New disorders proposed for DSM-V...


Well-known member
A new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the fifth one (DSM-V) will be released in a few years with a added and updated 'knowledge'.

Binge-Eating Disorder:
An eating disorder where sufferers consume uncomfortably large amounts of food. (It currently classifies under EDNOS - Eating disorder not otherwise specified)

Night-Eating Syndrome:
Similar to the above, but at night.

Internet Addiction Disorder:
Excessive use of the internet. Involves many of the same symptoms similar to gambling and substance addiction, including withdrawal and building up of tolerance.

Sex Addiction:
This disorder actually used to be in the DSM but was eliminated in 1994 and is now up for discussion to be added again. In addition to having large amount of sex, sufferers tend to view their sexual partners as objects or things as opposed to people.

Compulsive Shopping:
Symptoms include obsessive thoughts and anxious feelings that are temporarily alleviated after making a purchase.

Post Traumatic Embitterment Disorder:
Is an adjustment disorder closely related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder where patients are haunted by memories of one significant negative life event where embitterment and feelings of injustice are felt that chronically makes a person feel victimized.

Pathological Hoarding:
Was once a subset of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Sufferers have an obsessive need to aquire an excessive amount of possessions, even worthless, useless ones.. Often sufferers of hoarding will create illogical associations with items - like if they throw out a wrapper from a food that their mother bought them, it means they hate their mother.

Pathological Bias:
Describes patients experiencing intense feelings of racism, homophobia, or other forms of bigotry.
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Basically specifics labels for otherwise known disorders?
Not really, most of them are completely new.
Being added means that they will be treated through psychiatry.
So if they make it into the DSM-V then they will map suitable treatments methods and medicine.
It would also increase medical studies in those areas.
About damn time Internet Addiction made its way into the DSM-V. Not that it wasn't already recognized as a psychological problem, but putting it in writing gives it considerable weight that will allow for it to be taken seriously. And perhaps researched more thoroughly to possibly provide new and efficient methods of coping.
As long as meds aren't given out as candy go for it. Although I feel that last one I feel is BS
Help. I need social security. I have an internet addiction.
Well...I think i can safely say I have a number of those lol...
The DSM is highly political. It always has been. Whether these get added or not will have more to do with who lobbys within the APA.
The DSM is highly political. It always has been. Whether these get added or not will have more to do with who lobbys within the APA.

Yes absolutely, lobbyists who don't know what they are doing!!
I think its rather APA-lobbyism though, within the association rather than political.

I mean... they are thinking about putting Binge Eating Disorder as a subcategory to bulimia.. because a theory is that "it is the beginning to bulimia" :S
Not really, most of them are completely new.
Being added means that they will be treated through psychiatry.
So if they make it into the DSM-V then they will map suitable treatments methods and medicine.
It would also increase medical studies in those areas.

I have no grand knowledge on the DSM but I wasn't stating that those disorders aren't new, more of the fact that they can be linked to other disorders; rather they just seem to be the "effect" rather than the cause
Hey, this WASN'T a joke??? It's for real??? o._0 *is disfigured*

As I always say, there's probably no worst criminal than the one who decides to play god and label who's criminal..........

Now, the authors of this NONSENSE suffer from:

Obsessive Disorder-Categorizing Disorder

I'm gonna prescribe them the future of modern medicine, the top drug of all: Fresh Air !

Seriously, this guys must be the most antisocial psychopaths. I've also recently read a list of expected traits in psychopathy, most of which I think are perfectly excusable and adaptable; and concluded the guy who made the list must have been the real psychopath. Nobody's safe, while there are still Freud-clones working out there, like diligent medieval inquisitors.
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I've heard of all of these except the internet one and the pathological bias.
I agree that they should all be added....except I'm not really sure how pathological bias is one. How does that work? How is that a disorder? And do you know what axis of the DSM-IV it would be in? Axis IV?
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Apparently medical companies are trying to influence what goes in the DSM because they earn money from madness and sickness *URGH*.
OF COURSE, they do! ^^ I wonder how many of the previous "illnesses" were complete bunk too....

If we have more than half of the population either in prison, or labelled with mental disorder, there must be disorder somewhere else....
I have no grand knowledge on the DSM but I wasn't stating that those disorders aren't new, more of the fact that they can be linked to other disorders; rather they just seem to be the "effect" rather than the cause

The DSM-IV is a standard classification of mental disorders with all different causes. It is organized into a 5-axis system:

  • Axis I: Indicators that there MAY be a clinical disorder, including major mental disorders, and learning disorders
  • Axis II: Personality disorders
  • Axis III: Acute medical conditions and physical disorders
  • Axis IV: Psychosocial and environmental factors contributing to disorders
  • Axis V: Global Assessment of Functioning (overall functioning in life)
So yes, disorders ARE effects, caused by a variety of different things.
OF COURSE, they do! ^^ I wonder how many of the previous "illnesses" were complete bunk too....

If we have more than half of the population either in prison, or labelled with mental disorder, there must be disorder somewhere else....


Anti-depressant use have doubled from 13 million to 27 million in America from 1996 to 2005. A climb from 5.8% to 10.1% of the population!!!
Same with Anti-psychotic's...

In 1952, DMS-I was 132 pages long and by year 2000, DSM IV is a laughing 943 pages.

The point of making the new DSM-V is to draw lines between diagnoses, because today most psychiatry lacks clear delineated diagnostic criteria.

A new tool has also been put forth. It is a new kind of symptomatology scale, where you rate in NUMBERS rather than 'yes or no' to questions.

The Field Trials have begun...
The DSM-IV is a standard classification of mental disorders with all different causes. It is organized into a 5-axis system:

  • Axis I: Indicators that there MAY be a clinical disorder, including major mental disorders, and learning disorders
  • Axis II: Personality disorders
  • Axis III: Acute medical conditions and physical disorders
  • Axis IV: Psychosocial and environmental factors contributing to disorders
  • Axis V: Global Assessment of Functioning (overall functioning in life)
So yes, disorders ARE effects, caused by a variety of different things.

Ah, I think I understand. In my opinion, such a system is a waste of time; why not address the root causes and then say "Hey, these are the effects" then basically working backwards with very specifics disorders and working back to what is causing them.
Ah, I think I understand. In my opinion, such a system is a waste of time; why not address the root causes and then say "Hey, these are the effects" then basically working backwards with very specifics disorders and working back to what is causing them.

That defeats medications:m151:
Internet Addiction Disorder:
Excessive use of the internet. Involves many of the same symptoms similar to gambling and substance addiction, including withdrawal and building up of tolerance.

Post Traumatic Embitterment Disorder:
Is an adjustment disorder closely related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder where patients are haunted by memories of one significant negative life event where embitterment and feelings of injustice are felt that chronically makes a person feel victimized.

Pathological Bias:
Describes patients experiencing intense feelings of racism, homophobia, or other forms of bigotry.

I already thought that binge eating was a disorder, but I guess it is only considered a symptom at the moment.

As to the above three, I do not see how they can be disorders with the exception of if the person addicted to the internet is addicted to gambling or pornography.

But pathological bias? Embitterment disorder? Hatred and feelings of victimization are learned. There is no neuro-chemical cause of hatred. If a person wants to no longer hate someone or think that they are a victim, they have that capacity. I can't imagine why you'd seek treatment for these. These definitely look like money milking disorders.

My problem with "internet addiction disorder" is that internet is being viewed as a cause instead of as an effect. Effect of what? Effect of the world not being worth participating in.....