NF American Presidents


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out of touch
Are there any?

Keirsey adamantly refuses to put a president in the NF temperament field (even Obama. Obama being an I is ridiculous). Why don't we do it?

Any ideas?
Idealists adamantly refuse to utilize rhetoric, which is the lifeblood language of any politician. Many politicians can make themselves look like NFs, but practically none of them are.
Obama is most certainly not an NF. He uses lots of NF-y talk in his speeches, but it's just talk. I think he's probably ENT-something.
Elizabeth said:
Obama is most certainly not an NF. He uses lots of NF-y talk in his speeches, but it's just talk. I think he's probably ENT-something.
A Black ENTP president, who only distanced himself from THAT priest when things became a little too media hot.

America could do worse.

:D Yes, I really like that priest.
ShaiGar said:
:D Yes, I really like that priest.
Same...have you heard any of his speechs? He had it all right!
sriv said:
ShaiGar said:
:D Yes, I really like that priest.
Same...have you heard any of his speechs? He had it all right!
I've heard most of his speeches, and yeah, for the most part, viewing it as an outsider I can say that they certainly seem to be accurate. But most people don't like hearing the truth.
I've seen Jimmy Carter listed as an INFJ. Can't see any INFJ being president really. Spotlight, media conflict, political conflict, being around people all of the time. Massive energy drain :m097: It's really more of an Extx job. ENTJ is probably ideal.
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I typed Obama as an ENFJ too.
I think INFJ's would make perfect presidents. However I can't think of any type that would be worse at BECOMING president. There are so many underhanded tactics that are used in this process and I can't see any INFJ being ok with that
I've heard Bill Clinton was an ESFP...and that actually seems more accurate to me, considering the whole Monica thing.

Obama is difficult. He's a very private man, but he goes out to where the people are. His campaign manager was/is a genius, and it feels like Obama hand selected him. Behind the scenes rumor is Obama is a stern leader who is sometimes harsh when he doesn't see the results he wants.

I think Obama could either be NT or NF - it's difficult to say because we haven't seen him in action yet. But he's very calculating and precise. Though he's young, he knows exactly what's needed to get people working...and he knows exactly the right words to say to get people motivated and listening. He's definitely intuitive. But he could be an INFJ if his main reason for getting into politics is as he said: To institute change. Heck, I'd get into politics if I felt I could seriously make a difference.

I'd probably get out of it once it got too hot and uncomfortable and my introversion was tested, but if an INFJ seriously feels this is the way to make a true difference, I could see them as President. Despite how uncomfortable it made them.

ETA: But they'd also get seriously, seriously hurt because they couldn't imagine anyone betraying them.
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Underhanded tactics don't stop at the race to the white house actually they continue while you're there as well.

I don't believe an INFP, INFJ, or INTP would want to be president anyways.
Underhanded tactics don't stop at the race to the white house actually they continue while you're there as well.

Of course, you are right. I think an INFJ could perhaps manage if they had the right team behind them. Although I still think they would be condemning themselves to an early head of grey hair.
Obama has the short afro. He doesn't need to worry about it. Greys will just make him look more distinguished.
The more I think about it the more I think that it would be impossible to say what MBTI Obama is. Never is a person more concerned with what type of person they are coming across as than when they are running for President. Undoubtedly his demeanour, words and even body movements are scripted down to the last detail. He seems like a good person. Yet there are people who are paid a lot of money to make us think that. The Americans, and indeed the rest of the world can only hope.

By the way, who thinks George Bush is narcissistic? It's obvious to me (I know this contradicts my earlier statement but Gorge Bush is an exception) There should be measures in place to stop narissists getting positions of power. But it keeps happening.
I doubt Obama is an ENTP. He's far too organized and controlled. I agree with Elizabeth, his speeches are NF, but his campaign was run so smoothly that I find it hard to believe he's the idealist he pretends to be.