Ni exercise!

enfp can be shy

people vs the bad people?
What happened to this woman:
what happened to her..? uhh could you be more specific? (or does that go against the concept of the game?)
Sure, well, the idea is to attempt guessing about her personality and later life; not immediately when the photo was taken.

What would you imagine to be her most distinct characteristics, just looking at one photo.
She jumped overboard after realising she was being used as a vending machine.
she had sex and made babies

Sure, well, the idea is to attempt guessing about her personality and later life; not immediately when the photo was taken.

What would you imagine to be her most distinct characteristics, just looking at one photo.

oic, she got a sunburn and died of cancer.
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This woman is a marine biologist. She specializes in the study of whales. In this picture she is actually on an expedition to tag and study the right whale during the calving season. As this is the rarest of the whales and a marvelous opportunity she couldn't say no regardless of the fact she had recently had a baby girl. Her husband is also a marine biologist, he took time off of his job to help take care of the kids on her journey. This is a tight knit family after all. Katarina (I've decided her name is Katarina) succeeded in studying the right whale and was given praise in the world of marine biology. She was even able to write a book on the subject.
She is an INTP who can show a quirky extroverted side when she feels comfortable. Although she is very nurturing with her children she can be flighty when it comes to other people. Even her husband has trouble with her sometimes because his emotional needs are not always met. She eats cereal every morning.
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She's now a single mom raising her kids on her own. She lost her husband when the kids were fairly young. Husband died a tragic death.
Those are somewhat close to the story or even precisely correct:
She jumped overboard
she got a sunburn
She was even able to write a book
She lost her husband
(not the one on the photo though)

Keep them coming, if you have other strikes of insight. :) I frankly admit I could have never guessed what happened to her, looking at that photo. Usually have good sense about such stuff, but this one was a huge surprise. This is the reason to consider it a good Ni exercise.
No idea, the first idea that popped into my head is that she was murdered. I don't trust that thought at all though.

Really, I have no idea.
She as well as the guy on the picture are both fighters for animal rights, but later she stopped being active in that fight, and she devoted herself mostly to her family especially when her kids became teenagers. She is into photography, has dogs, reads lots of books, looks like an INFP and is fairly happy with herself.
She got off the boat?

Yea, I tend to think murder every time someone shows a photo and asks what happened. I bet my previous answer is right, though!
What Uber said,

And -- The way she is holding the baby down and away, and turning away from the man, (who looks pretty excited and somewhat surprised to find himself with her) makes me think she may be very self-centered (but I'm probably just jealous 'cos she's so pretty!)

And who would take little kids like that out in the sun naked? What is she, crazy?!? They'll get fricaseed! And you can't let toddlers that close to water unless you are going to be 110% VIGILANT AT ALL TIMES because they will walk right in.

I am not thinking she is someone who looks after her children and husband properly.

But the guy is also giving off some axe-murderer vibes, and would probably go nutso jealous if anyone looked at her... Is he a cult leader or something?

Oh, I don't know, you can't really judge people by their photos, I'm just guessing and thinking the absolute worst of people. Lovely habit. LOL!
Also for some reason (body language) it seems that the older child on that photo is not hers, but the baby is.
Thing is, the photo was taken before everything happened, so it would be hard to speculate from the photo. At the time of the photo, the couple seems happy and content. There's nothing to suggest anything ontoward. I think if we were shown a picture of her after the incident in question then maybe there'd be more to go glean from it.
she's been through some experiences that have changed her approach to parenting. she's married to that guy but not connected to him in an emotional sense. her children are her life.
Okay, I should clarify the guessing is all about HER. Unfortunately, this is the only photo available to my knowledge from that period, otherwise I would choose a photo without her family in it, because it is too distracting.

Please do not concentrate on her family so much, although the comments that analyze her character, based on her seeming interaction with the other elements on the photo, and the circumstances, are pretty darn interesting. :)

- She didn't really jump from that boat, and the events right there are not relevant. It's more of a source for general insight about her.
- Both those are her children, and her husband at the time. There isn't much of a mystery around that element.

So far, I notice a few trends:
- guesses with concerns about her being fragile and possibly getting in an accident, dying young; in need of protection (i.e. she's the victim)
- guesses about her being reckless and not taking proper care of the kids/hubbie/situation (i.e. she's the culprit)
- indifferent guesses; maybe there isn't a victim and a culprit here? the whole story may be completely different?

What do you think?
She's gorgeous, women like that attract stalkers.

Seems based on her looks alone some kind of drama happened to her, or because of her....

Or, she could be a lovely, quiet person who has had 5 kids and gained weight and is happily settled down in suburbia for all I know.

Though I still say she looks a bit self-centered (I admitted already I'm jealous!) and that those kids need to have shirts on.