Well i'm an ENFJ, but i'll do it anyway
So, my questions are:
1) As an ENFJ, what is your relationship to pain? How do you think about or relate to painful experiences?
First of all, pain for me is emotional and mental is what counts for pain as me. Physical pain (as far as I have experienced) can be ignored and eventually forgotten (only to be brought up in traumatic memory, then I would also argue it is mental pain as well)
My relationship to pain is mainly an avoidance based one. I don't deny pain that can't be avoided or pain that has happened, but I won't intentional put myself in an emotionally painful situation.
Though I think pain that can't be avoided shouldn't be ignored, because some pain is useful, some pain shapes you.
The best way I relate to others painful experiences is try to compare it to my own and recognize how painful it is for them.
How I think about/deal about my own pain is to recede into myself. I will talk to some friends and cry on their shoulders, but I will also just ignore the outside world and think about everything that caused me the pain and start working out how fix, amend, or cope with the thing in my head. This usually takes me no more than 48 hours to get back into state where I am at ease with life again....well for the most part, like any painful experience certain thingas or just randomly memories show back up and then i'm reminded of the pain for a little while (5min), though a quick distraction can help stop that.
2) As an ENFJ, do you feel a special need to suffer through painful experiences in order to develop your personality and experience growth compared to other types?
I used to, sometimes I was almost envious of others who had problems because of how much info about life and how they turned out because of it, but as of recent I've recognized I don't need such pain to still come out a good person. I've recognized having a wonderful life without having a pain that defined me has instead defined me as a person.This lack of pain has helped me stay an optimistic person. It has also helped me help others.
Though, don't get me wrong I do feel pain shapes people and sometimes for the better,I just don't think its a necessary right of passage for a person.
tl;dr, nope I don't think pain is needed for me to grow, and am a walking example of no defining moment of pain (I have had small pin, but nothing big like coming out or parental death or abandonment).