[Administrators] its snowing


How mysterious… Are you a secret government super spy?
OMG you're gonna kill me now cause I know too much aren't you? Damnit I need to learn how to stfu :doh:
yes, or i work with patient records...

its one of the two i can never remember

Chilling thought if it's both!

Enjoy your snow.

*continues counting the days till Spring*
I just wish the temperature would *stay in one place* for more than a day! Grrr...no more of this twenty degrees one day, seventy the next!
Wow I feel prviledged, I just snuck into an "Administrator only thread" and successfully posted. Lol. Or is it just a standard thread?
no its just me playing with the prefixes, with enough time i'll probably swap them for fully sortable post icons, for sorting threads by type(if i can thing of enough catergorys) right now only admins/mods can use the prefixes to show offical threads
My husband told me that all of Britain is basically crippled by this storm, biggest one in 20 years or something? We have several friends in England, all are reporting some pretty impressive horror stories.

Husband is from Scotland... no stranger to cold weather. But he sounds pretty impressed with your snow (of course he says it could never compare with our winters in Connecticut).

How about you? Is it cramping your style?
*has snow envy*

I guess it starts with a pile. Someone else can shape the torso..
Dj. Are you buried yet? Husband just told me 10 more inches of snow expected there by Thursday. Hope you have warm socks on under your wellies! Does it look like this?


Britain blizzard dumps 16 inches of snow
Tuesday, February 03, 2009 12:00 PM

Northern England, Scotland and Wales were hit with heavy snow and ice storms Tuesday, crippling transportation networks, officials said.

The British Isles' worst snowstorm in 18 years, which caused travel chaos in London and southern England Monday, moved north Tuesday, with parts of Northumberland and North Yorkshire facing up to 16 inches of snow, The Daily Telegraph reported.

Rail systems, schools and hospitals were all reported under stress in northern Britain, while London struggled to cope with the icy aftermath on Monday's blizzard. Officials told the Telegraph that areas blanketed earlier would remain hazardous as snow turned to ice and temperatures drop as low as 17 degrees Fahrenheit in parts of southern England.

British officials Tuesday issued an extreme weather warning to motorists across the country to beware of icy roads and drifting snow. Meanwhile, rail and air passengers were advised to check with their operators before traveling, the newspaper said.

(Source: UPI )​
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Snow here too! We had 12 inches last Wednesday overnight, and it's snowing even more now :3
Even we are expecting snow tonight! No biggie, it melts the same day or the day after around here.
Ooooo shiny snowman! (meticulously done, BTW :thumb: )
LM - what Zen said ^

I wish it was either snowing white beautiful large flakes right now, maybe at a temp of -7 (we're in celsius here)

or beautiful blooming spring, past all the melted snow, brown soggy grass, and still-bare trees.

I hope we get at least a few more beautiful snow-falls in before the end of this season here :love: