- Jung Typology Test by HumanMetrics
- Skeletus Personality Test
- Test by Horace Gray, Joseph Wheelwright and Robert Winer (based on the test developed in 1930's)
- Test "41 Questions"
- Test "Discover Your Type" by MyPersonality (registration is needed)
- Test by Personality Test Center
- Test at "Shrinkwhere"
- Jung Personality Test by SimilarMinds (also there are some other tests)
- Test at kisa.ca
- Jungian Type Test by Peter Bromberg
- Test "What Am I Like?" by BBC
- Mental Muscle Diagram Indicator by Team Technology
- Life Pattern Indicator by Terence Duniho and Fergus Duniho (also exists description of the test and offline version)
- Functional Preferences Instrument by John Fudjack and Patricia Dinkelaker
- Cognitive Style Inventory by Ross Reinhold (short 4-question test)
- Short test by Dmitri Lytov and Marianna Lytova
- Test by Rick DeLong
- Test by Sergei Ganin
- The LoveTypes Quiz by Alexander Avila (manual calculation of result)
- Myers-Briggs Preference Questionnaire by Russell Rowe (manual calculation of result)
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