Introvert vs. Extrovert vs. Ambivert


Community Member
So how does everyone know, who knows, that they are an introvert or an extrovert or ambivert or what experiences have lead people to believe that they are who they are? When did ya'll first find out?
WAAAAYYY finally I am acknowledged somewhere haha. I know that I am very extrovert as I am loud, sproutly and very expressive. In other words happy. In my case introversion is something negative because it becomes dominant when something bad occurs or outnumbers the good - E.g. when I become sad, blue and angry, hurt etc. I tend to be very distant and very quiet.

I love people and am energized from being around them although after a certain amount of time I need to be by myself and digest the hours spent with people. Clarify the image and perceptions and such. Like retrospection and introspection. =)
I am for sure an introvert. When I tested, introversion was my highest percentage above all other functions.
But besides all that math-y stuff..

After prolonged periods of socializing I feel as if I want to crawl under a rock and think my own thoughts without any interruption or without the duty of having to pay attention to anything. I tend to live inside my own head.

I start to feel unbalanced and almost as if I am losing aspects of my personality when I go out a lot with acquaintances (I have too many of those) because I am subject to the norms of the group (whether I conform or not doesn't matter the norms are still there.)

When I go to loud bars or parties I find myself bored because there is wayyy too much stimulus around me and I'm not able to think and perceive peacefully.

Lastly, cuz my mama says.

Actually, I recently had a talk with my mom about how I felt guilty for needing space from friends who seemed to need a lot from me. She said ever since I was little I had friends and would spend time with them but then would decide I didn't want to talk to anyone for days and would spend the time reading or writing or drawing in my room.
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I'm a quiet extrovert with introverted tendencies.

For instance I am a quiet person in a new group of people and I feel out the group, sometimes for a few days/ meetings. Then I eventually become (or try to become, or at the very least imagine myself as - lol) the center of attention, usually through some sort of entertaining. In some situations though I can go right for the gusto and be totally extroverted in a new situation.
I am for sure an introvert. When I tested, introversion was my highest percentage above all other functions.
But besides all that math-y stuff..

After prolonged periods of socializing I feel as if I want to crawl under a rock and think my own thoughts without any interruption or without the duty of having to pay attention to anything. I tend to live inside my own head.

I start to feel unbalanced and almost as if I am losing aspects of my personality when I go out a lot with acquaintances (I have too many of those) because I am subject to the norms of the group (whether I conform or not doesn't matter the norms are still there.)

When I go to loud bars or parties I find myself bored because there is wayyy too much stimulus around me and I'm not able to think and perceive peacefully.

Lastly, cuz my mama says.

Actually, I recently had a talk with my mom about how I felt guilty for needing space from friends who seemed to need a lot from me. She said ever since I was little I had friends and would spend time with them but then would decide I didn't want to talk to anyone for days and would spend the time reading or writing or drawing in my room.

I totally identify with you! I find parties to be far too chaotic for me; I much prefer a good library or bookstore! :) And I have some needy friends, and when I need space from them I feel guilty about it. They just don't get that people need space. When I've been around "people" too much, I have an incredible desire to just get away by myself.

I'm a pseudo-ambivert. By default I'm an introvert. But I have a few awesome friends who actually energize me, and I'm definitely extroverted when around them. There's only 4 or 5 of them in my life, and 3 of them live in other countries now. :(
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That's interesting.. a few people energize you. I can't think of a single person that energizes me. Even the ones I love the most.
I'm actually ambiverted.
That's interesting.. a few people energize you. I can't think of a single person that energizes me. Even the ones I love the most.

Now Im sad.
I'm more on the introverted side, but I'm more extroverted than anyone in my family. When I meet new people, I actually really perk up and try my best to accompany them. I'm usually pretty talkative to try to feel them out, then the more I get used to them I talk a whole lot more. But when it's a whole lot of people it's tough. I'd say it's a 60/40 split.
Aww I was waiting for merrytrees to bite the line I tossed out, okay. Really how do I know? If you want to be technical about it I use my extroverted functions with reletive ease and just as much comfort as my introverted functions. In fact for a long while there I was questioning wheater I was an extroverted introvert or an introverted extrovert. I concluded that I was in fact an introvert who was used to and enjoys the company of people.

On a more practical note, I was considered by many I knew and still am considered by many to be quite be when I want to extraverted, If given the choice I'd rather not make a debacle of myself but I will do so without any problem if the alternative isn't better then keeping quiet, and once more, I'll have fun doing it.
haha! I pegged you so wrong SH.. I thought for sure you were a grumpy introvert..
Yeah that's why I try to stay away from presumptions.
I should have presumed you were a grumpy ambivert, and then been correct.
I find your grumpiness endearing, so don't be offended.
Aww I was waiting for merrytrees to bite the line I tossed out, okay. Really how do I know? If you want to be technical about it I use my extroverted functions with reletive ease and just as much comfort as my introverted functions. In fact for a long while there I was questioning wheater I was an extroverted introvert or an introverted extrovert. I concluded that I was in fact an introvert who was used to and enjoys the company of people.

On a more practical note, I was considered by many I knew and still am considered by many to be quite be when I want to extraverted, If given the choice I'd rather not make a debacle of myself but I will do so without any problem if the alternative isn't better then keeping quiet, and once more, I'll have fun doing it.

I'd have taken the bait, SH!
EDIT: Are you ambidextrous too?

I find when I'm in a very comfortable setting - ie a group where I'm well established - I'm typically extroverted and accomodating for people new to the group. Otherwise, I'm the classic meek and timid introvert. Give me a corner, a book, a job to do, something to keep me away from the group!
Given the right situation, I am rather extroverted. And quite a few people think I am an extrovert. That is just because I will act very friendly to someone if they talk to me (and their vibe doesn't repel me). The fact of the matter is I am actually quite introverted. Mabye though, these two together make me ambivert? I still think I am introverted, but mabye I am not?

My mom is similar in this respect, and put us both together and we will magnify it. For example, when we go to the store together, we mostly chat amongst ourselves. But if something makes us laugh, like a silly item or such, we will bust up laughing and make jokes about it. And involve people around us. Walking up to them laughing, grabbing their shoulder and talking about it. Most people grin sheepishly and walk away, but we are having a good old time.
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You see that could be the case, because that is essentially what an ambivert is. Expressing both, each depending on the given situation.

If you feel introversion overlaps the one of extroversion then you stay introverted. However if you feel that you are in fact extroverted - then reconsider the ambivert. As long as you feel it is the correct label :)

As I am a P also it can be hard for me to settle for something definetly haha so Ambivert is fine for me, and often I am ambivalent so its self explanatory xD

Sometimes people take me for obviously being an extrovert, but I feel that they couldn't be more wrong because I turn introvert when they are not looking.
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