(INFP) Has any "infj's dated an "infp" or "enfp"?


I am very curious about this. I am an infp with extroverted tendencies, depending on my mood. I am looking for an infj female for a relationship in Washington and am curious if anyone has had success with this match.
Yay! Another INFP.
I'm curious about this, too.

I've only dated one other NF, and it was another INFP. (Went horribly.)
I wonder how different a typical INFJ/INFP relationship would be..

Well, I must be frank with you that i've never been in an infp romantic relationship. But i've wondered once in a while what that would be like (since I have tons of infp friends around me for some odd reason).

What i'd say is that i'd like to try it out one day. But I know what might cause a break-up (two of my really close friends are infps and we bicker sometimes). It'd be:

1- I feel like i'm the one always making decisions, making plans, etc. Frustration!! Sometimes it's like i'm the one pulling my friend around---I feel like I have to be more responsible.

2- INFPs I think tend to be more in touch with their emotions---but differently from INFJs. I think you guys might be a bit more emotional...but find it hard to explain where they're coming from. (bursts of emotion?) But INFJs are a little more rational about it---more laid back. Sometimes when my INFP friend is on an emotional rollercoaster (I don't really get those), I get frustrated because it's stressing my "J" out and it forces me to act more like a "T".
INFPs are freaking awesome! The boy tests as one sometimes, but its mostly INTP. I would think INFJs and INFPs would be compatible with the whole NF thing. We could trade off on mood swings and absurdity!

I actually have no idea what I'm talking about and I'm just trying to waste time.
1- I feel like i'm the one always making decisions, making plans, etc. Frustration!! Sometimes it's like i'm the one pulling my friend around---I feel like I have to be more responsible.

2- INFPs I think tend to be more in touch with their emotions---but differently from INFJs. I think you guys might be a bit more emotional...but find it hard to explain where they're coming from. (bursts of emotion?) But INFJs are a little more rational about it---more laid back. Sometimes when my INFP friend is on an emotional rollercoaster (I don't really get those), I get frustrated because it's stressing my "J" out and it forces me to act more like a "T".

I had a similar problem with an ENFP relationship. She didn't want to be in charge, and her emotions came in unpredictable bursts.
Yay! Another INFP.
I'm curious about this, too.

I've only dated one other NF, and it was another INFP. (Went horribly.)
I wonder how different a typical INFJ/INFP relationship would be..
Yep! That's me!!!
Hello! And thanks for the reply!!!
I am very curious about this. I am an infp with extroverted tendencies, depending on my mood. I am looking for an infj female for a relationship in Washington and am curious if anyone has had success with this match.

Yes, I am in a relationship with a man who types as INFP. I'm very happy with him.

yepunsarang said:
1- I feel like i'm the one always making decisions, making plans, etc. Frustration!! Sometimes it's like i'm the one pulling my friend around---I feel like I have to be more responsible.

:pound: Not the case for us. He can get a dictatorial streak and I sometimes have to remind him I'd like to have a say too.

yepunsarang said:
2- INFPs I think tend to be more in touch with their emotions---but differently from INFJs. I think you guys might be a bit more emotional...but find it hard to explain where they're coming from. (bursts of emotion?) But INFJs are a little more rational about it---more laid back. Sometimes when my INFP friend is on an emotional rollercoaster (I don't really get those), I get frustrated because it's stressing my "J" out and it forces me to act more like a "T".

I've experienced a little of this difference at times. In the face of such open and free expression of emotion I'm sometimes confused, occasionally uncomfortable, and can often feel myself get emotionally steelier in some weird balancing compensation.

It's not a problem though, just an interaction and effect I do notice.

There's many places where we vary and that encourage me to grow in new ways, and there's also so many places where there's resonance like with no other person I've ever known. Some of these things are likely due to our cognitive processes, but much of it is also due to life circumstance and any number of other factors that contribute to how a person interacts.

To my experience, our INFP/INFJ pairing is a very good match at least.
I could never date an INFP, it would be a horrific disaster.
He can get a dictatorial streak and I sometimes have to remind him I'd like to have a say too.

Just so things are clear, I did allow her to post this. :becky:

I could see myself dating an infp. I love their creativity, and the caring + loyalty. Plus they tend to know the need for space just like we do.
Explain please.
I agree. An explanation is in order!

Basiclly what it comes down to is unspoken languages. For most of the INFP's that I know. When they like, or don't like something, they use alot of subtal signals for things. While I can read into them, in a relationship this skill becomes deminished, and I have a hard time sorting it out. I also am very accomidating in relationships, and for INFP's this could bother them and they might think I am smothering them, because I wouldn't be able to see in them if it had begun to bother them. I really do need a T in a relationship, so most F's are out the window. INFP's can also bother me after a while because many of them gaurd their Fi, and I am learning that I need to crack into people's Fi to form a relationship with them. Prime example is my ESFP friend. We didn't really become "close" until i tapped into her Fi and she let me in.

It is all hard to explain, but for me, it just woudn't work. INFP's are friends only for me :)
Hard to explain? No, everything makes perfect sense to me that you said, Indigo. Thanks for clarifyin'.
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I had a similar problem with an ENFP relationship. She didn't want to be in charge, and her emotions came in unpredictable bursts.

I'm familiar with this in myself haha. I'm up an down, here and there, in fact I think its more that we like to be in charge but we DON'T like having the responsibility. ^^
I have never dated an infp or enfp, but the lot that I've come in contact with (which is actually a small amount) seem to be exceedingly emotional, which really isn't good for me. Anything can happen, I suppose, though.
I have never dated an infp or enfp, but the lot that I've come in contact with (which is actually a small amount) seem to be exceedingly emotional, which really isn't good for me. Anything can happen, I suppose, though.

Kinda agree with this...though INFPs do have an extremely lovely quality (if they're optimistic and healthy INFPs that is...ahm :P )
Well, I'm currently working on this [with a lovely INFP girl...I somehow always knew I'd end up with one, cause I've always been super magnetically attracted to them, lol], and it's going amazingly well. We love each other very very much, and I really think it'll work out in the end.:smile:
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