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it-isnt-fair.gif can still post short things, right? RIGHT?! :sob:

Please take care and come back to us soon okay? :foxhug:
it-isnt-fair.gif can still post short things, right? RIGHT?! :sob:

Please take care and come back to us soon okay? :foxhug:

I will pop in from time to’s incredibly ridiculous how many HOURS and HOURS I have spent on the phone to various government agencies and insurance companies.
Sometimes after waiting for over an hour...all I get is...oh, let me transfer you to that department...2 hours later....Oh, well you need to call the local office....two hours later...Oh, you need to call the state...Oh you need to call Social Security...Oh you need to call the insurance company and broker.

Have a dentist appt. at 2pm...then I’m going to pop open a bottle of wine.
I have been meditating constantly to calm myself about the situation in-between calls (as the current insurance I have will end on Feb. 1st and the plan I was signed up for I don’t qualify for.) Any plan I qualify for charges anywhere from $5000- $10,000 for the IV Remicaid medication that keeps my arthritis at bay. (that’s just the price of the one medication...not factoring in doctors visits and the cost of insurance as a whole)
Supposed to get my next infusion on Feb. 9th, but I doubt that will happen now.

I just want people to be more aware of how unaffordable our healthcare system is.
It makes no sense that we can’t have a single payer's all for-profit...the humanity behind what should be the core focus of healthcare has been removed, namely; taking care of the sick, injured, and dying with compassion.
Now it’ long as you can afford it.
Thank you for your kind compliments and the words of seems these things come in cycles...I will get through is just occupying most of my free time...and the free time a do have I I feel unproductive as hell...but I really don’t know what else to do...I just have to put my trust in the universe and then do all that I can do myself to make what needs to happen a reality.
If it does not pan out that way...then perhaps it was supposed to be that way...I am not mad at life, or my situation per say...just angry that we treat people like cash cows and not with care and dignity that people need when they are at their most vulnerable.
I will keep fighting - there is nothing that drives me to react faster and with more passion than something I perceive as being unjust.
For my whole career I have medically taken care of an EMT/Paramedic, in the ER, and in Surgery.
Probably carrying people’s grandmas' down two flights of stairs on a stretcher contributed to my current issues, probably the 16 hour days, basically standing in one spot leaning over an open chest, or open skull, contributed as well...but I can look back on my accomplishments and feel proud.
I know I have saved more lives than I can actually count and remember...I feel that was something sacred I was lucky enough to take a part in.
So now...I will continue to be an advocate for those who need help...I have been on both the giving and receiving of medical care...I have even detoxed off of pain meds several times (when I feel my body gets used to it, it’s time to take a break as painful as that can be), I can empathize at many different levels now...I feel that was what was intended...and if I hadn’t been the paramedic to pick someone up, or gave up doing CPR, didn’t care about who was under the surgical drapes (because it is easy to forget this is a person, someone who loves and is loved when you just see the injury or surgical site you are working on), someone else would have come...but I got to do that - I am forever humbled by my experiences.

So now I’m going to meditate!
Before I have to run to the dentist...oh boy, can’t wait! haha
I’m around...just less participatory at the moment.

Much love to you and everyone else,
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I have had many conversations with americans about health care...I think it's ridiculous you all have to be rich in order to have proper medical care :( The system is flawed and should definitely be many people are suffering because of this. I'm so sorry you are a victim of this ridiculousness...everything you contributed to society and saving lives...sigh...fucking system. Now im getting upset for you. I'm gonna go kick their asses! ;)

I really do hope all of these phonecalls end up helping you get the care you deserve without putting you on the streets. I'm sending positive vibes your way!! Keep in touch.
A good talk with some interesting insights.
Enjoy until I’m fully present.


This is what happens when your brain's malfunctions/is damaged and the filters of reality our
brains' create for us are lifted or detached vs. what lies beyond.
A powerful personal account.

My stroke of insight
Jill Bolte Taylor

Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke.
As it happened -- as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding -- she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another.

(Also, like I said...if you want to “see” the grid for yourself there are ways to see it...and it is not just me that has seen it while on mushrooms.
But many others have seen it too while on various substances that are said to open the perceptions of the mind.
Just as an example, here are some other people discussing seeing it as well while on LSD -
Interesting how so many people could share the same vision of a grid, if it is solely a hallucination then why would there be such correlations across cultures, time, and different substances?
Just food for thought.)

The Becker-Hagens Grid
(Part 1)
(I had to break it up for all the pictures)

by Bethe Hagens

‘The experience of life in a finite, limited body is specifically for the purpose of discovering and manifesting supernatural existence within the finite.”

Attributed to Pythagoras


We’ve entitled our current exercise in planetary grid research "A New Synthesis” — and indeed we hope it is. All that may be new about our work is that we have simply found a unique blend of the previously “unblended” ideas of others. Those others are true visionaries in the areas of unexplained earth phenomena, human history, discovery, and the art-science of geometry (earth measure).

Over the last year and six months, we’ve received literally hundreds of letters from researchers all over the globe — who are seeking a comprehensive explanation for a continuum of phenomena and events which traditional science emotionally rejects as “impossible,” “hallucinatory,” and/or “unquantifiable.”

Yet the events continue to be catalogued, with many reports suppressed or labeled “fraud” by orthodox scientists. Worldwide networks of questioning theorists persist and grow with each report. We will try to mention as many of our correspondents as we can within the text of this article. Several contributors, listed at the end, have truly transformed our view of this work.

In 1200 A D., a new energy began to move within the cultures of the West. After centuries of obedient reflection within the established order of Roman Christianity, the spirit of individualism and exploration began to emerge. The 14th century great plagues of Europe, in which one fourth of the Continental population had died — with three out of four persons afflicted, had awakened in the West the archetypal imperative to “control Nature or die!”

By the 15th century, Leonardo da Vinci and the multi-disciplined geniuses of the Renaissance had rediscovered the lost scientific principles of pre-Christian Greece and Rome, and had invented the “view point” of the individual within their perspective drawing and painting systems.

Paintings and public murals now began to put the individual at the center of a “world view” which, for the first time in centuries, conveyed the notion that through individual effort and analysis, the person — the viewer — could come to order and “control” the often hostile natural environment.

This “individual point of view” (perspective view point on “horizon”) required “detached awareness” (standing distant from that which is viewed) and a consummate dedication to visual detail and analysis in order to “render an in-depth perspective.” The writing and journalism of today still ring with the Renaissance archetypes.

Now it is 500 years later, and Leonardo’s manifest symbol of individual view point and detachment has brought us to viewing video discs of the earth as seen from the moon. It has also brought us to the uneasy conclusion that our pre-Renaissance imperative to control Nature (literally “that which is born”) or die has ushered us into a technological malaise where most of our man-made “natural” control systems are in crisis — especially those systems which exploit, pollute, or dramatically disturb the biospheric processes of the earth.

Just as the perspective pictorial systems of the Renaissance artists “brought into focus” the unspoken cultural archetypes of their time, we feel that the current network of planetary grid researchers (of whom we are a part) may be on a similar path toward developing a unifying symbol of a new earth: a paradigm as transcendent over our passing “Iron Age” as the Renaissance was over the Dark Ages.

What may make the proposition even more fascinating is the parallel analogy that — just as the driving force behind the creative energies of the Renaissance was the rediscovery of Greco-Roman science/philosophy; so with our planetary grid theorists, the driving force behind most research efforts is the continuing flow of evidence, both physical and metaphysical, that the existence of Pre-Egyptian civilizations — some with highly advanced technologies — is now no longer speculative, but a necessary assumption for developing any comprehensive archaeological treatise.’

We believe that the planetary grid is an ancient model that brings control through comprehensive understanding and not through detached myopic analysis/manipulation.

The contemporary video artist/philosopher Dan Winter expresses the idea beautifully.

"Our destiny is to encounter our embracing collective mind with increasing intimacy and resonance. We awaken to a love life, in which personal love expands to planetary love — through this touching new body of mindfulness. A new body of mind crystallizes among us.” 2

Planetary Grid Researchers: Prehistoric to Present

The oldest evidence of possible planetary grid research rests within the Ashmolean Museum of Oxford, England. On exhibit are several hand-sized stones of such true geometric proportion and precise carving that they startle the casual viewer.

Keith Critchlow, in his book Time Stands Still, gives convincing evidence linking these leather-thonged stone models (see illustration #1) to the Neolithic peoples of Britain — with a conservative date of construction at least 1000 years (ca. 1400 B.C.) before Plato described his five Platonic solids in the Timaeus.


Illustration #1
These stones on display at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England

suggest a life of creative intellectual synthesis for the Neolithic craftsmen

who crafted and “wrapped” them with leather thongs.

And yet, here they are — the octahedron, icosahedron, dodecahedron, tetrahedron, and cube all arrayed for comparison and analysis. Other multi-disciplined archaeological researchers like Jeffrey Goodman 3 and A.M. Davie 4 have dated the stone polyhedra to as early as 20,000 B.C. and believe they were used as projectiles or “bolas” in hunting and warfare.

Davie has seen similar stones in northern Scotland which he attributes to the early art of “finishing the form” of crystalline volcanic rocks which exhibit natural geometry. He dates these artifacts to at least 12,000 years before Plato (ca. 12,400 B.C.).

Critchlow writes,

“What we have are objects clearly indicative of a degree of mathematical ability so far denied to Neolithic man by any archaeologist or mathematical historian.”

In reference to the stones’ possible use in designing Neolithic Britain’s great stone circles he says,

“The study of the heavens is, after all, a spherical activity, needing an understanding of spherical coordinates. If the Neolithic inhabitants of Scotland had constructed Maes Howe (stone circle) before the pyramids were built by ancient Egyptians, why could they not be studying the laws of three-dimensional coordinates? Is it not more than a coincidence that Plato as well as Ptolemy, Kepler, and Al-Kindi attributed cosmic significance to these figures.”

Yet another historian, Lucie Lamy, in her new book on the Egyptian system of measure gives proof of the knowledge of these basic geometric solids as early as the Egyptian Old Kingdom, 2500 B.C. We agree, in general, with all the above researchers that the crafting of sophisticated three-dimensional geometries was well within the capabilities of Pre-Egyptian civilizations.

With the concept that knowledge of these geometries was necessary to the building of stone circles and astronomical “henges” — we also agree — and would add that we have evidence that suggests that these hand-held stones were ‘ ‘planning models,” not only for charting the heavens and building calendrical monuments, but were also used for meteorological study; to develop and refine terrestrial maps for predicting major ley lines of telluric energy; and, in conjunction with stone circles, were used to construct charts and maps for worldwide travel long before the appearance of the pyramids.

Take another look at the five Neolithic stones. Notice the placement of points on not only completed intersections where hongs connect — but on the ‘ ‘open comers” where thongs might be added. The central figure, the dodecahedron, has all twelve centers of its pentagonal faces marked with points for further ‘wrapping” — as with the cube figure to the far right. Its corners are defined similarly by marked open points.

Now note the tetrahedron, the second figure from the right Its four vertexes or corners, which traditionally define four triangles, have already been bisected by a second array of thongs defining another tetrahedron overlapping the first at midpoints. It is our contention that these stones were not wrapped and marked with leather to facilitate their use as “bolas” or projectiles. The stones and their varied nets are too delicate and complex to have been used as hunting and warfare shot.

Their appearance struck us initially as ritual objects similar to the decorative reed spheres found in Southeast Asia; or as religious symbols such as the mysterious bronze and gold spheres found in France and Vietnam — which some say depict the ancient text of the Tao Teh Ching.

It may well be that all of these hand-held objects served similar planning and mnemonic functions for the people who treasured and crafted them. (See illustration #2)


Illustration #2
Gold and bronze figures exhibiting twelve facets and twenty “horns” have been unearthed in France and Vietnam.

Vietnamese war veterans recognize them as sacred Taoist objects marking acupuncture points.

Viewing the stone polyhedra together, we can only conclude as Keith Critchlow does — that their intended use was for the study, comparison, and analysis of spherically determined systems of geometry.

Given the apparent use of these stones as “planning models,” and given the apparent “extra wrap” of thongs on the tetrahedron — consider the result if the Neolithic craftsman of these forms had decided to discover the ultimate in delineated spherical geometry models, a single sphere upon which would be combined all the wrappings and points of all five solids.

The most direct route to such a figure is as follows: Take the icosahedron wrapping pattern and combine it with the existing pattern of points and thongs on the dodecahedron. The con- bination of figures provides a form composed of 15 “great circles” which intersect at 62 predicted common points.5 (Sec illustration #3)


Illustration #3
The Neolithic craftsman could easily have created this beautiful polyhedron — which requires the overlap of a
dodec and icosahedron. Fifteen “great circles” or “equators” of leather thong create the 120 Polyhedron.

This figure, which synthesizes the dodecahedron and icosahedron with its 120 triangles, was not only known to the Greeks but to other civilizations much earlier.

We believe that its geometry can be applied in two forms: the “girded sphere” or marked stone used for mapping, dowsing, or geometry (earth measure); and the armillary sphere or “celestial basket” used as an astronomical device to measure time via the solstices and daily sunrises.

The armillary sphere casts a shadow on the captured stone within its framework (see illustration #4) — thus echoing the ancient analogy “As above, so below.” 6


Illustration #4
The Minoan archives in Crete catalog the caned granite figure in which our armillary sphere rests as an unknown
object. These were of such importance that archaeologists have cast concrete replicas for their restorations at
Knossos. Notches in the top of the stand have led some to suggest that these might have been some sort of spit
barbeque device.

Returning to the creation of our ultimate spherical model, the second step would be to take the other figures — cube, tetrahedron, and octahedron — and lay out their line arrays over the existing 62 point pattern.

You will find that not only is the 62 point system of vertexes compatible with the icosahedron and dodecahedron — but that all the leather thong patterns of all the polyhedral stones are precisely “mappable” over those same 62 vertexes.

In fact, our surprised craftsman would soon discover that all five stone arrays can be overlapped one upon the other with different comer matchings until a beautiful polyhedron with 121 “great circles” and 4,862 points has been developed. This is the ultimate single sphere pattern which houses all five Platonic solids within multiple orientations (see illustration #5).

This is the same form that was used by R. Buckminster Fuller for his domes and in our research, we have called it the Unified Vector Geometry (UVG) 120 Sphere. We consider it the key component in our proposed “new synthesis” of planetary grid research.

Illustration #5

Plato’s description in the Timaeus of a cosmology based on the five regular volumes (tetrahedron, octahedron, cube, icosahedron, and dodecahedron) echoes Pythagorean teaching regarding the manifestation of the infinite within the finite. Plato postulates a metaphysics in which the four elements of Greek science — earth, air, fire, and water — are associated with four of the five solids.

He mysteriously reserves his description of that most noble form used by the Creator to fabricate the universe as “a certain fifth composition.” Tradition relates the cube to earth, tetrahedron with fire, octahedron with air, icosahedron with water, and the dodecahedron with the universe or “prana/aether.”

Because he had written that, “The earth viewed from above, resembles a ball sewn together from twelve pieces of skin,” we believe he related the dodecahedron to Gaia, the living planet earth. We also propose that Plato’s mysterious “fifth composition” is more complex than the dodecahedron - but based upon it.

We suggest that Plato’s most noble framework for building the universe is a form which unifies and supports all the forces operating simultaneously within the five regular solids, the four primary elements, and the earth (Gaia) itself — the Unified Vector Geometry 120 Sphere. We further contend that this sphere is the pattern upon which the ancients built their armillary spheres, which to this day are used to cast shadows for reading the solstices and equinoxes.

Contemporary researchers like Donald Cyr 7 and Sir J. Norman Lockyer, experts in archaeoastronomy, have again and again detected in the site layouts of ancient stone circles and cities, a circular plan of radiating lines diverging from sacred centers at angles of 22 + , 11 + , 46 + , 90, 120 and 180 degrees. These radiating lines, it was found, consistently align with standing stones, stone circles, and sunrise/solstice marking points on mountain peaks and crest “notches” surrounding the site.

A related set of angles in the Megalithic landscape, 23 ½ and 47 degrees, is equally regular but does appear to relate to celestial phenomena of the common variety. In many cases, these and the other angles link one sacred site to another miles distant. The basic triangle in our Unified Vector Geometry (UVG) 120 Sphere exhibits just these angles, at intervals strangely correspondent with those found by Lockyer, and Cyr and others.

Plato had travelled extensively while making notes for the Timaeus. His visit to Egypt would have brought him in touch with the historian/planners of the city of Cairo.

Engineer/geometer Richard J. “Dick” Benson’ believes that Cairo is possibly the most ancient surviving example of a precise geometric site plan based not only on the angles discovered by Cyr and others but on angles which connect sites across continents and which — again — are almost eerily similar to those in the UVG 120 Sphere. (See illustrations #6, #7)


Illustration #6
The world’s oldest map, which Richard J. “Dick” Ben son dates to 6018 B.C.,

depicts the elegant theory of mathematics embodied in the planning of the city of Cairo.
The megaliths shown are © Cheops, (K) Kephren, (M) Mikerinus, and (S) Sphinx.

Benson’s work may well provide a helpful, radically new framework for historical linguistics

as well as uncover a lost simplicity in the art and numbers of geometry.


Illustration #7

Donald Cyr is encouraging the use of a simple Halo Sighting Template to be superimposed

on maps of ancient sites in order to detect alignments that may indicate

“hidden halos” — atmospheric events that were almost certainly a part of the daily life of Megalithic man.

This sort of research will require the cooperation of compartmentalized scientists

in astronomy, geology, archaeology, and other disciplines — but may recreate

a holistic approach to Gaia that supported the lifestyle of the ancients.

  • Could Plato have avoided in the Timaeus a direct reference to the simple dodecahedron as his framework for universal creation because he was still searching for “a certain fifth composition” which would satisfy the magnificent site plan of Cairo that Benson’s map implies?

  • Or was he restricted by a secret vow to the Pythagorean Brotherhood not to reveal to the world the true form of Pythagoras’ compound polyhedron, which held all the solids within its form and had been used in the global grid and armillary sphere “planning models” for Cairo and other sacred cities?
Since Plato, history has lightly sketched what seems to have been a sub rosa quest for a Cairo-centered mapping system, which would “square the circle” and/or show the way to the Holy Grail. (Interestingly, a 13th century writer named Wolfram described the Grail as a “precious stone fallen from heaven”)

Curious artifacts like the Pin Reis map, dated 1523 A.D., but believed to be a copy of an ancient Greek original, show “wind rose” lines converging on Cairo with angular divisions of 22 + and 11 + degrees (see illustration #8).

Illustration #8

The U.S. Navy has analyzed the Pin Reis map and determined that it is a correct circular grid projection from Cairo.

The half diamond (outlined by grid points 37, 19, 20 and 38)

which contains the complete construction in- fill of the original map shows a superficial,

though perhaps indicative, resemblance to two Basic Triangles of the UVG system we propose.

Could this map have been an extension of the site lines and solstice/sunrise markers which encircle ancient Cairo?

Viewed “from above,” the major points on the Piri Reis map so nearly approximate points on our UVG 120 Sphere that we have included a sketch using our geometry and Piri Reis’ lines which attempts to complete the missing portion of the world map the Admiral originally drew.

The Piri Reis map and another unique document, the Buache map of 1737, contribute much toward our contention that early, possibly Pre-Egyptian civilizations possessed mathematical, astronomical, and geophysical skills equal to those in this con- fused “Iron Age.”

Both maps possess highly accurate and unique views of the continent of Antarctica not known, supposedly, before the International Geophysical Year of 1958. (See illustration #9)


Illustration #9

The Buache Map of 1737 shows Antarctica correctly without its ice cover

and may indicate everything from a dramatically different earth climate

than today to a technical capacity beyond that generally attributed to human culture 10,000 years ago.

The map provides an interesting piece in grid theory:

the centers of all UVG 10/12 Pentagons fall at the edges of continents or in oceans.

The Piri Reis map was found in Istanbul in 1929 and is said to have been copied from a map originating in the library in ancient Alexandria.

The Buache map of 1737 is said also to be the result of copying ancient Greek maps. Both maps astonishingly depict Antarctica’s true land masses through their icy cover — though instruments to detect such land masses were not invented until 1958. Even if the maps are complete frauds, they still predict Antarctica’s true profile thirty years early.

The matter of maps which can’t exist — but do — is a kind of continuing corollary avenue of research compatible with Unified Vector Geometry.

The maps of the so-called mythical continents of Mu and Pan (as described in the channelled Oahspe, A New Bible in the Words of Jehovih; in the writings of controversial scientist/philosopher Sir James Churchward; and in revelations of the Lemurian Brotherhood to the Lemurian Fellowship in Ramona, California) were all made long before the geophysical year studies and the contemporary pioneering ocean cartography of Marie Tharp and Bruce Heezen (see illustration #10).

Illustration #10

Notice the remarkable patterns of mountain ridges running 270 around Hawaii; the flat “plain” to the north- east; the boundary through the western quarter of the United States and Canada which marks the division between the Pacific plate and the North American shield. Whether or not these continents existed is a less important question than how accurately the maps mesh with the best contemporary scientific knowledge. The correspondence is very close.

Returning to the maps of Piri Reis, Buache, and the ancient sea kings, what kind of planning models would an ancient mariner need to construct such maps? Ivan Sanderson, re- searcher into the unexplained, asked such questions in the 1960s and 70s — and with several associates, he set out to “pattern the mysteries” by taking full advantage of modern communication technology and statistical data analysis.

His success was startling. His 1972 article in Saga magazine, “The Twelve Devil’s Graveyards Around the World,” plotted ship and plane disappearances worldwide, focusing attention on 12 areas, equally spaced over the globe, in which magnetic anomalies and other energy aberrations were linked to a full spectrum of strange physical phenomena (see illustration #11).

Highest on Sanderson’s statistical priority list was a lozenge- shaped area east of Miami, in the Bahamas, on the western tip of the infamous Bermuda Triangle. This area’s “high profile” of strange events, Sanderson concluded, was mostly due to the enormous flow of air/sea traffic in the area. Other zones of anomaly, though less familiar, were equally rich in disappearances and space-time shift occurrences.

A pilot flying with passengers near the Hawaii zone suddenly found himself in a “dead zone” without instruments and unable to communicate beyond the cockpit. After flying some 350 miles, the “phenomenon” lifted and the pilot found that tower officials could find no measurable time had elapsed between the beginning of his “dead zone” experience and its end.

Another area of continuing disappearances and mysterious time-warps is the Devil’s Sea located east of Japan between Iwo Jima and Marcus Island. Here events have become so sinister that the Japanese government has officially designated the area a danger zone. Sanderson theorized that the tremendous hot and cold currents crossing his most active zones might create the electromagnetic gymnastics affecting instruments and vehicles.

His theory is now being balanced against several.

(Continued into next post)
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The Becker-Hagens Grid
(Part 2)​

These same areas, in the pattern of an icosahedron, have been mapped out in the Keys of Enoch (1977) by J. J. Hurtak but are explained as natural time-warp contact areas used by the Brotherhood.


Illustration #11
The lozenge-shaped anomalies of electro-magnetic aber- ration were identified by Ivan Sanderson

in the late ‘60s and were the impetus for a worldwide reinvestigation of practical whole earth geometry.

A source of confusion has been over the location of equally spaced points zig-zagging the globe 36° from the equator.

This is not point latitude but rather the angle of incidence with the equator (as shown above).


Illustration #12
In his tour de force The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch,

a meta-linguistic code document of linguistic-cybernetic information,

Dr. J.J. Hurtak proposes areas of artificial (above) and natural (below) time warp areas used
for contact by the Brotherhood. Numbers reflect planetary grid coding points we have adopted that duplicate the
original Russian system.

It is not unreasonable metaphysical theory to assume a pulse to the universe, an electromagnetic heartbeat which makes time appear to go backward and ahead — for planes of existence to manifest and disappear. What better spots for contact than Sanderson’s? (See illustration #12)

Ivan Sanderson and his energetic colleagues are surely the contemporary rediscoverers of what has come to be called the “Planetary Grid” — so named by Christopher Bird in an article which appeared in the New Age Journal of May 1975. Bird’s writing brought to light that a truly “morphogenetic”10 worldwide research effort, involving earth/human origins and grids, had taken off parallel to and as a result of Sanderson’s work.

Bird wrote about three Russian researchers (Nikolai Goncharov, a Muscovite historian; Vyacheslav Morozov, a construction engineer; and Valery Makarov, an electronics specialist) who had published an article entitled “Is the Earth a Large Crystal?” Their work, supportive of and following immediately upon Sanderson’s, had outlined a worldwide grid of points nearly identical to Sanderson’s 12 and had added 50 more.

These occurred where Sanderson’s global icosahedron overlapped the Russians proposed combination of icosa and dodecahedron. These new lines and points, in conjunction with Sanderson’s, now matched most of the earth’s seismic fracture zones and ocean ridge lines as well as outlined worldwide atmospheric highs and lows, paths of migratory animals, gravitational anomalies, and even the sites of ancient cities.”

The tradition established by the Russians with the overlapping icosa/dodecahedron grid has been adopted by almost all grid researchers with the exception of New Zealand’s Captain Bruce Cathie who is working with the cubeoctahedron (Fuller’s vector equilibrium model, briefly discussed in the next section of this article). Among the rest, there are some common themes in the predictive science of the grid and some dramatic divergences.

Those involved in what might be thought of as “classic geometries” use the model to predict physical events and measurable phenomena in the tradition of Ivan Sanderson:
  • Athelstan Spilhaus (faults, seismic activity, continental drift)

  • J.J. Hurtak (time warps, evidence of paraphysical grid line connections among pyramids in the Americas)

  • A.M. Davie (coincident events). Another branch of theory centers in harmonics
Bruce Cathie is meticulously charting the courses of phenomena grouped under the title of “UFO.”

Michael Helus has under- taken a universal theory of harmonics that he calls “Astrosonics” and is attempting to develop a practical health technology for people to get “in tune” with Gaia by reactivating the harmonics of the cosmic time and place of their birth. He believes that planetary grid harmonics can and will be manipulated if we do not develop a responsible stewardship for this profound and powerful resource.

John Sinkiewicz has developed a theory not unlike that of Donald Cyr — that we may be making an enormous mistake if we assume that “Nature” is natural, that it’s always been like this — with wild climate swings, tornadoes, pole wobble, and the like. Sinkiewicz believes the earth energy grid is out of alignment, is no longer anchored at the north and south poles, and that New Age spiritual communities around the world are gradually rediscovering the new grid and building their sacred sites in accordance to activate it.

Ray Stoner, working with shamans among the Central American and North American Indians, has gone a step further and is searching the museums and ruins for potential pieces of the grid “power system” he believes was once in operation around the world and centered in the pyramids.

His is potentially the most politically revolutionary theory since so many key “artifacts” (such as the unusual stone yoke shown in illustration # 13) are found in the museums and collections of the very wealthy.


Illustration #13

Archaeologists hypothesize that “stone yokes” such as this one on display at Chicago’s Field Museum

were worn by Mayan athletes during their strenuous and violently competitive games.

These yokes measure approximately 24” by 18” and are about 4” in width.

They appear to be carved from solid granite and weigh perhaps several hundred pounds.

Ray Stoner has noticed a resemblance to magnets, even down to carvings of heads facing opposite directions on the two poles.

In our opinion, the ob- ject is incomplete, perhaps requiring some sort of attractive base plate.

The work of both Stoner and Sinkiewicz provide something of a bridge to the work of the dowsers, notably,
  • Christopher Bird (who dowses for information)

  • Terry Ross (former President of the American Society of Dowsers who practices a kind of dowsing of manifestation for needy Third World countries)

  • thousands of dowsers here and in Europe who are slowly uncovering a transcontinental network of lines based on a kind of sixth sense of the flow of Gaia and the “ley” of the land
This same type of work has been carried on in China and Japan for thousands of years as Geomancy — the identification of archetypes of the tiger and the dragon in the landscape, and the sitting of buildings and their functions with respect to balancing these forces with the flow of underground water and cosmic energy. (See illustration #14)

A branch of dowsers in this country (including Tom Bearden, Ken MacNeill, Toby Grotz, and Walter Baumgartner) are pushing the politics of grid research into the development of practical “free energy devices” that will be decentralized, affordable, and supportive of personal freedom.

A New Synthesis: Predictions and Speculations

In 1983, upon first seeing a drawing of the Russian planetary grid in Moira Timms’ book Prophecies and Predictions, we immediately recognized the work of R. Buckminster Fuller — who had spent a lifetime developing his models and theory of “nature’s comprehensive building system.” There before us, adapted from Chris Bird’s article, was a drawing of an “incomplete” geodesic sphere — in fact, the exact sphere upon which Fuller had based his geodesic domes and much of his theory of synergetic geometry.

With the simple addition of 60 lines which connected the vertexes of Sanderson’s icosahedron to the vertexes of the added Russian dodecahedron we had duplicated the Neolithic craftsman’s model and established Fuller’s 15 “great circle” polyhedron as a key link in the chain of grid ideas. After locating Bird’s original article and finding the Russian work in Chemistry and Lite, a USSR science magazine, we went into what many researchers, writers and artists call “curiosity/compulsion syndrome.”

Everything we seemed to hear, see, read, and even eat related “in some way” to the planetary grid. Three months after glancing at that Russian drawing, our library had totally changed, cardboard and store-bought globes littered our tables, and we were driving to Washington. DC. to meet with Chris Bird.

Since that time nearly a year ago, a cascade of information from friends, students, co-researchers, and others has brought
us to this current presentation.

We propose that the planetary grid map outlined by the Russian team Goncharov, Morozov and Makarov is essentially correct, with its overall organization anchored to the north and south axial poles and the Great Pyramid at Gizeh. The Russian map, however, lacks completeness, in our opinion, which can be accomplished by the overlaying of a complex, icosahedrally-derived, spherical polyhedron developed by R. Buckminster Fuller.

In his book Synergetics 2, he called it the “Composite of Primary and Secondary Icosahedron Great Circle Sets.” We have shortened that to Unified Vector Geometry (UVG) 120 Sphere, because of the form’s elegant organization of 121 “great circles” running through its 4,862 points. We use the number 120 due to its easy comprehension as a spherical polyhedron with 120 identical triangles — all approximately 30’, 60 and 90 in composition.

All other forms within our Unified Vector Geometry use shape names and numbers which refer to the quantity of smallest UVG Basic Triangles within a given form — and the number of named forms in the UVG 120 Polyhedron or Sphere. Thus, when we refer to our “Pac-Man” pentagons which appeared in our first planetary grid map, you should know that we also call them UVG 10/12 Pentagons, because ten of our Basic Triangles create each pentagon and there are twelve pentagons in the UVG 120 Sphere and Polyhedron.

In our commercially available EarthStar foldable globe/map,12 we use the UVG 4/30 Diamond (or rhomb).

Within this diamond are 4 Basic Triangles, and there are 30 diamonds in the 120 Polyhedron and Sphere (see illustrations #15, #16).


Illustration #15

Our goal in producing EarthStar was the creation of a map that would be comfortable

to an audience oriented to the equatorial linearity and continental positioning of a standard Mercator map.

It depicts major river systems, seismic zones, major ocean currents and the lines of the UVG 120 Polyhedron.

The map is an excellent tool for distance estimation,

as the sides of the Basic Triangle measure 1400, 2200 and 2600 miles respectively.

(An interesting numerological coincidence:

the sides of the Basic Triangle add up to 6200 miles, or one-quarter of the circumference of the earth).

We believe that this map was used by ancient navigators of the seas and skies,

who would have found these great circle routes the most convenient and efficient for long-distance travel.


Illustration #16

The UVG 4/30 Diamond centers on EarthStar will provide, we believe,

the most fertile zones for research into the ancient history of the earth because they appear to be so geologically stable.

In addition, there is a surprisingly full history of advanced cultures in these areas already established:

the complex of Alexandria/Cairo/Jerusalem (point 1);

a possible nuclear waste storage area postulated by Jalandris in Gabon (point 40);

the People of the Four Corners (point 13);

the sacred lands of the Hopi (point 17);

the sacred lands of the Australian aborigines (point 44);

the vast complex of megaliths and stone circles in the British Isles (point 11);

the extraordinary Ugansk Bay Eskimo art complex (point 9);

the ancient splendor of Amazonian cities now buried in vegetation (point 36);

the Argentine Tafi megaliths (point 48);

the contemporary site of major Soviet defense research (point 5).

and the nearly unmatchable biological splendor of the Galapagos Islands (point 34).

This figure permits not only easier assembly of the UVG 120 Polyhedron (in the form of the rhombic triacontahedron) than our pentagon-based hexakis icosahedron, but also permits easy orientation to the four compass points when working with the globe or map (see illustration #17, and chart).

Illustration #17

And now we come to our most fascinating discovery of all - the predictive utilization of the Basic Triangle.

It is this figure which we knew to be the result of multiple mappings of all five regular Platonic solids on the surface of a sphere or combined polyhedral form (icosahedron and dodecahedron) like the hexakis icosahedron and/or rhombic triacontahedron.

What we hadn’t known until recently was that R. Buckminster Fuller had not only drawn and analyzed the Basic Triangle, but had also noted all its internal angles in planar and spherical notation (See illustration #18). Also what we hadn’t known until quite recently was that this triangle could predict so many kinds of events and geographic patterns, at so many times and places throughout human history.

As mnemonic tools, the UVG Basic Triangle and 120 Sphere store and integrate biology, metaphysics, mythology, astronomy, geology, human struggle — or in the words of Pythagoras, “the supernatural within the finite.”

The geometry of EarthStar is the rhombic triacontahedron projection method developed by R. Buckminster Fuller. We have continued to use the numbering system originally published by Russian researchers.

Unified Vector Geometry (UVG)

Illustration #18

Within the Basic Triangle’s 30, 60 and 90 degree angles

(whose lines and vertexes define 120 of those triangles, 62 major grid points, and 15 major great circles)

are arrayed 45 intersection points and 16 lines which manifest 106 minor great circles

and 4800 minor points over the face of the globe (UVG total is 4862 points).

By noting the three numbers for the Basic UVG Triangle followed by a single number

for a minor grid point (example — Oxford, England falls near 2-11-20/2 on our European maps);

two numbers for a minor grid line (example — Italy’s boot heel is defined by Basic Triangle 2-1-20/43-28 minor line).

On September 1, 1983, in the pre-dawn sky, a 747 jumbo jet is cruising over the last island in the Aleutian chain.

The Korean pilot is relaxed and having coffee as his autopilot is switched onto “Red Route 20,” the standard course set for all airliners out of Anchorage to avoid coming within 25 miles of Russian territories north of Japan.

At 3:18 a.m., Japan time, the pilot radios that his position is 115 miles south of Hokkaido Island in northern Japan. Ground radar, however, locates the plane 115 miles north of Hokkaido and well into Soviet airspace. At 3:27 a.m., a garbled distress call goes out from the plane - the last message to be sent from KAL 007.

Glance at our illustration of the path of the plane on the UVG 120 Sphere and imagine this scenario. KAL 007 crosses planetary grid point 6, approximately 1800 miles east/southeast of Anchorage, Alaska about 1:00 a.m. Thursday, September 1, 1983.

The positions of the sun and moon begin bringing enormous energy into the vector line which stretches from the tip of the Aleutian chain to the Mongolian/Soviet mainland west of Sakhalin Island. (See illustration #19).


Illustration #19
An activation of the grid system appears responsible for the demise of two modem jetliners dependent upon com
puterized navigational systems. On September 1, 1983, KAL 007 left Anchorage (A) on an intended flight to
Seoul, South Korea (K). It was diverted down a minor grid line to a crash sight near Sakhalin Island (S).

KAL 902 left Paris (P) bound for Anchorage (A) on April 20, 1978 but was diverted down a minor grid line and shot
down near Murmansk (M) in the Soviet Union.

Silently, without alerting Captain Chun the pilot, the geo-compass in the autopilot’s guidance system is slowly pulled 22.24° off its corrected north bearing, altering the course of the plane by that amount while simultaneously beginning to energize and speed up the magnetic odometer in the plane’s computer navigational system.

A fractional addition of a mile is added to each actual mile travelled at an accelerating rate. As the crew and passengers talk about the festivities ahead in Seoul, other smaller aircraft appear behind the 757 airliner. No communication takes place because the pilots of the smaller aircraft are never given international radio frequencies for fear they will defect. Then an explosion, and another, thunder into the ears of the crew.

Captain Chun begins his radio distress call, but in four short minutes the lives of all 269 aboard are gone. Compare the above to the flight of KAL 902 out of Paris, bound for Anchorage. The date is April 20, 1978. In the pre- dawn sky over grid point 11, in northern Scotland, the 707’s guidance system compass begins to read to an energized line running up from the Bermuda Triangle.

Captain Kim Chang Kyu, a veteran KAL pilot, doesn’t notice the bearing of his plane changing slowly to 82.25° off his near polar great circle route. The plane moves onto an infill grid line over Greenland. By the time the plane moves into the next basic grid triangle, a passenger notices that the Arctic sun which had been on his right is now on his left.

Before he can alert Captain Kyu, a Russian missile slams into the fuselage, killing two passengers and forcing the plane to land on a frozen lake south of Murmansk. As Russian troop vehicles appear on the shore, Captain Kyu apologizes to his passengers saying that he had felt something had gone wrong with his compass before the Russian planes had appeared.

Both incidents, KAL 007 and KAL 902, were based on pre- dawn crossings of major grid points (6 and 11) by sophisticated aircraft which then, unbeknownst to their crews drifted off their programmed course and followed minor grid lines until shot down by uncommunicative Russian pilots.

We predict that there will be other incidents such as these occurring in the future, and not just off the Russian coastline. We feel that incidents such as these help pinpoint the evidence about which Ivan Sanderson theorized in 1972 — that there is a predictable physical pattern of energy events working through the system Chris Bird called the planetary grid.

The “predictable physical pattern” was discovered in quite a different context from earth energy research. While discussing the physical structures which support his theories of geometry (in Synergetics 1), R. Buckminster Fuller presented evidence that the micro-photography of balloon skin layers has, under near ideal conditions, produced visible patterns identical to our UVG 120 Sphere surface structure.

As interior gas molecules ricochet off the inner surface of the balloon, they manifest their kinetic energy in “great circle” patterns of “shortest distance” frequency. If the ambient temperature of the balloon’s exterior can be delicately balanced and equalized — the pattern of the UVG 120 sphere can become visible.

Given that the earth’s original formation was based upon the clustered gravitational packing of quadrillions of vibrating cosmic dust particles and gases, in the early eons of our solar system — we feel the analogy of the balloon skin is strongly comparable to the lines of vectorial energy we hypothesize are transitting the earth’s surface. Our Basic UVG Triangle reveals a 120th section of these energy lines — and we think that it is totally predictable to find detailed physical manifestations of these lines, particularly on continental land masses.

A possible piece of supporting evidence comes from the Vail/Cyr canopy theory — which proposes a more equalized world climate during the Megalithic period (see footnote 7). If the global climatic ambience were more regularized than it is today, it is possible that grid energy manifestations were also more visible and potentially more available for applied use. Extending the speculation back further in time, the deluge myth round in the myths of virtually all cultures can perhaps be traced to some (Atlantean?) technological endeavor that caused a partial and devastating collapse of the canopy.

Before this collapse, the poles may well have been free of ice (hence the existence of maps such as Piri Reis and Buache). Polar ice caps may have formed relatively rapidly in the period of climatic disequilibrium. In this light, Cyr’s Megalithic canopy theory is correspondent with our own findings in analyzing Megalithic sites. We have documented in the illustrations of Ireland, Britain, and Europe which follow; a patterned interface of man-made constructions, dating to the Megalithic period, which correspond to our proposed “infrastructure” for the icosa/dodecahedral planetary grid.

New evidence that we are just beginning to analyze 13, and which includes patterns of mounds within the central United States and the curious “lines” of the Nazca area of Peru, exhibits the same close correspondence. This proves to us that past cultures have been aware of, and attuned to, the energies of the UVG 120 Sphere.

A second analogy to earth’s processes we feel comfortable with is the Russian crystal earth concept, whereby coalesced volcanic matter which formed the earth settled initially into a crystal for (UVG 120 Polyhedron). The Russians theorize that with rotation and centrifugal redistribution of molten surface material, the earth soon took on its spherical form but retains the deep crystal structure and its predictable manifestations.

One of these is based on the principle that crystal edges and vertexes carry most of the thermal, structural, and electromagnetic energy events developing from within and imposed upon the surface material. Satellite cameras and infrared/radar instruments have already documented thermal/structural energy developments along the globe’s UVG 120 Polyhedral edges.

It remains for traditional science to develop instruments as sensitive as an experienced dowser’s “earth sense” before the full spectrum of the earth’s electromagnetism can be tuned like a “crystal set” radio to a wide range of frequency band widths. (See illustration #20)

Illustration #20
R. Buckminster Fuller’s configuration of electromagnetic band widths (small sphere)

is a hidden master pattern in the UVG 120 Sphere.

The similarity to hand-held decorative reed spheres from Southeast Asia

is further evidence that such “planning models” have been in common use throughout human history.

“If you could only see the reams of tracing paper which spill out of the drawers in my office,” writes A.M. Davie.

“I have been doing the same exercise with electromagnetic band widths for years.

To forecast an event in the Catastrophe Theory, this principle must be used.

Whether on a Planetary scale or down to full Earth surface scale of fractions of inches, it is basically the same theory...

I have done experiments (with band widths of frequency tunability) in the lab

and found the same experiences as reported in the Bermuda Triangle and UFO incidents.

This experiment is too dangerous to repeat, and Edinburgh University has agreed

to a ban on all attempts to re-enact the experiments. It is potentially lethal.

The theory of this phenomenon was known to Attistotle...

It is definitely TIME-SPACE-COLOUR-HARMONY syndrome in content,

and therefore obeys a numerical law of nature to allow forecasting the event.”

It is clear to us that Megalithic peoples knew all that we now know about the planetary grid and then some.

The stones which they so carefully placed upon ley lines were used to communicate with anyone else linked via common telluric energy flows. (See illustration #21)

These energy flows are being mapped today both by dowsing groups interested in this rarest form of “harmony of the spheres” and ley line hunters (such as John Michell and others in the great tradition of Alfred Hawkins) who wonder at the coincident sitting of modem towns and significant structures upon ancient stone remains from the past. (See illustration #22)


Illustration #21

Unobstructed minor grid energy lines focus into a Basic Triangle corner in the British Isles,

which have probably the largest clustering of megaliths in northern Europe. Stone circles are indicated by dots.

(See next post for final part 3)
The Becker-Hagens Grid
(Part 3)

Illustration #22

Both ley line hunters and dowsers have wondered at the persistent site line-ups of ancient megaliths

and more recent sacred constructions (cathedrals, capital cities, shrines, etc.).

The diamond-pattern line superimposed on our map shows a transcontinental system of energy ley lines

published by Golin Bloy an experienced dowser in Europe.

Most of the line has been confirmed by dowsing.

The correspondence with the UVG 120 Sphere is apparent.

In Triangle 11-20-2, we find Oxford (2); North Sea oil deposits (4-5-6); Rotterdam (9);

Hameln, village of the Pied Piper (17); Berlin (13); Chartres (17); Alta Mira (24);

Frankfort (19); Barcelona (35); Cordoba (32); Hamburg (12); and Lourdes (line 24-36).

In Triangle 20-2-1, we find Athens (10); Delphi (19); and Assisi, home of St. Francis (43).

Illustration #23
“The tree can be understood as representing the chakras in the body of universal man, the Anthropos...Adam Kadmon.

Sacred anatomy = sacred geography.

There would be a number of connected patterns of ‘trees/men’ covering the surface of the globe which,

depending upon the scale or application, might correspond to the ‘root races’ or ‘sub-root races’

or perhaps even the twelves ‘tribes’ of Israel (mankind).

As there are ever finer gradations of ‘trees’ within the Sefirotic Tree,

the ‘extended trees’ would create chains and great circles woven across the sphere

like the electromagnetic band widths of frequency tunability.”

Communication from Robert Gulick in Englewood, Colorado.

We also hold that a major reason why Megalithic groups were so interested in astronomy and the precise calculation of solar and lunar phases was that within these calculations rested the predicted “pulses” of energy through the grid at different times of the year.

Captain Bruce Cathie, an airline pilot and prolific grid researcher from New Zealand, has theorized for years regarding the grid’s pulsing harmonic pattern and how it might relate to UFO and “sky light” phenomena. UVG is applicable to this research in a curious way. R. Buckminster Fuller was constantly experimenting with spherical packing — how many equal sized spheres can you fit into a given polyhedron, and how can the arrangement be shifted (keeping the same number of spheres) into a different one.

As it happens, the UVG 120 Polyhedron shifts back and forth with the cubeoctahedron (or vector equilibrium model, as Fuller calls it) that Cathie uses and that seems to map UFO phenomena. We can hypothesize the heart- beat of Gaia.

The ancients evidently patterned their universal and local holidays and feasts to conjoin with the interlocking events between the grid and solar system energy fields. Both KAL 007 and KAL 902 tragedies occurred during significant holiday periods — 007 during a major Hindu feast for Vishnu, and 902 during Good Friday/Passover. We have also come to speculate that the stone polyhedra introduced early in this article may have been used as charts and terrestrial guides for large pilgrimages which took place over major regions of the globe. (See illustration #23)

Spiritually and intellectually hungry travellers may well have visited major energy collection points on the grid, each having its own flavor and delight. The hand-held model, or map, attuned as it was to the solar system and to the monuments and towns one would pass along the way, was a complete tool for the voyager. (See illustration #24)


Illustration #24
L. Taylor Hansen, in a little known book entitled He Walked the Americas,

presents over thirty years of research documenting the presence of a white-robed fair-skinned man

known throughout the mythologies of the Americas (among many other names) as

The Lord-of-Wind-and-Water, Tah-co-mah, or Kate-Zahl, the Prophet.

The map shows the path of his pilgrimage, beginning in the western ocean,

circling the major American grid points, and ending in the eastern ocean horizon.

It is possible that “Jesus Christ” is our surviving mythology of sacred pilgrimages on the “Gizeh Crystal.”

It may even have charted the cycle of transcontinental festivals in much the same way that the Australian aborigines are able to coordinate huge religious gatherings with (seemingly) no deliberate planning.

The “bureaucracy” is maintained only in the flow of time through lines of kinship, lines of sight, and sacred lines of the tchuringa.


1. Let us pray that another plague (AIDS, cancer, heart disease...) will notbe necessary in completing this scenario.

2. Taken from “Gathered Notes Among Friends on: The Crystal’s Dance.” a publication from Chrystal Hill Farm. 9411 Sandrock Rd.. Eden, NY 14057.

3. Jeffrey Goodman is a highly controversial, free-thinking independent archaeologist and author ( We Are the Earthquake Generation: The Genesis Mystery) who was among the earliest pioneers of “psychic archaeology.” His current work focuses on health and crystals.

4. We want to thank Robert Cowley of the Research into Lost Knowledge Organization (RILKO, 8 The Drive, London N i l 2DY England) for introducing our work to A.M. Davie of Alloa. Scotland. In our long, enjoyable correspondence with Mr. Davie, we have found him to be a gifted scholar of ancient languages and cultures, a keen observer of coincidence, and (as evidenced by reports of his work with SRI in California) inventor of a predictive system for events as seemingly unrelated as earthquakes, spontaneous combustion, cardiac infarction, mechanical failure, and crime.

5. We call this figure the Unified Vector Geometry (UVG) 120 Polyhedron, and hope that the new planetary grid terminology we introduce will be both clear as well as reflective of the ancient and modem contributors to its development. In one of his first letters. A.M. Davie wrote: “I came on one word yesterday which has been adopted by modem mathematics, and causes me considerable problems. Where two lines intersect, the word to describe this intersection is now termed “Vector.”

“An Bheachd-Or” is the ancient name for ‘The Golden Circle.” and is a geometric figure of definite lineal measurements associated with the movements of the Solar System. The word ‘Bheachd.” pronounced as “Vect,” is according to my dictionary: Notice. Attention. Observation. Perception. Feeling, Ambition. Ideas. Conception. Distinct Recollection/Memory. Opinion. Behavior. Sense/Wisdom. Judgment. Conceit, Aim. Intention. Carriage. Vision. Eyesight, Surity. Covenant. Multitude, CIRCLE and RING.”

6. Curiously, “armilla.” the root in armillary sphere-.. has the meaning of, “iron ring” and “golden coronation bracelet.”

7. Donald Cyr. editor of Stonehengc Viewpoint, and his fiend Lawrence W. Smith have championed and greatly expanded the ideas of Isaac N. Vail since their high school days in the 1930s. As an archaeoastronomer. Cyr’s notion is that much can be gained in understanding past civilizations if we do not make the uniformitarian assumption that things (such as climate) have always been roughly as they are now.

The Vail/Cyr “Canopy Theory’ supposes that during the Megalithic period, a layer of ice crystals formed over the earth at a height of about fifty miles. This could have produced something like the greenhouse effect — a mild, relatively windless climate with the atmosphere at the dew point — over much of the earth, with spectacular halos around the sun and moon. The light of the sun shining through the ice crystals would have been so brilliant that it would have been impossible to gaze at it directly.

Because of the optics of tight refraction through the ice crystals, however, each halo edge would fall 22 degrees from the center of the sun — with a less common, but equally regular secondary halo occurring 46 + degrees from the center. This glorious sky phenomenon could have given man the world over a predictable common unit of measure. A related effect of the canopy may also help explain the seemingly phenomenal knowledge of astronomy among the ancients. Joe Jochmans (writing as Jalandris) received an honorary doctorate for his interpretation of Genesis based upon canopy and other earth energy effects.

He claims that the canopy may have magnified the light from the stars and planets and made them appear closer and much easier to view with the unaided eye than is possible today. His other fascinating theory is that the Megalithic canopy was preceded by an even larger more magnificent canopy that ultimately collapsed — producing the great deluge and rain of forty days and forty nights that is recorded in the sacred tradition of virtually every culture on earth.

8. Sir J. Norman Lockyer, writing in the early part of this century, was perhaps the first contemporary archaeoastronomer — having discovered significant alignments between megaliths and celestial bodies. His work was largely rejected, as were his very humanitarian politics that echo his British predecessor Alfred Russel Wallace, though it forms the base for later work reinitiated by Alexander Thorn.

9. Dick Benson’s work, formally presented in June of this year to the U.S. Psychotronics Association meeting in Atlanta, holds the promise of a unified field of letters and numbers. His “World’s Oldest Jesus 0 Map” is reprinted to give not only a glimpse of the complex geometry employed by the ancient planners at Cairo but to hint at the sophistication and refinement of Benson’s work. One of his most exciting archaeological discoveries is a virtually identical “site plan” based on the pyramids at Teotihuacan in Mexico.

10. “Morphogenetic fields” were introduced by British biologist Rupert Sheldrake in another controversial book, A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation, suggested for burning by Nature magazine in Britain. The theory is complex, implying that once something comes into existence (an idea, a gene code, a chemical structure...) it exclusively fills a specific cosmic niche, sends a kind of formative energy throughout Gaia; and makes its appearance quickly and with increasing ease throughout the world. Currently the Tarrytown Group in New York is offering a prize of $10,000 for the best experimental design to test Sheldrake’s theory.

11. Over the past year and a half, students in anthopology and environmental planning at Governors State University have undertaken the tedious, not- yet-computer assisted task of checking the fantastic claims of the Russian visionaries. (Several students, among them Penny Fnck, Tim Donovan. Jay Rick, Denis Chapman. John Lerch, and Mary BoyaJean. have put in far beyond the required time and effort and have been brave enough to criticize and question almost everything!) In general, the students’ work has involved the translation of data from various atlases and sourcebooks from their Mercator, conical and spherical projections to the hexakis icosahedron and rhombic triacontahedron that we use for standardizing data. For the most part, the Russian claims hold up but are substantially over-generalized — particularly with respect to electromagnetic aberration.

12. EarthStar is printed in full color on heavy cardstock. 17 ½” x 22 ½”, and is suitable for framing — but has been pre-punched and scored for folding into an 8 “-diameter rhombic tnacontahedron globe with stand. A plastic UVG 4/30 Diamond overlay infilled with UVG 120 Sphere lines is included. It is available for $7.50, tax and postage included, from Conser- vative Technology, 105 Wolpers Rd.. Park Forest. IL 60466. Dealer and bulk order discounts are available.

13. There are many people whose contributions, insights, and encouragement have been essential in keeping us so absorbed in this research — especially Tim Wilhelm. Robert Warth. Robert Gulick. Edwin Wright. John Michell. R. Gary Smith. Robert Lawlor. Jose A. Arguelles. the Rev. Dorothy Leon and L. Taylor Hansen.

Antigravity and The World Grid
(click for full view)


Another one for you...split into two.

Diamagnetic Gravity Vortexes

by Richard LeFors Clark

Waves of gravity pour from an extraordinary (and imaginary) cosmic accident —a head-on collision

of two black holes approaching from left and right.

Kenneth Eppley and Larry Smarr used a computer to calculate and draw contours

of the variable curvature of space that constitutes the radiation.

Such a collision would convert about a thousandth part of the rest-energy of the black holes into gravity waves.

(Photo: L. Smarr and K. Eppley)

A Renaissance magical sigil showing various levels of power.

From Nigel Pennick's book Sacred Geometry (1980)

Sound frequencies in this experiment cause random particles to assume geometric patterns.

From Robert Lawlor's Sacred Geometry (1982)


Knowledge of the Earth Grid or "crystalline Earth" is very ancient and has been utilized by a number of civilizations. The pyramids and ley lines are on the power transfer lines of the natural Earth gravity Grid all over the world. The Earth Grid is comprised of the geometrical flow lines of gravity energy in the structure of the Earth itself.

While the subject of the Earth Grid has by now been covered in a considerable number of publications, one point in the Grid, marked by a long and strange history, at the eastern tip of Lake Ontario, is worth special mention. Most interesting here are two individuals, living one hundred years apart, who were both directly affected by this same Earth Grid point. These men were Daniel Home, the 19th century psychic, and Wilbert Smith, the 20th century scientist.

Daniel Home is the world famous levitator of the 19th century who lived in this Lake Ontario Grid point area. The period from 1820 to 1850 was apparently very active for this Grid point as many of the crowned heads of Europe and many noted scientists and world dignitaries visited Home and verified his feats of levitation. It is speculated that the Lake Ontario region may have acted as a biolectric triggering device conducive to Home's psychic development.

Meanwhile in the 20th century, because of numerous aircraft crashes in the Lake Ontario Earth Grid area (known as the Marysburgh Vortex, and regarded as "the Other Bermuda Triangle" and "the gateway to oblivion on the eastern end of Lake Ontario"), the Canadian National Research Council and U.S. Navy began Project Magnet in 1950 to investigate the area's magnetic anomalies and possible magnetic utility. This has been the only known official governmental research program into the Earth Grid system. A considerable number of planes and ships had mysteriously vanished from this region, while many UFO sightings were reported, and other bizarre and unearthly phenomena were noted. (For more information, refer to Hugh Cochrane's Gateway to Oblivion, Avon Books, NY)

Wilbert Smith, a Canadian communications engineer in the Department of Transportation, was director of the team of scientists involved in this project. Project Magnet was later officially terminated when the results became too sensitive for the two governments, as the research seemed to touch upon top secret UFO data. Afterwards Wilbert Smith designed several inexpensive gravity devices, such as the Anti-Gravity Proximity Detector, the Magnetic Deflection Detector, and the EMF Collapse Collector.

Smith's speculations are most intriguing. He noted large and sometimes mobile gravity anomalies all over the Lake Ontario area. He noted areas of "reduced binding" in the atmosphere above the Lake; the areas were described as "pillar-like columns" a thousand feet across and extending for several thousand feet up into the atmosphere. Moreover, they were invisible and only detectable with sensitive equipment. Peculiarities in gravity and magnetism were noted inside these columns, possibly related to a reduction (or weakening) in the nuclear binding forces holding matter together; the nuclear binding forces seemed stronger in the north and weaker in the south. Some of these mysterious columns appeared to be mobile changing location over time.

Smith theorized that when the weakened nuclear binding forces encountered matter under stress (such as an airplane in flight) the forces holding matter together ceased to exist, exactly along the lines of maximum stress, and the material disintegrated resulting in aircraft disasters. Later theorists suggested that ionization of the air within these columns could generate luminous anomalies, and that increasing energies could make rocks and other dielectrics in the immediate area appear to rise from the ground into the air.

It was also proposed that deep Earth-caused gravity stresses produced the strange atmospheric columns. In a gravity-structured Earth which is part of a gravity universe, that is the mildest form of truthful statement possible. On a planet so determined by gravity, this would be only one of many such gravity-magnetic anomalies present on the Earth Grid. And underlying many of the magnetic peculiarities observed around the Earth is the special principle of diamagnetism, the root of anti-gravity. First we'll see this principle at work in the local context of human-induced levitation.


The principle of diamagnetism which underlies human-induced levitation and anti-gravity vortexes on the planet can be demonstrated simply in what I call the human gravity antenna. Diamagnetism (explained below) is essentially a magnetic-neutral zone existing between a north and south magnetic field, which can be exploited for purposes of levitation. As I will indicate below, there are many such "magnetic flow reversal points" on the Earth marked by Grid points.

An arrangement of five human beings can be used as a quadruple gravity antenna to perform levitation of the central person. The weight of the central person, the levitatee, does not matter nor is the lack of strength or size of the four levitators important. What is important is the form of the quadropolar positions around the central levitatee (See Diagram 1). Here are a few pointers to keep in mind.

First, the levitators should be positioned 45 degrees off the magnetic compass direction of north, south, east, and west for maximum effectiveness. Second, alternation of male and female sex of the levitators adds to the gravity antenna's power. Third, the hand stack on the head of the central levitatee by the levitators should not have like-gendered (male/male, female/female) hands touching. Fourth, there's no need to think of anything—just hold the hands stacked on the levitatee's head for a count of ten. On the tenth count remove the stacked hands quickly and place one finger each on the four corners of the chair. The person in charge of counting says "lift" and up goes the levitatee. Now let's examine this phenomenon I like to call "Party Levitation" in more specific and practical detail.

To do Party Levitation you will need five people, one to be levitated—henceforth to be called the levitatee— and four to do the levitating—henceforth to be called the levitators.


The levitatee sits in a chair and the four levitators stand around him so that they form a square. One levitator should stand to the levitatee's left, and just behind his shoulder. Another levitator should stand in front of him and to his left, close to his left knee. The other two should stand on the right side of the levitatee's body and in similar positions.

Now the object of Party Levitation is to make the levitatee's body so light in weight that the four levitators can lift him several feet into the air using a single finger each. If the experiment is performed properly none of the levitators will feel the slightest resistance to their efforts. It will be as if the levitatee's body has lost its weight entirely.

While the levitatee is sitting, the four levitators surround him in the manner indicated and place their hands, one atop the other, on his head, as if they were healing him by the laying on of hands.

The person who is going to float must sit relaxed in a straightbacked chair with his legs together, his feet on the floor, and his hands in his lap. The other four participants now stand two on each side of the seated party, one at each shoulder and one at the knee. Instruct all four to extend their arms and place their closed fists together, closed except for the forefingers which should be extended and touching each other along their lengths as shown. The person nearest the seated man's left shoulder is now asked to place his two extended fingers, palms downwards, beneath his left armpit. Likewise, his opposite number inserts his forefingers beneath the right armpit, and again the other two respectively beneath the seated man's knees.

Now invite the four assistants to lift the man in this position, using only these extended fingers. However hard they try, it is impossible. As soon as you have registered their inability to do so, ask them to stack their hands alternately, one on top of the other on the man's head, in such a way that no person has his own two hands together, and then to exert a steady pressure downwards. As they keep this up you count to ten. On the count "nine", they must withdraw their hands quickly from his head and resume their earlier positions with their extended forefingers. On the count of "ten" they must try again to lift the man with those fingers alone. This time he will go soaring into the air with no difficulty whatsoever.

Diamagnetism And Levitation Accomplished at Earth Grid Points

Now, kind reader, reconsider Party Levitation and perhaps do the experiment again but this time have no central person (levitatee). Instead use the heaviest chair you can find. Just stack the hands, touching on the top of the massive chair back and lift (levitate) the heavy chair. Next, place hundreds of pounds of "dead" weight (heavy books) on the chair seat and still levitate it easily with four weak children lifting. What is happening here?

You have created a small, short-duration diamagnetic levitation vortex which is identical in function to the Earth's big, permanent diamagnetic levitation vortexes at such places as Coral Castle, Florida, or Alice Springs, Australia.

Now, reconsider the diagram of the four persons levitating the massive chair. As humans they are the "mighty four" of the four cardinal compass points. Each one of the four is an energy lobe around the central object to be levitated. If I call any one of them north, you can call the others, turning counterclockwise, west, south, and east (See Diagram 2). Try doing the levitation with only three people, positioned off-center to the appropriate 90 degree spacing. We know that both the exact number and pattern of the human levitator element, but not their exact size or physical strength, are critical to the levitation. Also we know that inanimate weight levitates as easily as animate through using a human diamagnetic vortex. We might try a piano or even a Volkswagen in place of the chair.

The remarkable thing about Party Levitation is that it works anywhere on the Earth's surface, whereas the equivalent big, permanent Earth Grid diamagnetic levitation vortexes all have fixed geographic locations (e.g., southern Florida or central Australia).

Whether it's on the surface of the Earth, or within the human sphere of the four levitators, the mechanism for levitation or anti-gravity is identical. In either case there are four energy lobes or directions. The north-south axis elements are usually called magnetic and the east-west axis elements are called diamagnetic.

Levitation is produced by diamagnetism existing on the surface of the Earth, (or near it). Diamagnetism operates at 90 degrees from magnetic, but in three directions, and not flat and two-dimensional on a sheet of paper as usually drawn. If magnetism flows in the plane of the Earth's surface, then diamagnetism flows straight up. And straight up is the direction that we call levitation or anti-gravity.

Sculpture symbolic of the moon and planets, constructed by Edward Leedskalnin at Coral Castle, Florida.

With elementary tools and equipment this Latvian immigrant created artifacts whose construction defies "logical" explanation.

In the accompanying diagram (See Diagram 3) Coral Castle's location is shown as Earth grid point #18. The west lobe is what pulled Florida down and opened the Keys area up. The east lobe is the Bermuda Triangle. Coral Castle will be referred to throughout this chapter, so a few words here of introduction to this impressive project are necessary. Coral Castle is a marvellous demonstration in stone and coral of many hidden principles of magnetics, designed and built in southern Florida by the "amateur" scientist Ed Leedskalnin in the 1930s and 1940s. This coral-based temple/residence includes stone furniture, a Moon pond, a North star telescope, a precise Sundial, and other features of exact astronomical alignment.

Look at the larger map of the Earth grid (See Diagram 4) and see the diamagnetic (east-west) lobes of Earth grid point #18 in southern Florida. The tip of the Yucatan and the Mexico/Texas coastline clearly show the west diamagnetic lobe shape of Earth grid point #18. The famous Bermuda Triangle is the east diamagnetic energy lobe of Earth grid point #18 (in season).

One thing we will immediately note is that the east-west diamagnetic lobes of #18 look like a horizontal "bow tie". This happens to be another descriptive name for what is now called in the magnetic sciences a Bloch Wall. The Bloch Wall is central to our understanding of diamagnetism, gravity vortexes, and levitation.

A Bloch Wall is a neutral center region at the junction of two magnetic poles (north/south). (See Diagrams 5, 6, 7) It is thereby a "magnetic flow reversal point" and is also known as a "diamagnetic vortex point". The Bloch Wall is the point of division of the circling vortex, or spin, of the electronic magnetic energies of the north and south poles. The negative energy pole and north pole magnetism spins to the left; the positive energy pole and south pole magnetism spins to the right . The point of zero magnetism and no-spin, and also the point of magnetic reversal where the two spin fields join, is the Bloch Wall.

We have two antithetical elements (polarities) meeting and generating a third element, the Bloch Wall, which is a weak pressure (gravity) generator. The south pole is the source and the north pole is the sink . The individual pole energy rotations are three component vectors and the conjunction (Bloch Wall) is a tensor. The resulting "Broken 8" figure is a two dimensional concept of a quadropole pattern. We can visualize it as the spin 2, circularly polarized, gravity wave force field source.

Diagram 4
Earth Grid Model
(after Francis Hitching data, Earth Magic, 1978)​

  • A, B, C: The plate push pressure north along #58,48,35, and 18 hits at New York (Brookhaven) at the cross pressure from #19. This causes the New England Vortex and the Bermuda Triangle.

  • A,B,C, + D: The plate push pressure centers on the California fault line at San Diego and causes the Southwest Vortex.

  • E: The plate pressure coming north from #54 bows up the cross pressures from #43 and #45 and down pressure from #14 to cause the Alice Springs/Pine Gap, Australia area; #12 and #16 are pressure top sides.

  • F: The pressure center point at Lop Nor, China, is between the points #12 and #14 and #43; Grid Points #41 and #45 push from below.

  • G: The minor pressure center point at Sinai is between points #20 and #12, with up pressure from #41; the plate breakup and slide pressure just below it has made Sinai useless now.

  • H: Las Vegas, Nevada, and Phoenix, Arizona, (Superstition Mountain) as center of #16, #17, and #18; the push comes from below. A.

  • I: Amchita Island#16, on #6, centered between #14 and plate bucking pressure #5 and #33).

Two antithetical force fields, the magnetic and the electric (two vector force fields) meet and generate gravity, a neutral center force field and simple two vector system (tensor). We can state this slightly differently by saying the conjunction of two dipolar generated force field vectors (magnetic and electric) generates a quadropole force field, or gravity. Gravity, as a quadropole source, radiates in a circular 360 degrees polarization pattern, taking two cycles; thus a "spin 2" characteristic exists for gravity, and therefore gravity waves have twice the spin of electromagnetic waves.

The lack of polarization in the gravity field explains why it cannot be neutralized. As a neutral center force element, gravity cannot have polarities by definition. But it is still just as basic a generated force as the polarized forces of the magnet or the electric fields. The electric field, as well as the magnetic field, has a neutral center effect that is also a gravity wave field source. The two polarized main antithetical force fields (magnetic and electric) are triadic in themselves, as polarization by definition requires, and thus they are both gravity field sources.

In all electromagnets the Bloch Wall is actually external to the unit (See Diagram 8). The Bloch Wall, the neutral center gravity wave source, is now in the gap between the magnet faces. In terms of the electromagnetic spectrum, the point of 1012 Hertz is marked as gravity, while below this is radar, radio, and standard EM frequencies; above it are infrared and optical energy frequencies. This is Nature's neutral center in the radiant energy spectrum where Her standard design triadic system demanded it be placed. 1012 Hertz is the frequency of radiated gravity (See Diagram 9).

Diagram 8 and 9
Part two
Diamagnetic Gravity Vortexes

In terms of the Earth Grid, where the Bloch Wall of gravity wave field source exists, certain physically anomalous events can take place—such as spontaneous levitation.

The Earth's diamagnetic flow field hits a reversal Bloch Wall area (south to north), at these special anomaly points like southern Florida or central Australia. The Equator Line is merely a myth for geographers and fools. The magnetic reversal areas of south to north magnetism flow are near the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer; and these "spaced out" anomalies seem to alternate positions around the globe.

The best calculation I've arrived at indicates that there are within the Earth Grid a total of 20 magnetic reversal points, with 10 nearly on the Tropic of Capricorn and 10 magnetic reversal points nearly on the Tropic of Cancer. The two sets of ten points are offset almost equally from each other going around the globe; the northern set is roughly midway between the southern set (See Diagram 10).

Diagram 10 and 11

The planetary distribution of these magnetic reversal points is indicated on the accompanying map. On the large Earth Grid map the northern magnetic reversal points are near #16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 1, 12, 13, 14, and 15 from left to right near the Tropic of Capricorn. The southern magnetic reversal points are near the Tropic of Cancer near Earth grid #46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 41, 42, 43, 44, and 45. The grid map has to be shifted leftward in the South to space it more nearly correct. The North is closer to true. The resulting Earth grid map puts #44 between #13 and #14, for example.

This is the real magnetic flow reversal pattern on the Earth such that above #44 is the northern magnetic flow reversal point (Bloch Wall ). This has a beautiful bow tie of diamagnetic energy flows that can be clearly seen as the east and west coastlines of Australia. The plate push from below forced the diamagnetic bow tie up some but it is still very usable.

Why haven't we known about the existence of these 20 magnetic-gravity anomaly points on the Earth Grid before? A compass points North-South anywhere, and so, hiding facts and using the myth of the Equator's magnetic polarity was expedient for our cunning "masters"-—the "power elite" who control this planet. The reason for hiding it is obvious: If you knew this truth then you would know that Coral Castle, Giza, Alice Springs, etc., were Bloch Wall (bow ties) or Diamagnetic Vortex Points. Extraordinary things can be done at these diamagnetic bow tie reversal points, such as levitating extremely heavy objects (building Coral Castle and the Great Pyramid of Giza) and launching (secretly) the real, massive space ships and probes (as at Alice Springs, Australia, and Lop Nor, China, for example).

Official knowledge of the considerable utility of many magnetic-gravity anomaly points on the Grid has taken obvious precedence over any concerns for public safety. If the officials warned the fools in planes and boats to stay out of the Bermuda Triangle at certain times, then ordinary citizens would know too much of their secret knowledge. If you are in the wrong place on the wrong day in the Bermuda Triangle you will be a permanent piece of space junk some 20,000 to 75,000 miles out in space.

The Bermuda Triangle off the Florida coast, when active, is a powerful diamagnetic levitator. Usually the Earth contains the energy flow, but with extra stress from the Sun, Moon, and temperature factors, it ruptures upward and levitates anything over the "blow" points. Smaller ruptures will levitate anything under about 500 pounds—such as people—but not the ships they are on.

The magnetic energy flows encounter the Bloch Wall, or bow tie reversal, at these grid locations on Earth. Nature uses the exact same method in a small permanent bar magnet for magnetic polarity reversal. The Bloch Wall is just a great deal larger and much more powerful when operating on the Earth.

Didn't anyone ever wonder why there were no Bloch Wall effects on the mythical Equator? If all the Bloch walls for South to North magnetic polarity reversal were at the Equator, no one would have ever crossed it. That is why Nature designed the criss-cross mesh reversal system for polarity reversal. And that is why there are Earth Grid points where the unusual diamagnetic systems exist. These points work extremely well, facilitating the construction of places like Coral Castle or the Great Pyramid or aiding the functions of secret space programs—which are all only large-scale versions of our Party Levitations, using natural Earth diamagnetism as a levitator force.

The principles of diamagnetism clearly explain the reasons behind the exact location of secret or publicly-known exploitations of magnetic-gravity anomalies on the Earth Grid. The "knot" top (north) on the "bow tie" magnetic reversal in a simple bar magnet reversal is the prime location to stage a major gravity-defying feat such as Coral Castle, the Great Pyramid, or an Alice Springs/Lop Nor space program (The Lop Nor desert is where the Chinese space program and nuclear testing is centered). The center area of the Bloch Wall (the bow tie's knot) is the steadiest and strongest magnetic (north) point, which is where Leedskalnin put Coral Castle, the Egyptians put the pyramids, somebody put the Easter Island statues, and where the governmental elites put the Alice Springs/Lop Nor sites.

The inventions and researches of the insightful Austrian scientist/naturalist Viktor Schauberger demonstrate the principles of diamagnetism on a small scale of polarity reversals operating in a simple bar magnet. His levitations are diamagnetic systems using water flows. Diamagnetism is the product (or effect) of a flow polarity reversal, like the Bloch Wall of the magnetic flow. Some waterfalls and streams have natural flows of diamagnetism or flow reversal effects. Schauberger simply built artificial water flows with internal powerful reversals in flow energy. These are simply a tubed version of a Bloch Wall system.

The Schauberger water levitators are all continuous type devices for anti-gravity effects. The trout fish, after which Schauberger named his water turbine, senses the coldest area in a waterfall for levitating up it. The waterfall's central spiralling cold flow is an anti-gravity effect area where the energy is driven out (reversed) to directionalized momentum as a natural anti-gravity system. A waterfall's center registers as a zero (or under) on a stressed gravity detector due to the reversed anti-gravity momentum. Schauberger copied this natural design of spiralling cold water flow for levitating system, in his logging flumes and turbines.

Schauberger's implosion turbines interrupted the water suction flow by a special shutoff valve, thus creating a reactive back-pressure force in the same direction as the implosion turbine. This reactive back-pressure force is the lifting (discharge cycle) or levitating action (directional momentum) of these types of devices. The Schauberger water turbines were used as the levitators in his versions of the German World War II Project V-7 Fighter aircraft.

Thus both Victor Schauberger and Edward Leedskalnin, the builder of Coral Castle in Homestead, Florida, wrote about and demonstrated magnetism and the mechanism of levitation applying natural Earth Grid principles of diamagnetism. (Editor's Note : Refer to Living Water-Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy, by Olof Alexandersson, Turnstone Press Ltd., Wellingborough, England, 1982. Also: Magnetic Current , Edward Leedskalnin, Homestead, FL, 1946)

Leedskalnin had two secrets. First, he knew where, in terms of the Earth Grid, to build Coral Castle. Second, he knew how to do Party Levitation all alone. Try to figure that one out!

Leedskalnin could levitate huge pieces of coral by using the center of mass for the needed slight uplift launching pressure. In Party Levitation, the four outside levitators are lifting the center of mass from the outside edges. If three of the four levitators were to step back at the end of the count of ten hand-stack (charge cycle) and the one remaining levitator would then quickly bend down and reach under the chair to the center of mass and use only two fingers to push upward, then the center man in the chair will levitate. Leedskalnin used a stick or board to push upward at the exact center of mass of his coral slabs to levitate them.

Two of the humans (180 degrees apart) in the Party Levitation scenario are "seen" by Nature as diamagnetism sources. The four people are a small, temporary Earth grid point as far as Nature is concerned. Thus the Bloch Wall reversal effect, or diamagnetism, is created and thus levitation of the central area object results. Schauberger put the mechanism in water tubes and Leedskalnin played alone with his massive stones, but in either case, it is exactly the same process of diamagnetic levitation.

We must remember Leedskalnin was working on a Diamagnetic Earth Grid Point, so all mass objects in that area are always "charged" and easily lifted at their center of mass by a slight upward pushing pressure. Incidentally, due to the shifts in the north and south magnetic poles, Grid Point #18 is now inside Homestead Air Force Base; thus Coral Castle could no longer be built where it is now located.

Here are some additional comments on the subject of anti-gravity, or levitation. The reason for the weight of a mass in a gravitational field is the counterpush of the two masses" gravity radiations. As humans we push more powerfully on the Earth via our stress body than the Earth pushes on us. The total of the two pushes of gravity is so-called weight. If we lose gravity (stress push) by radiating it, as in the Party Levitation central element (levitatee), we push less. As our push (gravity) decreases, the Earth's push-effectiveness on us increases. This is "weight loss" or levitation, which is really just letting the Earth push us away. It is not the total quantity of the masses that counts but the effective local gravity field's relative strength.

For example, in the fire hose there is a decrease in the gravity (push) of the water. Thus the Earth pushes the water away, or in other words, the "weight loss" carries further. The circular (quadropolar) pattern of the whirling fire hose nozzle radiates (relieves) some of the water's gravity (stress). It's important to note that Schauberger's designs are based on this kind of water stress (gravity) control.

Levitation (weight loss) control is generally stress lowering via radiation, using gravity's natural characteristics. It works on either organic or inorganic mass, as gravity is the same for both. Think of it as the resultant pushes of two radiating sources, taken locally (These are "near field" design problems). Humans are locally a more powerful source of gravity than the Earth because we push down on it. But as we lose gravity (stress push) power, the Earth pushes us away.

Here are two final observations in this regard. The forms of self-levitation or single operator induced human levitation appear to be hypnotic trance-state "shut downs" of the human body's gravity (stress) generation. Inorganic object levitation, if it is possible, is the "shut down" of the gravity (stress) generation of the object itself. Theoretically this object levitation is possible (as suggested by Coral Castle, pyramids, etc.).

A general theory of levitation systems must cover ail of the various methods known to exist. This means there is a common factor among the diverse approaches of Earth Grid, Party Levitation, Dean Drives, Hooper/Over-Unity Electrical Generators, and Schauberger's devices. The common factor is the Zero-Spin Energy Transfer, or the flowing of the nonspin energy. This nonspin energy is a neutral center type of energy flow related to the Bloch Wall phenomena and is the cause of the various types of levitation.

In the Earth Grid Magnetic Reversal Points the straight-up, diamagnetic energy flow is a nonspin energy flow. This energy flow is exactly halfway between counterclockwise (north) and clockwise (south) flow and therefore it has no spin. Thus the Bow-Tie Knot levitation energy is a nonspin energy flow.

In Party Levitation the four levitators drain or temporarily stop the spin energy flow around the levitatee or the inanimate objects. Thus they create a very temporary nonspin energy center which easily levitates.

The Dean Drive type devices cross-cut or dump energy during the Critical Action Time that is, in fact, a nonspin energy. Mechanical as it is, the Dean Drive can generate directionalized momentum (nonspin energy flow) and therefore can be used as a levitator system.

The electromagnetic collapsing field reversals of Hooper or Over-Unity Generators, generate a nonspin energy flow for short periods during each cycle of operation. Any energetic flow reversal generates some nonspin energy flow. Therefore, electrical coils reversals generate some nonspin energy flow and can be used as levitator devices.

Schauberger energetic water flow systems are reversed by valving, identical to the electrical coil systems. Therefore the Schauberger turbines generate some nonspin energy flow and can be used as levitators.

In a universe of basically spinning energy and particle systems, this nonspin energy has very powerful effects. The nonspin energy is the neutral center force field, belonging to neither side of a generally polarized universe. As such, it is reacted with and repelled very strongly by all energy and particle systems. By the generation of nonspin energy flows and the directional vectoring of these flows, we can design most powerful levitating devices.

If Nature follows rules, which She does, then all we need do is understand Her methods then apply them. Since diamagnetism is a reaction vector at the reversal point of an energetic flow system, all levitation methods must be similar in Nature.

Vortex-Gravity Research Areas Strategically Sited on Earth Grid Points

A most interesting pattern of vortex-gravity research exists in the United States and Canada. The pattern is a counterclockwise vortex with four turning points or main centers/corners. The four main centers of vortex research are the extreme southern California area (San Diego and vicinity) , northern Idaho (Coeur D'Alene area), northern New York State (Hudson River/Montreal area), and northern Georgia (See Diagram 11 above).

This box-shaped pattern bows both inward and outward as it widens in the North-South axis, which is made of the two-bowed continental coastlines and the major interior mountain ranges on each coast, with a center at Kansas City (Ellsworth). On the western vortex flow the bowing widens and follows the Pacific Ocean coastlines on one side and the Rocky Mountains on the other side going southward. On the eastern vortex flow the bowing widens and follows the Atlantic Ocean coastline on one side and the Catskill/Appalachian Mountains on the other side going northward. The east-west vortex flows are relatively straight and narrow between the coastal vortex flows, to complete the general description of the box shape. (Consult the Earth Grid maps below to see these patterns clearly)

Another interesting aspect of the Eastern vortex flow is that "pressure" flexing out of the southern Caribbean Ocean coming north against the flow produces the anomalous Bermuda Triangle and Lake Ontario phenomena. Once this Earth Grid energy vortex flow gets pushed over or across or into water, massive spontaneous levitation phenomena will occur. The vanished planes, ships, and people often reported are actually thousands of miles out in space from the vortex-gravity toss. NASA knows this fact.

Schauberger's water vortex-gravity levitators are based on the same effect (though on a small scale) as the Bermuda Triangle/Lake Ontario phenomena. The old Eldridge (Philadelphia Experiment) data recounts side-effects of the vortex-gravity phenomenon. The Bermuda Triangle is a slanted out push of the north-south gravity-bucking flows, and Lake Ontario is a focussed slanted in push of the north-south gravity- bucking flows. This is because the Atlantic coastline's land shape acts as an optical lens system to these bucking-gravity flows.

The location of these special vortex-gravity regions makes them most appropriate sites for specialized research (See Diagram 12).

Diagram 12
Worldwide Gravity Vortex Research Areas Plotted on the World Grid

Government vortex-gravity research would have to be at Brookhaven, Long Island and Los Alamos, New Mexico, under the disguise and security of supposed atomic research. Brookhaven is the best location due to the land fall pinch on the Hudson River flow. International governmental vortex-gravity research would have to be at Alice Springs/Pine Gap in Central Australia, because of the Earth Grid requirements and again under the disguise of atomic research.

From the above data, it can easily be seen that the geographical shape of the United States (coastlines, mountains) is not accidental. Kansas City (Ellsworth) is a midway point and Las Vegas is directly centered as #16, 17, and 18. Moreover, the pressure sources from South America flowing northward to buck the natural Earth Grid flows in the North America vortex also help produce the Bermuda Triangle and Lake Ontario phenomena.

Note the accompanying maps. Australia's map shows why Alice Springs is used for gravity research—note how the MacDonnell Mountains turn 90 degrees to run east-west against the pressure flow above Alice Springs. Australia's very shape gives away the pressures that have been applied to it. The bowing pressure from the Arctic area is obvious in the shape of the Aleutian Islands, but Amchita Island right on Grid Map point #6 is the best for gravity research. It has plate push pressure on either side of it as well.

Ed Leedskalnin understood completely that the exact location is criticial for building such a structure as Coral Castle. But how did he know exactly where Mother Nature would allow him to site this marvellous example of levitational engineering? Quite simply, he observed Nature, which is all it takes to have true knowledge of the natural forces of Earth.

Nature's Gravity Vortex Center pulled Florida counterclockwise around some 90 degrees to its vortex center like a gate-leg table. The Gravity Pull Center Vortex energy also pulled counterclockwise on the southern end of Florida itself. On the map of southern Florida I have drawn the opening arc and the exact Gravity Pull Center, which is at maximum some 10 miles on either side of the physical center, but strongest in the maximum counterclockwise position of North. Draw a triangle from where the Florida Keys start to where they stop to see the Gravity Vortex Pull Center point. The land's end, at Key Largo, is exactly as far south from the Gravity Vortex Pull Center as Coral Castle is directly north. This is what Leedskalnin saw on his maps.

The specific site location for Coral Castle and Homestead A.F.B. in southern Florida is situated at the maximum Gravity Pull Vortex Center position (counterclockwise or north). The distance from the Vortex Center is measured by using "land's end" at the South to tell you where the maximum equal point location straight North (maximum counterclockwise) of the Vortex Center is.

All that Leedskalnin had to do was "see" what the maps were telling him, because Nature draws vivid, exact pictures of Her forces for those who have eyes to see them. Then Leedskalnin simply used this Gravity Pull Vortex Center to levitate the huge blocks of native coral into place to make his Castle. A five year old could stack up automobiles in that general area. Once the operation of the Mother Earth's gravity system is known, then engineering artificial systems is simple.

The patriarchal scientists of the cunning and stupid varieties who study gravity at these locations will fail because they all hate Nature, the female, and reality. Whereas "simple" men who like Nature and only observe Her thereby accomplish great things—witness Schauberger and Leedskalnin. The control attitude of patriarchal religions or secular humanism cannot force Nature with their writings, equations, and bulldozers to do anything. If you really want to engineer Nature's systems and forces, you must adore Nature, the female, and reality, an attitude which is the total inverse of the present patriarchal/scientific system.

Our newfound awareness of the geopoltical importance of certain diamagnetic Earth Grid Points introduces the subject of Earth Grid Wars.

The "Three Floridas" (Florida, Korea, and Vietnam) are still critical Earth Grid points after two bloody wars (See Diagram 13).

Diagram 13

Earth Grid Wars

The "boost shock-point" to this triangle is Libya. The Caribbean Plate has more recently seen a triangulation attempt that ended in military invasion. The Caribbean Plate triangle shock-wave system was to have been Grenada-Cuba-Nicaragua. The next try in this general area is absolute control of the Chilean Earth Grid point. The Union of South Africa's Grid point is critically necessary for control of both Europe and Australia. The Phillipines position on the major fault/plate system is pivotal to control of both Australia and Japan in the Pacific Basin. The Soviets already have secured and activated the site in Afghanistan.

Now, read again about the targeted countries in the daily newspapers and figure out who is currently winning the Earth Grid Wars. However, a truly expert knowledge of the Earth Grid system with a true understanding of Mother Nature's ways could still reverse this bleak picture of geopolitical control through command of Earth Grid locations.

A discussion of the Grid would be incomplete without some commentary on the Earth Grid Shifts. The Earth's magnetic poles do not completely shift (reverse or flip). Only the Earth's Bloch Wall Magnetic Reversal Anomalies move positions in both the northern and southern hemispheres to balance the Earth. The Bloch Wall anomalies were much further north some 10-15,000 years ago, at the time of their last estimated major movement. This Bloch Wall Magnetic Reversal area movement is caused by the Earth's expansions and possible contractions, land mass weight shifts, and changes in the Sun.

The so-called deluge and glacier phenomena are really caused by the massive ocean/sea tides and levitation effects at these times of balancing by the Earth Bloch Wall Anomaly position movements. There were no deity-caused floods or Ice Age glaciers; there were only the Earth Grid Magnetic Reversal Anomaly movements. These movements would have been Earth-shakingly impressive to observe; later they were recalled in myth and religious lore worldwide. Moreover, our knowledge of the Earth Grid mapping systemenables us now to plot major geopolitical, meteorological, and geological anomalies and disturbances with reference to possible magnetic-gravity coordinates (See Diagram 14).

Did we really think that a dynamically changing fly-wheel/gyro-like Earth sphere, at about 1000 miles per hour spin rate, didn't need or didn't have a correctional balance system? If it were not for the 20 movable locking points, or what we now call Earth Grid Magnetic Reversal Anomalies , this Earth would tear itself apart (See Diagram 15).

Diagram 14
Geopolitical, Meteorological, and Geologic Anomalies Plotted on the Earth Grid
Diagram 15
Earth Gravity Focus Points

Note: The numbers on the map are Earth Grid Point reference coordinates; see Diagram 4).

U.S. has access or control of the four prime sites (Alice Springs, Easter Island, San Diego, Brookhaven, New York).



Meanwhile all we humans can do with this perfectly elegant design of Mother Nature is to use it as the grounds for yet another stupid war of conquest and control. The asteroid belt could easily be the result of some other planetary group like our own that held a disastrous Earth Grid war. If we rip the "buttons" off this Lady's blouse, we'll find out instantly why raping the Earth is such a fatally bad idea.


About the author
Richard Lefors Clark, Ph.D lives in San Diego and is one of the world's best known alternative energy, anti-gravity and World Grid researchers. His articles have appeared in a large number of journals and newsletters over the years.​

Correspondence and requests for his free newsletter may be directed to:

Richard LeFors Clark

4015 Crown Point Drive,

P-3 San Diego, CA 92109​
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Projection of the Shadow

"We still attribute to the other fellow all the evil and inferior qualities that we do not like to recognize in ourselves, and therefore have to criticize and attack him, when all that has happened is that an inferior "soul" has emigrated from one person to another. The world is still full of betes noires and scapegoats, just as it formerly teemed with witches and werewolves"
C. G. Jung, Civilization in Transition, p.130; quoted in On Scapegoating: A Collection of Ideas

Every person who is not totally enlightened and self-realised has a dualistic "ego”.
By "ego" I mean the illusory (in Buddhism - anatta) or false self, the narcissistic self absorption of attention in its own knot of littleness, that comes about through recoil from or non-realisation of the Supreme, God, the Absolute Reality, or whatever one wishes to call it.

This false ego or false self or "desire soul" (Sri Aurobindo's term) is full of lower emotional poison and darkness (a Christian would say "sinfulness") at its own ugliness and imperfection.

But because of the egoic self-reflection of the infinitely degraded light that makes up its consciousness, it cannot acknowledge this ugliness in itself, because to do so would shatter the narcissistic illusion of its own wonderfulness and specialness, and confront it with its true nature.

The result would be either madness or a spiritual self-judgment by which the ego is forced to confront its own negativity (this is basically the afterlife "judgement" referred to in Near Death Experiences and in many traditional cultures, religions, and mythologies).

Therefore, in order to maintain its own equilibrium, its own sanity in other words, as psychological defense mechanism, the ego has to constantly project its ugliness onto an appropriate scapegoat.

This is how they cope with their unacknowledged and repressed psychic contents, which can only be tolerated as hatred for another, for a pereceived enemy who has slighted them or their family or tribe or culture or ethnicity or nation or religion or ideology.


Projection of the Shadow
drawing from Jung and Pagan Psychology (Temple of the Sacred Spiral)​

This happens everywhere, prejudice, bigotry, intolerance, xenophobia, fear and hatred of the "other" are universal.
And just because someone claims to, or is thought by others to be, spiritual, or a guru, doesn't make them free of this either.

Only one who has totally gone beyond the limitation of their finite self, and realised their identity with the Supreme, will no longer project their ego-ideal onto those they identify with, and their shadow onto all those they choose to scapegoat, whether out of prejudice picked up from parents or peers or social condition, or whether these are people who have slighted or insulted the object of ego-identification, or who even if they haven't are paranoidly misinterpret as wanting to or actually doing so.

As Jung describes the Projection of the Shadow, it refers to as the principle that "[changes] the world into a replica of one's own unknown face". (Aion - Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self, Collected Works of C.G. Jung: v. 9, Pt. 2, p.17. Princeton University Press. - this quote from The Shattered Realm blog Realization of the Shadow, Monday, 4th September, 2006)

According to Jung, the Cold War was the outer collective form of the lack of unity within the human psyche.
And so what happened with the fall of the Soviet empire?

A new enemy had to be created, a new war or rivalry or hatred.
And guess what, muslim extremists rose to fill the bill!

Thus each side hates the other, each side wants to destroy the other, each side is full of bigotry and intolerance and refusal to listen to the moderates and peace makers in its own camp, the leaders of each side playing cunningly on the fears and prejudices of the masses, manipulating them like puppets (see e.g. this comment on the Danish Mohammad cartoons), while themselves being manipulated by supra-physical adverse forces.

And after the "war on terror" or "clash of civilisations" is resolved, then a new enemy will have to ve created, and so on, as long as people are not able to resolve the duality within their own being, and go beyond the limitations of their own self-absorbed relative self.

Where there is some spiritual awakening, where the Divine Center comes to the fore, this effect is mitigated, because the Divine Self is always perfect and in accord with the Supreme.

Therefore, a good sign that someone is lacking in spiritual development, that they are enslaved by lower impulses of the affective/astral reality, is that their shadow-projection is totally undiluted.

It is not hard to tell such people, you just have to read their words, and see how they are always accusing their perceived or imagined enemy of everything that is actually within the darkest recesses of their own being.

In the realm of cults and scets and gurus, the classic case of this is the antagonistic and even more so the slanderous devotee, who claim to follow a spiritual path or a spiritual guru, but act in a way that is against every spiritual teaching, even that of their own guru or tradition.

Projection of the Ego

Projection of the Shadow is always accompanied by projection of the ego-ideal.
This is because samsaric beings do not see reality as it is, they live in a mental bubble or (if their intellect is well-developed but without a corresponding spiritual awakening) a mental fortress of their own making, and what they see is their own nature reflected back at them, but superimposed on those around them.

All the ugliness in their nature, their shadow, is projected there in those they choose or by their samskaras (in Yoga psychology subconscious past-life tendencies, in Buddhism called vasanas) are compelled not to like, whilst all their real or imaginary ideal egoic traits are projected upon those who they like, whether it be their spouse or kids or family or friends or culture or nationality or religion or guru or culture hero or popular icon or favourite author or whoever.

This is a common defining feature in non-realized human nature, which continues as long as there is a sense of false self (called ego), although I have encountered it most dramatically as a result of my critiquing of abusive and authoritarian so-called (i.,e. fake) gurus. Here, as in exoteric religion and any form of ideology, hypocrasy reaches its greatest extent, when imperfect human nature with its fancy talk of love and brotherhood runs up against the brick wall of its own inability to face itself.

Thus one finds, in almost all cults and sects and gurus, many devotees of false gurus (and even devotees of authentic gurus!) who are unable to acknowledge or even recognise any wrong-doing on the part of their guru, even if this has been reported independently many times.

Because they have projected so much of their ego ideal on this person, all their hopes and dreams and wishes and fantasies, that to recognise their guru's imperfection would mean that everything they have gone through is all for nothing.

In cases of very spiritually weak individuals with huge inflated egos, how they cope instead is by projecting their own shadow side onto the person or people who dare to make such disgusting claims.

Despite the excuses they give to others and to themsleves, the fact is that they don't even care about their guru as a person, their ego-projection is so complete that it is all about them; they rage how dare you insult my guru (which really means me)!!!!.

All their ugliness comes out and they become antagonistic and slanderous devotees of the worst kind.

In contrast, all true Spirituality comes from within, and the truest guru is one's own Inner Light, of which external Realized gurus are simplty representations, and vice-versa.

The spiritual path in other words, involves dissolution of the ego and its defense mechanisms.
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An interesting little story.


The Egg is an excellent conversation between God and Self. :D I loved it! Humanity is very much like teenagers needing a chance to grow up.

There have been days where the idea I'm the only one here with the Source of All That Is has been daunting and a bit scary....and my fear would override my heart's intuition and move away to Think about a whole lot of other stuff. Can you say avoidance and distraction? Hahahahahah journey is bringing me back to this truth over and over.

To really know ...and I mean KNOW...that everyone I engage with is an aspect of me and therefore We are all one is why I wrote my signature line.

When I engage with anyone I treat them as if they are another one of me. It's quite sobering to know that if I focus intentional harm upon another I'm also doing it to me. Now that I have more awareness of the effect my energy has upon others....I am very mindful about what I project(focus) out around me.
It's going to be interesting when the majority of humanity attains that kind of awareness of themselves.
To really know ...and I mean KNOW...that everyone I engage with is an aspect of me and therefore We are all one is why I wrote my signature line.

When I engage with anyone I treat them as if they are another one of me. It's quite sobering to know that if I focus intentional harm upon another I'm also doing it to me. Now that I have more awareness of the effect my energy has upon others....I am very mindful about what I project(focus) out around me.
It's going to be interesting when the majority of humanity attains that kind of awareness of themselves.

I think this is very profound and very wise. I love your signature quote also, so true. It also reflects the fact that we are able to love others when we love ourselves a bit more too.

The Egg is an excellent conversation between God and Self. :D I loved it! Humanity is very much like teenagers needing a chance to grow up.

There have been days where the idea I'm the only one here with the Source of All That Is has been daunting and a bit scary....and my fear would override my heart's intuition and move away to Think about a whole lot of other stuff. Can you say avoidance and distraction? Hahahahahah journey is bringing me back to this truth over and over.

To really know ...and I mean KNOW...that everyone I engage with is an aspect of me and therefore We are all one is why I wrote my signature line.

When I engage with anyone I treat them as if they are another one of me. It's quite sobering to know that if I focus intentional harm upon another I'm also doing it to me. Now that I have more awareness of the effect my energy has upon others....I am very mindful about what I project(focus) out around me.
It's going to be interesting when the majority of humanity attains that kind of awareness of themselves.

Imho, this could very well be how actually reality is, idk...but we will find out soon! *exciting* ;)
Not worried about dying in the slightest...I only worry about not being there for those I love...I think of my Father, how I miss him, how we missed him being around, though I’m sure he is and always will be.
When I pray he is one that I always list as I pray to the universe/God/higher-self/source/who the F knows?
Thanks for your words of wisdom and kindness.
You are consistently and constantly compassionate.
Just call you “Triple C”

Much love.
So...I think I am now done with the insurance nightmare from hell.
I said fuck off to the broker and found my own for about $100 less per month and about $1000 + less per year than the plan(s) he was trying to sell me on.
I kept saying to him - Drug costs are too much.
Drug costs are too much!
Fucking drug costs are too much!
He didn’t now he’s lost the commission as I circumvented him and went directly to Blue Cross.
Now my drug costs are $25 a month - as opposed to $130 - $1,000 per month with his stupid plans.
What a shitty insurance broker.
Signed me up for insurance I don’t qualify for...then when I call to have him fix it, gives me BS story after BS story of how he can’t get through to the insurance person at my doctor’s office...the very same one I connected with in five minutes.
Fucking mangina.
The amount of stress and time I have had to put in to fix this nonsense is astronomical...there was no way, I was going to let him get paid for what he did.
Still...depending on how I use the can still be very expensive...but whatever...Trump can claim bankruptcy again and again...I have yet to have my first...seeing as how medical bills are the number one reason for bankruptcy in the US...I’ll be right on track living the American dream.

Too tired to really post much more tonight...maybe here or there...then meditations...I can’t wait.
Gonna make some microwave yakisoba and chill.
Talk to you all soon!
He didn’t now he’s lost the commission as I circumvented him and went directly to Blue Cross.
Now my drug costs are $25 a month - as opposed to $130 - $1,000 per month with his stupid plans.
What a shitty insurance broker.
Brilliant news @Skarekrow, good on you. I'm so glad!
Fuck that shitty insurance broker!:m186: :m151:

:mwaa: Power back to Skarekrow! :mclap:
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A good talk with some interesting insights.
Enjoy until I’m fully present.


This is what happens when your brain's malfunctions/is damaged and the filters of reality our
brains' create for us are lifted or detached vs. what lies beyond.
A powerful personal account.

My stroke of insight
Jill Bolte Taylor

Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke.
As it happened -- as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding -- she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another.

This was phenomenal!
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