I figured out that by not meeting at least the most basic of my needs, the really negative part of myself comes out. And that didn't make life good for anyone in my family. I was snappy with the kids, short tempered with my spouse, stopped caring about cooking and household chores, unhealthy eating habits, neglecting the animals except to snarl at them when they got in my way.
I function better all around when I make time to do things that I like. Whether its a long long walk with the pups, cross stitching, reading (although I have to limit on that one cause once I pick up a book, especially one I like, I tend to not put it down til its done), 'net surfing, solo concert trip, etc.
But, I can't depend on anyone else to assertain my needs. I have to be self-aware enough to know when I'm reaching critical mass and communicate that to those around me.
Can I function with needs unmet? Of course. But it's like driving a p.o.s. car with a blown headgasket, no a/c, worn out padding in the seat, and no power steering. You never know when or where it's gonna overheat and/or break down; Changing directions requires a ton of extra effort; I'm uncomfortable all the time; and there is no relief when the heat is on....