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1w2 sx/so/sp
I am an extraordinarily jumpy person. It seems like any kind of loud noise, or sudden physical contact will make me jump/yell, even if it is within context of what is going on. Example, I was at a hockey game two nights ago, and even though I was right at the glass where all the noise was, if someone made a bang noise, popped a balloon, or a player went by too fast, I would jump, and sometimes make a small yelp noise.

I honestly don't really understand why I am so jumpy. It seems like it started a little over a year ago. I have always been jumpy, but since then I have been extremely so. If someone catches me at the right moment, I will fall out of a chair I am sitting in. God forbid a bell telephone goes off near me, I will freak (much to everyone's delight, haha). People have told me it's because I am tense, which is true. The few times I have gotten a massage people have told me I am one of the most tense people they have felt, and I don't even notice it at all. Also I am always told I am more high strung then a cat, and animal I am almost always compared to in personality.

So my question to all of you is, how jumpy are you, and what does it take to get you to scare, jump, or yelp?
I am an extraordinarily jumpy person. It seems like any kind of loud noise, or sudden physical contact will make me jump/yell, even if it is within context of what is going on. Example, I was at a hockey game two nights ago, and even though I was right at the glass where all the noise was, if someone made a bang noise, popped a balloon, or a player went by too fast, I would jump, and sometimes make a small yelp noise.

I honestly don't really understand why I am so jumpy. It seems like it started a little over a year ago. I have always been jumpy, but since then I have been extremely so. If someone catches me at the right moment, I will fall out of a chair I am sitting in. God forbid a bell telephone goes off near me, I will freak (much to everyone's delight, haha). People have told me it's because I am tense, which is true. The few times I have gotten a massage people have told me I am one of the most tense people they have felt, and I don't even notice it at all. Also I am always told I am more high strung then a cat, and animal I am almost always compared to in personality.

So my question to all of you is, how jumpy are you, and what does it take to get you to scare, jump, or yelp?

I always quickly shift my head/eyes to any new sound introduced to the area. It's more of a protector mode.
I'm really jumpy as well. For example in my neighborhood there are two dogs that bark each time I pass by and me knowing that they will bark I still jump as if it was my first time hearing them. I'm very sensitive to outside noises and noises in general and that's why I spend most of my time alone in complete isolation of the world since anything that is outside makes me tense and anxious. Many think it's not healthy but I surely think so since I'm afraid of having a heart attack every time I go outside lol

Alas, I've learned to deal with that and I'm no longer surprised by my reactions to such circumstances, life must go on.
Anything makes me nervous and react awkwardly, fireworks make me jump, loud music, dogs barking..I'm very jumpy, that's why I prefer to be by my self in a place where I could relax or be in quiet.
Have you heard of HSP? :tinfoil3:
Highly Sensitive Person

I heard it's very common in introverts... Explains everything :-D
Have you heard of HSP? :tinfoil3:
Highly Sensitive Person

I heard it's very common in introverts... Explains everything :-D

lol there was an online test in the forums about that, nearly everyone here scored on extremely sensitive.
I wouldn't say that I'm particularly jumpy, no. I think I've sort of trained myself not to be. Sometimes things startle me, but I wouldn't say that I'm "jumpy". As for the esp matter, some days I'll feel that everyone is speaking very loudly.

Thankfully, I'm not nearly as tense my mother. Sometimes her shoulders are practically up to her ears and she won't even notice.
Huh. Under all regular circumstances, I don't startle easily at all, although I am very easily irritated by prolonged and loud, obnoxious noise.
I can think of some reasons for being jumpy. I am very jumpy. I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder so that muddies the water. I was not jumpy as a child but I was very high energy (very high energy).
Kitty... very jumpy
For me get startled something like:1.the toast to be done. I know it's going to pop just not when. 2.someone running their fingers through my hair very startling would have to happen
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So my question to all of you is, how jumpy are you, and what does it take to get you to scare, jump, or yelp?

Yes, I'm very jumpy. I never realized it actually, until a few months ago. It might be because I'm very prone to zoning out and the slightest sudden sound will bring me back to reality with a jump. Other times, I just get scared by loud noises very easily. If I hear one of my two nieces suddenly fall to the ground, I jump like crazy! Or when things are calm and all of a sudden, someone speaks in a powerful tone of voice...I jump lol.

I can definitely yelp, but not as much as simply jumping.