INFJ army


Permanent Fixture
fight for your right to party

join INFJ army

we can write letters to people...

and we can ask people to give us money

...for the cause

INFJ's don't belong in the army.

I highly doubt a *real* INFJ would even consider it. Besides, I wouldn't let them go to war, I'd trap them in a net and leave them in the soft toys section of a department store where they belong!:}
INFJ's don't belong in the army.

I highly doubt a *real* INFJ would even consider it. Besides, I wouldn't let them go to war, I'd trap them in a net and leave them in the soft toys section of a department store where they belong!:}

I really can't argue the truth in this statement. :P
INFJ's don't belong in the army.

I highly doubt a *real* INFJ would even consider it. Besides, I wouldn't let them go to war, I'd trap them in a net and leave them in the soft toys section of a department store where they belong!:}


If you can find anything right with this image, then I think that the possibility of INFJ's enlisting in the army is more realistic than we think.
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infj army is here to educate the people

we are also here to bbq

and eat ice cream
If you can find anything right with this image, then I think that the possibility of INFJ's enlisting in the army is more realistic than we think.

Well Christianity indirectly caused a staggering death toll, didn't it?

So are we to assume that INFJ's might one day unwittingly go to war, to the ruin of all?o.o
I always thought of plankton as an ENTP to be honest, Karen his computer wife comes across as an INTJ. :m083:

hahah I was trying to give you ideas to self replicate and feed the INFJ army. Yeah I don't know, go INFJ army. yeah probably.

As a Christian I stand in defense of the innocent nature loving pagans who were burnt at the stake and the homosexuals and soldiers of today who are being targeted by cults.

On behalf of the Celts and pansexuals I can fairly say, YOU ARE NOT FORGIVEN.

Good, I was getting sick of the world anyway.