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Had a discussion with @Kgal today about emotional frequencies. I felt her inside me and the words she said resonated (as usual). Felt like this was a better place to put this post. I know it's pop culture but the video resonated and gave me a feeling that corresponded to what we were discussing. Much love to you KGal.

Thank you...
Consider this my own response in the form of music videos and songs.

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This song got someone I know through a bad break-up.

I was below 50. The key is to be angry as an intermediate step before moving on to happiness. Not obvious. :confused:

Feeling angry now :imp: ... No, actually, slightly happy. ;)

Power vs Force Book Summary | David R Hawkins | Between The Lines Book Summaries
I was below 50. The key is to be angry as an intermediate step before moving on to happiness. Not obvious. :confused:

Feeling angry now :imp: ... No, actually, slightly happy. ;)

Power vs Force Book Summary | David R Hawkins | Between The Lines Book Summaries

I love this book! I posted the map and descriptions of all the levels a few pages back in this thread.

~ Time Is Only Limited To The Physical Realm ~
THERE IS NO TIME The Flow of Reality


The following research demonstrates some evidence that time is limited to the physical realm and that there is no time in the greater reality follow.
Your view of reality is unique and your own.

In Connections Through Time, Issue 3: April - June 1999, "Intuition Precognition - Information from the Future", the researchers knew that it has been clearly demonstrated that information about the future can be shared with the present.

They felt that independent confirmation studies were critical for demonstrating the reality of precognition.

The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) group conducted a series of studies of whether people can know about events before they happen.

"Their results confirm that... many of the phenomena that were referred to as "anomalies" are a normal part of the way the universe operates."

Why does the universe permit information to be retrieved from the future?
Why not?

Scientific research has demonstrated that information about the future can be shared with the present...
PEAR has duplicated the initial SRI Remote Viewing experiments including successful predictions of target sites before they were randomly chosen, i.e. precognition.

PEAR calls their work "Remote Perception" and they showed probabilities against chance ranging from 1 out of a million to 1 out of a trillion.
Details are here.

An abstract of the precognitive work concludes that,

"Overall results are unlikely by chance to the order of 10E-10."

Their conclusion concerning replication, using their experimental database, follows from a paper entitled, Precognitive Remote Perception: Replication of Remote Viewing:

Thus, these databases, comprising one of the largest accumulations of relevant experiments performed under consistent and well controlled experimental protocols, have already provided robust evidence that the findings in the SRI/SAIC Remote Viewing experiments can be replicated in independent, but essentially similar designs.

Human consciousness (and the more subtle subconscious) has capabilities far greater than previously imagined by science.
Science has now shown this capability and is very uncertain on how to proceed.

Helmut Schmidt designed a machine to test the existence of precognition.

The machine had four lamps of different colors, which were the "targets.”
Participants attempted to predict which lamp would light up next by pressing one of four buttons.

The machine was designed so that the target displays were completely random.
Shortly after pressing, one of the lamps would light up to indicate whether or not the participant had guessed correctly.

Counters in the machine registered the number of attempts and number of correct hits.

Schmidt tested approximately 100 people.
It was found that a few individuals were able to predict the target correctly a lot more often than would be expected by chance.

Schmidt designed a second experiment in which the participants had the option of either constantly predicting which lamp would light next (to obtain a high score), or to constantly choose a lamp that they thought wouldn’t light next (aiming for a low score).

20,000 trials were made in total.
The number of successful predictions was 410 above what would be expected by chance, which is odds of greater than 10 to the power 10 against chance (Hansel, 1980).

Dr. Bierman is a university lecturer, computer laboratory, University of Cambridge. fellow and director of studies at St John's College, Cambridge. Director of studies at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge.

Dr. Bierman studied precognition by having subjects involved in brain scan experiments.
The subjects had their brains scanned while they were shown randomly mixed images, some emotionally stimulating (either violent or erotic), and others neutral.

The result was that their brains were reacting to the pictures before they were being shown.

fMRI is a type of brain scan used to highlight activity of the brain cells that give rise to perceptions and emotions.
It is often used to measure emotional reactions to specific stimuli.

Where Bierman’s research differs from the conventional studies is that he is interested in emotional response before the participant is subjected to the stimulus.

Ten participants had their brains scanned while they were shown randomly mixed images, some emotionally stimulating (either violent or erotic), and others neutral.

The fMRI scans were then analyzed for a reaction of some kind.
Bierman found that areas of the brain that responded to emotional stimuli reacted about 4 seconds before the image was presented - and that this reaction was greater when the image was emotionally stimulating.

This phenomenon has appeared often in existing, published research.

One of the most influential books on the topic of time was Jeremy Rifkin’s Time Wars.
In this book, first published in 1989, Rifkin drew a parallel between the way we treat the environment (as a resource to be manipulated and dominated) and the way we treat time (as a resource to be manipulated and dominated).

He championed the folks he calls time heretics, and counted in that group all sorts of people who challenge existing notions of time, including holistic health practitioners, organic farmers, home schoolers, slow foodies, simple living advocates, etc.

He described these folks as seeking a,
“more empathetic union with the rhythm of nature.”

Many of the problems that plague us have to do with our unswerving belief in the reality of artificial time.
  • Natural time glides from one phase to another gradually rather than having an abrupt edge, like the bell that rings at the end of a classroom hour. And natural time is cyclic. It circles through distinctly different phases, from bright to dark, from winter to summer, from high to low, and it always returns.
  • Artificial time is measured as if each unit was exactly the same. Each day occupies the same space on the calendar. Each hour on a weekly planner is allotted one line. This perpetuates the notion that time is a resource we can actually calculate and manage.
We’ve all experienced minutes that seem to stretch out for an hour and hours that flash by in a minute.
Natural time has rhythm and flow but it’s not exact.

The daffodils bloomed on March 1 this year but April 27 last year and March 3 the year before that.

The mechanism that controls the internal 24-hour clock of all forms of life from human cells to algae has recently been identified by scientists.

Not only does the research provide important insight into health-related problems linked to individuals with disrupted clocks - such as pilots and shift workers - it also indicates that the 24-hour circadian clock found in human cells is the same as that found in algae and dates back millions of years to early life on Earth.

Two new studies in the journal Nature from the Universities of Cambridge and Edinburgh give insight into the circadian clock which controls patterns of daily and seasonal activity, from sleep cycles to butterfly migrations to flower opening.

One study, from the University of Cambridge's Institute of Metabolic Science, has for the first time identified 24-hour rhythms in red blood cells.

This is significant because circadian rhythms have always been assumed to be linked to DNA and gene activity, but - unlike most of the other cells in the body - red blood cells do not have DNA:

The only cells which lack DNA are the mature red blood cells (erythrocytes).

This is because they lack a nucleus, which is where the DNA is found in other cells.
Red blood cells also lack mitochondria which themselves have DNA.

Therefore they not only lack nuclear DNA, but mitochondrial DNA as well.

Red blood cells develop in your bone marrow from special cells called stem cells.
These do have a nucleus, but as the red blood cell develops the nucleus is squeezed out.

This makes more room for the red pigment hemoglobin, which is needed to carry the oxygen in the red cells.

Akhilesh Reddy, from the University of Cambridge and lead author of the study, said:

"We know that clocks exist in all our cells; they're hard-wired into the cell.
Imagine what we'd be like without a clock to guide us through our days.
The cell would be in the same position if it didn't have a clock to coordinate its daily activities.

The implications of this for health are manifold.
We already know that disrupted clocks - for example, caused by shift-work and jet-lag - are associated with metabolic disorders such as diabetes, mental health problems and even cancer.

By furthering our knowledge of how the 24-hour clock in cells works, we hope that the links to these disorders - and others - will be made clearer.
This will, in the longer term, lead to new therapies that we couldn't even have thought about a couple of years ago."

For the study, the scientists, funded by the Wellcome Trust, incubated purified red blood cells from healthy volunteers in the dark and at body temperature, and sampled them at regular intervals for several days.

They then examined the levels of biochemical markers - proteins called peroxiredoxins - that are produced in high levels in blood and found that they underwent a 24-hour cycle.

Peroxiredoxins are found in virtually all known organisms.

A further study, by scientists working together at the Universities of Edinburgh and Cambridge, and the Observatoire Oceanologique in Banyuls, France, found a similar 24-hour cycle in marine algae, indicating that internal body clocks have always been important, even for ancient forms of life.

The researchers in this study found the rhythms by sampling the peroxiredoxins in algae at regular intervals over several days.

When the algae were kept in darkness, their DNA was no longer active, but the algae kept their circadian clocks ticking without active genes.
Scientists had thought that the circadian clock was driven by gene activity, but both the algae and the red blood cells kept time without it.

Andrew Millar of the University of Edinburgh's School of Biological Sciences, who led the study, said:

"This groundbreaking research shows that body clocks are ancient mechanisms that have stayed with us through a billion years of evolution.
They must be far more important and sophisticated than we previously realized.

More work is needed to determine how and why these clocks developed in people - and most likely all other living things on earth - and what role they play in controlling our bodies."
I feel this is particularly relevant right now.
Not so easy to do sometimes...

There are those on our world that have lived in, and ruled through darkness.
These "dark ones" have a sunken so low (frequency) that their hearts cannot perceive the love and light that is washing over the planet right now.

It would be so easy to fear and condemn them, but I am here to suggest a higher perspective and a higher way.

The Negative Path

Until recently the frequency of the collective consciousness of humanity has been dropping lower and lower and manifesting a darker and darker reality.

There are many people on our world (incarnate souls) right now that are on a negative path.
They are manifesting hatred and fear and feel very justified in doing so.

These people fall into two broad categories:
  • those that have become mesmerized by their ability to control others and the false sense of power and self-importance that it gives them

  • those that feel wronged by those that are controlling and dominating them and who feel justified in lashing out and hurting others
In this atmosphere, it would take a lot of wisdom for the rest of us not to react with fear and judgment.

Unfortunately, wisdom is still in relatively short supply and the state of our world sadly reflects this.

The earth and humanity are currently in the mid-stages of a massive shift of consciousness, this shift is being orchestrated by the Universe, and we are nearing the tipping point where the light will illuminate all the dark corners of Humanity.

The "dark ones" know that a momentous change is imminent, and they are scared.

Even thou their hearts cannot feel it, their minds can see the changes occurring in humanity, and they are afraid it may end their way of life.

Their fear is understandable because if they don't change they won't transition to 5th-dimensional earth with the rest of us, and the probable timelines for 3D earth are very bleak indeed.

Labels, Definitions, and Illusions

Labeling the people on a negative path as the "dark ones" is a bit overdramatic, even judgmental sounding.

Please forgive me, I did this to get your attention.
Perhaps the term the "lost ones" would be better, but that isn't exactly right either.

Those on a negative path are souls just as we all are.
They incarnated in a physical body and dove into the earth game for the same reasons as we did - to know and grow through concrete physical experience.

Our souls are much wiser and loving than what gets expressed by us here on in the physical plane on Earth - our minds and egos get in the way.
And your soul is an aspect of an even higher-self (christ-self/god-self) who is very wise, knowledgeable, and loving.

As part of the balanced evolution of our souls, we have all played both "dark" and "light" roles in our many lives...

There aren't any souls who haven't explored the dark side to some extent.
It's only here in the physical planes where we play and get dirty.

Remember that the YOU here playing in the dirt (on Earth) isn't the real you, the REAL YOU is your soul and higher-self.

The point here is there really aren't any "bad" people.
That's just a label we use, and a definition the we hold, because of our limited perspective.

Some souls CHOSE to hold power over and control others in the design of their life plan, others have just LOST THEIR WAY in this life.
Those that chose to control others did so as a learning experience for themselves and for others.

For themselves it's an opportunity to learn about the misuse of power, for the others, it's an opportunity to learn about the not giving away one's power.
It is also an opportunity to explore how we will respond to negative people and events and learn about the effectiveness of the various modes of response.

Will we respond with fear, judgment, and retribution or will we respond with understanding, forgiveness, and compassion?
And which works better in the long run?

Remember, we all find our way back to the light eventually, we are all redeemable.
It is the journey from the dark to the light that makes us appreciate what we are - we are the light.

Embracing this higher perspective can free us from the response pattern of fear, condemnation, and retribution and enable us to create a better reality.

Cut Off From The Light

Those on the negative path have had experiences and made choices that have closed their heart to the divine light of their soul and source and cause their ego rule their mind.

They cannot feel the love and light and can't hear the inner voice of their soul and higher self.

They simply do not realize that they are love and light, and hence they live in a world of separation, fear, and hate.

If We Were In Their Shoes

It is very tempting to judge these people but tread very carefully here.

Whether we know it or not, we have all been in similar circumstances, made similar choices, and lost our way down the negative path for a while at some point in our many lives.

It is very easy to judge others choices without understanding the experiences they had that conditioned those choices.

Most believe that if they were in the others shoes they would not have made the same choices.

But this is because we are judging their choices and actions from the context of our own experiences, not theirs.
The reality is that if we had had their experiences, then we would have made the same choices.

Below Seth/Story Waters, as a part of One Self teachings illustrates this point using a Terrorist as the example.

The terrorist exists within the one self.

You would not make different choices than the terrorist.
If we stand in their shoes we would choose the same as they did.

There is only one will that chooses.
The same thing that is making choices within you is making choices in them.

When that which we are goes inside of the conditions that is the terrorist it becomes the perspective of the terrorist.
When we stand in their shoes we choose as they choose.

We are them choosing.

This the realizations of the one self.
This is the realization that you cannot blame another.

That you cannot say they did something that you would have not done.

That you are better than them, you are not, you are them.

Embracing this truth enables us to extend forgiveness and compassion to all those who have lost their way and offers them the chance to feel and embrace the light, and join us in ascension to the new earth.

No one needs to be left behind, let's try to uplift everyone.

The Challenge for Those Lost in Negativity
  • The first challenge for all those lost in negativity, to all those that have contributed to the fear and hate in our reality, is to be on the receiving end of fear and hate and see the futility of this mindset.

    As the Earth's base frequency approaches the fifth-dimension everyone's manifestations are quickened and anyone sending out fearful, hateful, or harmful thoughts will immediately experience similar and very challenging manifestations in their personal reality.

    This is how our reality works - reality is a reflection of our thoughts and inner state of mind and it is the most marvelous training program.
    This process will nudge most of negative mindset out of the darkness and into the light.
  • The second challenge for those lost in negativity, as they get nudged out of the darkness and begin to realize how their ways have hurt so many others, will be to forgive and love themselves.

    When they realize what they've done the may hate themselves and this will keep them stuck if the lower frequencies.

    But if they can forgive and love themselves, they will be able to join the great planetary transmutation and ascension.
    No one is too dark to be forgiven or too fearful to live in love.
We can help these people into the light; we can help them rediscover their true selves.

By shining our love and light towards them, by extending our forgiveness and compassion to them as they begin to see the light, we can help them get over the hump of forgiving and loving their selves and joining us in the creation of a new reality, a new earth.

The Challenge of Forgiving the "Bad" Guys
  • Can you conceive of unconditional forgiveness and love towards perpetrators and as well as victims?
    This is a very big hurdle for many.

  • Can you imagine a reality in which all those who have ever suffered darkness (negative experiences) which tainted them to become negative themselves, were spontaneously healed of that which created the negativity within them?
  • What if those who have defined themselves as bad were able to release that programming and accept the light of unconditional love so that they could unconditionally forgive and accept themselves?

  • Then, would they remember that they are ONE with ALL life?

  • What if all of humanity was healed in the light, and all the darkness was released?
  • What if we could release our perception of separateness from others and our judgments that some people are inherently better than others - the idea of "good" people versus "bad" people?

  • What if the "good people" realized that they are just the people who have remembered their higher-self and that the source of their beingness is light and love?

  • What if they shared their light and love with ALL the people that have formerly identified as bad?
By shining our light and love everywhere and to everyone those who have not seen the light or felt the love of their higher-self will have the opportunity to absorb our light and awareness and raise their frequency and join us in the light and the ascension to the new earth.

No one has to be left behind, we are all brothers, we are all one.

Those lost in negativity may not be ready to accept the light and release their darkness but why not offer our help to them?
Why condemn and fear them?

Their souls are right beside us in the higher planes of reality, and we are all brothers - there is no animosity between us there.

We have the ability to create a wonderful new reality with our unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness, and the power of our light.

Our choices will define our destiny, are we ready to choose compassion and forgiveness instead of fear and judgment?
If We Were In Their Shoes

It is very tempting to judge these people but tread very carefully here.

Whether we know it or not, we have all been in similar circumstances, made similar choices, and lost our way down the negative path for a while at some point in our many lives.

It is very easy to judge others choices without understanding the experiences they had that conditioned those choices.
Strong statement.
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Even more difficult to maintain such a mindset and withholding judgement!
But we should try!
I agree.

My own opinion (judgement) rears its ugliness on occassion. However, I noticed it's typically when I strongly believe something I hold closely to is pressed upon. This reaction often leads others to think I have taken it personally, and to some regard, I do. Often I have a need to think, or even sleep on a matter first, depending of course on how deep a cord is struck in me.

Unfortunately from a young age I've gotten the red-head temper remark slung at me. Being a red haired Pisces and INFJ I admit I'm likely doomed, lol.

However, back to giving some one the benefit-of-doubt, I've learned with age and maturity to give the person room to correct themself, it is after that when they do not, or they continue to behave in ways I find uncomfortable that my judgement fires ;)
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Just thought I'd drop this here as you had mentioned the PEARS lab to me, hadn't thought about it in a while
I agree.

My own opinion (judgement) rears its ugliness on occassion. However, I noticed it's typically when I strongly believe something I hold closely to is pressed upon. This reaction often leads others to think I have taken it personally, and to some regard, I do. Often I have a need to think, or even sleep on a matter first, depending of course on how deep a cord is struck in me.

Unfortunately from a young age I've gotten the red-head temper remark slung at me. Being a red haired Pisces and INFJ I admit I'm likely doomed, lol.

However, back to giving some one the benefit-of-doubt, I've learned with age and maturity to give the person room to correct themself, it is after that when they do not, or they continue to behave in ways I find uncomfortable that my judgement fires ;)

When I was a young child I had bright red curly hair - thank god that didn’t stick.
By about age five it was reddish brown....then continued to get darker as the years went by (just like my heart lol).’s salt and pepper dark brown...even my facial hair is going grey ha!
My Mom’s Mom was a full blown curly redhead...though she would pin curl her hair every night according to my Mom...this is my Irish/Welsh side...there are Pickerings and lots of Joneses...then I had Germans on the other side along with Polish.
My ancestors probably killed one another...sheesh.
She had the temper as well apparently.
As a child, I lost my temper quite easily....I remember being cornered by three boys on bikes as I was riding my bike...I was maybe 8....they started to talk shit as only an 8 year old can....I felt backed into a corner and my fight mode kicked in....I punched the main bully mid-sentence square in the nose as hard a I could...him and his friends were shocked...then came the wailing cries for his took off as fast as I could on my bike and never got in trouble for it.
I bet he never forgot that though...don’t fucking bully people or you might get punched in the nose! ;)
But I’m a go figure.
You can only push a bull so much before he turns around to trample you.
Just thought I'd drop this here as you had mentioned the PEARS lab to me, hadn't thought about it in a while
Awesome, I bookmarked it!
Had some of those already but not all.
Always great to find more sources!
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The first 37 minutes or so of the questions and answers presents a wide array of ideas and concepts congruent with my own experiences and knowing. Her future self comes back to her Now to give her encouragement and wisdom in an effort to help her reach her dreams...her desires....the timeline of success for her. I don't always agree with the Questioner as I feel undertones of need in them....but I hear universal truths in their answers to the woman on the table.

The idea the ET's are ourselves from the future come back here to help us shift our vibrations up in order to resonate with "them" is often discussed out there in the Groups on the Shift. After I first encountered the idea I let that sit in the back of my mind because I could not grasp the concept.
Seeing this video brought forth memories of experiences, several years ago, where I saw myself in another place holding her arms out to me in a welcoming gesture.
Now I'm finding greater understanding of this idea.
The next series of questions is about Audrey Hepburn and Elvis...and I'm not interested in that discussion. So I'm going to skip ahead and see if there is more that resonates with me.

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The idea the ET's are ourselves from the future come back here to help us shift our vibrations up in order to resonate with "them" is often discussed out there in the Groups on the Shift. After I first encountered the idea I let that sit in the back of my mind because I could not grasp the concept.

It makes sense if you view it from a sort of universal intrinsic sense. If you take the idea that we are all from the same ancestry ultimately and that we share some more narrow beginning ancestry... just do the same for consciousness as a whole. Our collective unconscious shares some ancestry in a sense. Think of "time" as being much, much longer than what scientists say. Consciousness exists out of necessity perhaps (or maybe there really is some specific reason, not important), and we as a "species" are just experiencing things in a specific limited way in order for consciousness to learn. We are all made of stardust. "Aliens" are just a different aspect of the collective unconscious manifesting itself.

Anyway, just an idea. There are tons of possibilities. Maybe our future selves have literally figured out ways to reach through time. I think it's more likely that consciousness itself is infinite, and we are just able to tap into it in very deep and meaningful ways and perhaps our future selves have a better understanding of this. Or maybe lightworkers are just all kooks :)
It makes sense if you view it from a sort of universal intrinsic sense. If you take the idea that we are all from the same ancestry ultimately and that we share some more narrow beginning ancestry... just do the same for consciousness as a whole. Our collective unconscious shares some ancestry in a sense. Think of "time" as being much, much longer than what scientists say. Consciousness exists out of necessity perhaps (or maybe there really is some specific reason, not important), and we as a "species" are just experiencing things in a specific limited way in order for consciousness to learn. We are all made of stardust. "Aliens" are just a different aspect of the collective unconscious manifesting itself.

Anyway, just an idea. There are tons of possibilities. Maybe our future selves have literally figured out ways to reach through time. I think it's more likely that consciousness itself is infinite, and we are just able to tap into it in very deep and meaningful ways and perhaps our future selves have a better understanding of this. Or maybe lightworkers are just all kooks :)

Hahahahahaha....for sure we are kooks! ;)

Yes. I see what you're saying because it is my understanding there really is no Time outside of our ... hmmm... current experience or perspective.....and that of course our "future" selves could contact us because all lifetimes exist simultaneously. As you suggest our future selves have a better understanding than we do at the present.
I believe we become aware of them when we can shift our focus...or better said .... our focus allows us to view "both" lives at the same "Time". The life we're living here in this Now...and the life we're living "there" in that Now.
I'm having fun playing around with this idea.
It makes sense if you view it from a sort of universal intrinsic sense. If you take the idea that we are all from the same ancestry ultimately and that we share some more narrow beginning ancestry... just do the same for consciousness as a whole. Our collective unconscious shares some ancestry in a sense. Think of "time" as being much, much longer than what scientists say. Consciousness exists out of necessity perhaps (or maybe there really is some specific reason, not important), and we as a "species" are just experiencing things in a specific limited way in order for consciousness to learn. We are all made of stardust. "Aliens" are just a different aspect of the collective unconscious manifesting itself.

Anyway, just an idea. There are tons of possibilities. Maybe our future selves have literally figured out ways to reach through time. I think it's more likely that consciousness itself is infinite, and we are just able to tap into it in very deep and meaningful ways and perhaps our future selves have a better understanding of this. Or maybe lightworkers are just all kooks :)

Hahahahahaha....for sure we are kooks! ;)

Yes. I see what you're saying because it is my understanding there really is no Time outside of our ... hmmm... current experience or perspective.....and that of course our "future" selves could contact us because all lifetimes exist simultaneously. As you suggest our future selves have a better understanding than we do at the present.
I believe we become aware of them when we can shift our focus...or better said .... our focus allows us to view "both" lives at the same "Time". The life we're living here in this Now...and the life we're living "there" in that Now.
I'm having fun playing around with this idea.

The Unified Field and...
The Illusion of Time

~ Understanding the Source of Creation ~

by Brandon West
March 23, 2014

"Time is just a construct of the universe
to keep everything from happening all at once."

- John Archibald Wheeler

John Archibald Wheeler was one of the physics giants of the 20th century, and was a colleague of Einstein's.
But what if everything is happening all at once?

Moreover, what if there is no time at all?

I recently saw a description of the universe as it is perceived in physics.

To quote William Brown (not to be confused with the William Brown who works with The Resonance Project):

"What science has discovered in exploring deeper levels of reality is that our universe is structured in layers of creation.

Layers of creation, from the superficially diverse macroscopic classic world of day-to-day perceptions, to the deeper levels, the molecules, the atoms, and the nucleus, and sub-nuclear particles, worlds within worlds within worlds."

He succinctly explains these levels as such:

"So the surface level of sensory reality is typically called the classical world. Underlying the classic world is the world of the molecules, the atoms, which is the realm of quantum mechanics.

Then there's the atomic nucleus and the sub-nuclear particles; that's the world of quantum field theory, relativistic quantum mechanics. And finally the emergence of unified field theory…"

(Source: William Brown: The Light Body)

So that leads us to our main question…

What Is Time?

"A colleague of Einstein, physicist John Archibald Wheeler, developed one of the first equations of quantum gravity in the early days of the unification of Relativity and Quantum Theory.

Although it works, it does not incorporate time as a physical parameter, and physicists find this unsettling…

When General Relativity was first quantized (becoming a theory of quantum gravity) in the 1960's by John Wheeler, the result predicted a static state of the Universe, that is - no change, i.e. timelessness.

This particular solution to the quantization of General Relativity is known as the Wheeler-DeWitt equation.
The result seemed to be paradoxical - because how can the Universe be static and unchanging - when our every experience is of change."

William Brown from the Resonance Project Foundation

That is precisely the question we shall be exploring, and maybe answering in this article.

It is interesting to note that the predictions of the equations that are generally accepted by the scientific establishment suggest both that time is an illusion, and that the universe is in fact static.

Obviously these ideas were regarded as flawed because they did not hold up against the facts, i.e. what is clearly observable in the universe.
We see change every day, and we can measure time, therefore they must be true.

  • What if we could change our perception of the universe and resolve this conflict?

  • What if there is no such thing as time in the universe and it is actually just the result of a shift in perspective of sorts within a static universe which in some way did not result in motion or a changing universe either?
To explore this idea we must first seek to discover what motion really is.

Is Anything Really Moving?

In Deepak Chopra's phenomenal book How To Know God, he shares an explanation of the quantum level of the universe which.
Moreover, this is a definite observation of the universe through the scientific study of the quantum level of reality.

He states:

"At the quantum level the whole cosmos is like a blinking light.
There are no stars or galaxies, only vibrating energy fields."

Nassim Haramein explained this to me best.

He said that what we perceive as motion is really due to the fact that reality is flashing in and out of existence at a high frequency, and that creation is actually disappearing and reappearing, oscillating between form and formlessness at the quantum level innumerable times every second giving the appearance of motion.

Therefore technically things do not move in this universe at all, but appear and disappear in slightly different patterns giving the appearance of motion.
It is not the unified field itself that is blinking, only that which we perceive as solid matter - i.e. particles, nuclei, sub-atomic particles, and the material world.

In some ways it might technically be more accurate to call what we are doing every day as micro-teleportation.
As we walk in the grocery store or drive in our cars we are actually teleporting forwards at absurdly tiny increments, yet at an extremely high frequency to give the appearance of motion.

Yet this motion is only occurring perceptually on the lowest energetic levels of creation: the material world, or the classical world we exist in for the majority of the day, and potentially the atomic and molecular level of reality.

For this level, just like our level, singular celled organisms might have the experience of continuity of form just like we do in our physical bodies.
I do not know for sure, for I do not recall being a single cell, but until we know for certain we can rule nothing out.

So, on the quantum theoretical level of reality there really is no motion, but a flashing in and out of existence of creation, yet from our level it appears like fluid motion.

Just like the people on our television screen are not actually moving, but it is the little pixels which flash on and off in coordination with one another so it looks like motion.

This could actually give us insight into why there is no such thing as time.

The Flow Of The Unified Field

If we perceive the universe from the level of the unified field, imagine that the unified field contains everything, and that all of creation and all of the past and future is holographically encoded within the unified field, and that all exists simultaneously, encoded within the structure of the vacuum.

In other words, creation arose out of this unified field in the form of subatomic particles, particles, atoms, and electrons, and nuclei, which are all just a form of condensed energy - formless energy condensed into form as the universe flashes in and out of existence, but nothing is solid.

To quote Einstein again:

"What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses.
There is no matter."

And these manifestations of energy collaborate with one another, guided by some unseen force within creation itself, to form larger things that give every appearance of being real, and every appearance of being completely solid, but we know now that this is not true.

Imagine that everything exists at once.
Imagine that all versions of the tree outside your window from the present moment, to the birth of the tree, and all the way into the apparent future to the death of the tree exist encoded within space and time, holographically present within the unified field.

Therefore nothing in reality ever appears, disappears, moves, or even changes, it is merely our perception of reality at this level which gives the appearance of change.

In other words, all reality, all time, and all motion is merely the result of consciousness in motion.

If the fluid dynamics of Nassim's black whole theory are correct, and if these dynamics are in fact the origin of consciousness, then this is the foundation of creation, and we discover the foundation of creation to be a formless collapse into itself and corresponding creation.

Yet this is not motion in the physical world.

In fact, there is no motion in the physical world.
This has been proven to us by quantum physicists when they discovered that reality is flashing in and out of existence.

There is only holographic images which change as the consciousness expands and contracts into itself.

So what if the flow of the unified field within the universe is itself the mechanism which causes reality to flash in and out of existence, and moreover which determines the flow of time?

This means also that all consciousness is an extension of universal consciousness - the unified field - and that as the unified field expands and contracts all other consciousness is brought along for the ride, and because we are perceiving from the material level of reality we enjoy front row seats to the holograms of creation changing as new levels of the unified field become visible to us as a result of our shift in perception, and the desires of consciousness.

All of creation and all activity in creation is the result of consciousness interacting within consciousness, creating consciousness, and only because we all share a common consensus of reality (for the most part) does time arise at all on our planet.

Holographically Encoded Information

The easiest and clearest way that I can describe this concept would be to use the analogy of a holographic image.

You may have seen holographic images of a galaxy or some other image printed on a sheet of plastic or a card.
I'm sure many of you have seen these, if not, this analogy will not do much for you.

Anyway, say you have the picture of a galaxy on the card (or whatever image you have seen) and it appears to be stationary, yet as you shift your perspective (i.e. rotate or move the card) the galaxy appears to rotate.

Nothing changed in the image.
All the information was there and encoded within the card from the very beginning, but because you changed your perspective the image gave the appearance of motion.

What if this is how reality works?
What if the motion and the apparent time we experience is merely the result of our perspective on creation due to our level of consciousness?

Observed from the fundamental level of creation, the unified field.

The unified field is the vacuum structure which is theoretically expanding and collapsing through Nassim Haramein's black whole dynamics, but it is not technically moving.

And nothing else in reality is moving either, because everything is fixed, crystallized, and holographically encoded within the vacuum structure which means that everything is non-locally present everywhere, and everything is happening at once.

And as the foundation of creation collapses and expands in these black whole dynamics, which theoretically are the origin of consciousness, that creates a shift in perspective for all consciousness that is present in the higher levels of reality (the quantum field up to the classical - us) on the hologram of reality and thus we get the appearance of motion, of cyclic change, and thus of time.

But as we know, reality is blinking in and out of existence, theoretically as a result of consciousness changing perspective as it would have to do if there was no motion in the universe, if the universe was timeless and static.

Time Is Relative

It is my contention that all of time is the result of the rotation of consciousness at the level of the unified field, and that time is completely relative determined by its own perceptual location and scalar dimension (level of consciousness) with which it observes reality from.

Time would be perceived differently on Mars than on Earth because the length of its days are different according to the rotation of its own black whole (unified field dynamics producing/being produced by consciousness), and the length of its year would be different according to where it is in the Suns expanding and collapsing dynamics of consciousness.

Moreover, physicist are relatively certain that time itself is relative, and this is why.

Time is not a phenomena that arises all on its own in the universe.
There is potentially no such thing as time at all, as their equations suggest.

What we call time is an arbitrary division of the cycles we are experiencing based off of the cyclical rate of change that we are experiencing on this level of reality.

In other words, it is merely a matter of perception.

If we were in a void there would be no time because not only would there be no cycles to gauge time by, but there would be no objects to determine motion with.

Therefore we would be in perpetual stillness and timelessness.

Proof that time is a perceptual construct we have devised which is completely based on our perception, and thus illusory, can be observed in a story that was told by Deepak Chopra.

In his lecture series with Wayne Dyer entitled Living Beyond Miracles, he tells the story of a group of miners who had one of their mines cave in on them in Germany, and they were trapped underground for an extended period of time.

No light, no way of judging the cycles of the universe, and thus no frame of reference for their perception.
There were a total of 7 men who were trapped underground, and yet only one of them had a watch.

The man with the watch didn't want things to get out of hand while they were trapped underground, and to ease the fear and worry of his friends the man with the watch took it upon himself to call out that 1 hour had passed every time 2 hours had passed, and because nobody else had a watch to validate this, they couldn't tell the difference.

As it turns that at the end of 7 days they were rescued and everybody survived except for the man with the watch.

Because he took it upon himself to call out that 1 hour had passed when in reality, according to his watch, 2 hours had passed, he essentially slowed down time for everyone else, and got them to change their agreement on time itself so that they perceived they were stuck underground for half the amount of time that they really were underground for.

"He had them change their collective agreement as to what constituted time, it's an agreement. And then they aged accordingly and he couldn't fool himself because he had a watch.”

A Static Universe

"The Tao does not act
yet it is the root of all action.
The Tao does not move
yet it is the source of all creation."
- Lao Tzu

We have established that creation isn't moving, it appears that the unified field is not moving either.

We know this because we have found that the space surrounding our Earth which was once thought to be whooshing past us, like the air past an object in a wind tunnel, has now been shown to be completely stationary.

We are not hurtling through space as we thought, space itself is expanding and contracting, and thus it is not moving per say, but giving the appearance of motion.

Because the unified field, which is consciousness, is expanding and contracting, and because we are that consciousness incarnated in a slightly denser level of reality, in the classical world, we get front row seats to the apparent change, motion, and time of reality.

But that is only because we are universal consciousness, as all the ancient traditions say, which has condensed into this level of reality to experience the changing world, the world of things.

Of life, death, birth, and rebirth, and of linear time.

Our only hang up is that we have become attached to this world and we have become caught up in an energetic (emotional turmoil) as things apparently die, and change, and are transient.

Yet everything - every creature, your worst enemy, your best friend, and you - at the deepest level is the unified field and that is why we experience this change:

because the fundamental level of who we are is perpetually radiating and collapsing back in on itself in an infinite feedback loop causing the holographic world to flicker and change before us like a beautiful, infinitely intricate, and magnificent movie played just for us.

Yet even the rate of this movie is not fixed.

It is relative as Einstein stated, because when we have increased energy and have the exhilaration of new love, or the unbridled passion and enthusiasm which arises when we engage in following and living our dreams, we tap into higher energy which brings us closer to the unified field and thus the rate of time noticeably speeds up according to our own perception.

As the old adage goes,

"time flies when you're having fun."

What Determines Creation Within A Conscious Universe?

Again to quote Albert Einstein, he observed:

"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it.
Match the frequency of the reality that you want and you cannot help but get that reality.
It can be no other way.
This is not philosophy, this is physics."

This quote also helps explain the mechanism behind the apparent change we see in creation.

As the evidence suggests (in our daily lives and in physics) and as Nassim Haramein's theories are based on, all things are scalar divisions of the black whole geometries and dynamics, and thus everything has consciousness, for everything is consciousness.

Not everything operates at the level of consciousness that human beings do, i.e. free will, and even among human beings there are gradients of consciousness.

But everything does have consciousness because at the level of the unified field which all emanates from, we are all infinite consciousness.

And as consciousness we have desires and intentions which channel through us from that infinite consciousness.
In my own life I call this inspiration, or even creativity and co-creation.

In every case I can feel it coming through me, but I know it is not me alone who is doing the creating.

All consciousness has these inspirations and these desires, and in essence they are all the same: to experience the bliss and the ecstasy of co-creation. We love to create, and we do it with unbridled passion and intuition, all leading towards illumination and understanding of ourselves, and thus of reality.

This is what all consciousness does - radiates (creates) and then moves back towards itself through creation.

The Earth desired to create a beautiful and magnificent garden that was vibrantly alive, and thus her consciousness attracted that out of the holographic field of information with the same mechanism that Einstein was talking about.

And we experience change on Earth because we are experiencing the expansion and collapse of the Earths consciousness falling back in on itself as her cycles of creation ebb and flow like the tides.

She is creating in harmony with the solar consciousness cycles, and each one of us are experiencing our own cycles of manifestation and experience, in accordance with all others, providing us with a rich sensory experience of motion, of time, and of creation - all the result of the impetuous desire of consciousness on all levels to create and experience creation.

All is the result of the intentions of consciousness to create and to experience its creations, and it is that desire which creation emanates from in the first place.

The unified field chose to manifest itself on this level of reality to experience the bliss of a bird in flight; the joy of jumping through the waves as a dolphin; and soaring like an eagle; united in blissful union as lovers do; and spiraling in ecstasy as a galaxy.

There is no motion, or time, just the experience of perceptually passing through the holographic manifestations of the unified field, a perceptual motion created by the expansion and contraction of consciousness on all levels.

The universe is an infinite hologram, and we are just passing through and the image appears to be changing, but it is not.

We are just seeing what was encoded all along as we eternally shift our perspective.

This may be the reason why the little photons in the entanglement experiment (cited in William Brown's article which can be read here) experience time in relation to one another, but not to the observer.

Because the unified field is still shifting its perspective, it is still flowing which causes reality to flash in and out of existence meaning that the photons in the experiment are flashing in and out of existence and thus we calculate that they change, and we call this time.

Whereas we and our devices are not subtle enough to see what they see and feel what they feel from their level, compounded even more because many of us do not fully understand that all things are vibrantly alive, and that everything is us and we are everything.

The qualities which we ourselves posses must then be available within everything.
Notably, the desire for life.

It is ironic that we are the only species who waste time desiring it, while we resist actually living it.
  • For what would we have to experience if the atomic levels of consciousness did not desire to create?

  • To create a holographic interference pattern with their electrons in order to have certain perceivable qualities when gathered, and to mix and create with other atoms?

  • And what would we experience if the Earth did not create with those atoms beautiful trees and plants, and oceans and rain all within her cycles of consciousness?

  • And what would we have to experience if a galaxy didn't desire to create planets?

  • And where would anything be if the unified field didn't expand and collapse into itself in a primordial desire to experience itself, to be, and to engage in blissful co-creation?
Our issues arise in life when we start to believe that we are the material world.

When we start to believe that we are these things that we posses, and the things that we achieve.
For the levels of creation also have a counterpart within human consciousness and within our mind.

On the surface we have the ego which believes that it is your possessions, achievements, and what you do.
Then you have the gradients of thoughts that exist within the ego in a scale from fearful all of the way to loving thoughts.

These all exists within your mind and within your ego.
But you are more than you know.

Between your thoughts is a silence which is the unified field, and when you become that silence, you become the unified field, and you become universal.

Through the practice of non-attachment, and meditation, all of your troubles disappear because you cease to cling to the changing illusion of reality and you become free to experience what you always will be: pure, infinite, and universal consciousness.

All things already exist encoded holographically within the unified field, the structure of space-time, and it is conscious intention which determines that which is accessed and chosen to be perceived due to its own intentions.

Nothing new is created, for it is already present within the field.
And it is the highest level of our consciousness which guides us in the manifestation process we call life.

We are all expression of the universe, looking back on itself as Nassim would say, and experiencing all possibilities within creation with our unique and individual intentions.

All that you want out of life is encoded within the field.
Your intentions and your perception is what determines what you see and what you experience.

In the words of Wayne Dyer,

"There's no place that God is not.
If this God-force is everywhere, then it must be in you.
And if it's everywhere, then it must be in all that you perceive to be missing from your life as well."

In closing, I believe this understanding of reality I have described here is exactly what this brilliant poet was experiencing when he wrote these beautiful words:

"To see the world in a grain of sand,
and heaven in a wild flower.
To hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour.

We are led to believe a lie,
when we see with, not through, the eye,
which was born in a night, to die in a night,
while the soul slept in beams of light."

- William Blake​
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by Justin Gardner
January 17, 2017

We've all heard the phrase:
"Let's not talk about politics."

A new scientific study (Neural Correlates of Maintaining One's Political Beliefs in the Face of Counterevidence) shows why people readily abandon rationality for political beliefs.

It also underscores how well Establishment forces have been able to push the populace into an 'us vs. them' mindset.

Researchers at the Brain and Creativity Institute used functional MRI - a revolutionary technique that maps the brain by coupling cerebral blood flow and neuronal activation - to find out what happens in the brain on politics.

"When people's political beliefs are challenged, their brains become active in areas that govern personal identity and emotional responses to threats, neuroscientists have found."

This would certainly explain how a hyper-partisan atmosphere breeds knee-jerk hostility, and agreement on anything becomes out of reach.

During their brain imaging sessions, participants were presented with eight political statements that they had said they believe just as strongly as a set of eight nonpolitical statements.

They were then shown five counter-claims that challenged each statement…

The study found that people who were most resistant to changing their beliefs had more activity in the Amygdala (a pair of almond-shaped areas near the center of the brain) and the insular cortex, compared with people who were more willing to change their minds.

"The activity in these areas, which are important for emotion and decision-making, may relate to how we feel when we encounter evidence against our beliefs," said Kaplan, a co-director of the Dornsife Cognitive Neuroimaging Center at USC.

"The Amygdala in particular is known to be especially involved in perceiving threat and anxiety," Kaplan added.

"The insular cortex processes feelings from the body, and it is important for detecting the emotional salience of stimuli. That is consistent with the idea that when we feel threatened, anxious or emotional, then we are less likely to change our minds."

Instead of treating a political subject like a normal debate topic - weighing factual evidence and its relation to other significant realities - it can quickly devolve into an irrational state.

Enlightenment is sacrificed as the goal becomes defeating 'the other.'

As Aristotle said,

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

Sadly, this is becoming an endangered art.

The situation is ripe for exploitation by the propaganda machine to advance The Narrative.
The corporatocracy and mainstream media thrive when people are distracted by meaningless argument and manufactured rage.

Rational discussion is a threat to the establishment.

Now, what passes for the national discourse is nothing more than shouting matches by talking heads armed with the day's talking points - as seen on cable TV 'news' channels.

Amygdalas are running wild.

When someone actually tries to parse an issue outside of the 'us vs. them' scenario, it seems a foreign language to the audience.

Researchers involved in the study take a less pessimistic view, noting that the brain's Default Mode Network also surges in activity when political beliefs are challenged.

"These areas of the brain have been linked to thinking about who we are, and with the kind of rumination or deep thinking that takes us away from the here and now," said lead author Jonas Kaplan.

"The researchers said that this latest study, along with one conducted earlier this year, indicate the Default Mode Network is important for high-level thinking about important personal beliefs or values…

"We should acknowledge that emotion plays a role in cognition and in how we decide what is true and what is not true," Kaplan said.

"We should not expect to be dispassionate computers. We are biological organisms."

Of course, he is correct that no argument is free of subjective experience, and this will play into how even the most rational person debates a topic.

We can have a high degree of objectivity, but - just as science cannot achieve 100% certainty - we can never be 100% objective.

The functions of the Amygdala and the Default Mode Network are indeed critical to our highly evolved state.
There is certainly nothing 'bad' about them.

However, the fact that political debate is linked to these powerful forces - emotional responses to threats and personal identity - means political discussions have even less chance of reaching a logical conclusion free of bias.

Now, more than ever, the U.S. seems gripped by political division.

Thanks to science, we have a little more understanding of how Washington politicians can throw rationality out the window and yet be so effective at influencing the masses...