I think a lot of the time its integrity and our assurance that we are right about something.
I don't now about others but I'm not stubborn just to be stubborn and for INFJ who dosen't like conflict I don't don't see why they would even play that gaeme.
I like to think its because I'm half Norwegian, and the other half Scot/Irish.
But I can see our stubborness coming from our strong iNtuition actually. Since we believe we are right, doing anything else would be wrong and go against our ideals. We don't take to compromising our values very easily.
My parents (neither of which are INFJ) are both extremely stubborn people. I am not stubborn in the least - except when it comes to matters of integrity. I will NOT go against what I know to be true.
yes, i think having a strong Ni does complicate how our decisions come across to others who can see no apparent reason why we are resisting. i've tried to explain my reasons, but still haven't found them to be all that convincing to anyone but myself. ugh
I'm only stubborn when I'm being challenged on what I know is correct, in terms of factual information. Or, when someone is questioning my values. I don't questions other people's values, so I don't expect anyone to question mine. Otherwise, I'm very open-minded and am quite flexible.
I don't find stubbornness to be a positive feature. Integrity is quite another issue, but stubbornness, from my experience, is often destructive, even dangerous.
I personally think INFJ's can be very stubborn, even just for the sake of being stubborn. I know on many occasions me and my INFJ friend play a sort of who-can-hold-out-longest game, matching our stubornnesses against each other (we tend to be equals). also, just look at the debates here that go on and on because a few of us really are just that stubborn. Oh well, unless it gets nasty, I just sit back and watch. op2:
I don't find stubbornness to be a positive feature. Integrity is quite another issue, but stubbornness, from my experience, is often destructive, even dangerous.
Stubbornness (god what an awkward word to spell) can be very positive. There's a lot of things people need (and are perfectly harmless) that society generally disapproves of. Being stubborn will let you go through with it despite everyone saying you're wrong, and stay true to yourself.
So really it can go both ways. I don't think it's fair to write off being stubborn as only bad.
Stubbornness (god what an awkward word to spell) can be very positive. There's a lot of things people need (and are perfectly harmless) that society generally disapproves of. Being stubborn will let you go through with it despite everyone saying you're wrong, and stay true to yourself.
So really it can go both ways. I don't think it's fair to write off being stubborn as only bad.
I think it's a matter of a difference of conceptual framing, here. Stubborn, to me, is rather mindless, unmoving behaviour based on fears and rather thoughtless principles. It's hard to explain. What you just said sounds more like personal integrity to me than outward (and yes, it is awkward to type) stubbornness.