INFP Male Interested in ENFJ Female


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Hi everyone! I'm new here. Just thought I'd throw that out there. :P I was wondering about INFP-ENFJ relationships. I have always heard the saying that "The ENFJ is the INFP's best friend." Is this actually true... lol Does anyone here have any personal experience with this dynamic in a relationship?

I'm asking because I'm very interested in an ENFJ girl. She's beautiful, talented, and out of my league (in my opinion :P). I know that she's interested in me as well because her best friend has hinted around at this several times and indirectly made it pretty obvious the last time I talked to her. I want to ask this girl out. She seems very kindhearted and loving, although I do not know her extremely well because I'm shy. Need to make more of an effort so that she knows I like her back. lol
Don't do it. ENFJs are crazy!! I am just joking. My mom is an ENFJ. I feel like they respond to gifts. Maybe you could take her flowers and ask her out. It is a bold move if you are shy, but who could say no to that?

Funny you should mention flowers. I was actually just thinking about this the other day but wondered if it would come across as cheesy for the first time. But then again I feel like an ENFJ might think this was really sweet. lol Personally i think its romantic but need second opinions? I've been out of the dating world for a good year or so...
Funny you should mention flowers. I was actually just thinking about this the other day but wondered if it would come across as cheesy for the first time. But then again I feel like an ENFJ might think this was really sweet. lol Personally i think its romantic but need second opinions? I've been out of the dating world for a good year or so...
From my experience, ENFJs show their love by giving gifts and doing other of acts of love. They also like to get presents. They seem to really appreciate the small touches that shows that you listen and care about them. Down to a simple, hey I got this for you because you were talking about it or I got you your favorite candy. As a woman, I can say that you could never go wrong with flowers. I say go for it.
From my experience, ENFJs show their love by giving gifts and doing other of acts of love. They also like to get presents. They seem to really appreciate the small touches that shows that you listen and care about them. Down to a simple, hey I got this for you because you were talking about it or I got you your favorite candy. As a woman, I can say that you could never go wrong with flowers. I say go for it.

Thank you! I think I will go for it and report back with the results.
Hell yeah bro INFP-ENFJ relationships are gr8 m8. Hang out with her then casually ask her out for like coffee or beer or something.
Hell yeah bro INFP-ENFJ relationships are gr8 m8. Hang out with her then casually ask her out for like coffee or beer or something.

Is it bad that I'm thinking about going all out romantic? :P Opinions? I'm super scared of rejection though-- Ive struggled with low self esteem for years.
Is it bad that I'm thinking about going all out romantic? :p Opinions? I'm super scared of rejection though-- Ive struggled with low self esteem for years.

Yes, it is bad to go full romantic. Start slow. Be friendly but flirt. Just hang out and ask her out to some informal meetup.
INFs all overthink! I know I do. The love of my life was an ENFP..... and I was an INFJ........similar sitch. I felt awkward and stiff around him, but he liked my introversion and my depth.......he was my world. Most of my friends are INFPs....a bit awkward yes but deep and beautiful. Give it a chance.
INFs all overthink! I know I do. The love of my life was an ENFP..... and I was an INFJ........similar sitch. I felt awkward and stiff around him, but he liked my introversion and my depth.......he was my world. Most of my friends are INFPs....a bit awkward yes but deep and beautiful. Give it a chance.

Awww <3 Thank you for the encouragement. I'm extremely cautious in relationships now because I was burned so badly by my ex-girlfriend of 3 years who was an ESTP (probably a bad match to begin with, but I didn't know much about MBTI until 2 years into dating her). We had a rather catastrophic breakup 1 year ago and I haven't dated anyone since. I'm not the type of guy who takes dating casually either, so I'd love to make my next love my last love. ;)
I get being lonely and burned believe me! I found my true love and he passed away last month. My heart is in the shredder big time! My best advice is to dat a fellow N me it has always been the most important letter and the only one just about everyone I love has in common!
I get being lonely and burned believe me! I found my true love and he passed away last month. My heart is in the shredder big time! My best advice is to dat a fellow N me it has always been the most important letter and the only one just about everyone I love has in common!

I'm so sorry. That is absolutely awful. :coldsweat:I wish I had the right words to comfort you, but just know that you're in my prayers. <3
Dated one, I think ENFJ? Can't really say for sure, as her type "changed" ..we were both a bit young so there were unhealthy aspects, but at least on my end I felt a very deep emotional connection and derived a lot of happiness from said relationship.

Dating an ENFJ now as well, lol - and she really is amazing (I'd pretty much describe her the same way you did with your romantic interest). It's only been like 5-6 months, but it's been awesome so far. As with the first relationship it's someone I can have intellectual conversations with as well as be a total doofus/sarcastic potato, which is least to me. ENFJ's also seem quite good at giving words of affirmation, emotional support, and simply being "present" (I'd say all in all my experiences with those couple have been positive~)

Best of luck ^w^
Also it's nice to see another INFP around, please stay
Dated one, I think ENFJ? Can't really say for sure, as her type "changed" ..we were both a bit young so there were unhealthy aspects, but at least on my end I felt a very deep emotional connection and derived a lot of happiness from said relationship.

Dating an ENFJ now as well, lol - and she really is amazing (I'd pretty much describe her the same way you did with your romantic interest). It's only been like 5-6 months, but it's been awesome so far. As with the first relationship it's someone I can have intellectual conversations with as well as be a total doofus/sarcastic potato, which is least to me. ENFJ's also seem quite good at giving words of affirmation, emotional support, and simply being "present" (I'd say all in all my experiences with those couple have been positive~)

Best of luck ^w^
Also it's nice to see another INFP around, please stay

Thanks for the great post, bro! You've given me a lot of hope-- especially with the whole out-my-league thing I am extremely nervous and shy too. I have actually never dated a girl I felt I could relate emotionally with (my last serious gf was an ESTP). I'm hoping my next relationship provides a bit more of an emotional connection/support.

p.s. I think I'll stay. ;)
As with the first relationship it's someone I can have intellectual conversations with as well as be a total doofus/sarcastic potato, which is least to me. ENFJ's also seem quite good at giving words of affirmation, emotional support, and simply being "present" (I'd say all in all my experiences with those couple have been positive~)

Best of luck ^w^
Also it's nice to see another INFP around, please stay

Congrats! :) But I'm glad you mentioned this, because I do think this is an important trait that INFPs need in a partner, someone they can be themselves with, without fear of judgment; someone who is not seeking to be impressed. And someone who is willing to be with you, and spend time with you, uninhibited by too many outside distractions. Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. :)
Thank you @RunDeep. I will survive it somehow........I really have no choice. He has a 9 year old daughter, and I am really all she has on earth. She is just like him, and she has my heart. I am trying to adopt her from the county. Anyway, people with the love and affection of an INFP are truly lucky.....they are deep and beautiful
By the way guys. Maybe I'm blind but it appears I'm not able to "like" posts. Idk if this is not a privilege for newbies or what. lol
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Thank you @RunDeep. I will survive it somehow........I really have no choice. He has a 9 year old daughter, and I am really all she has on earth. She is just like him, and she has my heart. I am trying to adopt her from the county. Anyway, people with the love and affection of an INFP are truly lucky.....they are deep and beautiful

Well she is lucky to have such a kind, caring person in her life! Hang in there. You're in my prayers and I hope the adoption goes through. <3