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@Tin Man

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Hahahahahaha..... the Cat tarot card reader!

Sheesh! Today I woke up early and filled with anger. I have pretty much canceled everything for the day in an effort to avoid opening my mouth and spewing vomit all over everyone. The images made me smile! ...and I am grateful to you for that. Muah!

done with humans alien on couch.jpg







Stephan A Schwartz:
Non-Local Consciousness and Exceptional Experiences

A Transformation Dialogue with Stephan A Schwartz and Dr Craig Weiner:

Non-Local Consciousness and Exceptional Experiences; Genius, Religious Epiphany, Near Death Experiences and Psychic Phenomena

Two hundred years of reductive materialism has failed to explain the extraordinary experiences we know as moments of genius, religious epiphanies, near death experiences and psychic insights.

This dialogue will talk about these experiences showing that they are in essence the same experience, differentiated only by intention and context.
The dialogue will talk about the well-conducted experimental research across the continuum of science that proposes a new interdependent model of consciousness, one that is not limited by space or time.

We'll compare shamanic and spiritual traditions with this new research suggesting they arrive at similar worldview.
Finally, we'll talk about meditation and other psychophysical self-regulation techniques that offer a powerful avenue for producing these exceptional experiences.

Stephan A. Schwartz is the Senior Samueli Fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing of the Samueli Institute, and a Research Associate of the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory of the Laboratories for Fundamental Research.
He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication , both of which covers trends that are affecting the future.

He also writes regularly for The Huffington Post.
Previously he was the founder and Research Director of the Mobius laboratory, and Director of Research of the Rhine Research Center, Senior Fellow of The Philosophical Research Society, Special Assistant for Research and Analysis to the Chief of Naval Operations, and an editorial staff member of National Geographic.

For 40 years he has been studying the nature of consciousness, particularly that aspect independent of space and time.

Transformational Dialogues were created by Craig Weiner, DC

Physicists Say They’ve Created a Fluid With
‘Negative Mass’

Researchers in the US say they’ve created a fluid with negative mass in the lab… which is exactly as mind-bending as it sounds.

What it means is that, unlike pretty much every other known physical object, when you push this fluid, it accelerates backwards instead of moving forwards.

Such an oddity could tell scientists about some of the strange behaviour that happens within black holes and neutron stars.

But let’s take a step back for a second here, because how can something have negative mass?

Hypothetically speaking, matter should be able to have negative mass in the same way that an electric charge can be either negative or positive.

On paper that works, but it’s still debated in the science world whether negative mass objects can really exist without breaking the laws of physics – something that’s not helped by the fact that the very concept is hard for us mere humans to wrap our heads around.

Isaac Newton’s Second Law of Motion is often written as the formula f=ma, or force equals an object’s mass times its acceleration.

If we rewrite it as acceleration is equal to a force divided by the object’s mass, and make the mass negative, it would have negative acceleration – just imagine sliding a glass across a table and having it push back against your hand.

However, just because it seems foreign to us, doesn’t mean it’s impossible, and previous theoretical research has shown some early evidence that negative mass could exist within our Universe without breaking the theory of general relativity.

More than that, many physicists think that negative mass could be linked to some of the weird things we’ve detected in the Universe, such as dark energy, black holes, and neutron stars.

As a result, researchers have been actively trying to recreate negative mass in the lab, with some early success.

But now researchers from Washington State University say they’ve successfully managed to get a fluid of superchilled atoms to act as though it has negative mass – and suggest it could finally be used to study some of the stranger phenomena happening in the deep Universe.

“What’s a first here is the exquisite control we have over the nature of this negative mass, without any other complications,” said one of the researchers, Michael Forbes.

To create this strange fluid, the team used lasers to cool rubidium atoms to a fraction above absolute zero, creating what’s known as a Bose-Einstein condensate.

In this state, particles move incredibly slowly and follow the strange principles of quantum mechanics, rather than classical physics – which means they start to behave like waves, with a location that can’t be precisely pinpointed.

The particles also sync up and move in unison, forming what’s known as a superfluid – a substance that flows without losing energy to friction.

The team used lasers to keep this superfluid at the icy temperatures, but also to trap it in a tiny bowl-like field measuring less than 100 microns across.

While the superfluid remained contained in that space it had regular mass and, as far as Bose-Einstein condensates go, was pretty normal.

But then the team forced the superfluid to escape.

Using a second set of lasers, they kicked the atoms back and forth to change their spin, breaking the ‘bowl’ and allowing the rubidium to come rushing out so fast that it behaved as if it had negative mass.

“Once you push, it accelerates backwards,” said Forbes. “It looks like the rubidium hits an invisible wall.”

So far, the researchers state that the negative mass fluid confirms what other teams have seen in their research, but it’s very early days.

It’s yet to be seen whether this escaping superfluid will be reliable and accurate enough to test out some of the very strange suggestions about negative mass in the lab, and before we get too excited, other teams need to replicate the results independently.

But the research has now been published in the peer-reviewed journal Physical Review Letters for anyone to try their hand at.

So hopefully it won’t be long before we see the experiment recreated.

One thing’s for sure, physics just keeps getting weirder, and we’re pretty excited to see what happens next.

By FIONA MACDONALD originally published on ScienceAlert

Are You Criticizing Yourself?
Buddhists Have a Message That You Need to Hear.

Some of us blame ourselves way too much.
Whether it’s our job, or relationship, it’s like our mind falls into the trap of thinking it’s always our fault.

It’s becomes a limiting habit that’s difficult to stop.

But you don’t have to be a spiritual guru to realize that self-blame is pretty useless and harmful.
Regardless of whether you were right or wrong, it doesn’t really serve a purpose.

The main problem with it is that we’re reacting instead of taking action.
It leaves us mentally stuck, blocking ourselves from seeing the bigger picture. It essentially stops us from living a peaceful life.

However, one philosophy that can help us to stop constantly self-blaming is Buddhism.
Buddhism provides two essential truths that are difficult to perceive in the midst of self-blaming.

1) Truth 1: Change is the only constant in the universe.

Buddhists believe that change is the cycle of life.
Everything goes through change.

The weather changes from day to day, you are born and eventually you’ll pass away, and you’re physical body changes moment to moment.
Change exists everywhere.

It’s impossible to deny.

When we blame ourselves for something, it’s useful to realize that change is inevitable.
We all make mistakes, but that doesn’t mean those mistakes define us.

They aren’t us and by having that experience, we’ve already changed.
There’s no need to blame.

Only to learn.

2) Truth 2: Causes and conditions.

Change is also based on causes and conditions.
Buddhism say that yes, we have the power to change causes and conditions, but only to a certain extent.

The truth is, there are literally thousands and thousands of causes and conditions that could be attributed to whatever dismal situation we are in today.
We’re never fully in control of situations or other people.

There are countless unknown factors plus the inevitably of change.
How could you possibly blame yourself when there are so many other factors involved?

Why are these two factors important?

When we understand that change is a fact of life – and that causes and conditions are also responsible, we can start letting go a little.

As the great Leo Buscaglia said:

“Let go.
Why do you cling to pain?
There is nothing you can do about the wrongs of yesterday.
It is not yours to judge.
Why hold on to the very thing which keeps you from hope and love?”

Originally published by The Power of Ideas, Ideapod’s blog.


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Do Those With Social Anxiety & High IQs Have A Rare Psychic Gift?

Are sensitive, empathic, intelligent people, predisposed to social anxiety?
Are they prone to taking on the energy of others more prone to anxiety, drug and alcohol addictions, and mental health disorders, or do they instead have a highly rare, psychic gift?

The answer could be both.


From recent scientific research, it turns out that the empathic, sensitive mind is more prone to mental health disorders because they are more in tune with what is going on around them.

These people aren’t “crazy,” as many articles would like us to believe, but anxiously searching for an answer to subtle psychic cues they take in from their environment – sometimes around the clock, seven days a week.

If we consider the many modes of mind control currently being used on the population to alter emotional states – from Artificial Intelligence, to alien implants, and even military industrial experiments that have proven to interact with our nervous system and brain – is it any wonder that the highly empathic among us might be overwhelmed with emotional information coming in from those around them?

Scientists are even said to have discovered an on/off switch for our consciousness deep in the brain – which more than likely means we’re being controlled as never before.

DARPA is already challenging scientists to hook the human mind up to a super computer, presumably to be able to control us even more.

This constant mental processing of subtle emotional cues from others means that people with social anxiety are doing a lot more in their brains.

They are more able to notice and interpret social cues from others, demonstrating a unique social-cognitive ability that only the truly empathic understand.

To further demonstrate this point, anxiety is the most commonly diagnosed “mental health problem” in the U.S.

It affects more than 40 million adults, which means roughly 20% of the population lives with anxiety.
Though anxiety can be absolutely crippling, and lead to much more severe depression as well as panic attacks, Western doctors are just starting to understand that some forms of anxiety may have been developed for a very good reason.

One research study out of Lakehead University discovered that people with anxiety scored higher on verbal intelligence tests.

Another study conducted by the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya in Israel found that people with anxiety were far better than other participants at maintaining laser-focus while overcoming a primary threat as they are being bombarded by numerous other smaller threats, thereby significantly increasing their chances of survival.

Researchers even called this combination of traits “sentinel intelligence” meaning that people with highly developed senses are able to perceive threats that are invisible to others.

Quite fascinating.

Another study found that people with common anxiety have higher IQs than people who don’t.
Scientists who published their findings in the journal, Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience, said that worry may actually have a positive component.


This doesn’t discount the fact that anxiety can be horrible to live with, and can actually lower our vibratory rate if left to run rampant, but it does indicate that a part of us – in many of us worrying empaths – is right about our gut feelings considering social situations and the manufactured emotions which are circulating through society right now.

Once we are aware that these feelings we are tuning into are real, we can more appropriately decipher and handle them.

Solutions to these challenges can be implemented easier and we can cope in a truly healthy way.

Empaths are world-class nurturers, because they are psychically picking up on others’ deepest worries, fears, hurts and pain.

Science is just now starting to understand this.
Instead of shouldering civilization’s discontent, we can simply acknowledge it, understand more about what might be causing it, and choose to stay sovereign in our own emotional space.

All of us are growing toward this more “in-tune” ability, but psychic people, which include empaths, usually notice that they’re different from other people in ways that they can’t quite define.

These people are usually labeled Anomalously Sensitive People, but really they are just people where the right side of the brain is allowed to ‘speak’ as much or more than the left – and in the Westernized, work-a-day world we constantly push left-brained thinking.

Furthermore, psychic people have more whole-brained wiring, meaning they use their entire brains more completely than those who haven’t yet realized their own psychic gifts.


And it isn’t just emotions the ‘anxious’ may be responding too.
People with psychic sensibilities may have physiological sensitivities which include an over active immune system, psychogenic sensitivities, substance sensitivities and electro-magnetic radiation sensitivities.

Being an empathic, anxious person doesn’t mean you are crazy, but it does mean you are more prone to developing mental health challenges unless you learn to understand, accept, and support your psychic abilities.

Feeling someone else’s emotions as though they were your own can be a gift, but only once you learn to siphon off the crud that has been set up to enslave you.

What are your thoughts?
Are you one of these people?

Why or why not?
Do you know someone who might be?

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Holy crap!

I open Etsy to find I have sold 3 of my wands...thank you!
So grateful...the money could not have come at a more needed time.

Still working on a private project right now...but then I gotta make some more!
My sincerest thanks to the universe and the lovely lady who purchased them!

They are in my opinion, the 3 best wands.
Two of them were not “love and light” enough for the Metaphysical shop...which kind of pissed me off, I almost didn’t consign my other things because of the bad energy (aura) coming from one of the owners...but I wanted to get them out in the public.
I honestly don’t know what her problem was, but she was the one who said that the one I brought in prior would unground her and she wouldn’t be able to finish the day - really?
Sorry that I didn’t just take a fucking stick and wrap purple sparkly play-doh crap holding a crystal point on the end with some feathers tied on the other end.
I make my things to function and she should be able to handle that or shouldn’t work at such a place were such energies and people with big energies come together.
That and they are absolutely NOT negative wands.
Anyhow...someone appreciated them and that’s enough for me!
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