Not gun control or the second amendment... | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Not gun control or the second amendment...

If he was telling people what they want to hear he would have a bigger following.

I mean he tells some people what some people want to hear. For example: the way you go on and on about it here, he certainly seems to be pretty good at telling you what you want to hear, and it's not like there's a shortage of conspiracy nuts all over the Internet. And then there's always the kind of people who enjoy freakshows and consider the guy to be an amusingly ironic alternative to the bad singers on American Idol or a screening of The Room. As long as you're attracting enough niche markets, you don't need to worry about the mainstream… as a marketing strategy, it isn't so difficult to understand.

I think what you are saying there says more about you then it does about David Ike. You seem to desperately want to be rich and not feel bad about it. Well that's easy man....all you have to do is not be a dick as you make your money, not fuck anyone over and when you do get some money use it to help others as well as yourself

And if you were born into money then maybe you should reflect on what human cost was paid to create that fortune. As balzac wrote: 'behind every great fortune is a great crime'. If when you research your wealth and you find people were hurt in the making of it and it makes you feel guilty then that's good because it shows you have a heart; then its just a case of what are you going to do to even out the karma

LOL-- yes, just because I think that most people prefer (or think they prefer) the opportunities and privileges that wealth provides to middle/lower class living, it means that I personally am obsessed with being rich. You don't think that people get bitter because they're not as rich as someone else? You don't think people feel entitled to things that they haven't earned? You don't think that some people are dying to feel justified? To feel more in control/powerful than they really are? You don't think it feels good to say 'I'm awake and you're not'? To feel like you're spreading 'truth' and doing a 'good' thing, even when you're actually not doing anything except verbally masturbating in public? All of these things are emotionally-driven, impulsive behaviors that hold tremendous appeal for a certain kind of personality.

And I'm pretty sure that if I were interested in making a huge fortune, I would be doing something much riskier than I am now. I wouldn't be sitting here talking to you, that's for sure. Most new fortunes are made by people who take risks… there's hard work involved, but you also need opportunities, the ability to recognize those opportunities, and luck.

Ironically enough, Icke did the same thing-- he took a risk and ended up wealthy. He could have faded into total obscurity or been committed, but instead he's making a fortune selling conspiracies to people who need to believe that their life situation isn't their own fault. The middle/lower classes are NOT perfect saintly beings who only yearn selflessly for peace and equality among all humans… most of them are where they are because that's what they aimed for from the beginning, and then after they finished school and went on to adulthood, they got upset because they realized that other people have more than they do.

In theory, this should motivate them to do something else or try new things and work harder to realize their dreams… but instead they have their friend David Icke, who tells these people that their life situation isn't their fault, that they're being oppressed by evil overlords, that they're righteous and good and need to stand up for themselves on behalf of everything that's decent about our species, and wreck everything that has been built around them. It's an attempt to find dignity in the lower echelons of the socioeconomic hierarchy, which I can completely empathize with but at the same time reject because it's only really necessary if you buy into the hierarchy in the first place.

He has been saying for years that there were peadophile rings in the top echelons of British society and it is now all becoming public even in the mainstream news particularly concerning a TV presenter called Jimmy Saville (who alone has over 300 cases pending against him) who Ike was saying was abusing kids years ago while people just laughed at him. Saville procured children for powerful people. The BBC covered it all up and are still covering it all up.....the mainstream news have run stories about how the BBC are using taxpayers money to gag whsitleblowers from speaking in the public investigation that is currently running and the BBC pulled a documentary that was about the subject and stopped it from airing on TV.

Of course all this stuff about Saville (friends of royalty and politicians and photod with them all the time) only started coming out after he died because he was protected by the establishment while he lived. Ike had the balls to talk about what was a disturbing and harsh reality and is being proven correct

BBC gagging employees:

I don't really know enough about this to comment, but I will say that just because he gets some things right, it doesn't mean that he's a credible source of information. Psychics know that if they predict disaster and it doesn't happen, they'll be forgotten… but if they get it right, people will believe that they're genuine. It's the reason why so many economists made a fortune on book sales after they predicted the housing crash-- even though they believe completely different things about the economy, people buy their books and tout them as quasi-prophets because they were right about this one extremely important thing. It's because people are more superstitious than they let on, and some people realize that if you get one big important prediction right, they're willing to overlook the 3000 you got wrong.
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I mean he tells some people what some people want to hear. For example: the way you go on and on about it here, he certainly seems to be pretty good at telling you what you want to hear,

Yeah but you keep talking to me...which suggests to me that on some level you're interested

Others rep me or give a thumbs up, which shows they're interested

If you actually go on Ike's website you will see that he posts what many other people are saying. He gives voice to many other people. So its not that 'he' is telling people what they want to hear, it is that he is posting things that support what many of us already know. For those that don't already know but are looking for answers the material he posts helps them to see what is really going on

Its a hard process man....coming to terms with the fact your government is lying to you and that the mainstream media isnt telling you the truth....its it really helps when you hear someone else can also see what you see. It sustains people and drives them on; that is why there is a momentum of shifting perception developing....everyone is sharing what they know online

If you actually check out his site you will see that it is not all 'reptillians' and 'illuminati' you will see that he is posting information on a whole range of subjects from a whole range of sources

One of the great things about the internet is that it has allowed an alternative media to develop which can give people information that the corporate controlled media won't give them. Ike is part of that alternative media. Even this forum is part of that alternative media as it is getting views across that won't be found in the corporate dominated media

I read a variety of media from a variety of viewpoints and i think that is a good strategy to cross check information

There are growing numbers of people who are beginning to question if their countries are being governed properly and how it is that certain groups have managed to subvert the democratic system the way that they is the time for people to speak up and share info.

Its all about knowledge....knowledge is power. The elite have always hoarded knowledge to keep an information assymetry. People like Ike are helping to shrink that knowledge gap

and it's not like there's a shortage of conspiracy nuts all over the Internet.

There's all sorts of information on the internet. It varies in quality

But I think it would be foolish to call anyone who is questioning the official government line a 'conspiracy nut'

There are always people who get information into the public sphere that exposes what is really going on in the corridors of power whether it is a Daniel Ellsberg, a Dr Kelly or an Assange.....the likes of RT, Ike and Alex Jones are actually fed information by inside people who want to leak information into the public sphere but are afraid to do it themselves for fear of persecution, ridicule or losing their job; so they provide a useful function as spokespeople because they have a platform

And then there's always the kind of people who enjoy freakshows and consider the guy to be an amusingly ironic alternative to the bad singers on American Idol or a screening of The Room. As long as you're attracting enough niche markets, you don't need to worry about the mainstream… as a marketing strategy, it isn't so difficult to understand.

Lol if he is only saying what he is saying as part of a 'marketing strategy' then in doing so he is helping to switch a lot of people on to all sorts of marketing or not i hope he keeps doing it because he is really helping to open peoples eyes

Alex Jones did a number of years ago accuse David Ike of damaging the credibility of people who were trying to draw public atention to things like the Bilderberg group, bohemian grove, the council on foreign relations, for talking about things in a new agey kind of way and of talking about things like reptillians but i've noticed that Jones has actually drifted more towards what Ike is saying and the reason for this is because he has found out things that have broadened his mind even though he knows it will be a hard sell to his usual listeners

When you scrape beneath the surface of society there are secret societies and there are people doing things that would blow your mind

LOL-- yes, just because I think that most people prefer (or think they prefer) the opportunities and privileges that wealth provides to middle/lower class living, it means that I personally am obsessed with being rich.

Are you rich? Were you born into wealth?

You don't think that people get bitter because they're not as rich as someone else?

I think most people are ok in life as long as they can afford certain things for example a roof over their head, food in their belly, transport, and a holiday or two every year. The problems come when these things come under attack as they have since the credit crunch

Have you noticed how many 'for sale' signs there are on every street these days?

You don't think people feel entitled to things that they haven't earned?

No i think most people expect a reasonable reward for a reasonable days work

You don't think that some people are dying to feel justified? To feel more in control/powerful than they really are?

I think most people really don't bother that much about politics or economics until they feel those things are affecting their life then they tend to engage with them more

Most people are not clamouring for power no. What they do want is security

You don't think it feels good to say 'I'm awake and you're not'? To feel like you're spreading 'truth' and doing a 'good' thing, even when you're actually not doing anything except verbally masturbating in public? All of these things are emotionally-driven, impulsive behaviors that hold tremendous appeal for a certain kind of personality.

I think you could use that argument against anyone who speaks out. You could say that to Ghandi or to Martin Luther king or anyone who ever tries to make the world a better place. I think the key thing is are the people who are speaking out practicing what they preach? Looking at Ike i'd say he's doing as much as he can to change things; does h get a kick out of it? He probably does, but I don't think its a bad thing to feel good that you are trying play a part (however big or small) in bringing about positive change

Far from ike just wanting to shine I think he would far prefer it if people really did see what is going on and then take action

What i have noticed is that there are some people who feel deeply threatened by this subject matter. It is because they are comfortable (-ish) in their current reality. A prime example is the post i posted earlier which shows the graphs which show how the public perceive the nations wealth to be distributed and how the wealth actually is distributed.

Their current perception does not match reality

So why is this a problem if they are comfortable in that reality? Its a problem because as the economic climate changes they are no longer comfortable and also because for as long as they stay in that false perception of reality they are doing nothing to try and improve things. Because they are doing nothing the process that is moving the wealth away from them is continuing and is making them poorer and life tougher

The situation will not improve until people shift their perception to match reality. This happens by people growing more aware and that happens by the sharing of information. We have all had our perceptions evolved and it is an ongoing process. For example we no longer believe in the tooth fairy because we learned from others that it wasn't true

Sure you can accuse the person who told you that the tooth fairy isn't true of emotional masturbation but the most important thing is that perception got evolved so you weren't being hoodwinked anymore.

If someone teaches or tells you something you don't know you can't always right it off as emotional masturbation. If we all did that then everyone would be afraid to open their mouths and no one would learn anything. This would make the job of the elites much easier and they would take even more wealth away from people

The point Ike makes towards the end of the video i posted above is that there are people out there who are currently stealing the nations wealth but instead of criticising those people, some people (like you) are instead criticising the people who are pointing this out (like Ike). This is i believe as i've said already because it is creating cognitive dissonance in the person learning this new information and instead of assimilating the information and changing their life accordingly they instead lash out at the source of the new information

Instead of criticising Ike people would be better doing something pro-active for example moving their money out of the banks that have been involved in the banking scandals and the credit crunch and putting it instead in a community credit union. But they don't want to do that because its easier to keep supporting the bankers financially and instead insult the activists (ie adopt the bury their head in the sand approach...'lalalalalla i'm not listening.....lalalalal...the bankers aren't taking our money....lallalalala.....Ike is an emotional masterbator.....lalalalala......the government loves me and wouldn't lie to me.......lalalalalala....anyone who tells me otherwise is doing it for thrills and doesn't really care about the world.....lalalalalalala)

No i think that the bankers bribed politicians

You've changed your tune!

We've had many debates where i have been trying to convince you of that! So you see all this spreading awareness stuff does work! Its messy and people will hate you for it but when a critical mass of people 'get it' then change happens for example the new political party gaining ground in italy (the five star movement) which is threatening corporate dominance of politics

Whatever you feel about the motives of people spreading the truth the reality remains that it needs to happen if the world is going to improve

I've had people take sledge hammers to my perceptions but like them or loath them in the grand scheme it's always for the best

And I'm pretty sure that if I were interested in making a huge fortune, I would be doing something much riskier than I am now. I wouldn't be sitting here talking to you, that's for sure. Most new fortunes are made by people who take risks… there's hard work involved, but you also need opportunities, the ability to recognize those opportunities, and luck.

You say 'huge' fortune. Do you have a fortune?

Ironically enough, Icke did the same thing-- he took a risk and ended up wealthy. He could have faded into total obscurity or been committed, but instead he's making a fortune selling conspiracies to people who need to believe that their life situation isn't their own fault. The middle/lower classes are NOT perfect saintly beings who only yearn selflessly for peace and equality among all humans… most of them are where they are because that's what they aimed for from the beginning, and then after they finished school and went on to adulthood, they got upset because they realized that other people have more than they do.

No they got upset because the things they believed they earned through all their study/training and work such as a mortage, a car, education for their kids, good health care, a stable society, a secure job etc was all damaged and/or threatened by the banking crisis caused by the bankers and the corrupt politicians

As for Ike selling 'conspiracies'.....if they're true then that's something that many want to know about and arguably something people SHOULD know about

In theory, this should motivate them to do something else or try new things and work harder to realize their dreams… but instead they have their friend David Icke, who tells these people that their life situation isn't their fault, that they're being oppressed by evil overlords, that they're righteous and good and need to stand up for themselves on behalf of everything that's decent about our species, and wreck everything that has been built around them. It's an attempt to find dignity in the lower echelons of the socioeconomic hierarchy, which I can completely empathize with but at the same time reject because it's only really necessary if you buy into the hierarchy in the first place.

This contradicts what you said earlier that he is trying to remove responsibility from them. This is patently false as he encourages people to rise up and do something to improve their society. As he says: 'walk the walk or shut the fuck up'

I don't really know enough about this to comment, but I will say that just because he gets some things right, it doesn't mean that he's a credible source of information. Psychics know that if they predict disaster and it doesn't happen, they'll be forgotten… but if they get it right, people will believe that they're genuine. It's the reason why so many economists made a fortune on book sales after they predicted the housing crash-- even though they believe completely different things about the economy, people buy their books and tout them as quasi-prophets because they were right about this one extremely important thing. It's because people are more superstitious than they let on, and some people realize that if you get one big important prediction right, they're willing to overlook the 3000 you got wrong.

No if you know what the agenda of the elite is, then you know what they're going to do next.

Feed information from a number of sources into your intuition (listening to people who are ahead of the curve...and by that i mean people who understand what the underlying causes of things are really helps) and then let it do its thing
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Yes, I'm from a very wealthy family who made a small fortune selling stray cats and pigeons to meat companies. I used to work for my dad in the marketing department, but now I'm an internet shill. I don't do it for the million five a year that he pays me (because my trust fund will do more than get me through life), I do it because I have a contempt for people who don't have as much money as me. I used to do the whole 'paying homeless people to fight' thing, but that got boring… and I figure I can cause more suffering and pain by getting into online arguments with you. When I'm not busy winning hearts and minds to the dark side, I enjoy manipulating the markets and eating flies while sunning myself on swamp rocks. Oh yeah, and I'm also negotiating a merger between the Freemasons with the illuminati.

Yes, I'm from a very wealthy family who made a small fortune selling stray cats and pigeons to meat companies. I used to work for my dad in the marketing department, but now I'm an internet shill. I don't do it for the million five a year that he pays me (because my trust fund will do more than get me through life), I do it because I have a contempt for people who don't have as much money as me. I used to do the whole 'paying homeless people to fight' thing, but that got boring… and I figure I can cause more suffering and pain by getting into online arguments with you. When I'm not busy winning hearts and minds to the dark side, I enjoy manipulating the markets and eating flies while sunning myself on swamp rocks. Oh yeah, and I'm also negotiating a merger between the Freemasons with the illuminati.

I'm sorry to break it to you but the illuminati and the freemasons have already merged when the Ruler of Bavaria banned the illuminati, forcing them underground and into the lodges of freemasonry

You side stepped giving me a straight answer very well i must say....using humour to dodge it...nicely executed!

Its not your dad's company who's been selling all the horse and donkey meat to the supermarkets in the UK is it? :p
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Yes, I'm from a very wealthy family who made a small fortune selling stray cats and pigeons to meat companies. I used to work for my dad in the marketing department, but now I'm an internet shill. I don't do it for the million five a year that he pays me (because my trust fund will do more than get me through life), I do it because I have a contempt for people who don't have as much money as me. I used to do the whole 'paying homeless people to fight' thing, but that got boring… and I figure I can cause more suffering and pain by getting into online arguments with you. When I'm not busy winning hearts and minds to the dark side, I enjoy manipulating the markets and eating flies while sunning myself on swamp rocks. Oh yeah, and I'm also negotiating a merger between the Freemasons with the illuminati.

OMG I want in on the Freemasonry and Illuminati! I would make an awesome evil overlord. I would only drink blood and tear cocktails of orphan children as we burn their friends in front of them. LET ME IN!
OMG I want in on the Freemasonry and Illuminati! I would make an awesome evil overlord. I would only drink blood and tear cocktails of orphan children as we burn their friends in front of them. LET ME IN!

In 1784 Karl Theodore the ruler of bavaria banned the bavarian illuminati

It had been set up by Adam Weishaupt who was educated by the jesuits; it was modelled along the lines of freemasonry

If you look into this group online there will often be comments to the effect that the group was against the catholic church or that it lost power once it was banned. However Weishaupt was jesuit trained, which creates a link with the Catholic church and when the group was made illegal its members just continued their work within continental freemasonry and have been implicated in the French Revolution

Many people believe that the money behind the group was actually from Mayer Amschell Rothschild a german banker

There was actually an older 'illuminati' group started by the jesuit leader Ignatius Loyolla but you probably won't hear about them so much.

Anyway as with all of these things when you start scratching beneath the surface you will always find that the freemasons and the catholic church are involved

If you want entry into the freemasons you will need to be recommended by a brother and then seconded by another. You will need to pay your dues to the order, attend regular lodge meetings, undergo the three degrees, learn the grips and signs and learn the curriculem, which involves learning a lot of stuff and then reciting it to the lodge as well as giving them your interpretation of its meaning

Each time you progress up the degrees they will tell you that what you have learned is not the real truth and they will present you with a new perception

You can go through all that rigmarole or there are faster ways to learn the craft

President Washington's (a freemason) letter to a friend in which he mentions the illuminati:

I have heard much of the nefarious, and dangerous plan, and doctrines of the Illuminati, but never saw the Book until you were pleased to send it to me. The same causes which have prevented my acknowledging the receipt of your letter have prevented my reading the Book, hitherto; namely, the multiplicity of matters which pressed upon me before, and the debilitated state in which I was left after, a severe fever had been removed. And which allows me to add little more now, than thanks for your kind wishes and favourable sentiments, except to correct an error you have run into, of my Presiding over the English lodges in this Country. The fact is, I preside over none, nor have I been in one more than once or twice, within the last thirty years. I believe notwithstanding, that none of the Lodges in this Country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the Society of the Illuminati. With respect I am &c.

President George Washington in freemasonic regalia laying the corner stone of the capitol building:


Photo of the washington monument, which is a masonic egyptian obelisk. The obelisk is a sun symbol and a symbol of the male penis. The sun and the penis are very important to freemasons and that is why they wear an apron (often with the sun on it) in reverence over their genitalia:

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In 1784 Karl Theodore the ruler of bavaria banned the bavarian illuminati

It had been set up by Adam Weishaupt who was educated by the jesuits; it was modelled along the lines of freemasonry

If you look into this group online there will often be comments to the effect that the group was against the catholic church or that it lost power once it was banned. However Weishaupt was jesuit trained, which creates a link with the Catholic church and when the group was made illegal its members just continued their work within continental freemasonry and have been implicated in the French Revolution

Many people believe that the money behind the group was actually from Mayer Amschell Rothschild a german banker

There was actually an older 'illuminati' group started by the jesuit leader Ignatius Loyolla but you probably won't hear about them so much.

Anyway as with all of these things when you start scratching beneath the surface you will always find that the freemasons and the catholic church are involved

If you want entry into the freemasons you will need to be recommended by a brother and then seconded by another. You will need to pay your dues to the order, attend regular lodge meetings, undergo the three degrees, learn the grips and signs and learn the curriculem, which involves learning a lot of stuff and then reciting it to the lodge as well as giving them your interpretation of its meaning

Each time you progress up the degrees they will tell you that what you have learned is not the real truth and they will present you with a new perception

You can go through all that rigmarole or there are faster ways to learn the craft

President Washington's (a freemason) letter to a friend in which he mentions the illuminati:

I have heard much of the nefarious, and dangerous plan, and doctrines of the Illuminati, but never saw the Book until you were pleased to send it to me. The same causes which have prevented my acknowledging the receipt of your letter have prevented my reading the Book, hitherto; namely, the multiplicity of matters which pressed upon me before, and the debilitated state in which I was left after, a severe fever had been removed. And which allows me to add little more now, than thanks for your kind wishes and favourable sentiments, except to correct an error you have run into, of my Presiding over the English lodges in this Country. The fact is, I preside over none, nor have I been in one more than once or twice, within the last thirty years. I believe notwithstanding, that none of the Lodges in this Country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the Society of the Illuminati. With respect I am &c.

President George Washington in freemasonic regalia laying the corner stone of the capitol building:


Photo of the washington monument, which is a masonic egyptian obelisk. The obelisk is a sun symbol and a symbol of the male penis. The sun and the penis are very important to freemasons and that is why they wear an apron (often with the sun on it) in reverence over their genitalia:


Pretty much anything you ever said on the subject.

Unless i know what it is that you are doubting i can't give you evidence to support it

Here's a youtube clip though with some info:

Interview on the Alex Jones show with Fritz Springmeier, author of 'bloodlines of the illuminati'


I don't mind if you keep shouting 'conjecture' inbetween my posts but if you look at what i'm posting over time you'll get a new view

Here's a series by Juri lina called 'In the shadow of hermes', its in many parts but here is the first one and then there are links to the other parts:

OMG I want in on the Freemasonry and Illuminati! I would make an awesome evil overlord. I would only drink blood and tear cocktails of orphan children as we burn their friends in front of them. LET ME IN!

We don't drink orphan blood anymore-- there's too much disease in orphanages after we implemented our covert biological warfare testing program. It's actually much safer to just drink the blood and tears of non-orphans and burn their non-orphan friends/parents. You're going to need to be a little more redpilled than that if you want to join our organization.
We don't drink orphan blood anymore-- there's too much disease in orphanages after we implemented our covert biological warfare testing program. It's actually much safer to just drink the blood and tears of non-orphans and burn their non-orphan friends/parents. You're going to need to be a little more redpilled than that if you want to join our organization.

Well it just so happens that I have invented a biodome which can protect us elites from the sulfuric rain and EMP heat waves that will result when I kick my plan into overdrive to hasten global warming into catastrophic levels. We can watch from the peace and security as children melt in their mothers arms!
Well it just so happens that I have invented a biodome which can protect us elites from the sulfuric rain and EMP heat waves that will result when I kick my plan into overdrive to hasten global warming into catastrophic levels. We can watch from the peace and security as children melt in their mothers arms!

A series of scandals have rocked Europe and the US which have revealed ritual abuse of children by top ranking politicians and business men. It seems that videos of the acts are then used to coerce the influential people involved; in the language of espionage its called a 'honey trap'

Here's a BBC documentary about the Dutroux affair in Belgium:!

Here's a documentary about the ritual abuse scandal in France:

There was also:

  • the Casa Pia case in Portugal (not to mention the Madeline McCann case in Pria de luz)
  • the Franklin affair in the US
  • the Zandvoort affair in the netherlands
  • the Jimmy Saville case in the UK
  • The Haute de la Garenne case in Jersey
  • Grafton Close and Elm Guest house in the UK

Conspiracy of silence documentary about the Franklin affair:

Department of Justice protecting powerful people inovled in child pornography and child trafficking:

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I don't even understand why you're bringing this up.
I don't even understand why you're bringing this up.

I'm bringing it up because of comments like this:

OMG I want in on the Freemasonry and Illuminati! I would make an awesome evil overlord. I would only drink blood and tear cocktails of orphan children as we burn their friends in front of them. LET ME IN!

We don't drink orphan blood anymore-- there's too much disease in orphanages after we implemented our covert biological warfare testing program. It's actually much safer to just drink the blood and tears of non-orphans and burn their non-orphan friends/parents. You're going to need to be a little more redpilled than that if you want to join our organization.

Its not your fault that you are joking about this stuff i understand that you don't believe ritualistic abuse is going on. But what i'm saying to you is that it is going on and that the only reason you don't think it is going on is because you don't know what you are talking about

If you are not familiar with these cases then you don't know what you are talking about

So what i'm saying is its only funny to you for you to joke about ritualistic murder of children if you don't think it is real, but if you know that it is real there is nothing funny about it (in fact i don't think its funny even if you don't think its going on)
Its not your fault that you are joking about this stuff i understand that you don't believe ritualistic abuse is going on. But what i'm saying to you is that it is going on and that the only reason you don't think it is going on is because you don't know what you are talking about

If you are not familiar with these cases then you don't know what you are talking about

So what i'm saying is its only funny to you for you to joke about ritualistic murder of children if you don't think it is real, but if you know that it is real there is nothing funny about it (in fact i don't think its funny even if you don't think its going on)

I'm sure they are going on, but I really don't understand what they have to do with whatever your overall point is.