I'm starting to think I might be an ENFJ


Variable Hybrid
I know, I might be a turncoat, but I'm just stating an observation.

My Ni and Fe are very similar, as are my Ti and Se. In fact, they're statistically identical every time I take a self assessment test that measures cognitive functions. This means that I could be Fe, Ni then Se, Ti... or I could be Ni, Fe then Ti, Se.

Are there any gurus out there that can help me decide? I've read a little on the behaviors of various functions in different orders. For instance, Se in an auxiliary position functions a little differently than when it is in an inferior position. However, I can't find much definitive work on the subject other than a few lines of what looks like conjecture.

I've been going through another studying phase, and I honestly can't decide if I am an INFJ or an ENFJ.

Well, I would be able to do a lot more if I knew you. I can tell the difference between ENFJ and INFJ in real life almost instinctively now.

When faced with new situations and people, ENFJs will appear to be a lot warmer, more aware, in comparison to INFJs (and sometimes in comparison to just everyone in general). It almost doesn't matter if the ENFJ is shy -- they just seem very socially in-tune. An INFJ will often be almost hard to notice -- they tend to observe and blend in. They become open and warm over time.

My mom is very close between INFJ and ENFJ. She tested INFJ, but I've recently decided that she was ENFJ. She has to be doing something, and she talks to people so naturally. She's comfortable being alone, but she seems to work better if she can share her experiences with other people.

Another way to try and tell is look at your childhood. Right now, you have very well-developed functions, but you didn't in you single-digit years.
Another way to try and tell is look at your childhood. Right now, you have very well-developed functions, but you didn't in you single-digit years.

I'm beginning to think I may have grown from an INFJ into an ENFJ over the years by developing more and more Fe (via stress) until it took over. If I went with the childhood mind approach, I think I'm still terribly ambiverted. I never met a stranger as a kid, and would talk to anyone who was affable enough to make eye contact. However, I was always very lost in my own thoughts. It is possible though, that I have only acted like an INFJ out of stress. For example, one of the things I've read is that personalities are most likely to engage in their third function when trying to destress. My reaction to stress is much more often to get all nerdy with my Ti than to go exercise or otherwise engage my Se. However, it only takes an hour of sparring to completely unwind me, as opposed to hours and hours of nerdy tinkering which usually only takes the edge off enough to let me forget that I am stressed.
Me too Von Hase. Me too. Reading that very same page helped me out quite a bit.
It'd be a little harder to tell between E/I alone in childhood -- I was a pretty bossy and loud kid myself, but my main thing was a very active imagination. I could've been happy by myself, although I did have an ENTJ sister to play with. I didn't mind having someone, but she tended to actually follow my lead when we were younger because I was always off in my own world, exploring and climbing on things and trying things out, without really stopping to explain myself or anything. We played, but I was the one paving ahead with my head in the clouds. I wasn't antisocial, but I was definitely using Ni.

I think you're probably more conditioned to act as an extrovert -- in the environment I'm in most of the year, I tend to use Fe almost more than Ni because I'm constantly around people. It's not uncomfortable to do, and I actually really enjoy socializing...but when I have some real alone time, like a day at home by myself without plans, it's like total contentment. That's one of the reasons why I know I'm introverted -- I'm okay with acting as an extrovert, but my true comfort zone is as an introvert.
Dang, that link was helpful. I think I'll check the INFP one...

Another successful undertaking by the infjs.com crew!
I'm glad you saw the light! hehe
I've only known two ENFJs. One was a former roommate, the other a professor I had. What they had in common was that they were both ridiculously outgoing and charming, yet stubborn and assertive. They were both very inspiring people, and they both loved to brag. I would love to know more about ENFJs..
Actually, I almost always feel naturally comfortable when meeting an ENFJ; I don't think there's any other type I feel so relaxed around at first
Yeah, I really like all the type descriptions on that site. They're somehow worded in a way I really understand. I typed a friend based on one of the descriptions on that page, when I previously couldn't figure it out based on descriptions on other websites.
i'm confused too...
when i'm depressed and alone and sad and suicidal, i think i'm an INFJ
but when everything turns out alright, i feel so different...

i don't really know what I am.. i think i'm an INFJ/INFP or some extrovert or introverted extrovert

is this an INFJ trait? i think it kinda is or not
like when i'm in a social gathering i'd be really shy but when i'm with my close friends,
it's like i could talk to everyone there and start being an extrovert..

like in class or gathering, i am quite active and noisy..(if i know the people well)
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That would be ENTP you silly ^_^

A good way to measure E/I can be interaction style pattern according to this link. INFJs tend to avoid taking initiative in social situations, while ENFJs do it with ease.

There's a funny episode of INFJ vs ENFJ fight - very amusing :)

I'm so tempted to watch that anime. It seems so cute and relaxed... damn it, why must you tempt me when I'm in exams? Why!?

*...keeps watching Aria...*
Actually, I almost always feel naturally comfortable when meeting an ENFJ; I don't think there's any other type I feel so relaxed around at first

Agreed. Their take-charge attitude and desire as well as ability to bring out the best in others may contribute to this. There's something about them that makes me feel safe.