Once an Introvert, always an Introvert?


Community Member
I used to be really really shy, but gradually have 'come out of my shell' so to speak. In fact, the biggest change has been over the past two years where so many people around me have remarked at how much more I talk now, or how I have more confidence, or that I'm not afraid to talk to anyone of any group etc. It got me thinking, if I continue to improve, if I continue to gradually become more open and talkative...will I ever become an extrovert? I'm perfectly happy being introverted as I tend to be able to adapt to different situations, I was just curious if it ever changes.

So yeah. Is it possible to change from being introverted to extroverted? Or do we just change the degree of introversion/extroversion we have?
it's not about being reserved or open, it's about where you draw your energy from.
What Shai said. If you're talking about 'traditional' definitions of extravert/introvert than sure, people can become more comfortable in their own skin and be more vocal but if you’re talking about MBTI than it is referring to where you draw your energy, this cannot change.

In regards to your percentages; Online tests are well, crap imo in the respect they merely indicate how many questions you answered positive/negative in regards to I or E. That said they should show you as more balanced in non-dominant functions as you mature. Being more comfortable in social situations when you’re an introvert is a sign of maturity Mannix.
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Actually the MBTI way IS the traditional meaning as it was Jung that coined the words when describing his system.
Meh, I'm drunkish :noidea:
It's a preference, really, and Shai's right - it comes from your energy. Some people are on the line with it, but it comes down to whether or not people energize you, or tire you. I know some true extroverts who are "loners" and true introverts who are "party animals." But I can tell when they're either getting tired of people or they need more people in their lives.

Heck, some introverts need more company than others and some extroverts need less...it's all relative to energy drain.
my sister is a party animal introvert and i'm an extroverted loner
You can go from shy introvert to outgoing introvert.

...but you can't go from shy introvert to outgoing extrovert
Unless you're in america where a poor black molested pop star boy can turn into a rich white molestor pop monarch woman

America, Where Anything is Possible.
ROFL!! Poor MJ (and I don't mean Motor Jax...).

But you can't beat "Thriller" for innovation. He was King/Queen in his day.

Before the crazy took hold.
And his nose's introversion spun out of control.
it's not about being reserved or open, it's about where you draw your energy from.

*nod* this makes alot of sense for me.

When I was a child, I was WAY TOO FRIENDLY! For example, if I went into a store, I would look for someone that felt interesting (hard to describe that) and would walk/run up to them and be like "hi! I'm Pieter! Who are you! *blahhblahhblahh*!" I knew no limits really. My parents were always shocked at how candid I was. I was never shy with anything. I remember in first grade on the first day I had all of these new people to meet. I didn't really know any better or see a problem with it so I went up to anyone I felt was interesting and bluntly asked "will you be my friend?" all happy. I was lucky to have one person say yes and he was my best friend up till 6th grade. When people said no, I was really hurt by it.

Now from this you would think I was an extrovert, but the "energy draw" thing explain how I actually was an still am an introvert. I was known by my teachers and parents for having a very active and creative imagination. At recess I would almost always be playing by myself with an imaginary friend, or some imaginary game I came up with, that had really odd rules. I would always talk to myself all the time. When I did play with friends at recess, it would always be heavily based on what I was imagining and such. I always "recharged" by myself. and I didn't really "need" people, I just found them interesting.
He made "Thriller"... For that I can forgive him a few childrapes.
lol... i'm awful >.< I thought that was kinda funny >.<
I feel I'm in that lucky position of being an extroverted introvert. I was as a child, I had masses of people who knew me and I talked and talked, but when it was enough I'd wander away to some quite spot and just sit or play by myself. I was always wandering off when I tired of people. Then I lost my confidence and was quite an introvert. Now, I think I'm back to that point where at first blush people will think I'm an extrovert (until they see me dissapear for a weekend, or four, to recharge). I also think that my J function has got a lot more P in it now, almost to a balance as sometimes the tests read infp and sometimes infj. And, I find that I'm learning to balance my emotions with facts, so they don't dominate or distruct my life (which they did before). As for iN, yeah, I think I'll probably be close to 90% on that for most of my life. I can't think of another way to filter everything.
I used to be extroverted when I was a child. So much happened that I believe it caused me to become introverted. I think the events in your life have a huge role in how you are as you get older. As we age, as people, we never stop changing.
I feel I'm in that lucky position of being an extroverted introvert. I was as a child, I had masses of people who knew me and I talked and talked, but when it was enough I'd wander away to some quite spot and just sit or play by myself. I was always wandering off when I tired of people. Then I lost my confidence and was quite an introvert. Now, I think I'm back to that point where at first blush people will think I'm an extrovert (until they see me dissapear for a weekend, or four, to recharge). I also think that my J function has got a lot more P in it now, almost to a balance as sometimes the tests read infp and sometimes infj. And, I find that I'm learning to balance my emotions with facts, so they don't dominate or distruct my life (which they did before). As for iN, yeah, I think I'll probably be close to 90% on that for most of my life. I can't think of another way to filter everything.

This makes so much sense. I have an INFJ friend who I swore was always extroverted. I couldn't believe she tested introverted actually. Then I realised that whilst she is very outgoing, she tends to get tired of people easily, and often leaves social situations earlier than others. So Shai Gar's definitely right when he said it's about where you draw your energy from.
I concur.

I believe we cant change completely from an introvert to an extravert. We only adjust ourselves slightly to adapt to our environment. In my oppinion anyway.