

Not Afraid to Use His Beard
This thread has sprung up from conversations with Ria and Entyqua. If we were to create our own INFJ commune, what would we want and need there? Both serious and silly answers can be submitted--like I could stop the silly ones anyways!!

I'll start with one of each:

Serious--Community halls so all our groups could get together: The writers, the MBTI analysers, the jokesters, etc.

Silly--Cases and cases of jello! Lots of colors and flavors. All the acessories too (not those kind Entyqua!) like slides, pools, and of course shot glasses for the body shots!
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This thread has sprung up from conversations with Ria and Entyqua. If we were to create our own INFJ commune, what would we want and need there? Both serious and silly answers can be submitted--like I could stop the silly ones anyways!!

I'll start with one of each:

Serious--Community halls to have our groups. The writers, the MBTI analysers, the jokesters, etc.

Silly--Cases and cases of jello! Lots of colors and flavors. All the acessories too (not those kind Entyqua!) like slides, pools, and of course shot glasses for the body shots!

WHY NOT THOSE KIND *stomps foot*

We need books...lots of books!
I think it would be vital to our survival that there be plenty of monkeys.

I would need a taser too. Just because I have never tased an INFJ before. Actually I have never been on either end of a taser, which is why I need one!

SLANT and Shai, all our other non-infj buddies are more than welcome. But they would have to do a happy dance to gain admittance. I would have to be present to see said happy dance.
cookies...there must be cookies...
I think it would be vital to our survival that there be plenty of monkeys.

I would need a taser too. Just because I have never tased an INFJ before. Actually I have never been on either end of a taser, which is why I need one!

SLANT and Shai, all our other non-infj buddies are more than welcome. But they would have to do a happy dance to gain admittance. I would have to be present to see said happy dance.

A nude happy dance? And :m091:you've never lived until a monkey has tasered you on the buttcheek!
NO! not happy dance..Nude interpretation dance!
Yes, many books for sure. And lots of cool meditative outdoor spots is a must I think.....

(and ok, you can bring your "acessories")
Yes, many books for sure. And lots of cool meditative outdoor spots is a must I think.....

(and ok, you can bring your "acessories")

YOU MEAN my whatzits and thingamabobs? YAY!! Does happy dance!
Nude interpretational dance it is! What do they interpret?
Nude interpretational dance it is! What do they interpret?

It's the "Soul Dance". The very essence of their being must be in the dance. And they must give it a name like "Tears in the Rain".

(and don't forget the Snarfblatt, that's my fav!)

Next Serious thing: Buildings are all wood or natural rock. No unnatural materials like drywall!!
I think we need a tiger or lion, one or the other.

It just seems natural.
Crap, I have to get ready for work. Keep building our retreat. When I next check it will be complete. I agree, a big cat of sometype to be our guardian and confidant. No white tigers though, know.

We should also Have several outdoor gathering places for concerts and lectures and such. With many, many trees about. And a river, yes I want a river also. This is starting to sound like Rivendell. LOL
I think we should build in high up in a secluded mountain on the shores of a mountain lake. Also, it's only winter for one month of the year, the rest is warm and temperate.
This is beginning to sound like a nudist colony . . i'm just sayin' :m075:
I would demand that we have daily Yoga sessions, and nightly bonfires with music and stories and plenty of smores to go around.
Next Serious thing: Buildings are all wood or natural rock. No unnatural materials like drywall!!

Or we could do it under a stonehenge. Supposedly that gives out energy due to the way the rocks are positioned. We are all about the energy and feelings, so I think it would be an appropriate location. On the other hand, we all would need to move to wherever these stonehenge are located.
yes it must be secluded, and we should have our own sect of laws and such...They will call us a cult, but we will laugh at them and say HAHA you silly unenlightened little turds...Your just jealous because you want our bodies!

but seriously...Cookies...Just sayin..

We shall not have to speak to one another for we will simply read each others minds. Language will be useless and we will become evolved super humans, with such huge brain powers that none could stop us!

but seriously...Cake...there should always be cake...

the princess bride shall be our theme movie

Our flag will have a mythical beast of some kind

Our bird will be the phoenix

our flower the Venus fly trap it will eat all non INFJ's
yes it must be secluded, and we should have our own sect of laws and such...They will call us a cult, but we will laugh at them and say HAHA you silly unenlightened little turds...Your just jealous because you want our bodies!

Wait...but...I like talking