One of Shai Gar's mates...


Right the First Time!

This speaks volumes about the intelligence of the average Australian.
Oh my *blink*blink*

Sturdy, though. Gotta give him that.
Bitten 9 times by a deadly snake...If you haven't read the story, do read on. This is what us American's envision when we think of Aussie's from down under. Hard core, snake grabbin, feisty, muddy with a good attitude. I'm sorry if I stereotyped, here. I know it is a generalization, but I have never read a story even close to this in the US.
OMG! Talk about a bad day!
I hope all the jr. members read that story. It clearly shows the dangers of drinking and snake handling :mno:
I hope all the jr. members read that story. It clearly shows the dangers of drinking and snake handling :mno:

:mlove: Listen to her. I would also like to add ... do as I say, not as I do.
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This is what us American's envision when we think of Aussie's from down under. Hard core, snake grabbin, feisty, muddy with a good attitude. I'm sorry if I stereotyped, here. I know it is a generalization, but I have never read a story even close to this in the US.

yep, that's the common steretype here too!
"and it bit me another eight times." ROFL!
i remember grabbing it with my left hand because i was holding a beer with my right hand...

This is why we call the town Darwin. If I was hospital administrator I would have refused service.
So have you ever come across a brown snake Shai? or a box jellyfish or a blue ring octopus?
Eastern Brown snakes all the time. My previous cat Sox used to go out to their nest, kill them and drag them inside leaving them on my bed. Seen plenty of blue ringed octopus in tanks, but I'm not stupid to get into the ocean in jellyfish season, or shark season, or croc season...
Yeah that's always put me off travelling to north Australia, I love the ocean too much and would be sad if it was full of nasties.

Considerate of your cat to kill them first though!

You have a shark season?
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Yes, and the gourmet crocs look forward to that season just as i look forward to strawberry season.

Well he had to, they'd kill her otherwise. Eventually they did, while she was defending one of mums daycare children, she and her children were constantly around the playing children and would kill about a snake every month. (Central QLD, Emerald). That instinct for killing snakes is why they replaced mongooses in homes in europe and africa. Silly people and their silly dog fetishes, what can a dog do that a guy with a machette can't?
Dogs make for good alarms though (well some do).