INFJ Looks


Community Member
i read on a website (can't remember which) that INFJs have the same shaped face and simmiar features. such as;
long straight noses, though they don't stick out
oval or rectangle shaped face
look sad- i thought this was unreliable because it is so general, though its true for me
very clumsy
also read something about how they look like/ percive themselves as prophets from the Bible.

is any of this true for you.
persaonaly im very clumsy, have an oval face, and a strainght nose
i also have big eyes and small hands, you?
Hi, Youngster. I like your name. :)

Besides that, I'm not sure if we all look alike.. but we do have a members photos thread. You could always see for yourself, and compare if you want. :) As for eyes, I have medium sized eyes I think, but some would say big. I wear glasses mostly and I tend to hide behind them. And I have long thin hands. I think I have more of a round than an oval face.. but I don't know, and as for my nose.. well I hate my nose.. but it's mine and at least it's not crooked, right ;)

So anyway, I hope this answers some of your question.
^^ What dneecy said...

And if you REALLY want to compare pics, then here's a great li'l thread by the fabu Von Hase. It's fun to see the types in picture form, and he explains it quite well. This is all stereotypical, of course. We are all different.
I have a rectangle face, smaller/medium eyes, and I guess my nose is fairly straight though I've never really noticed. My hands aren't necessarily small, but they are feminine and I do have long fingers, so they look small sometimes. I'm kind of clumsy sometimes.

But really, I think more than just physical characteristics, expressions and body language tend to reveal more about type than shape and size.
hmmm from what i've observed in many INFJs as well as myself is that our eyes are peculiar as is our forehead. i'm not sure how to explain it, but if i can refer to myself, my eyes are quite far set and large and my forehead is somewhat vertical with a rounded hairline.
come to think of it, i have small hands with slender fingers and a straight nose also.
by the way dneecey, your nose is really nice :)
I sort of fit most of that. The difference though is I have really big hands (like over 8.5 inches long, haha.)
I don't think that I'm very clumsy and I definitely don't think I'm a biblical prophet (of course I do have that kind of religious complex to some extent), and I'm not sure about the other things. I guess they are accurate.
- tall, thin, straight nose
- oval-shaped face
- medium eyes ?
- downturned mouth :[
- clumsy

i guess i fit into the stereotypical mold of an infj then lol
There are small asian INFJs, and big african INFJs and ginormous bearded lurch caucasian INFJs and small african INFJs...

I don't see similarities except in the eyes.
A case study in efromm's apparent lack of a real smile. lol

Trust me I was enjoying that moment. And being in a cemetery makes me feel more connected to life.


This is one of those rare happy moments where I actually am happy.


Ok and this is vintage me pure evil in those eyes. Lol I was always thinking up something. I could always find my moms secret stash of goodies lol... This pic seals the deal for me...
efromm, I can't imagine a better place to feel connected to life! And your vintage shot is golden!

For the topic, I'm not sure how I'd describe my eyes but I'm certainly clumsy and have a down turned mouth. I like what gloomy said, though:

But really, I think more than just physical characteristics, expressions and body language tend to reveal more about type than shape and size.
erm..efromm, if thats you, I dont wanna cross you 'cos I don't wanna I dont know...die? :D
I know your joking but please elaborate on why you got that impression of me from a picture lol I have had a lot of people tell me that I look scary or mean. Which I won't deny I call it my camouflage it protects the core...
efromm, you don't look mean to me (of course my perception is different from everyone elses), but you do look like someone that people shouldn't mess with. That is not the same as mean though.
Efromm, you look like you are holding in a very funny and somewhat naughty joke. I think it may be a grosser than gross joke you are thinking up or a little prank to play on an innocent family member. I love this picture because it makes me want to laugh with you.
A case study in efromm's apparent lack of a real smile. lol

Trust me I was enjoying that moment. And being in a cemetery makes me feel more connected to life.


This is one of those rare happy moments where I actually am happy.


Ok and this is vintage me pure evil in those eyes. Lol I was always thinking up something. I could always find my moms secret stash of goodies lol... This pic seals the deal for me...

Where did you take that second picture? because it deff looks like Clingman's Dome from the Appalachian trail somewhere in the Smokey Mountains.
Minority Funk The picture of me is from the fire tower I go to to take pictures in North Idaho. I hope I can go to the Appalachian trail some day. It's a beautiful place! Dutch Cake yes I probably was thinking something like that lol. I had a good sense of humor as a kid and would use humor as a way to get people to like me. It's my extrovert side I don't show it much but when I do it's a party lol...
I've been told that i look stoned all the time :m097:
I think it's because of my intuitive perceiving and using of my tertiary thinking function.
Generally I'm always analyzing/pondering something, and may appear as disconnected and aloof to people.
I have oval shaped face, straight nose and I'm very clumsy.
I could say the same about my mother who is also infj, but I think it's more about genes actually.
It would be pretty awesome to recognise type on ground of someones face:nod:

But really, I think more than just physical characteristics, expressions and body language tend to reveal more about type than shape and size.
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I've been told that i look stoned all the time :m097:
I think it's because of my intuitive perceiving and using of my tertiary thinking function.
Generally I'm always analyzing/pondering something, and may appear as disconnected and aloof to people.
I have oval shaped face, straight nose and I'm very clumsy.
I could say the same about my mother who is also infj, but I think it's more about genes actually.
It would be pretty awesome to recognise type on ground of someones face:nod:


Some people get the impression that I'm stoned too , especially when i'm tired, like now :D

I know your joking but please elaborate on why you got that impression of me from a picture lol I have had a lot of people tell me that I look scary or mean. Which I won't deny I call it my camouflage it protects the core...

yep was joking :D
I dont know. You seem to give the "I could kill you if I wanted to " vibe
but your avata looks friendly though :D