New Group

First Bible Study Book

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  • Poll closed .


Time Lord
Hey guys, I just created a new group called Where Two or More Gather.

It's fairly simple, here's a list of a few things I hope to get started:

A weekly Bible Study with the members.

A thread for discusions about different beliefs in Christianity.

Sermon videos from different Preachers.

A general Q&A where we can try to come up with answers to our questions.

Discussion of how things are going in your Church

and maybe a book club.

plus any good ideas members come up with and general discusion.

The Group is open to anyone regardless of belief, however it will not be a debate group and is pretty much entirley [pax].

Comment, Question and Concerns?
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Hey just putting up a heads up of what a bible study may or may not consist of

The plan is to pick out a book before the the Bible study, will then figure out a good time for us to meet and discuss what we've read.

Normaly we'll go from front to back, each week will look at a different chapter going through it to draw out it's meaning and intent.

Depending on the level of interest I'll usualy lead the study unless another member would like to do so.

We will continue through the book untill we've reached a finish the book, then we'll vote on what to read next, set up a time to meet and repeat the proccess.

It is possible that the studies could be moved over to a chat room if required or wanted, however I do like the idea of keeping them hear to look back on if neccessary.


I am not a christian though I do have some sort of knowledge of the bible.

I would like to learn more about the teachings of the bible however I do not agree with many things specially in the old testament. I do not want to provoke any fighting, I just want to learn more as I enjoy learning about different religions and perspectives. With that being said I noticed hat in the group you put some emphasis on the word Christians, if I do not consider myself a christian, am I allowed to join? the question has just been pondering in my head over and over.
The Group open to anyone regardless of belief

Think I'm going to go back and bold this and then put in a bright color.

RL I would be overjoyed for you to join the group, and if you don't learn anything I'll give you your money back.

Infact I was actualy going to ask if you wanted to join, but I didn't want seem like I'm advertising trying to get peope to join.
When I went to church I was always told John was the best book to start in Barney....
When I went to church I was always told John was the best book to start in Barney....

interesting, any reason why they said it was the best?

I know it's not as complicated as Matthew and Luke, but its author did write it with the pretext that you would have already read the prior Gospells.

Now Mark on the other hand is undeniably simple, that's why I belive it to be the best, followed by Luke, John and matthew.
Ok, probably need to make this clear. If your not going to participate in the Bible study please don't vote. If you do want to participate please join the group so I know who is down for it.
Bumping so Group members know to vote
This holds some interest for me, but I might not have time to read and study up too much - my duties are very taxing and I am in the process of breaking in a new recruit.
This holds some interest for me, but I might not have time to read and study up too much - my duties are very taxing and I am in the process of breaking in a new recruit.

well the plan is to start off slow, hitting no more then 1,2, or 3 chapters a week, as for study go as far and as deep as you like. If all you want to do is read the content, then that is more then enough.

Thanks for joining I always in enjoy having a new opinion.
last day to vote
I'm not sure if I can do a formal study as my internet time is rather limited by work and "life as we know it." I can throw in my 2 cents now and then...probably little more.
well it's not realy ment to be a formal study, just a chapter or two a week and a quick discussion when everybody has time.
Polls closed, John is the winner guys. Looks like were jumping into the INFJ's Gospel
Hey guys, I was thinking that this time next week would be as good as any to go over what we've read, if that is not good for you let me know

Plan to read at least John 1 and maybe John 2.
I'll try to share what I can share :)
Sounds good I'll look forward to it.
Hey guys, I was thinking that this time next week would be as good as any to go over what we've read, if that is not good for you let me know

Plan to read at least John 1 and maybe John 2.