MBTI Aliens Unite!


Community Member
Well im feeling confused because I can't figure out what my type is. Who else is feeling the same way?

I'm an introverted alien :(
Well im feeling confused because I can't figure out what my type is. Who else is feeling the same way?

I'm an introverted alien :(

Have you taken the tests? What kinds of results have you gotten? What types do you identify with when you read the MBTI descriptions?
Well im feeling confused because I can't figure out what my type is. Who else is feeling the same way?

I'm an introverted alien :(

I have gotten INFJ the most, but I have also gotten INTJ a few times (I have a VERY logical/mathematical learning style) INFP, ISTJ, and my last test I took gave me INTP.

I also exhibit some extroverted features, but never anything close enough to make me a true extrovert.

I consider myself a chameleon.
The best way to know is to read the descriptions and see which one fits you most. Determine what your dominant and auxiliary functions are, and you should know.
I agree J. Beyond taking the test dozens of times. Read the descriptions of the types you are getting, and see which one feels right. Beyond testing as INFJ, the description really called to me. It was like I wrote it about myself. And realize you may change types in certain situations. Do like I suggested to you and post your description, habits, beliefs, values. We would all be glad to help you type yourself. I know this can be uncomfortable to do. Give it some thought.
Have you taken the tests? What kinds of results have you gotten? What types do you identify with when you read the MBTI descriptions?

When I did the official test I got INFP, but I felt like to related a lot more to the INFJ's. Since I did the test I have thought a lot more about the questions, because I found some of them very difficult to answer. Now I always test (online tests) as an S, usually ISTJ or ISFJ. It's interesting, at first I wasn't sure if I was a J or P, now im not sure about the ST/NF. I think it has something to do with the test questions...either im not sure how to apply the question to myself (I need examples), or I simply don't know myself well enough.

Maybe I am a chameleon like NeverAmI.
I agree J. Beyond taking the test dozens of times. Read the descriptions of the types you are getting, and see which one feels right. Beyond testing as INFJ, the description really called to me. It was like I wrote it about myself. And realize you may change types in certain situations. Do like I suggested to you and post your description, habits, beliefs, values. We would all be glad to help you type yourself. I know this can be uncomfortable to do. Give it some thought.

Ok, well I like to be realistic. I am very strict about deadlines. I like to make lists. I am very planned, however, I really like spontaneity. I am very sensitive (Ria can tell you). I like to think outside of the box, think about human existence, and such. I got a BA majoring in Psychology, which I found very interesting. However, my favourite courses in university were Biology. It's these things that throw me off. I love theories and abstract ideas, but I also like facts.

I think another one of my difficulties in determining my type is that I am going through a lot of changes in my life right now, as well I think that some of my preferences may have more to do with character defects and fears rather than who I actually am.
Ok, well I like to be realistic. I am very strict about deadlines. I like to make lists. I am very planned, however, I really like spontaneity. I am very sensitive (Ria can tell you). I like to think outside of the box, think about human existence, and such. I got a BA majoring in Psychology, which I found very interesting. However, my favourite courses in university were Biology. It's these things that throw me off. I love theories and abstract ideas, but I also like facts.

I think another one of my difficulties in determining my type is that I am going through a lot of changes in my life right now, as well I think that some of my preferences may have more to do with character defects and fears rather than who I actually am.

Here's a test:

1) When someone (not a close friend) tells you they're having a bad day, what is the first, second, and third thought which comes to mind? What is your instinctive response to them once you tell them?

2) Someone tells you they're having financial difficulties, what do you usually think initially, and how do you respond mentally, and instinctively once they've finished speaking?
Yes, I also feel like this..I tend to score anything INXX...though a lot of the characteristics mentioned match me at different times..just look deeper, read more etc..it's a long process and figuring your mbti type is not an easy task.
I've gotten INFJ, INFP, INTP, and INTJ.
Basically, the only thing that remains constant for me is the INxx.

I took it professionally in college my freshman year and tested INFP... but I feel I am a very different person from all those years ago--I do not make decisions in the same way and my reactions are much more different. I have experienced things and learned things that have radically changed my thinking from all those years ago.

Yet, I'm too mentally lazy to be an INTP or INTJ. I suppose I identify with INFJ, except I'm usually way too "go with the flow" and spontaneous.

On cognitive function tests, I usually score high on Fi and Fe with equal usage and Ni and Ne about equal usage (Ne a tad higher, usually) Average Ti usage and low Te.
Si and Se are average with Se being higher. Blah blah blah.
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Some people just have personalities that don't easily fit into the classic MBTI molds. While I do believe everyone can fit into a type, the level at how well that type fits is highly varaiable.

I have been certain of my type for a very long time, but even then I still have moments when I question it. It just leads to further details into your inner personality. As mentioned, sorting out your MBTI type is a very very long process.
why not pay and do that actual one? I know cash is sometimes tight but i still doing the proper one would be better. I'm a student, with no steady income though I do have a part time job and I'm gonna do it at the end of the year woooo.. but all in all, if you do the proper one, you would be able to say more for certain as they would go through the results with you step by step to make sure that it is your type. I talked to the guy I'm gonna do the test with ( hes my aunt's friend ;) )
I'm not sure what I am either but I do like the sound of being an MBTI alien.
It's not the tests that matter, but rather how well the descriptions predict your behaviour.

If the descriptions fail to predict your behaviour, then it is the theory that has failed, not you.
why not pay and do that actual one? I know cash is sometimes tight but i still doing the proper one would be better. I'm a student, with no steady income though I do have a part time job and I'm gonna do it at the end of the year woooo.. but all in all, if you do the proper one, you would be able to say more for certain as they would go through the results with you step by step to make sure that it is your type. I talked to the guy I'm gonna do the test with ( hes my aunt's friend ;) )
If you are a student at any univeristy, you can get your mbti done for free. Go to the career counseling center.
Im three years out of university, I don't know if they still do the test free for alumni, I may look into it.

Im starting to think that im not an N. Last night I read the profile for INFJ's, ISFJ's and ISTJ's and although none of them fits me perfectly, INFJ fits me least. More than anything I want to know if im an N or an S, because I think that the other two letters change more based on a situation to situation basis and as we change.
Do you focus more on how things are or how things can be?