MBTI Totems


Right the First Time!
The dolphin didn't seem to go down to well as the INFJ totem animal, so what's a more appropriate one?

I was thinking maybe a Tiger?

I - Solitary
N - Intelligent *hides from S's*
F- Temperamental
J- Has to plan attacks on prey

I know the perfect one for ESFJ! a Mother Hen...

So what are some good ones for the other types?
ENTP's - The Hyena

"Hyenas are highly adaptable. They are generally nocturnal, but are sometimes active during the day. They are both scavengers and fierce hunters as situations demand.

Rarely solitary, they usually live, hunt and eat in groups. They are noisy animals, capable of making a great variety of vocalizations. Blood-curdling laughter usually indicates a successful hunt.

Hyenas also communicate by body posture and by scent marking."

INFP - The Rabbit

"The Rabbit is sociable, humble and sensitive. They are complex characters and often have great foresight and intuition. They don't adjust well to change and are slow to make decisions.

Rabbits dislike confrontation and unpleasantness of any sort. Their homes are very important to them. They are loving parents, but they won't take any nonsense!

The Rabbit strives for harmony with its environment for its greatest happiness."
Heck, I'm probably more like a turtle with how well I adjust to changes! ...and i would love to just take my home with me (but i abhor trailers). Already, I have resolved to always have a laptop for that reason; I feel so much more secure that way.
sumone said:
ENTP's - The Hyena

"Hyenas are highly adaptable. They are generally nocturnal, but are sometimes active during the day. They are both scavengers and fierce hunters as situations demand.

Rarely solitary, they usually live, hunt and eat in groups. They are noisy animals, capable of making a great variety of vocalizations. Blood-curdling laughter usually indicates a successful hunt.

Hyenas also communicate by body posture and by scent marking."


Side Note... I likes.
What about an elephant. I have always loved them for some reason.Anyone else feel the same?
Solitary, Intelligent, Definite doers... Couldn't place the T/F... but whenever I see them in the flesh I feel awed and fuzzy
Stone said:
The dolphin didn't seem to go down to well as the INFJ totem animal, so what's a more appropriate one?

I was thinking maybe a Tiger?

I - Solitary
N - Intelligent *hides from S's*
F- Temperamental
J- Has to plan attacks on prey

I know the perfect one for ESFJ! a Mother Hen...

So what are some good ones for the other types?

That is interesting. I've always had a special attachment to two animals since I was very young. The first was Tigers and the second was Raccoons. Both are good candidates for being INFJs in my opinion.



INFJ = Tiger, Elephants, Orca, Polar Bear, Emperor Penguin

ENTP = Racoon, Hyena, Squirril
Now that I think abuot it, Raccoons are rather creative thinkers since they can open up just about any trash receptacle if you give them enough time, and they are certainly spontaneous critters. I'll give you XNTP for Raccoon. Tough to say whether they are outgoing or not since they are generally a nocturnal animal.

Elephants are one of the few animals that will mourn for and in some rare cases, even bury their dead. Highly senstivie and assertive animals, but they travel in herds. I think that one is ENFJ. Same with orcas since they travel and fish together.

Polar bears are ISTJs. The way they hunt for seals proves that they rely heavily on memory and strategy. They also don't adapt very well, making them kind of a "traditional" animal.
Let's think about this here, this is a good question that'll definitely require some analysis....yea, put on the coffee it's gonna be LOOOONG ONE!!...this one is NO JOKE...lol

let's start at what we know about this type;

We're Introverted, Purpose, Value-Driven: Let's face it; small talk just doesn't do it for most of us, (and in a perfect world people would just say what they REALLY FELT) but for harmony, intimacy, and (for the hope of gleaning that nugget of insight into the other persons psyche) knoweldge, we'll sacrifice some time to engage in it, though I think most of the time we view it as counter productive in revealing a person's true character, and the more profound aspects of their personalities we're often single-mindedly interested in....the "Real" person is much more interesting than what the projected person is....I know I often don't have the patience to simply shoot the shit....to me, it's like being lied too because I know there's more interesting things going on than what your favorite Song is...so I will even bluntly "Change the Channel i.e. excuse myself, or walk away" if a person (after repeated efforts reveals nothing interesting about themselves)....chit-chat is BORING....And wasted time more importantly is insufferable to me.

We're Emotional We feel INTENSELY and without a passion I often feel dead, and often disjointed psychologically; we are deeply connected to our emotional experience, (which often extends itself to Intuitive connections to others) and can feel it right down to the bottom of our souls; though this combined with that Judging function most of us use gives us a unique sense of "Emotional Discipline" that despite our deepest hurt, usually know we must carry on, and heal. and most of the time, it's the clearest indicator of my idenity; I often feel that most of the things I do, ANYONE can do, but my emoitonal landscape, and values are unique, and defines me as a person....I seek a way to "Pin myself down" and although I'm rational/practical/intelligent, thought alone cannot say who you are because thought doesn't differentiate you from the total populace; it's a function, that makes sense of an experience, but is not an experience itself; it lacks the subjective focus of involving the self/identity in the situation, and often the self is hidden behind thought; Not always good for growth.

We're Perceptive We are alert, and aware of our own inner experiences and know when things are "off" within, and even around us, and we realize when we fall short, and can be self-critical because of our high standards, (and when I fall short I don't spare myself the flogging lol) We KNOW when we're being lied to, or decieved....we can feel fake, phony, "Showy" or pretensious people....It's a "stench" to me I CANNOT STOMACH I litterally feel sick and insulted to be around these people....my brother does this alot, and I snap at him for not being himself. It's because of this quiality that I'm also very introverted....I don't like being around fake people, it's a HORRIBLE STENCH. lol Also leave both false and direct flattery at the door; you don't change ANYTHING about me; I don't even pretend to be affect by praise or flattery, a job well-done is a job well-done to me, and is all the flattery I need...:)

We're self-motivated and independent: This is LARGE for me, I don't know how others feel about this; I'm emotional, and passionately so, but I've never been emotionally dependent, when a love is over/gone, it is gone, there is no need to look back there is where it will stay; merely wishing on the star that WAS the love we HAD doesn't bring it back, only hard work and perseverence to keep it alive will. I've never cried over lost causes, or loves, because I can accept them in real terms and learn from them. I'm always able to act on my own volition, and always accepted the consequences for my actions beforehand. We're proof that just because you're emotional, doesn't mean you're SOFT. We are aware of our desires, our boundaries, and know when we're invaded our encroached upon. Every broken-hearted experience is a lesson learned to contribute to a stronger sense of self....that's how I see it.

We have GREAT tenacity We can hold on! A cause to an INFJ is worth all the gold in the world!! If it means something to us, and is apart of our make up, we will fight Fiercely, and to the BITTER END to make sure we triumph, or turn the tide in our favor. Often times I feel that Failure is beneath me, and CERTAINLY not an option; At times, I'm haunted by past experiences that I haven't learned by; my subconsious will often torment me because of this, with memories, and black moods....deep dark depressions....all of which will reveal the answer in due time....but tell me that I can go to great lengths to heal, or hurt....

We're Practical Dreamers We are an odd mix of dreamers and doers, and aren't afraid of hard work; often for me the benefit of any endeavor is the knowledge I get of myself when pitting myself against large odds; learning that I'm so commited capable of more than initially thought to be able to achieve. I without something to work for, without a passion, without a war, without the struggle, I get deeply bored and disenchanted, and that's unacceptable.....We usually are always working towards some dream/goal/ambition and even though we may NEVER utter it aloud, it's deeply held, and is as close to our heart as anything we accept in that way.

An animal to me that is Tenacious, Emotional, Independent, Quiet, Passionate, (perhaps misunderstood? lol God knows we are!) Observant, and Perceptive, Authentic, and Loyal is one that best exemplifies the qualities of our personality type.

I think a Scorpion perhaps....they are known to the ancient world as protectors of secrets, and hidden depths....none may know (except for those that they deem worthy) the thoughts, or transcendental passions they feel. Whatever it may be (whether this is at ALL worth dissecting because it is all based on subjective influences) I'm sure it'll be based on the subjective response, and thus is valuable to the person who feel that way.
Which part of the INFJ?

From me personally, I got several totems that correspondents to different parts of my psyche.

Hedgehog, for the prickly part.
Gazelle, for the haughty / holier-than-thou part. (In contrast to ESTJ's bull)
Rabbit, for the mental agility (that borderlines to mental cowardice) & fuzzy part.

And for some non-animal ones;
Apple, for the cheerful part.
Zebras are uniquely beautiful, annnd they run from conflict... just sayin'
My own personal totem animal, if I had to choose would be orca or scorpion. Or some sort of scorpiorca. I feel a sort of odd connection to sea life though, so orca would be my first choice I believe.
Hermit crab - deep, withdrawn, governed by hidden forces and comes to the shore from time to time; he seems a bit scary but is a reallly amiable and funny guy, once you get to know him; the shell speaks for itself; I always thought of INFJ as a skin-shedding animal and this particular fellow changes his shell as he grows and molts in dark places; moves slowly but covers great distances; he is insecure and vulnerable but has pincers; most of the time in defensive possition; misunderstood greatly; can be quite sociable at times. That's all I can think of at the moment.
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I vote for an Octopus...