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I am unable to copy paste a portion of the radionics article here. I don't know why but maybe it's because I'm on my phone and I'm talking into this Google speak thing. Healing at a distance works as we are all connected through energy. But the healing will not be pure unless the individual has done their own inner work that is represented by the energy block causing the issue or dis ease.
I admit I am was skeptical about the radionics machine... But there was Tesla seemingly harvesting invisible energy to make electricity.

Sometimes I think that learning grammar and vocabulary is too linear.

Could language be more conceptual?​
Because words come out of our mouths linearly.



Those who live in harmony with themselves, live in harmony with the universe.

Harmony is agreement, peace, friendship – the polyphony of infinite frequencies.
Waves of light and energy vibrating constantly and endlessly, resonating deeply through – and as – All That Is.

Everything is energy.

Scientists and mystics unite in this truth.

The cutting edge in physics states that all matter consist of tiny vibrating strings of energy.
Some physicists also claim that everything consists of an intelligent field of consciousness.

Energy has a frequency and a wavelength – vibration is everywhere.
Only a small part of all this energy is within the spectrum that we can sense through seeing and hearing.

We are still connected to everything and we receive and send out infinite amounts of frequencies all the time.
We interact through so much more than just sight and hearing.


Existence is a great field of conscious energy where all parts of creation – All That Is – plays the greatest symphony ever played.
There are infinite voices and instruments making up One grand orchestra.

Harmony, dissonance, and everything in between is always and already available everywhere.

We can tap into it all at once or one part at a time, letting energy flow through us with ease and ecstasy.

We can flow through life as that same energy.

Letting go of resistance, letting go of turbulence, we are like a beam of light traveling beyond time and space.
Eternal Harmony in infinite infinities.

We humans consist of energy – materialized energy – and we emit different frequencies from different states of being.
Our mood, our beliefs and thoughts, our alignment with truth – all of this makes up our energy signature.

Brain activity can be measured with an EEG and when we practice meditation we can learn to enter different states, generating different frequencies in the brain.

Our brain waves differ all the time – when we sleep, when we learn, and when we are joyful.

Here philosopher Ken Wilber controls his brain waves while meditating.
He measures his brain activity with a portable EEG.

The activity is lowered to levels under what this EEG can measure, which is pretty impressive.

Everything Is energy.
We control the energy that we are.

Harmony is important.
Harmony is the natural state.

Release negativity and resistance – and dissonance and friction will clear.

Tune in to your true frequency, in harmony with all that is.
Follow your joy and excitement fearlessly and without resistance.

Together we create Global Harmony – A New Earth.



At the heart of understanding ourselves as human beings, should be our aura.
It is a topic that is often greeted with misplaced skepticism.

Understanding your aura and how you can train yourself to see it is a fundamental part of understanding yourself.

What is an Aura?


An Aura is in its simplest terms the electromagnetic field that surrounds every living thing on the planet, from humans to plants.

It is an electromagnetic field that is quantifiable by scientific research. As human beings our aura is particularly complex with seven distinct layers each of which affects our moods, emotions, feelings, health and overall behaviour.

The Aura is considered to be a moment to moment physical, emotional and spiritual expression of our true self.
The importance of your aura cannot be underestimated and understanding each individual layer and how it affects you is crucial.

The Physical Layer
Also known as the physical aura plane, the physical layer is closest to the body and is a reflection of our comfort and health.
The layer is strongest when we sleep and diminishes during the day.

It extends around two inches from the body and smudges in the layer are viewed as indications of poor health.

The Astral Layer
The astral or emotional layer holds onto our history and experiences with loved ones.
It is the layer that influences the way we treat the people that we care deeply for.

It is from here that we gain our feelings of compassion and care.

The Lower Mental Layer
For most people, the lower mental layer is the most influential in their daily lives.
This layer is where we store our values and ideas.

It expands when we are busy at work or are deep in concentration.
Any damage to this layer can lead us to become judgemental and agitated.

The Higher Mental Layer
Although very closely connected with your lower mental layer, the higher mental layer takes our minds to a more spiritual place.
It is the layer that affects our ability to experience unconditional love, self-love and selflessness.

A well maintained higher mental layer will quieten the voices of self-doubt within you and project positive energy into the world.

The Spiritual Layer
The spiritual layer is what allows us to connect to other like-minded people and the wider universe.
With our own awareness of our spirituality, this layer draws us to people we can learn from and people we can teach.

Those who are unaware of this layer are often skeptical of those who are in tune with their aura.
Connecting with your spiritual layer is the first step to spiritual bliss.

The Intuitional Layer


Often called the celestial plane, this is where our ability to forgive and accept others is forged.
The intuitional layer is where we store our dreams and our projections for our own future.

If you take care of this layer then you will be consumed with feelings of kindness, patience and calm.
You will often find that people who have a true connection with the intuitional layer are profound and creative individuals.

The Absolute Layer
The absolute layer is the glue that holds together our aura.
It connects us to ourselves, others and the universe.

Misunderstanding this layer leads us away from the path of bliss and can lead to feelings of superiority and isolation.
When understood fully the absolute layer unifies our consciousness.

As individuals, we are all on our own spiritual journey and this layer is where we are able to complete the journey to pure bliss.

How to see your Aura
  1. Learn: Teach yourself the different colours that auras have and the meaning of each them.

  2. Sense: Begin by trying to sense someone else’s aura.
    Close your eyes, breathe deeply and think about how you feel in the presence of someone.
    Do you feel calm, agitated or even inspired?
    Then consider what colour you would assign to the feeling that you have.

  3. Tune in: Having learnt the colours, begin training your eyes to see colours more vividly.
    To do this cover a book with red or blue paper and place it across the room from you with a white or neutral wall behind it.
    Close your eyes and then slowly open them, but don’t look right at the book, instead look a little to the side of it.
    Keep your eyes focussed softly to the side of the book until you begin to see a pale aura come from the book which over time will transform into a bright yellow of green.

  4. Begin seeing: Stand in front of a mirror, 18” from a white or neutral wall and once again don`t look directly at yourself but focus softly just past your shoulder at the wall.
    Try to see an area of the wall behind you that looks lighter than the rest and focus on it to identify the color.
    Once you’ve identified the colour begin swaying and you should discover that your energy field moves with you.
    For brighter colours play your favourite song to initiate a stronger emotional reaction in your aura.
Finally, practice makes perfect!
Learning to see your own aura takes a lot of patience.

Don’t be frustrated if you can’t see anything straight away.
Just remember that simply by accepting your aura and trying to understand it more, you’re on the right path to spiritual bliss.

Finding the source of the distuption is a pound of cure. ;)

To invade, or not invade? I'd prefer non-invasive, but for pain relief this works wonders.

This is exactly why I just had those injections along my spine last week.
They do a “test” injection first, to make sure they have the source of the pain covered.
So I walked into the clinic that day with about a 6 on the pain scale, and left with a 1.
It helped for a couple days then wore off....but this one wasn’t really meant to last unfortunately (frustrating to wait) though they still injected some steroids so that helps a bit anyway.
Not sure if I need a second “test” injection before Medicare will pay for the ablation.
I had an area ablated about a year ago with significant pain relief...the nerves they ablate are not near any nerves that would cause any kind of issue...though you can lose partial feeling, or a week leg or two for a few days.
(I actually tried to go to the grocery store to get a deli sandwich last time and had to ride the cart cause my leg was asleep and I could barely walk...lololol)
The nerves return after 6-8 months to a year or more.
Though if you get the same spot ablated multiple times I’m sure scar tissue would form and it would be more difficult to regrow the nerves eventually.
I was examining my X-ray while he was injecting me, cause they use fluoroscopy or live X-ray to get in the right joints.
Anyhow...I was amazed at my disk space just below where he was injecting - it was almost gone!
I said - What do you think of that disk space below....isn’t that a bit thin?
Dr. - Yes.
I said - and those bone spurs, could they be compressing nerves or my spinal cord?
Dr. - Yes.
Me - *sigh*

A few years ago while I still was working in the OR, I asked one of the neurosurgeons to look at the last MRI I had done which was about 6 years ago.
He said I was a surgical candidate, I’m sure I am now.
Problem is...If they go decompress my spinal cord it would be great...they usually put in cortical screws plates, wedges, bone graft, etc. to fuse those vertebra together to provide stabilization.
But then it puts more strain on the vertebra above and below the fused section...this is usually why people end up having multiple back surgeries and I really don’t want to go down the road unless I am in constant intractable pain.
It’s frustrating because a decompression would probably help, but it’s difficult to differentiate between compressed nerves and arthritis pain flaring up sometimes.
Either way, I am going to request a new MRI....the insurance keeps rejecting it in the past because I had a bone scan done 5 years ago, and they still felt that is still a valid picture - which I disagree with and have made quite clear through written correspondence with them.
My Doctor even had to argue with the insurance that there is such a thing as your Sacroiliac joints...they refused to inject them, because they didn’t exist.
Look at an anatomy book, jesus.
So we got approved for something else and he injected my SI joints instead.
Not to mention that my Doc and everyone in that office is cool with marijuana use...well so long as you can maintain...I’m sure if you came in there all stoned and fucked up on meds they would maybe not be so
Still, it’s nice to have that option available to me when the pain gets bad or I can’t sleep or my body goes into overdrive.
Hell, he encouraged me to get some.

Anyhow...hopefully next time I go for a procedure will be the nerve ablation.
You hurt somewhat more for a few days because you are burning nerves away...and even though the surrounding tissue is barely effected it still is and well...feels like a burn in your muscle.
I can’t wait to get it done actually.
As the steroids wear off...and the lidocaine long gone...I feel back to where I was.
So fingers crossed that it doesn’t take too long to get the more long-lasting ablation.

I hope you are hanging in with that hardcore concoction of antibiotics!?
That’s a tough spot and I’m sorry that it’s so uncomfortable/painful/ill.
Much love.
next time I go for a procedure will be the nerve ablation.
You hurt somewhat more for a few days because you are burning nerves away...and even though the surrounding tissue is barely effected it still is and well...feels like a burn in your muscle.
I can’t wait to get it done actually.
I'm sorry to hear your injections wore off so quickly. Smoke the pot! :p (I'm 2 signatures away from legal, but they want to give me vapor delivery, not sure about that.) Great you're getting the ablation! You may find quite a bit of relief that is long-lasting.

I had mine done in my lumbar and sacral spine in 2013 with facet injections in my thorasic spine too in late 2014. (It's not common to have thorasic spinal issues, but a car wreck can cause them. With Vagus nerve trauma everything can go to shit in a quick hurry.) I still get occassional pains, and a double-whammy from neuropathy, but nothing like before the ablation! Here I am 4 years later and still doing 3x the physical stuff I was doing prior. The doc stuck my hip with a 5 1/2 inch needle in 2013 and my siatica symptoms haven't returned. That was a huge blessing. I was walking around like the Hunchback draging my right leg like a tree trunk, now I can almost part no cane. And, being able to ride my peddle bike again is pure joy! ;)

Don't get me wrong, I still have crappy days, but on the good days I tear-it-up, lol.

I hope you are hanging in with that hardcore concoction of antibiotics!?
That’s a tough spot and I’m sorry that it’s so uncomfortable/painful/ill.
I'm hanging...upset tummy this morning, I've been drinking thin yogurt smoothies and protien drinks, just can't do solid foods right now. That damn drink mix the doc perscribed is nasty, nasty, tastes like swamp water, lol. For every 8oz I've been doing an 8oz water chaser.

I've been learning alot about medicine these past few weeks that's for sure. Surgeon referred me to the Infectious Disease doc, the bacteria in the culture is normal to anybody's skin, but over populated in mine. That coupled with too high levels of immature blood cells, hair, sweat oil, keratin and epithelial (skin cells) in the cavity concerns her and she sent a referal to the immunologist. They'll decide if it's warranted to send me on to a gene specialist to check for a mutation, (by god, I knew I was a mutant :p), is being spent burning up battery juice reading an e-book, flooding my kidneys bc these drugs can cause renal failure, and just chillin. Sometimes I have to do as I'm told and silence that rebel for a bit.

Thank you for the well wishes, have a beautiful day...hugz,<3
I'm sorry to hear your injections wore off so quickly. Smoke the pot! :p (I'm 2 signatures away from legal, but they want to give me vapor delivery, not sure about that.) Great you're getting the ablation! You may find quite a bit of relief that is long-lasting.

I had mine done in my lumbar and sacral spine in 2013 with facet injections in my thorasic spine too in late 2014. (It's not common to have thorasic spinal issues, but a car wreck can cause them. With Vagus nerve trauma everything can go to shit in a quick hurry.) I still get occassional pains, and a double-whammy from neuropathy, but nothing like before the ablation! Here I am 4 years later and still doing 3x the physical stuff I was doing prior. The doc stuck my hip with a 5 1/2 inch needle in 2013 and my siatica symptoms haven't returned. That was a huge blessing. I was walking around like the Hunchback draging my right leg like a tree trunk, now I can almost part no cane. And, being able to ride my peddle bike again is pure joy! ;)

Don't get me wrong, I still have crappy days, but on the good days I tear-it-up, lol.

I'm hanging...upset tummy this morning, I've been drinking thin yogurt smoothies and protien drinks, just can't do solid foods right now. That damn drink mix the doc perscribed is nasty, nasty, tastes like swamp water, lol. For every 8oz I've been doing an 8oz water chaser.

I've been learning alot about medicine these past few weeks that's for sure. Surgeon referred me to the Infectious Disease doc, the bacteria in the culture is normal to anybody's skin, but over populated in mine. That coupled with too high levels of immature blood cells, hair, sweat oil, keratin and epithelial (skin cells) in the cavity concerns her and she sent a referal to the immunologist. They'll decide if it's warranted to send me on to a gene specialist to check for a mutation, (by god, I knew I was a mutant :p), is being spent burning up battery juice reading an e-book, flooding my kidneys bc these drugs can cause renal failure, and just chillin. Sometimes I have to do as I'm told and silence that rebel for a bit.

Thank you for the well wishes, have a beautiful day...hugz,<3

Yeah...I did get some pain relief from the first ablation...but I kept trying to tell the doctor he was going too low and this time his partner did it so he seemed to listen to me and mark the spot more accurately.
Hopefully my regular doc comes back soon...he had Hodgkin’s lymphoma but caught it early and responded well to the radiation and chemo...was getting ready to come back which was rather quick if ask me...but he’s got he got some kind of pneumonia (gee I wonder why?), and has been recovering from that...I think now he is being forced by his Doctors and wife and children to take the time off to get better.
He’s an Anesthesiologist Pain Specialist, I’m sure he can afford all the time off he could want...hell, he could probably retire as he’s in his early 50’s.
Anyway...yes...hoping that the ablation will be in a good spot and give me significant pain relief that lasts longer than a few days.
Whenever it is that I finally get it can’t be soon enough for me...though I am dealing with the pain in a much better way than I used to as far as it causing depression/anxiety and just functioning normally...the pain is still gradually increasing since I am off the biologic drugs...yesterday was shit.
Now I just get more frustrated by it than anything...I get tired of patiently waiting for injections or appointments.
Just give me some MF
Still going to pursue a new MRI...unless the insurance wants to charge me a shitload.
It’s not like I can just go to the Urgent Care on days where it is flags and alarm bells go off and they immediately think you are drug seeking...the abusers have ruined it for the rest of us.
If I wanted to I could get just about anything from my pain doc...but I choose not to take certain opioids (methadone) or go so far as a Fentanyl patch.
Though my pain has increased significantly since January, I have maintained the same dosage of medication I was taking then - I refuse to increase it past the point it is now.
It only ends up causing hyper analgesia and you are in more pain then before with nothing to alleviate the pain - the only thing you can do at that point is detox off all the meds which fucking sucks.
Done that several times now.
I’m an old pro. ;)

Really glad that your back issues were mostly resolved, at least the sciatica...which thankfully I don’t have.
Sorry that the meds are working you over so heavy...hopefully it will help fix the issue given time.
You would think with all the modern advancements in technology we have and they still can’t make drinks like that taste good?
Still saying daily prayers for you and others on the forum.
Always thinking kind thoughts when you pop in my head.
Much love.
Still saying daily prayers for you and others on the forum.
Always thinking kind thoughts when you pop in my head.
As well to you too! I'm finding many of us in here share similar stories.

It's ironic how attached we get to our healthcare providers, especially when the show us they care for our wellbeing as's hoping your doc gets the recoup he needs so he can get back to work ;)

It's all too easy to relate to what you're going through as we've experienced similar. I hear you on the pain meds thing, and it's true, many spoil it for the rest of us. Though I'm certian many abusers get there by accident while searching for relief, there are however, those that are greedy and abuse with purpose. One day perhaps medical science will catch up to the idea that the cures are more important than the monies that drawn out practice reaps. Affordable healthcare in regards to equal treatments across the globe, ehe? (Whole nuther convo I believe, lol) I'm sure there would be a lot less grumpier folks if they weren't in pain of any kind, a win-win for everyone. :D
Take care.
As well to you too! I'm finding many of us in here share similar stories.

It's ironic how attached we get to our healthcare providers, especially when the show us they care for our wellbeing as's hoping your doc gets the recoup he needs so he can get back to work ;)

It's all too easy to relate to what you're going through as we've experienced similar. I hear you on the pain meds thing, and it's true, many spoil it for the rest of us. Though I'm certian many abusers get there by accident while searching for relief, there are however, those that are greedy and abuse with purpose. One day perhaps medical science will catch up to the idea that the cures are more important than the monies that drawn out practice reaps. Affordable healthcare in regards to equal treatments across the globe, ehe? (Whole nuther convo I believe, lol) I'm sure there would be a lot less grumpier folks if they weren't in pain of any kind, a win-win for everyone. :D
Take care.
They are already developing an “opiate vaccine”...apparently it works...once you get it, no opioids will effect your receptors...I think for the rest of your life.
I can see them giving that to people who are return abusers, who can’t stay clean no matter how long they stay away.
But then I think that one day, that person is probably going to be old (if they live so long) and end up on hospice care or just have surgery for a hernia...and there will be just a bunch of bullshit available to them that won’t really squash the pain, and they will end up either
A.) Dying in horrible pain
B.) Turning to another drug earlier in life like meth or PCP, alcohol, etc.
I hope that it is used sparingly and only in cases where the individual has lost their person going to prison...otherwise, I also smell some lawsuits from people who were improperly vaccinated.
It would have to be a personal decision and not something forced onto people.

Yes...if we put people over profits we would have already gotten further along as far as medical science is concerned imho.
Thanks for your kind words of care and support!

How many days of this antibiotic do you have left?
Much love to you.

Metatron's Cube is a symbol derived from the Flower of Life which was used as a containment circle or creation circle.
Leonardo da Vinci studied the Flower of Life's form and its mathematical properties.
He drew the Flower of Life itself, as well as various components such as the Seed of Life.


Some basics....

Positive thinking:
Just believing you are healthy cuts your risk of early death by 71%

Many of us accept we're not the healthiest person on the planet.
But new research warns this mindset could be dangerous.

In fact, according to Stanford University, people who view themselves as less healthy than others are at risk of suffering a premature death - no matter how active they actually are.

The study, published in Health Psychology, is the latest of many to show how our thoughts, feelings and beliefs have a direct impact on our health.

Experts say this shows we should equally prioritize feeling positive and working out.

'Our findings fall in line with a growing body of research suggesting that our mindsets - in this case, beliefs about how much exercise we are getting relative to others - can play a crucial role in our health,' co-author Dr Alia Crum said.

Dr Crum, an assistant professor of psychology, and Octavia Zahrt, a doctoral candidate at the Graduate School of Business, analyzed surveys from more than 60,000 U.S. adults from three national data sets.

The surveys documented participants' levels of physical activity, health and personal background, among other measures.

In one of the samples, participants wore an accelerometer to measure their activity over a week.

They were all asked the same question: 'Would you say that you are physically more active, less active, or about as active as other persons your age?'

The researchers then viewed death records from 2011, which was 21 years after the first survey was conducted.

They found that people who saw themselves as less active than others were up to 71 percent more likely to die in the follow-up period than people who thought they were more active than their peers.

This was even true after they controlled for physical activity, age, body mass index, chronic illnesses and other factors.

Dr Crum's prior research shows that the health benefits people get out of everyday activities depend in part on their mindsets - that is, whether or not they believe that they are getting good exercise.

In her 2007 study, Dr Crum told a group of workers at a hotel that the activity they got at work met recommended levels of physical activity.

Previously, most of the workers had seen themselves as inactive.

Through this shift in mindsets, the workers experienced reductions in weight, body fat and blood pressure, among other positive outcomes.

Zahrt and Dr Crum offer possible explanations for mindsets and perceptions having such powerful effects on health.
One is that perceptions can affect motivation, both positively and negatively.

Those who are made aware of their healthy activity levels - like the hotel room attendants in Dr Crum's 2007 study - can build on them and exercise more.

Those who deem themselves unfit are more likely to remain inactive, fueling feelings of fear, stress or depression that negatively affect their health.

The researchers also cite the established influence of placebo effects, where patients who think they are getting a treatment experience physiological changes without receiving actual treatment.

In the same way, people who believe they are getting good exercise may experience more physiological benefits from their exercise than those who believe they aren't getting enough exercise.

'Placebo effects are very robust in medicine.
It is only logical to expect that they would play a role in shaping the benefits of behavioral health as well,' Dr Crum said.

The researchers emphasize that the study is correlational in nature and thus does not prove that perceptions of inactivity cause earlier death.
However, other experimental research - such as Dr Crum's 2007 study - does suggest a causal nature to the link between perceived amounts of exercise and health outcomes.

'So much effort, notably in public health campaigns, is geared toward motivating people to change their behavior: eat healthier, exercise more and stress less,' Dr Crum said. 'But an important variable is being left out of the equation: people's mindsets about those healthy behaviors.'

In fact, a growing volume of research from Dr Crum and other labs shows that perceptions and mindsets predict health and longevity, for example, in the domains of stress, diet and obesity.

It seems unlikely.
But Dr Crum insists it is not surprising, considering the 'everyday experiences where our beliefs or a simple thought have very palpable and physiological effects.'

'In the case of stress, a thought about something going wrong can make us sweat or [become] shaky or increase our heart rate,' Dr Crum continued.

'With sexual arousal, a simple thought or idea can have immediate physical effects.

'We experience these things regularly, and yet we're not cataloguing them as something that matters.

'For whatever reason - dualism or a prioritization of the material - we tend to ignore the fact that our thoughts, mindsets and expectations are shaping our everyday physiology.'

Zahrt and Dr Crum say the findings could help change our perception that vigorous exercise in a gym is the only way to attain a proper activity level.

Being mindful of and feeling good about activities you do every day - like taking the stairs, walking or biking to work, or cleaning the house - could be an easy first step for everyone to benefit their health, they say.

'It's time that we start taking the role of mindsets in health more seriously,' Dr Crum said.
'In the pursuit of health and longevity, it is important to adopt not only healthy behaviors, but also healthy thoughts.'
How many days of this antibiotic do you have left?
Just the injection Monday, in back of my thigh, doc said symptoms should dissipate in 72 hours or so. It's the side effects that I'm experiencing. From my understanding the 'cocktail' takes roughly 72 hours to metabolize, depending on individual rate. I always though B vitamins were short-lived, but then again I'm a novice ;) I just know I wouldn't wish it on anyone.