Jerry Seinfeld


C'est la vie
Retired Staff

What do you think? It's hard for me to imagine a comedian being an INFJ, but I suppose if there was one, then Jerry fits the bill. His humor is that kind of inner thought observation and exaggeration that I find myself using. ... re=related
Its really hard to imagine some one who can do stand up comedy as an introverted person...but U can see the uneasiness of him when is on stage or on who knows....
Where did you get that from?
Rumor has it that Seinfeld portrayed all four of the temperament archetypes. If that's so, I could see George as SJ (certainly). Kramer could be the NT (ENTP?), which would leave Elaine and Jerry as either NF or SP.

Now, that doesn't mean Jerry was playing his type on the show, either, but...we usually do better playing who we are. And Jerry on the show and off the show is definitely introvert something. He's definitely uncomfortable on stage. But introverts can be in the public eye, too.

Reference? Found it here: (scroll down the page - last bullet note)
Rumor has it that Seinfeld portrayed all four of the temperament archetypes. If that's so, I could see George as SJ (certainly). Kramer could be the NT (ENTP?), which would leave Elaine and Jerry as either NF or SP.

Now, that doesn't mean Jerry was playing his type on the show, either, but...we usually do better playing who we are. And Jerry on the show and off the show is definitely introvert something. He's definitely uncomfortable on stage. But introverts can be in the public eye, too.

Reference? Found it here: (scroll down the page - last bullet note)

If the rumors were right, was Seinfeld consciously portraying the 4 archetypes?
I'm bad at figuring people's MBTI out, so even though I relate to Seinfeld's sense of humour, I really can't say if he's INFJ or not. Sometimes he strikes me as INTJ instead. Again, I don't know what I'm doing.... LOL
Elaine as an ESTJ... It'd explain why I never liked her and she and kramer never got on. It'd also explain why she's such a bully.

Heh, Kramer as an ENTP would explain why the lawyers were too afraid to take him on.
On a side note.... The other day I realised (my hubbie told me) I tend to speak in quiet manner, and suddenly I raise my voice (high pitch), either in the beggining/end of a sentence, just like Seinfeld does! :m080:
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Elaine as an ESTJ... It'd explain why I never liked her and she and kramer never got on. It'd also explain why she's such a bully.

Heh, Kramer as an ENTP would explain why the lawyers were too afraid to take him on.

O luuuuvvv Kramer; He's my fave!
If Elaine's an ESTJ, then I wonder (if the four archetypes were displayed) what George was? He screamed SJ to me, so so much.

Jerry could've been an SP, I s'pose - but Freedom, you're right: It's hard to see them all in their natural habitats because they all acted so goofy. :D And truth is, fictional characters jump around depending on the script. Still...they tend to stay fairly steady. It's hard to imagine Kramer acting like Elaine for too long, or for George to act like Jerry. So there *is* an archetype somewhere in there.

Kramer seems like the nutty professor type to me (ENTP).
Hmm...maybe, Shai - he definitely was the one who seemed to care most about situations. ENFP gone wrong? Lol! Or maybe INFP?
Are you guys gonna keep guessing or actually try and figure out why he's one of the random types your spouting out?
Elaine is my inner evil... I loved to watch her, just because she'd do everything I seriously contemplated doing, though wouldn't dare to!
George... I love to hate him! He's such a "loser" I can't really hate him. I don't know anyone slightly like him, in RL. I do know lots of elaines and some Kramers!
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Actually, yes, many.

This ain't INTPc.
Pffthp! *Raspberry*

C'mon, SH! Part of the game is elimination. If there's still questionable doubt, then we can't eliminate that possibility!

So, discussion is still up in the air...