INFJs and Gender Stat on Forum Profile


Variable Hybrid
There has been some mention of having the Gender stat on each user's forum profile. While this seems reasonable, and I don't know why it's not on there, unless someone finds fault with the political correctness of it, it made me realize something I hadn't considered.

It is REALLY hard to tell the gender of an INFJ through their text.

A lot of times, gender can be identified by the subtle cues in perspective, word choices, and other factors like avatar choice.

I can't count the number of times I've been surprised to find out that I was wrong about the gender of someone on these forums, and that doesn't happen much at all.

Any ideas as to why we seem so... androgynous on the internet?
yeah i've noticed the same thing too. i find we have a particular way of spelling out our thoughts and it is quite definitive that it overrides stereotypical gendered speech? i don't know how to explain
There's already a gender section in the "about me" template.
Not what you meant?

No, I meant in this area...

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yeah i've noticed the same thing too. i find we have a particular way of spelling out our thoughts and it is quite definitive that it overrides stereotypical gendered speech? i don't know how to explain

You just did, and hit the nail on the head.
Eh, I don't see a huge difference in the convenience factor...
Is the point to discern their gender without leaving your name in the list of people who viewed their profile?
Suppose it couldn't hurt to add it, though.
Eh, I don't see a huge difference in the convenience factor...
Is the point to discern their gender without leaving your name in the list of people who viewed their profile?
Suppose it couldn't hurt to add it, though.

No, the point is that when I realized it wasn't there, I realized an interesting fact about INFJs, which is our gender neutral presence on the internet.

I could care less if it is displayed in the profile, but agree that it couldn't hurt to add.
Females on this board tend to use more monkeys
I've never once used a monkey! Hah! Disproved.

I did say tend to, which implies it's tendency not a rule.

That is also one of the reason I thought you were a guy
Females on this board tend to use more monkeys

False. There's only maybe a handful that do. That's not representative enough to demonstrate tendency.
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I find the INFJ males don't peacock like some other male types.
False. There's only maybe a handful that do. That's not representative enough to demonstrate tendency.

Females on this board use more monkeys. From what I've seen, could be wrong though as I've been here a limited period and haven't actually counted the amount of monkeys used by each gender
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Females on this board use more monkeys. From what I've seen, could be wrong though as I've been here a limited period and haven't actually counted the amount of monkeys used by each gender

No, no. Let's be clear. You are wrong.
hahaha a fight over the monkeys.

You're probably just wrong because she's anti-monkey.
No, no. Let's be clear. You are wrong.

How can you know for certain? How you counted the amount of monkeys used by each gender then compared the numbers to draw a conclusion?

If you haven't there is no way of knowing this for sure. I just stated what I have observed, and you can state what you have observed.

So let's be clear, your statement that I am wrong is an assumption and an opinion untill proven otherwise and so is mine...