It's official! Fact is stranger than fiction!


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
This is already old news, but I figured it couldn't hurt to post it here.


Baby-faced Alfie, who is 13 but looks more like eight, became a father four days ago when his girlfriend Chantelle Steadman gave birth to 7lb 3oz Maisie Roxanne.

He told how he and Chantelle, 15, decided against an abortion after discovering she was pregnant.

Strangely enough, my first thought was that this was a lot like Konokon, one of my favorite ecchi anime series in which a much older looking girl keeps trying to get it on with a 14 year-old boy who looks like he is 9.


What world am I living in when the theme of an ecchi oriented anime can actually play out in real life! At least in the anime they never actually had sex and no one got pregnant!

So what do you guys thinks? Can a 13 year-old be a good father? Is this a sign that kids are getting out of control? Is this story a sign that at least reproductive biology needs to be taught at a young age? If you were the parents of these kids, what would you be doing right now?
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The short answer is not in our society no.

A father needs life experience and maturity. A boy who is barely a teenager has neither by his age alone.

As for the story Its kinda hard to believe is this real.
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The short answer is not in our society no.

A father needs life experience and maturity. A boy who is barely a teenager has neither by his age alone.

As for the story Its kinda hard to believe is this real.

That was my thought too! This is too unreal to be real.

Other news organizations have picked it up.

They contacted social services to get some confirmation.

Police and child services in Eastbourne, in southeast England, said in a statement that they were "aware of a 14-year-old girl that had become pregnant as the result of a relationship with a 12-year-old boy," adding that they were offering support to both young people.
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Man, that sucks.

I don't think he even realizes how his entire childhood is going to be sucked away due to a stupidass mistake.

Oh well. Thus is life. I totally wish him, that girl and his child the best... But I'm not expecting the best. I think it's kind of sad when a person that young decides to do an adult thing and ends up having to force themselves into a state of adulthood to accommodate the needs of others. I can guarantee it won't be healthy for anybody involved. By the time that kid goes into school, he'll just be graduating... Wow.
Man, that sucks.

I don't think he even realizes how his entire childhood is going to be sucked away due to a stupidass mistake.

Oh well. Thus is life. I totally wish him, that girl and his child the best... But I'm not expecting the best. I think it's kind of sad when a person that young decides to do an adult thing and ends up having to force themselves into a state of adulthood to accommodate the needs of others. I can guarantee it won't be healthy for anybody involved. By the time that kid goes into school, he'll just be graduating... Wow.

I wouldn't say it is that bad. Typically what happens when especially young teens have children is the grandparents end up doing most of the raising and the infant is brought up more like a sibling to their parent than as their offspring. There is simply no way someone of that age and experience can comprehend the responsibility of a raising a child, and if the grandparents tired to force all the responsibility on the kid, then bad things are likely to happen to the infant as a resort of the father's inadequate parenting.
So much for innocence.:m173:
I am sorry but this makes me mad. These are just kids...
My thread is making you angry or the story itself is making you angry?

Haha oh satya you could never make me mad, no worries :).

It is the story. Why was this pregancy not stopped? I mean honestly, this child is going to have a diffucalt life now. It just makes me mad that an abortion was not made...

This is yet another one of those things where I can't really explain why with words, on how this makes me mad.
Haha oh satya you could never make me mad, no worries :).

It is the story. Why was this pregancy not stopped? I mean honestly, this child is going to have a diffucalt life now. It just makes me mad that an abortion was not made...

This is yet another one of those things where I can't really explain why with words, on how this makes me mad.

Uh, or just go with adoption. Also, by 13, yo u know what the heck it all means (in a sex ed sense). In our society this seems really weird, but in ancient times, it would have been no big deal. Just because our society thinks its outlandish, doesn't mean humans haven't been doing it like this (no pun intended) for thousands of years.
Uh, or just go with adoption. Also, by 13, yo u know what the heck it all means (in a sex ed sense). In our society this seems really weird, but in ancient times, it would have been no big deal. Just because our society thinks its outlandish, doesn't mean humans haven't been doing it like this (no pun intended) for thousands of years.

What bothers me is that they are still just kids. They are still just starting highschool. Their lives have been turned upside down, and their lives are just beginning. Not to mention what kind of life the child is going to have now. Not to mention I don't agree with the past in the sense that this was commonplace. Those were different times with different circumstances, this is the modern world which is much different. Adoption is an option yes, but still, the child is going to know quite clearly what went on. That is a reason I said abortion. I have no intention of starting a debate, but I have no problems whatsoever with abortion, and this would be a case where I would really advocate it.
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I feel about this in the same way I feel about the octuplet case; kind of sick and kind of sad.
I hear so many people say they're outraged and shocked by the 13 year old 'daddy'. Look at what children see on tv constantly. Sex, sex, sex and more sex simply just to sell ordinary things, like chewing gum. The tv is filled with sex and bad examples for children so why are we surprised when they start experimenting sooner? This is probably just the tip of that ice berg.
And I just heard that the octoplet doc has another set of 7 about to be delivered to another single mom so I'm sure they'll pull his plug pretty quick. New laws and regulations will be set and on and on it will go.
I was experimenting well before I was 13, but by the time I was that age, my mother gave me the "use a condom because I don't want any bastard grandkids" talk. I'm surprised that all these years later I'm still embarrassed about it, but I'm happy I heeded that advice for the sake of protecting myself from STDs. Parents who d0on't teach their kids about safer sex are just asking for this kind of thing. When I read the article and heard that they hadn't talked to the kid about the "birds and the bees", I felt myself cringe. And of course the antiabortion group going off on how "value free sex education" was to blame. The older I get, the more I realize how insane the world really is. I want back my childish illusion that grown ups know what they are doing!
I want back my childish illusion that grown ups know what they are doing!

Yea, those were the days :) I don't think anyone knows what they're doing in this world. The only difference is that there are those who are honest about that, and those who spend their whole lives whitewashing this truth....
The Drama gets even better

First its one...

However, on Sunday the Sun's sister paper, the News of the World, reported that Richard Goodsell, aged 16, was claiming he was Maisie's father.
"I know I could be the father. Everyone thinks I am. My friends all tell me that baby has my eyes -- even my mum thinks so.

But it couldn't stop there...

However, it has now emerged that two other boys, aged 14 and 16, claim they could have fathered the child. Chantelle's neighbours in Eastbourne, Sussex, have also alleged that at least four boys had been allowed to spend the night in her room.

I'm starting to feel like the Jerry Springer of the forum.
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Adoption is an option yes, but still, the child is going to know quite clearly what went on. That is a reason I said abortion.
So a potential child is better off dead than knowing that it has rather err.. unconventional origins? I disagree very much so with this line of thought.
So a potential child is better off dead than knowing that it has rather err.. unconventional origins? I disagree very much so with this line of thought.

Then if this is the case there should be laws on the books giving the parents the final authority as to what happens to any children conceived by minors.

And this girls parents need to be charged for neglect, contributing to the deliquency of a minor, and everything else the authorities can come up with....

Their conduct is irresponsible...allowing boys to sleepover in HER ROOM! That is sick.
Then if this is the case there should be laws on the books giving the parents the final authority as to what happens to any children conceived by minors.

And this girls parents need to be charged for neglect, contributing to the deliquency of a minor, and everything else the authorities can come up with....

Their conduct is irresponsible...allowing boys to sleepover in HER ROOM! That is sick.

That is stupid on their part, but I don't think the parents should be charged with a crime. They didn't make their child do this, it is 90% the child's fault, not the parents. I don't know if the child has other problems as well, but she very likely could be a good kid in many other ways.
That is stupid on their part, but I don't think the parents should be charged with a crime. They didn't make their child do this, it is 90% the child's fault, not the parents. I don't know if the child has other problems as well, but she very likely could be a good kid in many other ways.

Seriously? Who in thier right minds allows their 16 yr old daughter to have SLEEP OVERS with boys. Allowing the boys to sleep in HER ROOM none the less?

They never made their child do this, but they also didn't exercise some reasonable authority and set rules, boundries and limitations!

Yeah, this kid is so good that she has 4 other people vying for the position of baby's daddy. Thats a really good kid there!