Most sexual NF?


On Holiday
From my experience, the order is probably as follows: ENFP, INFP, ENFJ, INFJ. Actually I've had more casual sex with INFPs than ENFPs. They can be very naughty in bed, they love experiments, especially the actresses INFPs.
Reading through forums one might conclude that INFPs are the kinkiest of the bunch. That is if those people were actually INFPs.
Would the response be different if the question was which NF type is most sensual rather than sexual NF?
What is this casual sex you speak of? :noidea:
Actually I think all NFs are likely intensely sexual, but in a more transcendent kind of way then in a raw physical kind of way.
Personally, I have had contact with all and never had they outdone that of mine (a bit of a disappointment on my part). Its too individual to put to type, some are more likely to be but by no means is it cannon. ENFP'S are proper dirty however but that is 'how they are sexual' not 'how sexual are they'.
Actually I think all NFs are likely intensely sexual, but in a more transcendent kind of way then in a raw physical kind of way.

Could you explain this part *curious*
Could you explain this part *curious*

My wording may not have been entirely great, but basically what I mean is that (at least speaking for myself personally) sex for NFs tends to use the brain a bit more. It's more of a spiritual/emotional space than necessarily a physical space. In other words it seems like less of a "you make my parts feel good, and I make your parts feel good" (apologies for the crude depiction) and more of a sort of mutual meditative state and NFs tend to like that mental space surrounding everything as opposed to the shear physical act itself. This is all just conjecture based on my own personal experience though, I don't know if it's that way for all NFs.
My wording may not have been entirely great, but basically what I mean is that (at least speaking for myself personally) sex for NFs tends to use the brain a bit more. It's more of a spiritual/emotional space than necessarily a physical space. In other words it seems like less of a "you make my parts feel good, and I make your parts feel good" (apologies for the crude depiction) and more of a sort of mutual meditative state and NFs tend to like that mental space surrounding everything as opposed to the shear physical act itself. This is all just conjecture based on my own personal experience though, I don't know if it's that way for all NFs.

agree. For NFs, I'd guess that sex is probably both emotional and physical rather than physical alone. I think many people are still under the impression that you can only truly enjoy sex if it's all physical, no attachments. I think this is not the case for some. For some types or persons, sex can only be enjoyed if there is an emotional, spiritual, or personal connection with the person. The physical sensation alone may not be enough.
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My wording may not have been entirely great, but basically what I mean is that (at least speaking for myself personally) sex for NFs tends to use the brain a bit more. It's more of a spiritual/emotional space than necessarily a physical space. In other words it seems like less of a "you make my parts feel good, and I make your parts feel good" (apologies for the crude depiction) and more of a sort of mutual meditative state and NFs tend to like that mental space surrounding everything as opposed to the shear physical act itself. This is all just conjecture based on my own personal experience though, I don't know if it's that way for all NFs.

^^^This, for sure, at least in my case.
From my experience, the order is probably as follows: ENFP, INFP, ENFJ, INFJ. Actually I've had more casual sex with INFPs than ENFPs. They can be very naughty in bed, they love experiments, especially the actresses INFPs.

I think sex per se is too important from an evolutionary point of view to be tied to personality type. It emanates from the lower brain (hypothalamus, amygdala, etc.). Personality is more a cortex kind of thing. Most people like sex and aspire to be good at it.
What counts as sexual? Aren't all humans sexual? Its like asking who the most human is.

In terms of libido, people manifest it different. How do we account for things like objectum sexuality?
I believe sensual is different from sexual. Sensual is the appeal, while sexual is the action or activity.

Someone can be sensual without being sexually active. While someone can be sexual without being very sensual.
My wording may not have been entirely great, but basically what I mean is that (at least speaking for myself personally) sex for NFs tends to use the brain a bit more. It's more of a spiritual/emotional space than necessarily a physical space. In other words it seems like less of a "you make my parts feel good, and I make your parts feel good" (apologies for the crude depiction) and more of a sort of mutual meditative state and NFs tend to like that mental space surrounding everything as opposed to the shear physical act itself. This is all just conjecture based on my own personal experience though, I don't know if it's that way for all NFs.
Not for this NF. It's all physical. No transcendent thoughts or weepy emotional moments (ew.)
And that's the point... to forget about all of that for a bit and just be.
As far as which type is the most sexual... I don't think it's a fair question.
There are too many variables.
My sense is this is more down to the person in question than any particular type, and it has a lot to do with the person making the list as well.

To the degree I am aware of my thoughts and/or feelings during the sexual act is the degree to which I am doing it wrong (by my own standard). There’s no better time (by my values) to simply be in the moment.

That all said, I’ve never had sex with an INFP other than myself.
