People Who Evaluate People On Their "Achievements/Success"


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I hate condescending teachers who favor students are just naturally brighter than others, and they don't put much effort into students who are slower but try to do well =_=. Ugh, like my AP Calc teacher. When I ask her about something, she just says "You can't do blahblah, how many times do I have to say this?" I'm sorry I don't excel in the academics of mathematics. UGH.

And there are also people who suddenly view you so differently if you become "successful" in their eyes...I haven't changed into a different person. I'm so annoyed by people who see others' values in how much money they make, etc. The only thing that really matters to me is their personality...esp. how considerate/sensitive they are to others' feelings...and then mostly if we just get along.

It makes me want to become a world dictator or "really successful" in the eyes of society, the norm "celebrity status" or smth to kind of shove it back in my teachers' faces. Although I don't think I'll actually do that 'cause I have no interest in great amounts of $ or high social status.
I agree and disagree with this. While I do think it is unfair to treat students badly because they don't have innate talent in a subject, I don't think it is unfair to put more time into students who have innate talent, and a desire to learn for the sake of learning. There are certainly some students who do try to learn, but they are just trying to pass without wanting to absorb the material. Then they go to office hours or ask very trivial questions in class. I'm sorry but these students bother me, it is extremely annoying.

That aside though, there are some teachers and professers who do view everything by status, money, ect. THIS makes me mad because it is unfair. I have a professer currently who is like this. I actually got an email reply from him the other day that put me off I ask him "Hi *blank*, are we not getting a problem set this week? You did not hand one out today. Thanks!:

Dear Pieter,

Problem set 4 was handed out last Friday.

Do not assume that I like to be addressed by my first name – I don’t.

Dr. *blank*.
Granted, I did forget it was handed out friday. This made me mad because, while I understand some professers don't like to be called by their first name, most of them actually prefer this and I assume that. This just drips with ego and status.

With this guy, I am going to be working on my own to learn the material. Clearly he doesn't want anything to do with me (for what ever reason), and I am not going to approach him. Not worth my time to struggle with it.
I actually really want to do well in AP Calculus. Because it's a bitch to learn, and the first math class I have to actually really pay attention in, it kind of makes me want to do above just "okay." And I really do try. In class, I pay attention, take notes, and then I usually go in after school to do my homework so she's there if I have answers and she also has a notebook for the answers for hw so I can try to figure it out if I can't get it...but it's just that she's made it so I feel so scared and unwilling to ask her now. But it'd be SO much easier if I could feel a little more comfortable with asking her, 'cause it beats redoing a prob for 20 minutes and trying to "figure it out" =_=. It makes me mad. When other kids she likes more asks her constantly, she responds happily and is really enthusiastic to help.

Ugh. :m040:

Your professor sounds anal =_=. Zomg, look at me, I'm a professor, don't you DARE call me by my first name! :m144:
I hate condescending teachers who favor students are just naturally brighter than others, and they don't put much effort into students who are slower but try to do well =_=. Ugh, like my AP Calc teacher. When I ask her about something, she just says "You can't do blahblah, how many times do I have to say this?" I'm sorry I don't excel in the academics of mathematics. UGH.

I understand your frustration. I think as a society we tend to reward people who succeed, without always considering the effort (or lack there of) that success required. It doesn't always make sense that we reward the students who barely crack open a book and make the honour roll, yet don't those who give everything they've got to get Bs or Cs. It makes me sad just thinking about this.

As for AP Calc.. lol, you're taking AP calculus.. I think there's some mathematical excellence already present :)
AP Calculus and AP US History has made me experience smth I haven't before...which is that I'm the one in need of extra help, who doesn't "get it" the fastest, etc. Sorry if it sounds like I'm arrogant x_X. I used to be arrogant in this aspect though. I looked down on people who didn't understand things as quickly as me and I was unwilling to help. This year though, I'm much more willing to help other people, even if it takes up my free time, and I respect those who try really hard even if they might not be naturally gifted in certain subjects.

I also miss zoning out in class and then just trying to figure out what's going on when I'm doing hw/before tests though :(. Having AP Calc first period...only one hour after waking up, is full of BAWWWW.

I don't think I'm very good at math though ^^;. I just started taking Algebra 1-2 earlier because I passed this one test...but honestly I'm not really good at math x.X. It annoys me when people think I'm so smart and get good grades easily though, because I do have to work hard D:
That's okay, I didn't interpret it as arrogance :)
Though it sounds like this experience, however less pleasant (sucks, I remember having a class like that), is expanding you as a person, which will serve you in the long run :).

Good luck with the classes. First thing in the AM is rough! Is it only for this semester?
Yeah...I guess I'm very optimistic in being able to pick out things I've learned from bad experiences..^^; although I'm also greedy and wish I could have it all (learning new things+not having bad experience) but it's already happened, so meh.

It's for the whole year, actually. I've never heard/taken math classes that was only one semester o.o are there classes like that at your school?
Yeah...I guess I'm very optimistic in being able to pick out things I've learned from bad experiences..^^; although I'm also greedy and wish I could have it all (learning new things+not having bad experience) but it's already happened, so meh.

It's for the whole year, actually. I've never heard/taken math classes that was only one semester o.o are there classes like that at your school?

I know, I wish I could have it all too. Oh how sweet it would be!

All of my high school courses were semester long only. In uni, it was a mix.
This made me mad because, while I understand some professers don't like to be called by their first name, most of them actually prefer this and I assume that. This just drips with ego and status.

Pompous prat. If I were you I would have been tempted to reply: Dear Dr Blank, Thank you for your e-mail. Your name preference has been noted. I would appreciate it if you therefore referred to me as Revd. Blank (Then go to the universal life church website and sign up to become an ordained minister, so it ain't a lie).

;) I've used the Revd. line on people like that before now. That hate it. It's great! :)
People want objective standards to measure themselves/others against even when what's being defined is subjective. I suppose it gives them a sense of control?
People want objective standards to measure themselves/others against even when what's being defined is subjective. I suppose it gives them a sense of control?

It does give a sense of control, and some people (like me) need some kind of solid imperical data to feel satisfied and confortable.