Multiple personalities...


Community Member
INFJ your head. They debate things, have insightful remarks, are sometimes your very opposite, sometimes your darkside. But all contribute to your thoughts and feelings in some way, and you are very well assured that they are all in your head, these multiple personalities, only you are not crazy.

Does anyone get this?

I noticed that many philosophers expound on their thoughts through the use of dialogue, throughout their writings.

Personally, I find it easier, or shall I say, more natural to contemplate things from multiple perspectives, specifically, through these "personalities" conversations.

I understand that they are all an extension of myself in some way, nonetheless, when I do ponder certain mysteries, I usually go into "dialogue" mode.

Your thoughts?
I frequently have dialogues in my mind. Inner voices are great and practical to talk to, nothing wrong or crazy with that. The voices may be parts of me, may belong to my own version of people I know or may be fictional. Like you, I enjoy the multiple perspectives being presented in doing so.

Travo, I understand exactly what you're talking about.
If I'm stuck on an idea, or can't decide on something. I create a little scene in my head with some of my closest friends discussing the idea in point. While it's still all in my head, each of the personalities will come up with something a little bit different to help me try to figure things out :)
i love the voices in my head.. ok i sound schitzo lol
they entertain me, point out stuff i dont conciously notice and keep myself company lol.
i'm really thanking those above that i'm not the only one. was starting to wonder if i was crazy :/
I described this to a friend of mine as having multiple personality disorder, only you are aware of it and it's not a disorder it's an asset. hehe
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I get discussions in my head, though I try to restrain them because I have this weird paranoia that it's someone else talking and listening to my thoughts. That's what reading too many fantasy books does to you XD
I described this to a friend of mine as having multiple personality disorder, only you are aware of it and it's not a disorder it's an asset. hehe

exactly the same as me :mblow:
I'm studying psych so I freaked out for a while when I read about multiple personality disorder (I cant remember the other term hehe)
Hi Everyone

As per my thoughts, There are many things available in everyone head and all things are important to everyone because without head, they can't do anything.
The main thing is brain which is more important.
I frequently have dialogues in my mind.My inner voices are great and practical to talk to, nothing wrong with head. The voices may be parts of me, may belong to my own version of people I know or may be fictional.
inner dialogue with my friends, yes I do that.

i've recently made a friend with this older assyrian guy who speaks very broken english. communication with him used to be very slow, but i have learned how to understand him, and i can sorta interpret for him now, even though I don't speak assyrian.

it's funny because lately I can often hear his voice in my head, speaking broken sentences to me in his barely perceptible english.

he seems a very experienced, kind and wise man, so having his input in my head is appreciated, even though i have to interpret it for myself.
Most of us agree with the above.
isn't this actually intuition..
not "mastered" by you... so you didn't accept all those voices.. so some sound like not you, or other person.. and so..
it's actually synthesis that ... makes them more coherent, or like one voice
it's matter of expirience
not saying you should get rid of them.. but me personally, they drive me nuts... and i'm also N dominant so.. I rarely make any judgements, i perceive forever... and voices keep talking and talking..
they are all your perspectives, but not all of them is you. you is your judgement. synthesis fo them

/thinking on loud :D
Yeah, sure. Have inner dialogues all the time.
If I'm stuck on an idea, or can't decide on something. I create a little scene in my head with some of my closest friends discussing the idea in point. While it's still all in my head, each of the personalities will come up with something a little bit different to help me try to figure things out :)
Well... You're basicly talking to yourself. Your intuitive brain trying to solve whatever it is makes you sick about! You will solve that boy. I believe in you