

Do you play any?
Have you played any?

MMO's I've played.
  • Achaea. Some RP-centric text based MMO. Pretty damn deep game world, but stupid PVP rules. Fun for a while, got tired of it.
  • World of Warcraft. Hate almost everything about this game, bored in three weeks, fail to see the mass public appeal.
  • Ultima Online. Played on the EA servers, and on freeshards. In it's old school state, this is probably my favorite MMO ever. Love the open PVP, love the full loot, love the crafting system, love the housing system, love the skill system... I love almost everything about this game.
  • Meridian 59. Fun old MMO, run on a game engine not dissimilar from Doom. This game has a lot of the character of Ultima Online, but a considerably smaller game world.
  • Darkfall. Or should I say, Darkfail. Got in during beta, quit playing a few weeks after launch. Gigantic dissapointment.
  • EVE Online. Played for about a month. Definitely has the best economy of any MMO, the depth of the market is nothing short of amazing.
  • Mortal Online. Just preordered, beta starts on the 20th. Looking forward to this one enthusiastically.

(I keep having to add games that I forgot, heh.)
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Darkspace: space combat game played it years ago not like eve, if your wondering. good games all action more-or-less.
City of heroes: again played years ago before the villians expansion came out, didn't really get into it
eve-online: played it when it 1st came out, got bored. i seem to play for about 6 months then stop, currently in goonfleet, was having fun in deleve,but taking a break for now. if you play eve and don't know what goonfleet is have you never left empire?, if you do know goonfleet, well done huzzah!!
If I listed all the ones I've ever played I'd get billed for additional bandwidth usage. :(
I played WOW for 2 years... kept getting bored with my chars and making new ones.

Also played SWG for about 2 years, kept the same guy though.

I just don't have the time or energy to put into MMOs anymore.

**EDIT** I've tryed FlyFF, Silk Road, Maple Story, AQW, Ultama Online, LBP... and a few others I think... never stuck to any of them though.

**EDIT AGAIN*** I Forgot about FFXI...
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Ragnarok Online - 7 Months to a year, got tired of the lack of quests, although it was pretty easy to meet friendly people in that game.

WoW - 2-3 years on and off, last time came back for a cousin but now the game just bores me to no end.

City of Heroes/Villains - 2 Weeks, thought it was pretty rubbish

Eve Online - Currently playing this, 7 days in and I'm slightly tired of the repititive quests.

Legend of Mir - Think this was my first MMO before ragnarok, was pretty good at the time.
I played FFXI for about a year and a half. When I returned after not being able to play for a couple of months, most of my friends had leveled way past me, rarely signed on anymore, or disappeared completely. I lost interest after that.

I played WoW for a few months, but never really got into it. For some reason I never found it easy to connect to people on that game.

Ragnarok - I played this for a short while during the public beta. Never got into it beyond that.

Most of my time has been spent playing MUDs. Specifically Medievia and Forsaken Lands. Medievia I've played on and off since I was about 14. I may just begin playing again...:m083:
Legend of Mir - Think this was my first MMO before ragnarok, was pretty good at the time.

Thank you for the horrible, horrible flashbacks D:
Mir (filtered to 'flowers' on a forum of ex-mir players I used to use after I quit the game) was also my very first MMO.

Next it was Anarchy Online, a good game in its time.

Then came Star Wars Galaxies, but only for the free beta.

After that was Planetside, which was a fantastic game and I played on and off for a few years.

Next was Final Fantasy 11, which I only stopped playing about a year ago. I still keep my account open for the missions, which are really really good, but I've not logged on now in a few months.

I played Matrix Online during the beta also. Not so good really.

I have quite a history with the bloody things D:
No time for them anymore, though >.>;
Thank you for the horrible, horrible flashbacks D:
Mir (filtered to 'flowers' on a forum of ex-mir players I used to use after I quit the game) was also my very first MMO.

Pleasures all mine.

Ooo i also used to play guild wars and another third person (or was it first person) shooter, don't remember its name but you could run up walls and such.
woah how could i forget about that game, i loved that game, wished there was another mmofps :(

Me too. Dog fighting in Reavers was always great fun.
Reaver certs with Infiltrator suit and Sniper when I fancied a bit of camping were how I spent most of my time.

Great game with friends and Ventrillo~

Ps. Terren Republic ftw!
Pleasures all mine.

Ooo i also used to play guild wars and another third person (or was it first person) shooter, don't remember its name but you could run up walls and such.

Gunz online? (Third person, Korean made)

That's another one I forgot about... I was GOOD at it too. (level 56 or something on there and the leader of my own clan)
Gunz online? (Third person, Korean made)

That's another one I forgot about... I was GOOD at it too. (level 56 or something on there and the leader of my own clan)

Ah that's the one! Don't remember what level I got upto although I'm sure it was low.
I've tried a lot of mmos, but they all seemed made to be hard. I'm talking about Age of Conan (which I want to like so much), WoW (hate the combat in that game), Saga of Ryzom (love the skill system, but too much work), and Phantasy Star Universe. I loved PSU because it's an action-rpg, but it's so hard to find people to play, unless I want to do the White Beast mission again, which I don't.

Now though, I play WAR. I basically want a more complex TF2, and WAR definitely meets that need. I have done pvp almost exclusively to the level cap. After being able to pvp from level 1, I'm disappointed when I go to other mmos and have to grind to be able to pvp.
Final Fantasy XI: Played this one a lot for a couple of years, went on hiatus because of school and came back to find that almost all of my original friends were gone. It just wasn't the same after that. I still play sometimes now. I'm trying to finish all the expansions before Final Fantasy XIV comes out.

FlyFF: Generic. Boring. I stopped playing in a couple of days.

Fiesta Online: Same as above.

Ragnarok Online (Private Server): Was pretty fun. The grind kept me busy but it was hard to make friends and I stopped playing.

Perfect World: Same as above.

Gunz Online: I suck at FPSs.

Mabinogi: This is actually pretty fun. I spent a lot of time with the music creation feature but I stopped playing after my external hard drive died taking along the game. Perhaps I'll reinstall it on my lap top.

Zu Online: Beautiful game but it got boring after awhile.

Saga of Ryzom: Beta tested this one. I spent most of my time crafting stuff. Huge French player base made me feel like the odd one out.

I think playing FFXI (my first mmo) spoiled me. I can't enjoy free to play mmos.

And wow, you preordered Mortal Online, Ben? I was just talking about that today with my brother. It's pretty expensive to preorder. We're both hoping that it turns out well but it seems to me like a lot could go wrong. It would be great if you could tell me about your beta experience.
And wow, you preordered Mortal Online, Ben? I was just talking about that today with my brother. It's pretty expensive to preorder. We're both hoping that it turns out well but it seems to me like a lot could go wrong. It would be great if you could tell me about your beta experience.
Yeah, I was expecting to be able to get the digital download version in preorder, but they decided to keep it a big secret until after preorders were over that they weren't going to sell it for another two weeks. >_>
If the game ends up sucking (which I doubt), I'll just sell my boxed copy on EBay, probably for a good deal more than I bought it for, heh.

On the bright side, I managed to get into beta block A, which means I get to be one of 2000 people to play on the 20th.

I'm pretty sure it wont turn out to be as much of a clusterfuck as Darkfall, though. Having read a lot of comments and interviews from the Starvault devs, I'm way more willing to place faith and benefit of the doubt in them, especially compared to those Aventurine assholes. These guys really speak like they know what they're doing, and they practically worship Ultima Online (as do I).

Darkfall failed miserably as a game that was supposed to continue UO's legacy, and it failed equally miserably as a game on it's own merits.
The ONLY good thing about it is the siege combat, and even that basically stinks.
I am located somewhere within these pictures.

Only played Final Fantasy XI myself. And for some random reason, I still pay for it after having been offline for nearly half a year...

You'd think I have money flowing out of my pockets. Which could be true, considering the rat-sized holes in them...