
Noisy eaters. People that make the most noise while eating and chewing on their food.

Also I find myself easily annoyed by friends or colleagues that have lack of a dignity or responsibility. I tend to shun leadership positions, but I have very high expectations for my leaders. If I find that they are not performing up to standards I would get very irritated, especially when their decisions affect me.
people (my family) who abuse government and charitable resources and cannot fathom why they should be honest and pull their own weight.

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I can't handle 3 different noises at once. For example, if I'm listening to music, when my dog is barking and mum is trying to tell me something. It makes me really uncomfortable and twitchy D:
Bad table manners
Sand, damn you sand!
Hovering about me while I'm trying to do research, do my job, or am otherwise engaged in something important.
Usage of the word swag, or the wearing of things one deems as "swag". Invention of new words to look cool instead of just using the old words. Such swag wearers do not like me referring to their "swag" as pieces of flair. Blegh, I've used the word four times and I feel dirty.
Rocks getting stuck in my tires and popcorn shell pieces getting stuck in my teeth.
Customers who think they are always right.
People who talk during movies.
People who text or talk on their phone at the theater, btw there will come a day when you are doing this and I'm at my whits end and that phone will end up someplace very uncomfortable.
People who text while driving or waste peoples time in line at the checkout talking on the phone.
Hell cell phones, yeah...fuck cell phones.
The declining presence of pay phones.
Dogs that will not stop barking.
Wires that refuse to stay put while I solder them.
Improperly set up pool tables.
Last but not least, "The Alabama Repeater"
When people tell you they are doing something that will benefit you but they are actually doing something that will benefit themselves.
Emotional constipation.
People picking their teeth in front of me.

People who stop in the middle of the grocery aisle to have a conversation with some long-lost friend and stop everyone else from getting past.

People who cannot control their children in public.

Irresponsible dog owners.

People picking their teeth in front of me.

People who stop in the middle of the grocery aisle to have a conversation with some long-lost friend and stop everyone else from getting past.

People who cannot control their children in public.

Irresponsible dog owners.


I'm sorry but I can feel the stray bit of popcorn shell in there and it has to come out! I try to keep my back turned and I always wash my hands after.
I'm sorry but I can feel the stray bit of popcorn shell in there and it has to come out! I try to keep my back turned and I always wash my hands after.

But do you wash your hands before? That is the question. :)
My cooties kill all other cooties, they are Spartans.
- Slow walkers who take up the whole pavement
- When journalists/people publish scientific inaccuracies eg. A bacteria instead of a bacterium.
- Ridiculously loud and obnoxious ambulance noises... They are more obnoxious in some countries than others. They are unnecessarily horrible in the UK.
People who jaywalk with pets, baby strollers, or young children when it can be avoided.
When people tell you they are doing something that will benefit you but they are actually doing something that will benefit themselves.

This doesn't bother me in the slightest because getting to call people out for their bullshit is basically orgasmic for me.
People who open their mouths when they are chewing. What is the purpose of that?
If only they had a pill for that too...
I've heard about this thing called...'alcohol'...maybe that's what you're looking for to release emotional blockage? ;)
People who open their mouths when they are chewing. What is the purpose of that?
Why, nothing other than to show off your mad mastication skillz!
When I say things will be alright, and they turn out alright, and people still worry/bitch about it because I didn't call every hour to assure them that things are alright. My first assurance is the only one necessary.