Just need someone to talk to here...


Community Member
Hi all.

My names Alan and im at college...and idk why im writing this i just have so much-(insert cuss word) built up and i have no one to talk to here. and when i have a problem or issue i usually talk to my moms u know or close friends but ...unfortunately my phones broke.

Now stress is building up and i need to do something with it!!!

im going Freaking insane here!
im not joking....ive been depressed all day from classes non stop, gotta pop quiz second day tommorow...so on...

D(cuss word again cuz im apparently not allowed to say them) im honestly not trying to sit here and complain about my problems on this website!

i just truly do not have anyone else to talk to! but i feel like im doing NOTHING but complaing here people....

i dont think i know how to handle stress no more. all the (yes...another cuss word) thats built up in me from family backround which idk even know to talk about on here bcuz ill just be complaining again ...but...i cant let it go. and when someone hurt you...as a kid....and REFUSES to acknowledge it!-bcuz there to full of themselves....than claims! TO LOVE YOU!...WHAT DO YOU DO?!?!

i seriously have no idea what to do here.....

ill get straight to it yo....my dad used to beat me and my bros. but...he wont admit it. but i get it he doesnt wanna be guilty! of course..but to not be man enough to...no wait to not be HUMAN enough to say sorry...i(cussed worded) up....and than try to make it seem like the beatings WERE MY FAULT!


(sigh)....i need to know someone else out there is listening before i waste my time with writing a story of complaints.

if no one responds....thats cool..i think i need to talk to a therapist or something newaz....
On the front page at the top is the link to the chat room.

Says 'Click to Join infjs..."
feel free to pm me at ay time and ill listen,i may not have all the answers but ill give ya all the time in the world you need,im aware this is a few hours late but you know where to find me if needs be,i really hope youre alright
yeah you can pm me too if you want .. i'll listen.....:m190:
hey thanks people....

i had some chat with acylone.

but i DO thankyou for coming to my assistance.

if i Ever need more assistance i shall SURELY come back to you all. i thankyou:m107:
If I'm online I don't mind chatting. I'm on AIM & MSN & there's the forum chat too. :)
If I'm online I don't mind chatting. I'm on AIM & MSN & there's the forum chat too. :)

Beileve me Milon....

your one of the first people id talk to if i had a problem.

for some reason i feel it is ok to open up to you.

you just cool i guess. idk. either i thankyou too:m107:!
Hey Whitefire. Ok I found this WAAY late. I'm Sorry. :( I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed and stressed about current situations in addition to dealing with past issues. My parents were abusive too and STILL blame me for it. If you EVER need anyone to talk, please don't hesitate to pm me. :hug:
Hey Whitefire. Ok I found this WAAY late. I'm Sorry. :( I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed and stressed about current situations in addition to dealing with past issues. My parents were abusive too and STILL blame me for it. If you EVER need anyone to talk, please don't hesitate to pm me. :hug:

Thankyou retarded monkey:m142:!
hm...I hate it when I want to talk to someone and the chat is F*CKIN EMPTY!.....dang it..... *heh nevermind me*
I just want to say I am sorry you are going through such a distressing time. :( It sounds like you have been through a lot and are under a lot of stress right now, I hope that things get easier for you soon.