Impulsive Impatience

Motor Jax

randomness included
Retired Staff
is being impulsively impatient an INFJ thing? especially when trying to fulfill a task and waiting for others?

i find myself impatient with people when i have to wait for them, and it seems they are taking wayyy too long with something

"alright, i'm on the way. i just need to get drink of water."

me: "ok. i'll be at the vehicle."

<35 minutes later>

me: "wtf?"

<another 5 minutes>

me: "oh, this is some bullsh... here he comes... finally."

"alright, we can go."

me: "i'm glad you think so. now we just need to haul ass."

do INFJ's get impulsively impatient with inconsiderate people? or like when others just take too long to do something?
Motor Jax said:
is being impulsively impatient an INFJ thing? especially when trying to fulfill a task and waiting for others?

i find myself impatient with people when i have to wait for them, and it seems they are taking wayyy too long with something

"alright, i'm on the way. i just need to get drink of water."

me: "ok. i'll be at the vehicle."

<35 minutes later>

me: "wtf?"

<another 5 minutes>

me: "oh, this is some bullsh... here he comes... finally."

"alright, we can go."

me: "i'm glad you think so. now we just need to haul ass."

do INFJ's get impulsively impatient with inconsiderate people? or like when others just take too long to do something?
No. That was definatly the other guy being to lax.
I get impulsively impatient when trying to explain things to other people, especially if I have explained it more than once before.
OMG!! That is one of my biggest pet peeves!! One of my BFF's, ESFJ, ALWAYS does this with me!! The worst was Christmas day-"just a few minutes" became 1.5 hours-and I had to work that night (go in at 6:30 pm), so I was super pissed!. . . and made it obvious through monosyllabic noncommittal unopinionated communication. Shoulda been honest, but hey, it was Christmas, and I did have to work!
is being impulsively impatient an INFJ thing? especially when trying to fulfill a task and waiting for others?

i find myself impatient with people when i have to wait for them, and it seems they are taking wayyy too long with something

do INFJ's get impulsively impatient with inconsiderate people? or like when others just take too long to do something?

I am usually patient with everyone but that was not always the case. I find it difficult to be patient with anyone I do not respect. What has changed is that it has become easier to respect people.
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I'm actually known to be very patient with people; but there are definitely exceptions.
-In the morning. I'm always very moody when I wake up.
-When people say the same thing over and over again, or keep coming back to the same point they already made.
-When people are being inconsiderate (rude, not thinking about how their selfishness is negatively affecting others, making me late for something. because they're beautifying themselves or procrastinating...)

I don't usually blow up on people about it, but I've had a few moments.
I usually build time in my schedule for things people whom seem to need that extra fifteen minutes. It's the people that disregard the schedule entirely that bother me, knowing they need the extra fifteen minutes but still wait till the last five to start moving.